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Aliens (Special Edition)     Recommended


t is not often that a sequel lives up to the original or even surpasses it. In the case of "Aliens", it pretty much lives up to the original film directed by Ridley Scott. Where "Alien" was more of a creepy science fiction horror film, "Aliens" is a creepy science fiction action film.

Directed by James Cameron, "Aliens" takes place 57 years after the events of "Alien". The planet is not colonized and when contact is lost a rescue team is assembled to investigate. Sigourney Weaver reprises here role a Ellen Ripley which landed her an Academy Award Nomination as Best actress in a leading role. As a action star, Weaver is superb as Ellen Ripley. Along the ride for sequel are Paul Rieser as the company middle man who will stop at nothing but to bring back a sample of the species for military purposes. Micheal Biehn (The Terminator) also stars as well as Bill Paxon (The Terminator) and Lance Hendrickson (The Terminator) plays the latest android in the film.

The storyline is basically similar to the original film but not as creative. Where "Aliens" surpasses "Alien" is from an action standpoint. There is so much action in this film it is incredible, as an action film "Aliens" could stand up as one of the very best action films ever filmed. Most of the action doesn't begin until about halfway through as all the characters have been established, "Aliens" takes off with incredible speed. Even the catch phrase of "This Time it's WAR" lives up to the billing. There a numerous action sequences that really stand out in "Aliens" especially near the conclusion when Ripley goes on the hunt for little Newt.

The special effects are pretty much as good as it possibly gets during 1986. After watching "The Terminator" also directed by James Cameron you realize that the scope and magnitude of "Aliens" was much bigger than Cameron's earlier offerings. The supplemental material show that most of the creature effects are miniatures and this helped create better realism that what is usually captured with today's computer generated imagery. Probably my favorite sequence is when Ripley and Bishop are leaving the planet, the score and action is nothing short of extraordinary.

The film version I watched was the special edition created in 1991 for the laserdisc. I had not viewed this edition before and I can say that most of the added footage really did not enhance the original theatrical release version. SPOILER ALERT: The is one scene in the film where the main characters are contemplating whether there is a queen alien similar to the way that bees have a queen bee. The theatrical version that I viewed a few months back did not explain this and when I discovered that at the end I was really intrigued. Watching the special edition gave away one of the best surprises that the conclusion put forth SPOILER ALERT END.

The rest of the shots that were restored for the special edition really did not add anything to the film. In fact I actually prefer the original theatrical version of the film as opposed to the special edition. The one major scene that was added I thought took away from the earlier experience I had of the film. For first time viewers I would recommend the theatrical release as it is a little less revealing of the plot than the special edition.

What I found unimpressive was the acting of Bill Paxon as Private Hudson. I found him to be too distracting and when he starts complaining about surviving at the midway point of the film, I found him to be to unnatural. SPOILER ALERT: I have never been a fan a double endings and I found than Cameron emphasized Ripley and Bishop's escape a little too much and then have Ripley blowing the queen alien out into space, furthermore, it seemed that the conclusion to "Aliens" was a exact copycat of the original "Alien" conclusion but it should noted that the technical aspects of the film and ending are very well done. SPOILER ALERT END.

In conclusion "Aliens" is an incredible action film. "Aliens" does not have the intrigue or suspense of the film but does stand out as on of the best action film ever made. I personally preferred the original theatrical film version as opposed to the special edition specifically for one minor flaw mentioned earlier. If you have never scene "Aliens" do yourself a favor and rent it, but make sure you don't get the Special Edition as the theatrical version still holds one of the best surprising ideas towards the end.

Runtime: 154mins
DvD Aspect Ratio:1.85:1 Widescreen
THX Digitally Mastered
Dolby Digital
20th Century Fox Home Video

DvD Picture Quality:5
DvD Sound Quality:5
DvD Extras :5++

Special features:*****

Again very similar extras features endorse the second part of the quadrilogy. As "Alien" the menus are very similar in that they include Pre-production, Production and Post production. Again each menu typically has 4-5 sub menus within the main menu.

I have watch a couple of the documentaries "Reaction to Aliens" and "Creature Effects" and it was interesting to learn that most of the effects were made with small miniatures. The final fight scene between Ripley in the cargo fork lift and the Queen Alien was interesting that those shots were also miniature. There is not that many interviews with James Cameron.

The teaser trailer was terrible. I did not like the way it was edited as it gave away too much of the movie. I really had no desire to watch the actual theatrical trailer as the teaser made me bored of the trailers.



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