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Holy Ghost Sermon

Christ Jesus.

The Holy Comforter



Updated bottom caption September 23, 2017.

Comforter = Holy Ghost

I pray not for the world.

I seek to comfort God (John 5.30)

While walking on the water astounding the Apostles Jesus Christ immediately gave comfort saying unto them "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.", yet to not leave them ignorant and that rather all be aware Christ Jesus continued "Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10.28 NIV).

I pray not for the world.

"I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for those whom thou hast given me; for they are thine:" (John 17.9 ERV)

"and all things that are mine are thine, and thine are mine: and I am glorified in them." (John 17.10 ERV).

Above in the Timeline the point is to move people from the yellow secular world to the above Heavenly oriented realm via Christian Baptism to save them for God yet also to save them [as much as pertinent (Ezekiel 21.13 & Ecclesiastes 9.11 / Godly physics)] from harm as disasters come along with increasing protection from disagreements, scuffles, and worse.

Risk and chance happens to people except End Time is as never before.

What is End Time?, Christ Jesus expounded that first the weeds would be gathered together then tied in bundles to be burned (Matthew 13.30 & Revelation 14.11), then after the Holy Witnessing, greater than these:

Not only offer Yourself before End Time, with You offer also Your Mission Victories [(see Drawing below on how to properly overcome leaping in faith) / faithing: glory to higher glory].

For as it is written His Holy Chosen Will be saved and of good comfort.

Christ Jesus was the first death (see previous ICCDBB Sermon info on the Son of perdition, and on Peter and the other Christian Leaders and others save Christ Jesus) on the Mission Of His Holy Father (see Drawing below, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Christ Jesus did what He saw His Father do). Christ Jesus is able to lay down His life: "For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again." [(John 10.17 & John 10.18) with authority]. It seems beyond worldly thinking [as if (reference under ice drownings with hypothermic resuscitation, freezing & storage of bodies after death, cloning, and mental / medical advances)] hence to many to die for others and come back to life is as a super mission / super Plan Of God / super Way Of God.

Whether people want it or not, End Time involves the saving of all ["for in that he died, to the sin he died once, and in that he liveth, he liveth to God;" (Romans 6.10)] though some do not know they want to be so comforted, figuring they don't deserve it, or figuring they should start on an Holy Mission, or are innocent being not yet born, and so forth.

Many don't have such super power and/or imagine they don't, as former ways cloud visions. Yet the Disciples rose from former chaos (Matthew 16.23) into the super powers (1 Corinthians 15.41 with Luke 8.22 and with James 1.22) such as to know Holiness without being told (John 21.12 & see previous ICCDBB Sermons on discerning of spirits) and to best dine / to feast with the Lord.

Christ Jesus taught that End Time was to be Comforted, to feast with the Lord and greater doings. Christ Jesus is the End Time and the super high Holy Comforter in the Godhead (John 14.18): therefore there is an End Time coming.

Being in liberality (2 Corinthians 9.13) though hardly to sound as if independent from You (2 Peter 1.1) and/or as if careless, End Time is about You, things You should do to comfort Your flock: Holy Preparedness in Christ Jesus for the Father in Heaven.

Weight the matters of Revelation to see what has already come to pass, measuring from those points to Christ Jesus to decipher patterns to unravel the Holy Trend for mutual benefit.

When will End Time be?, it will be after sinners undo themselves as Christians Will Witness. The year?, to sinners "Elijah is come already, and they knew him not," (from Matthew 17.12) as their recompense pains await themselves; yet to Saints Christmas is like unto End Time and in every moment of living properly in Christ Jesus: though to all people End Time is hidden (see "secret" in Drawing below) or not (see "openly" in Drawing below, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Oneness). Understand End Time is a series of events, now in progress. Concerning magnitudes of events, reference the Covenant decibels and such as the logarithm of the world population chart. In other words, save of sinlessness the former values will disappear as vapor as the super colossal and monstrously atrocious things and events come to take place. At the increasing rate things out of control and out of context will have stupendous effects. Pray quickly, now. From now until back in year zero when it started the rate of increase is a measurable thing of history: witness, attest unto others on their behalf. Be mindful that Your flock includes any to be though not yet joined. Some scientists and others with goodly intentions have disputed the day in December that Christ Jesus was born, some disputed the year, some may soon dispute the applicability of the birth or the Baptism or the crucifixion, some might dispute for other reasons, though ICCDBB has expounded the importance of Oneness in Christ Jesus that there be no improperly founded disputations [rather proper of Christ Jesus: proper concern and/or proper prop measuring, example (Leviticus 11.4)].

