一音多字 和 一字多音
是 "音符式" 中文輸入法 的惡夢 !
B. Approx. 97% "input code" have
有 97% 的漢字是 "一音" 多 "字/義"
有少許 的漢字是 "一字" 多 "音/義"
C. Inability of hi-efficiency BLIND TYPING
D. The EFFICIENCY can never be "improved"
E. It is absolutely impractical to expect
EVERYONE a linguist for life
to be able to use PinYin or ZuYin Method
Chinese have only 210 characters |
另加一個 "輕 (light)" 音 5 (或 無)
There are 5 possible tones: 4 major tones and a "light" tone.
Tone 1: flat
Tone 2: up
Tone 3: curve
Tone 4: down
The 5th tone is called "light" tone, marked as 5 or "no number".
Characters with light tone should be pronounced light and fast,
the only exception is it is pronounced about the "same duration".
II. When taking a CODE,
only the GEOMETRY SHAPE of the "stroke"
at the location is considered,