Holy Ghost

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Christ Jesus.

The Holy Ghost

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August 9, 2015 AD.

Clarifications added March 22, 2016 AD.

Many have searched. You can find!

Do You see the Ark Of The New Covenant? God doesn't want you to go higher through certain thresholds or you don't want to. God suffered once to create man (Genesis 2.2) and likewise Christ Jesus suffered once for all (Hebrews 9.28) with God as One Holy Work even now, today, save the miracle(s) of God [rests (Sabbaths), rejoicing (Baptizing), Feasts (John 4.34),...].

Many have searched for Jesus. They looked in their hearts, the searched among others. Many have searched for God, many have searched for the Holy Ghost.

Many have searched for Jesus and Jesus is truly in Your heart and in the hearts of others.

Many have searched and some have found Christ, and of these who have found Christ some of such have found themselves overcome of the Holy Spirit Of The Lord Jesus Of The Holy Father. But some have had much and have become carelessly with gone astray, and have had overwhelming opportunities to be as Jesus and God and Holy though have of selfishness chosen toward the opposite [even while working Holy Miracles (Helaman 16:23)]. So God is not only the creator of full power yet also of good pulses or pulsing of living for greater high purpose, One Holy Plan / One Holy Planning.

Rather than give you the answer and you be done and become careless, Christ Jesus gives You the keys and the wisdom for unlocking for the Holy Father. Not only to overcome death, yet also to overcome the careless addictions, the pains, and worse that others have harbored.

Christ Jesus said "However, I want the world to know that I love the Father and that I am doing exactly what the Father has commanded me to do. Get up! We have to leave." (John 14.31 GOD'S WORDŽ Translation).

To sinners, when Jesus leaves it is as if to be left to Satan and temporary selfishness. Rather to the Holy Christian when Jesus leaves though hardly leaves yet can be counted as if such, hence when Jesus leaves then of the Holy Christian being One Of Christ Jesus then comes from the Holy Christian One Heart comes the Holy Comforter that He may abide with you forever (John 14.16): the Holy Comforter is within you, the Kingdom Of Heaven is within you with all the Most High Holy Host(s). There is none other higher, though hardly can the selfish person so perceive higher thresholds much less the Holy Unseen Threshold(s); save lifted from above (Hebrews 2.7).

Life can be taken save of Holy Unselfishness such life be first laid down (John 10.17).

The Holy agreement enables the Holiness within to help others, to comfort, to preserve, to lift, to raise, to consecrate, [to value (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on valuation and on to judge)], to grow unselfishly, to properly pulse, to properly innovate and/or to properly create, to properly edit and/or properly evolve, and more.

To search the heart and elsewhere for the Kingdom Of Heaven is proper, and while such is within, even so, others faithful for God have gone before and done such and have produced testaments, proofs, accordingly. You may relate to some better than others.

The words of Christ Jesus are Holy, and much more [than Holy the noun (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on living Bible) hence a Bible better than previously].

End Time Bible / New Ark / Old Testament.

The words of Christ Jesus as yet unseen in End Time is as perfection revealed, the Holy Temple Of God "was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark" (from Revelation 11.19) with energy physics, particle physics, power, glory, joy, functionality, usefulness, and unselfishness.

You have been told all things beforehand. Even Genesis is a deep foundation, mighty and strong, meek and merciful, mild and Holy.


Enlighten, as Jesus Christ has done.

Christ Jesus would have You edify the Church. If to love your neighbor, love your God of all physics and neighbors and resources and nature and powers and glories all the more. Above left is toward Genesis, and to the right toward Revelation and more, untold among sinners for you to tell (John 1.50).

Christ Jesus explains how sinners freely choose to become unable to see, much less comprehend true testimony of the proper prioritization, as the priority is the Name JESUS, and the attesting comes with the comprehensive results (John 14.11).

So the non-sinners can attest to higher precepts of Christianity (John 3.2-3) as readily as a person might read the Word Of God. Yet God has placed an emphasis on doing.

There are illustrated above energies intersecting each other, indentations, bumps, structural elements, and particle / fluid dynamics [(teardrop) if such was the case as reasonable such as to salt the sea, though much understanding is currently beyond former worldly ways save One JESUS]. Such anomalies are relative to each other, some more powerful, some artistically more graceful in appearance, and so on. Some are as energy while others are as matter. Some are as of living, more than others. While of GodMath there is boundless life, of Relativity amidst sins are comparisons. Yet amidst sins Christ Jesus showed the Way to qualify for higher purpose, for sinless purpose, for the comprehensive that all benefit, summed in the purpose of Holy God.

So speaking for all is the Word Of God, the God of all words. Hence the many are summed up in the few, even the One, Holy God Almighty. The oceans of energies, the forests of possibilities are summed in God the Holy One Of Israel.

Since the many become few, even One, the small tool [and much more than a tool (Revelation 5.3)] is the leverage opportunity on behalf of the greater part for the Holy Father.

From the start of the first small anomaly formed came forth the greater context with higher purposeful meaning. Then later the people of proper foundation record [Holy Testament testimonies (Genesis 11.7 & Acts 2.4)]. The records were not only in the textbooks, the records were also in the people. The Holy records were not only in inorganic books, the Holy Record became existent within living people generating through generations (see ICCDBB Sermon "Your Position" concerning "breathe").

The Holy Seed became much more than a record, toward an Holy Seed. And Christ Jesus appeared as the true manifestation of such Holy Seed.

Jesus Christ said the Kingdom Of Heaven is within:

Christ Jesus enables You to receive the fullness of the Power Of God, the Mercy Of The Highest, to Be the Holy Ghost, to be the One True Gift from above.

The Holy Spirit is the high part meeting with the soul of a person and of the physics of God, the physics of the created energies, and with the higher realm. The Holy Spirit is as the link to the higher Holy Ghost, yet Christ Jesus taught to be One. In other words Christ Jesus did not teach people to try to do something impossible, rather something possible, reasonable, fair, kind, and loving.

Television and the Internet portray many representations of ghosts, from playful animations to entities that may appear as human or a creature that can appear and be gone in an instant and with unusual powers. The words of the Bible also describe, and many pics, shows, and videos have their basis in the Bible, even if only to yield some degree of credibility (reference ICCDBB PCS on Entertainment). Values are found in the Bible and also in the secular realm such as in efforts to describe and unravel hidden higher meanings meant to be unraveled.

God being the source of all things not toward sin, offers the Bible and gracious Holy Helpers (John 14.16). So any of goodly higher purpose can come to light for Christian Leadership.

As often depicted in the Bible and elsewhere ghosts have humanoid form and function generally speaking, moreso than spirits (see The Holy Spirit Drawing above with referenced Ezekiel 1.20). For instance bottles of wine and similar are called spirits, liquids without form save to be of the shapes of the containers. While ghosts on the other hand are of shapes appearing in otherwise uniform air and in water.

As the Bible unravels the Word Of God, higher purpose(s) can be realized on the foundation of Christ Jesus.

The free spirit is able to be in the Temple of Your body, the Temple of the Ark, and so on. Your spirit is free to agree in thresholds to ascend, that is to help others properly ascend as Christ Jesus taught, that Your Spirit Be One In The Holy Ghost.

The next time you search for the Holy Ghost, give an unselfish look in the mirror.

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