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Full Name: Triston Ethan Alexandar Otearu Va`tanni.
Alias: Trist, Tri~Chan, T~Sama.
Personality: Neutral, more so evil.
Age: 24.
Race: Arian-Human, Vampire.
Preference: It doesn't matter.
Marital Status: Single.
DoB: April 19th.
Height: 5'9".
Picture: Click.
Family: They abandoned me..
Weapon(s): Anything I can use, but I prefer a sword.
Quote: "So it's the ol' stake through the heart trick, real clever."
Biography: Triston, a boy who's unpredictable, but at them same time, predictable. He proved his intelligence to be higher than other when he was a teenager in the academy. None the less, he was a man-whore, and had fun doing it. After a play at his school had been rigged, his life had changed in all aspects, and he knew he'd never be the same again...
He had met a girl, Azana. Of course since he wasn't a faithful guy, he took her straight to bed, only to fall hopelessly in love with her. They were kicked out of the Academy and his high marked grades were erased from the chart and soon set by his younger brother Adrian.
Now that Azana has died, he has moved on and was accepted back into the school as a student and teacher. But her smile will always linger in the back of his mind.
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