Membership Information
Knowing the Syndicate
(currently under developement) In order to hide yourself from being |
Rank | Code | Description |
1 | LC | Leader and Commander First in command. |
2 | SC | Second in command. |
3 | TC | Third in command. |
4 | SL | Syndicate Soldier Leader Commander of a Syndicate Soldier sqaud. Usually captian of a ship. |
5 | HK | Hunter/Killer The hitman of the organization |
6 | G1 | Ghost Intelligence Gather Has Telepathy Skill. |
6 | G2 | Ghost Intelligence Gather Has Hacker/Crafter skill. |
6 | G3 | Ghost Intelligence Gather Has Telepathy/Hacker/Crafter skill. |
7 | SS | Syndicate Soldier Armed forces of the organization. |
Code | Character Race |
M | Mahdi |
R | Rahgari |
T | Terran |
V | Valertrez |
X | Xu-adey |
Code | Character Type |
B | Code Breaker/Hacker |
C | Combat Specialist |
P | Pilot/Fighter Pilot |
R | Engineer/Repair&Matinence/Medical Specialist |
S | Scientist |
Last three digits are character entry numbers.
Key | Description |
SD | Search&Destory |
SR | Search and Rescue |
SCQ1 | Search&Capture, Question&Kill |
SCQ2 | Search&Capture, Question&Release |
SCQ3 | Search&Capture, Question&Turn into Authorities |
SCA | Search&Capture, Turn into Authories No Questioning |
ES | Escort/Smuggle |
PES | Protect/Escort/Smuggle |
FOR | Find&Observe, Send in reports |