Concerning End Time comfort, as explained in the previous ICCDBB Sermon "Not Seen By Logic Alone" it is written "At the top of the Drawing is Heaven, to the right is Heaven, and not shown to the bottom and left and forward and back is also Heaven (Isaiah 25.8).

What is in Heaven?, as shown in the Drawing above Chosen People are in Heaven:

Therefore since people are in Heaven, such slaves to Heaven are at liberty (as much as proper) to be left (such as on a mission) or right, and if right then if beyond End Time as shown above, then of Relativity and Absolutivity (see GodMath Testament and previous ICCDBB Sermons) and since in Heaven then of GodMath the End Time to come is measurable from them, the Holy Them As One In The Godhead, back to the date of End Time.

History shows Christ Jesus has already come into the world as the Bible expounded. Similarly as Mosiah 16.6 explains "And now if Christ had not come into the world, speaking of things to come as though they had already come, there could have been no redemption.", hence no comfort, no End Time.

Let creatures know to prefer to be with Christ Jesus, lest to be of discomfort.

John 14:

26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,

whom the Father will send in my name,

he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,

whatsoever I have said unto you.

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:

not as the world giveth, give I unto you.

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you.

If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father:

for my Father is greater than I.

The sinners do not know how to measure to End Time because they cannot answer questions such as to why they will decide to seek to fully repent else they would already fully repent now. In pattern, sinners would hardly believe when End Time is was or will be if told since by nature they are sinners because they do not believe: this is said to explain plainly (John 11.11-14).

Yet Christian Leaders have heart and be comforted in the fact(s) that sinners do believe many things, sinners believe they enjoy sins for instance. Therefore because they do believe in somethings the Christian Leaders are given openings into their mindsets such as for their betterment via Christian help perhaps to overcome addiction(s) to thereof live their life in comfort and more enjoyable due to the fact that many things dull the mind, body, senses, and pleasure centers of the brain. Also greater help than formerly can come for Christian Leaders such as to allow sinners to see certain signs and miracles as segues into their thinkings with convincing powers from above.

If to be as God, omnipresent, then End Time has no hold against You, yet better is to raise via Evangelism than to wait until they decide that it is no longer fun to rob Christians. Even so, to sin is to plan to suffer and fail, so pray for End Time.

A. Pray for workers of Christian Evangelism, and

B. Pray for End Time.

Work is hard, so pray for End Time to help Christian Evangelists even though they may love their job(s), God Will reward them with better! Comfort them, the Holy Ghost has prepared them for greater systems of joy in the Lord.

Comforter = Holy Ghost = Christ JESUS, & Greater.

Below in the Drawing and to the right is a flowchart that instead of going from top to bottom it has been placed on it's side to correspond with the above Drawing Timeline. If to be a model of an Heavenly system then to completely turn it upside down that it be as a mission, an Holy Mission, One Mission Christ Jesus accomplished and accomplishes in people to this day, that the model of the system start from small means to become heavenward, to finally be in Heaven with God as One, and rather than the redundant, to form the new.

To start naked and afraid in the Garden Of Eden, as an animal, unevolved (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Absolutely higher values), = to start from discomfort to be no longer afraid and to rather to lead, that others fear You As One as much as You give them no reason to fear You (except as hardly counted is the sinner at the starting point living in fear regardless of You).

There are many types of timelines, models, and flowcharts. Jesus Christ has decided on a particular everlasting flowchart, the Plan Of God. At one end is the beginning, at the other end is now, in between is the value, Christ Jesus, that all values should try to reach [save if Christ Jesus sends You on a mission, if so then as prepared of His Father (is though John 13.27 rather innocently John 16.28)]. If to plan to give Your life for another(s), may Christ Jesus stay Your Hand (Hebrews 10.10). If to innovate / evolve a system, perhaps with others joining in the cause, it is prayed it be according to the highest cause (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on PCS).

Christ Jesus flowed from obedience under authority of His Parents, to instructing with Doctors, to Baptism and with His new Family (Mark 3.34), to the Sermon On The Mound, and so forth, of better and better comfort unto the masses.

Jesus Christ flowchart

Christ Jesus understands that systems can command / leverage many things, creatures, and people. If to raise a child properly in Christ Jesus, so much more important is to properly raise a system in Christ Jesus. A system can guide, command, and not merely say yet also cause the greater part the doing of mercy and with it comforting such as to control and to output money, power, greed, and other things.

Above is shown a way to do things righteously once and for all (if of humans then of human parameters), or to twist, turn away, and cause other damages. A boomerang can kill to yield a meal or might turn against it's own creator.

