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Arizona Theatre Standards
     Demonstrate mental and physical attributes required to communicate characters different from themselves.
     Cooperate in an ensemble to rehearse and present improvisations and scripted scenes involving themselves as invented characters.
     Individually and in groups, create and script scenarios that develop tension and suspense between believable(in their own context), interrelated characters.

   Improv handouts
   Learn about students
       Pick a peck of pickled peppers
          Split the class in half.  Each group trys to out project the other.  One half recites a line,
          the other side responds.
  Pairs.  Students begin having a conversation with their partner.  When  the leader calls out        "Bizarre Movements”, students continue with the  conversation adding in strange movements.  Next, the leader calls out  “Nonsense language with bizarre movements” and the students make  strange sounds, say sentences that do not make sense, etc. while  remembering to move in an odd manner and respond as if they were  having a normal conversation.  The leader then takes the class back to  “Bizarre Movements” and finally back to “Normal Conversation”.
 Groups of three.  One person should be standing, one person sitting,  and one bending over at all times.  Have students decide on a  conversation or a scenario.  Begin the conversation remembering that  each time someone changes position, i.e. from sitting to standing,  another group member must take that person’s place so that there is  always one person standing, sitting, and bending over.  Starting off  slowly, then gradually picking up speed.  Advanced - after students  have this down, instruct them to try to make sure the moves to  different positions have reasons behind them matching the dialogue.
 This is a timed activity.  Students are put into small groups and are  given one minute to decide on a nursery rhyme making sure each  member of the group has a least one role.  Students are then given one  minute to choose two members of the group to portray inanimate  objects making sure that the objects have lines as well.  For example,  when miss muffet sits on the tuffet, the tuffet might say “oof.. you’re  not so light, get off of me”.  Next, students are given one minute to  change the ending of the nursery rhyme, adding a funny/bizarre twist.   Students are given three minutes to rehearse the nursery rhyme.   Finally, they present to the rest of the class.
 Divide students into two groups.  One leader is assigned to each half.   Ask for a volunteer bus driver or leader can take the role.  Students are  waiting at a bus stop.   The bus driver picks up a passenger and when  the passenger gets on the bus driver takes on the personality,  mannerisms, dialect, etc. of the passenger.  They have a short  conversation in this manner, circling around once before picking up a  new passenger.  Each time a new passenger gets on the bus, the driver  and all other passengers take on the persona of the new passenger and  converse with one another in this mode until all passengers have been  picked up.
 Divide students into three groups.  Give each group one of the three following scenarios.  Students
 have seven minutes to prepare the improv and then show them to the class.

Group Improvs
    1.  This is not a silent improv.  You are attending a very special wedding.  This wedding is like no other we have ever seen because you are all sea creatures (real or imagined) and the ceremony is under the ocean.  Also, this wedding has none of the usual rituals that we normally think of at a wedding and it is in its own undersea language.  You have seven minutes to put this together.  Make sure everyone has a part.  Everyone should have an active part with things to do and say.  The sky's the limit on what happens (keep it clean) but you may have music, dance, spoken words or anything else you choose to create.  Have fun! Be involved! Don't chicken out! Keep it energetic!  Go for it!
    2.  This is not a silent improv.  Your group is at a game show.  This game show is like no other - the rules, prizes, penalties, etc. have never been seen before.  Everyone must have an active part with things to do and say.  Stretch your imaginations.  You have seven minutes to put this together.  The sky's the limit (keep it clean).  You may add elements of dance, music, spoken words, and anything else you choose to create.  Have fun! Be involved! Don't chicken out! Keep it energetic! Go for it!
    3.  This is not a silent improv.  You are going to your prom, however, this is a prom that takes place at the zoo.  You are all zoo animals.  Some animals are members of a live zoo band that makes its own unique music.  Stretch your imaginations.  What new rituals might you create?  Make sure everyone has an active part.  The sky's the limit (keep it clean).  You may add elements of music, dance, spoken words, or anything else you create.  Have fun! Be involved!  Don't chicken out!  Keep it energetic!  Go for it!
                                                                                Developed by H.H and S.R.