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Stage Directions
     Tape player
     Diagram the various stage areas on the chalkboard and introduce students to the terminology.
     Include basic information on the history of stage directions.
     Call students by random groups to move to certain stage areas.  Ex: students wearing watches
     move to center stage, students with one or more earrings on the left ear move to upstage left.

MUSICAL STAGE DIRECTIONS - have the students walk randomly through all stage areas while music is playing.  When the music stops, call out a stage direction.  Everyone must go to that area - stress the importance of safety and personal space.  The last student to arrive to the area becomes the caller while the previous caller rejoins the group, and so on.  * With large classes it would be beneficial to separate the class into smaller groups, especially for safety concerns.

Discussion - Why is it important for actors, directors, designers, etc. to know to master stage directions?  How comfortable do you feel with your knowledge of stage directions?
                                                                          Designed by P.V.