Rather do as God does, and have comfort that Jesus Christ protects those given into His Hand of the Holy Father. If to do and say the same as God, then if to speak unto all, to give guidance unto God, and to do good for God. To read the Holy Living Bible aloud is to produce physics power far greater than perceived by the world.

Christ JESUS Commanded His Father

to be a Comforter unto His Father

[JESUS Commanded Our Father to "keep" or "protect" (John 17.11 depending on translation)].

God allocated talents, even so rather than view Your personal talents as if random, rather form / align Your talents with the graft / Branch according to the Way of Christ Jesus [(Titus 3.14) prioritize to best comfort eternally]. Organize toward the permanent cause (1 Corinthians 14.12). If Heaven be better, be better unto others, provide for them, be the best example for them (One with and for Christ Jesus).

A person under authority of another in the world is of temporary position, yet in any free time (such as sleep rest / exhaustion passed out) pray charitably for the Lord. And in that charity is the more permanent.

There are things that comfort people, things that people treasure, then later throw away. A box will comfort a person perhaps until it's contents per se are removed, then the box thing would be discarded. Yet as Christ Jesus and ICCDDB Sermons have been expounding there are things of temporary values and things of greater values; temporary values are soon discarded. Entering the Kingdom Of Heaven is of the overcoming of the temporary high value Temple(s) to rather be of the One Everlasting not to be discarded. Prior to Adam and Eve knowing good and evil, the word "not" for instance in the previous sentence was counted among people as if unknown, unimportant, and/or similar. Yet with the learning of the Tree Of Knowlege came the higher value comfort, the outpouring, and with Christ Jesus more clearly the mutual benefit permanently.

In this current world save people quickly lest they be lost / discarded to the pain and second death, even so pray for the End Time to protect and save Christians (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on: leaving not the other to be left undone).

There are things once valued now to be thrown away, yet ICCDBB showed illustrations that things have a variety of values, and the higher values are associated with lengthier time holding priorities. Even so, plan with affordable maintenance in mind, yet even so be ready to leap in faith, and continue to hope for miracles from above as God is the source of former logic and of new.

There are things to be thrown away, and yet even in this world, such as of the truly repentant Baptized Christians, there are such as to be not thrown away (Matthew 12.49).

In Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit

In Christ Jesus = the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Temple Body = the Holy Living Blood and Holy Water One Christ Jesus chose to drink, in the Holy Living Blood = the Holy Comforter the Holy Ghost in the One True Holy Spirit. Thanks be to search engines such as Google and LDS, and to many various sources (no legal affiliations unless otherwise stated). Updated September 23, 2017, right arrow is to "guy" Tod Parker.

Revelation 4.4 expounds of End Time there are and will be in Heaven "And around the throne are thrones twenty and four, and upon the thrones I saw the twenty and four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and they had upon their heads crowns of gold;" and this page and/or precept of Revelation has already been accomplished:

And "These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him." (Matthew 10.2-4), and with them are the new twelve: "And it came to pass that on the morrow, when the multitude was gathered together, behold, Nephi and his brother whom he had raised from the dead, whose name was Timothy, and also his son, whose name was Jonas, and also Mathoni, and Mathonihah, his brother, and Kumen, and Kumenonhi, and Jeremiah, and Shemnon, and Jonas, and Zedekiah, and Isaiah—now these were the names of the disciples whom Jesus had chosen—and it came to pass that they went forth and stood in the midst of the multitude." (3 Nephi 19.4); and

How do We as One in Christ Jesus know of a new certainty that such is good and true that We selfishly be Comforted or that We unselfishly be for God hence We comfort others and mutually in God?, We can know of that certainty because Jesus the Christ called these people these souls these Chosen to so be even including Judas, even including Peter and Paul, and even including the others named here, and until Christ Jesus opts to change His Holy Mind / unseen miracle, then it is already accomplished, and accomplished until modified, edited, and updated, if any such is to be.

Christ Jesus has told Us all things beforehand.

In Heaven there is the Godhead that no turning of heads be needed yet save of the more excellent way is not only to witness other(s) doing things, rather to do as God has exemplified / guided. God can hardly be divided / static, rather living, growing, and dynamic.

Christ Jesus named these as the Comforters, and with such Christ Jesus designated the greater number of His Chosen to also be One, One Comforter, One Holy Ghost.

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Legal note: no affiliations with any organizations unless otherwise stated. Christian matter of faith and religion note: affiliation with all, through the Lord God Christ Jesus.

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