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Christ Jesus.

Jesus Looked, Then Saw, Then Created


July 5, 2015.

Innovation is toward copying, inventing is toward leadership.

When a person looks at the air, or at a plain wall, or at clear water, the person has a choice, to see a blank, or as Jesus saw, an opportunity and vast wealth of anything he [or you] desire(s) [(Mark 11.24) properly (see ICCDBB PCS)].

From Genesis to Christ to You and Beyond

His Face moved over the deep, for a reason. Jesus Christ looked for a reason. From the plain unimproved, the nothingness, the bareness, the vacancy, the empty womb, empty tomb, evidently pointless, evidently meaningless, vastness of still plasma water space vacuum; Christ Jesus perceived vast treasures potentials that people could reap, according to the grace and kindness of the Holy Ghost with the Father.

Christ Jesus looked and saw what the Father did. The Holy Spirit Of The Father did move over the face of the void waters, and the waters reacted, and Christ Jesus saw. Christ Jesus saw the loving charity of the Holy Ghost With the Father, Amen. Christ Jesus saw the Holy Mission that the Holy Father Worked And Accomplished. Christ Jesus saw the Holy Father give great worthiness where there previously was not such worthiness, hardly as a risky gamble, rather for higher(est) purpose. Christ Jesus saw blessings pour forth.

Eat that which is set before you / Those which receive you / Enter into a city.

Banquet [for others, and you] / With those [counted as properly faithful] worthy / Check [measure] the city's worth.

Luke 10.8 with Matthew 10.11 "And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence."

God sat at feast, since God is in you; yet in more advanced edification God moves even today, alive and working for you even though creation was completed, that is, God created the ongoing perfecting for you, the working of God ongoingly that you may feast, even if with God: Christ Jesus (Psalms 26.9 & Matthew 9.10).

If you agree with God to do a mission that God wants you to do to help others, though you see that of your talents you find no worldly friendships to support the cause, then is the choice available to do as Mother Teresa has done (see ICCDBB Sermon: Jesus Does As His Father Does, and previous ICCDBB Sermons on agreeing(s) and on worthiness, and the ICCDBB Sermon All 4 Good specifically of pertinence concerning "gas stations").

Shown above is God moving to the right. If God moves slowly then waves of energies such as sounds can precede a body [(Genesis 1.27) "male and female" hence teach innocent Angels properly (Mark 12.25)] that approaches, If God moves quickly, such as near light speed then are fewer signals of approach beyond the sound barrier for instance so there would be more closely defined straight and narrow perceiving capabilities concerning Prophesyings might properly come forth, and if God moves more quickly than known physics then miracle Prophesying(s) contains the solving [in current unravelings of Holy Scriptures per se [(Luke 20.4) of Heaven as illustrated above].

What human today can be expected to do such Heavenly things, who can reasonably do such things as Christ Jesus did such as to walk on water or to fly?,

Tools for the greater glory of The Father through Jesus Christ

Christ Jesus knew the value of working tools, such as to launch a boat to let down (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on missions) a net into much known; though into what many term "the unknown" as variables of chance serve as laws of nature [under law (1 Corinthians 9.20). Above left in the drawing is the illustration of that of the greater value, greater than the toward temporary surface seen and rather toward eternal unseen maximum value (2 Corinthians 4.18) of the deeper things of Jesus Christ, the deep thing of the God Of Nature.

Jesus said "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16.19).

Jesus said this to Peter. They wore sandals at times, used nets per tasks, and utilized other tools. John The Baptist utilized a Heavenly Tool, water, and pleased the Godhead (1 John 5.8), and John utilized a proper process [and Jesus defined specifics (Matthew 28.19 & 3 Nephi 11.25)].

