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Full Name: Adrian Farenheit Tepes.
Alias: A.J..
Personality: Good.
Age: 16.
Race: Human-Vampire.
Preference: I never really thought about it.
Marital Status: Single.
DoB: May 20th.
Height: 5'6".
Picture: Click.
Family: Jadeite (Tepes)Belmont, Rayvuhn Lyrik A.F. Tepes.
Weapon(s): A sword, stake or whip, if needed.
Quote: "Fighting only hurts, and in the end, either one or no one wins."
Biography: Adrian Tepes Farenheit, the great grandson of Dracula, "Lord of the Night." Adrian is nothing like his Grandfather and Father when it comes to personality. He carries the kind and caring soul of his Mother. Although young, Adrian maintains a good physical and mental function. The little slip-ups he has in fighting, he makes up in with brains. The slip-ups are the sign that he's careless and has no interest in training to fight. His gentle soul has led him to believe that there is no need for war and that it is just a waste of time to go throwing around punches and hurting others, especially innocent by-standers. Which is one thing, if not all above others, in the abuse of women and children, something he will not have and just about the only thing that he'll fight for.
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