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 Some people have a natural seductiveness, a charisma.
 This is also true of countries,
 not necessarily those that are the most opulent nor the most beautiful,
 but those that have, by the grace of god,
 a power of attraction others do not have.
 Morocco is undeniably one such country,
 as proven by the number and quality of people who have chosen it as home,
 who regularly go there
 as others might go to Greece or Tuscany
 distinguished writers and sophisticated bohemians,
 not to mention those who are both,
 artists and showbiz stars, great directors and beautiful actresses.
 What is it here in the extreme western part of the orient
 that attracts these birds who have traveled across the world
 and who have chosen to stay in a palace in Marrakech or a grand hotel in Tangier?
 Of course, it is not difficult to reply objectively.
 The sumptuousness and variety of its scenery,
 the profusion of figures created by its craftsmen,
 the splendor of the monuments and towns.
 Morocco has no lack of treasures which enjoy a special dimension
 conferred on them by a long history.
 And then there is the cuisine enriched by three cultures and
 the Moroccan hospitality offered at each encounter.

 But though one can make a list of all the elements making up Morocco,
 something intangible still remains which defies description.
 It is as if the Moroccan mosaic only existed to make us find ourselves,
 to help us discover our inner truth and to achieve our dreams.
 This kaleidoscope of images that is Morocco remains in fact something that everyone shapes himself,
 by delving in a prodigious reservoir of emotions and ideas,
 of faces and images.

While in Morocco visit:                                           Click here to hear Moroccan Music
The Museum of Moroccan Arts