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Membership Information
Knowing the Syndicate


The Silent Conduct Act
(currently under developement) In order to hide yourself from being

Deciphering Character Codename Coding (First two digits)
Rank Code Description
1 LC Leader and Commander
First in command.
2 SC Second in command.
3 TC Third in command.
4 SL Syndicate Soldier Leader
Commander of a Syndicate Soldier sqaud.
Usually captian of a ship.
5 HK Hunter/Killer
The hitman of the organization
6 G1 Ghost
Intelligence Gather
Has Telepathy Skill.
6 G2 Ghost
Intelligence Gather
Has Hacker/Crafter skill.
6 G3 Ghost
Intelligence Gather
Has Telepathy/Hacker/Crafter skill.
7 SS Syndicate Soldier
Armed forces of the organization.

Deciphering Character Codename Coding (Third Digit)
Code Character Race
M Mahdi
R Rahgari
T Terran
V Valertrez
X Xu-adey

Deciphering Character Codename Coding (Fourth Digit)
Code Character Type
B Code Breaker/Hacker
C Combat Specialist
P Pilot/Fighter Pilot
R Engineer/Repair&Matinence/Medical Specialist
S Scientist

Last three digits are character entry numbers.

Target List Objective Key
Key Description
SD Search&Destory
SR Search and Rescue
SCQ1 Search&Capture, Question&Kill
SCQ2 Search&Capture, Question&Release
SCQ3 Search&Capture, Question&Turn into Authorities
SCA Search&Capture, Turn into Authories
No Questioning
ES Escort/Smuggle
PES Protect/Escort/Smuggle
FOR Find&Observe, Send in reports

Code of Conduct
Membership Information
Target List