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"This is the story of a Girl..."

This page is dedicated to my little sis, Bethy!


About Girl:
Girl, also known as "Bethy Girl" or "Pinch" and on rare occasions, just "Beth," is my little sister, and one of my very favorite people in the whole world.

In 2003 she graduated from Alemany High School, where she was a very dedicated player and team captain for the Girl's Varsity Basketball team.  
She is now taking Massage Therapy courses at Bryman College.
Besides basketball, she also LOVES the color light blue...some of her other interests include the band No Doubt, the movie Lilo and Stitch, playing the drums and drinking a lot of Diet Pepsi.

She's had her troubles over the past few years, but I love her a whole lot no matter what and that's why I made this page for her...


1990 Baby Baller 2001


Christmas, 2004--Girl is always cooperative when you try to take her picture.



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