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Xan Kriegor

Xan Mark II

Set in the year 2341, Unreal Tournament's Single Player game casts the player as a legendary fighter about to take part in Liandri Mining Corporation's Grand Tournament. Televised across the universe, the fights are intense, brutal and deadly - watched by billions of avid fans. As a fighter wins matches, they advance up a ladder, facing off against increasingly more skilled and experiened opponents at arenas spread throughout the galaxy and in games such as DeathMatch/Challenge, Capture the Flag, Assault and Domination. If your fighter manages tp make it all the way to the top they will be given the opportunity to challenge the Tournament Champion himself, the mysterious Xan Kriegor. Unreal Tournament's introduction sequence does an excellent job at setting the scene for the bloody matches which ensue. Set in a dark and dirty future city somewhere on Earth, the intro takes the player on a flyby through this cold and uninviting place as a female voice tells the story of this seemingly cruel world. As her tale of the history of DeathMatch shifts into the present, the flyby reaches a massive pyramid-esque building owned my Liandri Mining Corporation in which a fighter is seemingly about to engage Xan Kriegor, the champion of the tournament and rumoured to be LMC's chief encased in a state-of-the-art battle suit.