(Limited to First 10,000 Entrants-Register Early, I expect it to Fill Late)
WARNING: This is not a race. This is not an organized event. If you require sugar in your coffee, or wear fancy running shoes please remain at home. This is not a Boston qualifier. This is a Slug event and it would probably be better for you to stay warm and snuggly curled up in your house watching football. After all, it's quite cold here in January, and may even snow!
Restrictions: Men and women only. No giants or mutants. Dwarfs considered; No exceptions. It's OK If you are a beautiful woman; But God forbid you come here with a rinky-dink skinny little butt. Please send pic to The Big Brown Pony at website below. He will make final determinations on entry qualifications. Also, fast runners discouraged. Being an Official Slug event you will not be allowed to break 4 hours for 50K……I promise.
Location: Delaware. Right between Maryland and the Atlantic Ocean on all U.S Maps made after 1801. Specific directions sent to confirmed victims.
Aid: Stale Bread & Pond Water. We’ll be on a forested, well marked trail and you’ll have access to your vehicle/handler at 4-mile intervals (each loop). This will be an Easy, Mid-Winter Run, and a good long training session after eating way too much over the holidays!!!
Awards: All Slugs will finish and will receive trinket. All finishing non-Slugs will be welcomed, initiated and given the World-Famous Black, Team Slug T-Shirt. The TSI governing body has stated that it is a National Honor to wear this shirt. If you are non-honorable we may not give you one.
_____$500 – All fast runners and Female ex-marines.
_____$10 – Chief Slug Running Man & his merry band of misfit slugs
_____$10 – Slugs from Hell (F.O.C. “Friends of Claude”) /RFH
_____Free – Rocky Mt. Slugs ("Friends of ED") /International Slugs
MOST SPECIAL NOTE: While there are no specific Rules; they are ,of course, subject to change.
Slug Mail to: John Harper, 240 Beechwood Avenue, Dover, DE 19901
E-mail, Website: teamslug1@comcast.net ,
Team Slug Webpage
Slug / Non-Slug; T-Shirt size: L /XL
*I understand to run this distance is dangerous and ridiculous. The RD has advised me not to do it. I choose to do it of my own free will, and hold no other person or party responsible/liable for injury except for myself:
Printed Name/ Signature/Date