Some tools are too small to be seen reasonably of the human eye, some tools are too large to be seen likewise; the coming of Christ also, here, now, in you, around you, among all (1 Timothy 4.4) is perceptible and/or imperceptible accordingly, according to properly following Jesus Christ, properly leading for God The Father, and similarly [similar to the first (Deuteronomy 13.3 & Mark 12.30). To save all, reasonably involves not only tools, yet also your planning of unseen processes, that is, if to plan a process, then reasonably per se to not see until it's completion; and with that, then in progress with it's completing of continuous improvement / improving as Christ Jesus unravels Holy Scriptures in a Revelational Way as much as proper faith leads unto fulfilling per se each step of the process a person has / talents to believe per se, toward victories along an even more excellent way (see details with sources in previous ICCDBB Sermons).

Christ Jesus created proper best value having seen God do so, such as when God formed dust and breathed life into man. Christ Jesus did similar, utilizing the dust tool Christ Jesus stooped and wrote in the dust (John 8.6), reasonably utilizing tools such as numbers and/or letters and/or other symbols, reasonably utilizing tools such as straight lines and curves as much as proper, then Christ Jesus utilized the tool of breathing out (see above Drawings on similar Holy Wind and/or Holy Energy(ies) yielding / leveraging increasing benefits) and spoke unto the already formed people; reasonably therefore unto the group, the then current civilization system, to render such system more current, to bring it up to speed, to improve it, and/or other, rather according to the Will Of The Holy Father In Heaven.

To be comprehensively, that is, to be all inclusively as Christ Jesus, as One, is to be not only knowing of the shallow surface effects toward barriers, yet to also be aware of the deeper love values toward thresholds setting new records, and rather yet to be not forbidden from Heavenly places (Genesis 3.24) so rather "with" (Philippians 2.22, John 8.16, & 1 John 1.3). So to be with is great in value, even to be One in Christ is great: maximum value.

One / With / Thresholds / Barriers.

A person can move with the wind at their back, with water at their back, with a vehicle seat at their back. In circumstances to move with a tool is more severe in a given case than in another case, so if to build a home on a rock, then to make certain it is the right rock, if to build a tool and a system on a foundation then to ensure it is the proper foundation, lest the efforts be in vain and given to if to unravel the Holy Word(s) then to do so properly. If to utilize a system of people and tools then to leverage best. If to give information that people are to go in a straight line, then consider that they might wander in a circle; so utilize the straight line for proper higher purpose and also the angle, the curve, the circle, and other likewise, measuring and defining as needed (Mark 3.34, Isaiah 40.22, Deuteronomy 28.13, Exodus 7.12 & Matthew 10.16) guiding, and if correcting is needed then to consider not only the case yet also to reconsider whether the plan is ready for improving: there is a helpful tool, the Bible.

Prophets Raised In Powers, sinners worthy of knowing solutions

Christ Jesus loves to please the Father The God Of Nature And Physics via the raising of people out of sins to realize their end(s) worth(s) do/does not have to be pain(s), rather to become worthy of eternal comfort in knowing and wisely doing the Will Of God. Jesus spoke of an even more excellent way (see previous ICCDBB Sermons), hence Prophets will come and go to and from worldly perspectives, hence more excellent Prophets will come forth shedding light more excellently.

Jesus Christ served the Holy Father as a Prophet [agreeingly (Matthew 11.9), & served the people: guiding beforehand]. Yet Jesus Christ did not turn away from the proper Holy path. If another person as a Prophet change direction as the Lord approacheth (Leviticus 22.3 DRB & DBT) then the person per se can hardly hear and perceive the same as prior to their change of course relative to the sound waves and sonar and light waves and particles and such ahead of the coming that children and adults [(John 12.13), also example of both perceiving with doing: a playful child may hear sounds inaudible to a formal serious elder and in playful joy may rush to lay forth palm branches (Matthew 21.15)].

