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Chicken Run

Called to be Prophet

Ezekiel 2:2-5 and Mark 6:1-6


But God is persistent.  He says "Go!  Tell my people this!" and so eventually... his prophets go!

In the same way, Rocky insisted that he was not the one for the job, first when he arrived and then again when his wing healed.  But Ginger's persistence pays off.

Similarly, when Ginger proposes yet another escape plan, the entire henhouse declares her to be crazy and the idea of escape impossible.  Nonetheless, Ginger persists.


In the same way, both Ginger and Rocky work to free the poor chickens from the powerful farmers.

But more than that, Ginger must free them not only from the cages of the farm, but the cages in their minds, as they resign themselves to slavery and eventual death. 

Ginger also frees Rocky from his self-doubt... even as she struggles with her own (see below). 

Ginger does the same for Fowler when she declares  "Today is your day!"


But they are always graced with power from God to do more than they thought they could.

Rocky first refuses to help and later runs away because he doubts his ability to help the chickens on the farm. When Fowler presents him with the medal, Rocky is stunned, because he never saw himself that way.  

But Rocky had jumped to rescue Ginger from the pie machine, without a second thought to himself. And even though he ran away, when he really saw (in the form of a billboard) the fate that rest before his friends, he turned around and went back to help.



Prophets never expect God's call, but get up and act when they do.

Are you listening for God's call to you?

What is he saying?

What are you going to do about it? 



For more about the film, check out its entry at the Internet Movie Data Base.

For another look at the film in connection with the gospel, check out the entry at The Text This Week or at Hollywood Jesus.




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