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Well.. nice to see you're looking at my information page. Smart person, you are. But I won't delay you any further.. enjoy.

Full Name: Triston Ethan Alexandar Otearu Va`tanni.
Nicknames: Trist, TEA, Alex.
Age: 18. Race: Italian, English, British, Romania, and Japanese.
Location: New Castle, Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Single.. but not looking.
Preference: I am bisexual... I don't have a preference.
Job: You've gotta be kidding me.. Racing and Boarding is my life.
DoB: April 19th, 1985.
Hair: Brown.
Eyes: Brown.
Height: 6'3".
Picture: If I know you, ask and you shall receive.
Hobbies: Sleeping, Magic, Flirting, Talking on the computer or phone, AND RolePlaying, of course!.
Favorite Sports: Heh.. boarding to sign my death wish, Racing and crashing, SOCCER!!
Family: Yeah.. I think I have those. Lol. 4 brothers, and my Baby sister, Brandie(XKuramasKitsuneX).
My Quote: "Allow me to lend you a few wise words of advice............ You're Doomed."






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