To change from the best plan God has is toward destruction, save the grace of God. Such grace as Christ Jesus teaches and does is:

Best Plan / Christ Jesus teaches and does / You;

and includes:

Best Plan / Christ Jesus teaches and does / Your current mission(s) / You with your talents;

for those you help, including helping the self become prepared in worthiness; ultimately for the glory of the Holy Father via One Christ Jesus.

Here are three straight lines _ ___ _________: straight lines cubed. Here are three straight lines not of the same pattern _ _____ ___; also __ __ __. These lines are legal, though each group is hardly of the same Church edification properties: proper precept on proper precept, & best precept on best precept.

There is a straight line and there is a circle, these are shown above, yet God moves straight ahead (Luke 13.24); the circle God provides is of great value, yet in this Sermon the greater point per se is the straight line, the Straight Path Of God.

From Old Testament to New to Book Of Mormon last verse Moroni 10.34

For Jehovah / "my spirit and body shall again reunite" / "rest in the paradise of God" / Prophesy.

Adam and Eve [with their future family(ies)] were cast out of the Garden Of Eden. Becoming worthy to return to reenter Eden where is found the Tree Of Eternal Living, is to become permanently Like One Of Us (Genesis 3.22).

Christ Jesus gave up His Spirit on the cross (John 19.30):

Spirit Of Christ Jesus / Body Of Christ Jesus / Spirit And Body Of Christ Jesus.

Yet with His Return in glory worthy of Christ Jesus, as the Book Of Mormon detailed:

Spirit And Body Of Christ Jesus / Spirit Of Christ Jesus / Body Of Christ Jesus / Spirit And Body Of Christ Jesus.

Logical knowledge to distinguish the Spirit from the Body is important to God. To learn many things wisely, lovingly, and then higher steps as Christ Jesus taught with showing in evidence as He did do (John 20.17) is important to God evidently, obviously, clearly. From the worldly perspective of the logic of Relativity there are (or were) the measurable, and the immeasurable matters of faith.

Toward the end of the measurable, will come the info on future measurings beforehand.

Coming will be not the future measurements; except with first coming before that, the proper telling of the Plan Of God that there were specific precise greater things measured and there will be more things measured according to the precept on precept values / each person's worthiness, via the loving guidance of Christ Jesus.

So then with the saving of each and all that will be spared from this world and with such being found in Heaven, is the time of the coming of Christ Jesus.

If a person can enter Heaven, then the same person can [say " And Mary said, 'My soul doth magnify the Lord,'" (Luke 1.46) and do (Mark 9.23)] be perfect, such as including to be perfectly aligned with God, and such as to be literally One In God. Yet there are steps, including miracles from above via God, the Holy Ghost, and Christ Jesus.

To learn to love logic wisely, step over step save miracle leaps such as proper Christian Baptism,

is to first learn the overcoming of the world properly,

and then to learn the proper guiding of Heaven.

If to guide Heaven properly as One, then beforehand to learn the properly lovingly measuring of Heaven,

measuring without harming such as might not be able to defend themselves, even so very importantly to measure without damage to the Heavenly Plan the Holy Father hath devised from the beginning: no change of course save proper guidance accord (1 Corinthians 13.8).

If to caringly measure the Known Universe first, then the Heavens; along with if Christ Jesus is to come again as final End Time Judge of this world, then first each and all from this world and Known Realm to be measured then with the Judge to come quickly (Revelation).

Christ Jesus went first to show us the Way, He conquered death. In the following triad the word "there" might be substituted for the word "here".

Jesus will be there to measure the last to enter Heaven / Jesus measures the middle / Jesus measures the first soul(s) to enter Heaven.

Christ Jesus, the Holy Vested Standard Of The Christian Church will judge the entirety of each and all in the world and will evaluate the fitness and measure and so will be there to measure the last to enter Heaven and was there to measure the first to enter Heaven and will be there to measure any and all in between.

To know logic of physics doesn't count much without lovingly knowing the higher purpose, though logic has great value(s). The greatest of the logic and physics values are in the lovingly higher purpose(s) of God.

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