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Spider-man 2


    When the first installment of the Spider-man franchise was released in 2002 it brought to life one of the most popular and beloved superheroes in comics. Not only was it exciting to watch Spider-man fight arch nemesis Green Goblin but it was more interesting to listen and understand the story about Peter Parker, the man behind the Spider-man mask. Peter Parker/Spider-man differs than most superheroes we know because he carries the problems that everyone else carries such as social difficulties, paying the rent, and most of all the struggle with himself and the insecurity of who he really is. 

    Spider-man 2 is bigger, bolder, but not necessarily better than the first installment. What I like most about the first movie was not what I liked most about Spider-man 2. I found it somewhat interesting to watch Peter Parker struggle with who he wants to be but what I found most enjoyable was action. The special effects are better this time around, there seems to be more emphasis on real sets and live action sequences with Spider-man instead of computer generated imagery which seemed to slow down the first movie. Spider-man also does what a superhero does best and that is save a lot of people from dangerous situations. Bottom line, Spider-man 2 delivers the action.

   Spider-man 2 is about Spider-mans personal problems as battles the evil Dr Octupus played by Alfred Molino (Identity). There is more emphasis on real emotion and what Parker is really feeling, and this is really the driving force behind the plot of Spider-man 2. For the first time, Parker confesses of what really happened to uncle Ben and the story becomes more of a love story as the film moves along. My favorite character of the film was Dr Octupuss who is well played by Alfred Molino. The vileness Doc Oct is what of the better comic book heroes to date. Whether he ranks up there with Hackman and Nicholson from Superman and Batman remains to be seen. 

    Spider-man 2 certainly delivers the action and the storyline is interesting enough to make it by far the first summer blockbuster film to deliver this year. There is more action and a little bit of romance to please everyone. Where I did find a few problems with film was near the conclusion. I thought that it was well integrated into the script that the third part was to be set up but I wasn't sure if it was necessary. It didn't seem like an after thought but I actually feel a little burnt out watching Spider-man in 2002 and now Spider-man 2 in 2004. I also did not feel the chemistry between Peter Parker and Mary Jane as I did when watching the first film. Mary Jane felt more one dimensional in this film. Also, the marketing for the film gave away to much of the film in the trailers. 

    Spider-man 2 did not have the freshness of the first part nor did it have the intrigue but the action is better and the special effects are much more polished as one thing that Spider-man 2 did do very well was deliver as the best summer popcorn film of 2004.  


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