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Hello.. and welcome..
If you haven't read the tittle to this page yet on the bar.. this is the rules page. So you know what you can and can't do while RulePlaying with me.
Now, to tell you the millions of rules about RolePlaying with me, so I can put you to sleep before you can actually RolePlay with me.. I am just kidding.

1.) Be Good At What You Do!!! If you wanna RolePlay with me.. Be good at it and know what you're actually typing.. It sucks for me when you don't make any sense.
2.) As many guys/girls ask.. "Are you gay?" Maybe one or two are.. but I can't remember. So ask me about it instead of going and stating that they are or ain't.
3.) Introducing yourself.. this is a big one.. I refuse anyIM that starts out as an entry, and I won't bother to tell you.. I'll X out the IM. But I won't block you.. I'm not that ignorant.
4.) I do not, I repeat, do NOT RP anyone I don't have on the characters list unless it's a certain special request from a friend or I'm in a good mood.
5.) As for the state of "mature" RolePlaying.. I can do that. From Child's to mature. I'll do anything asked and I always go forward from my postion.
6.) Lastly, I simply ask for you to work on good taste. If one of my characters is in a relationship.. do NOT choose him unless it's to fight.






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