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The Mediated Trial of O.J. Simpson: Celebrity Justice

The O.J. Simpson trial represents one of the most highly publicized and mediated criminal court cases of the 2oth century. Televised live over the course of three years, the representations of Simpson, his defence lawyers, the prosecution, the jury and the Los Angeles Police Department by the media resulted in changing views in public opinion concerning the criminal justice system in California.

"So many people are made heroes by the publicity. People are moved to commit crimes because of the interest it creates among the general population" (Friedberg, 137).
"The Simpson case is like a great trash novel come to life, a mammoth fireowrks display of interracial marriage, love, lust, lies, hate, fame, wealth, beauty, obsession, spousal abuse, stalking, broken-hearted children, the bloodiest of bloody knife-slashing homicides and all the justice money can buy" (Geis & Bienen, 171).

Media Images of Simpson Case
Other celebrity high-profile case: The Kobe Bryant Alleged Rape Case
Click here for a breakdown of the entire O.J. Simpson case and trial
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