Holy Spirit

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Christ Jesus.

The Holy Spirit Lives!

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August 30, 2015.

Christ Jesus provided you with a free gift!

There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4.4-6).

One Spirit (from Ephesians 4.4).

Jesus Christ is eternal, yet also of the Holy Spirit / Holy Plan offers temporary tools and temporary solutions (Matthew 15.32). The distance along the Timeline surface as illustrated above is relatively shorter along the flat surfaces than along the wavy span. Future flattening of the surface / Lengthening / Expansion / Compression, is according to the God Of Physics, for instance the way a compressed metal spring lengthens when released releasing energy; hence the "Flow" speed increases toward the speed of God (Leviticus 27.4). Jesus gave pause, became a little lower than Angels, Christ Jesus unselfishly lovingly gave people a chance to catch up.

The One Spirit Prophecy Is Coming True (1 Corinthians 13.12)!

Many people wonder about the end of days, the end of this world, the completion of the work of God, the End Time. Many people wonder not only about it and what will happen, people also wonder about when it is to come to pass.

Such are simple questions with simple answers. It will come to pass when God so decides / decided / agreed from the original Holy Plan.

God has made all things known beforehand. It will come about according to the Bible as symbolized in part in the Drawings above and below.

It will be from Heaven. Therefore it will be heaps of blessings so many on your head as to cause you shame / insignificance, lest you be normally unto the Way Of God Holy Christ Jesus sending forth blessings immediately as you receive, similar to how a farmer puts in the sickle immediately when it is harvest time that many Holy Feast lest the crops spoil (John 4.35) and there be famine (Ruth 1.1).

Christ Jesus wants you to Holy Celebrate! The Bible speaks of "wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24.6, Mark 13.7...) though as for you be ye not deceived, yes the Bible is true, yet the Way Of Holy God Of One True And Good Spirit lifts your spirit according to you in the One Agreement Work Of Christ Jesus; in other words that you not be left unawares as is written "Let destruction come upon him unawares, And let the net which he hid catch himself; Into that very destruction let him fall." [(Psalm 35.8) the "net" caught innocent Jesus Christ for you already (see ICCDBB Sermon Your Position on "perdition"].

Above and below are shown Timelines. Where are you on the Timeline?, you are advancing / viewing these ICCDBB Sermons (thank you) and here is a great clue concerning End Time: many wondrous works were revealed and greater (see below) will be revealed too numerous for former worldly ways (Psalm 40.5).

With that wisdom, Christ Jesus wants you to lead therefore in preaching and doing as He did as His Holy Father did, as you give credit / traceability / sign(s) / respect honoring properly accordingly. So if the Old Testament gave too much value with "many wondrous works were revealed" and Christ Jesus of the New Testament gave new "many wondrous works were revealed" and greater and you and then others likewise give "many wondrous works" accordingly yet living growing / Holy Branch Of Love, and building wisely (see GodMath Testament) logically precept on precept / proper love, then there is exponential revelation(s).

There is a teaching, and with that Christian teaching and doing there is a far greater (than student possibly not paying attention in class relatively) learning within that Teacher as You so do, hence: as you properly best teach and do (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Christians prioritizing) then your ability to comprehend increases (ibid.). Rather than trying to comprehend, You will be providing greater to be comprehended (yet already God has prepared goodness and goodly things for you).

So where are you on the Timeline?, if with comprehending ICCDBB in sequence You have just completed the Sermon titled The Holy Ghost. You are at the Holy Ghost point / position on the Timeline [(see the previous Sermon for details) also see (3 Nephi 21.2) in evidence of Prophetic Trend example of when things come to pass].

God gave You talents to figure/unravel/measure: blessing spirits.

All talents are in God able to reveal all spirits with the Holy Ghost.

Holy God > A soul offering few values/spirits > things such as spiritual values of tools.

From above God Jesus is greater than (is on mission helping) a soul (You) be with the Holy Ghost, accordingly You help with utilization(s) of tool spirits and so forth lesser and greater as pertinent (for higher purpose(s)).

Person ---> Soul of Person with Holy Ghost ---> One Greatest Value.

You are more blessed than me, the author of this Sermon, that is, You of Your Position now are more blessed than me of my relatively lower position now, and likewise I am higher than God per se, that is save God can make a miracle otherwise even more excellently.

Your are greater than me (Psalm 8.4) in a context, and God hath made Himself a little lower than the Angels (Hebrews 2.9), You and me, Us Angels, and You are much more than an Angel in a context (3 Nephi 12.2):

One gaining love and wisdom now is You, per se; the author of this Sermon is long time done from forming this Sermon; God gave the love You are acquiring;

God told this Sermon author "more blessed are they who shall believe in your words":

You > Me > God,

You / Me / God,

Your position per se > The temporary position I once had per se > The temporary position God decided per se;

For example, if you and others borrow my car to carpool [fellow Sermon viewers] and I give you the keys, I still own the keys and the car, though you and those with you now have the [Holy] power and I do not, unless similar to a miracle, examples: I have you arrested such as if for having my car too long, or you otherwise sin as with reckless driving transgressing the laws of nature and crash into a tree and lose that power akin to give up the Ghost.

"And again, more blessed are they who shall believe in your words because that ye shall testify that ye have seen me, and that ye know that I am. Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in your words, and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized, for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a remission of their sins." (3 Nephi 12.2 LDS.org).

Hardly marvel if you be called greater (Matthew 9.29 & see ICCDBB PCS on "worthiness") than Christ Jesus (Philippians 4.13).

Above is shown the timeline beyond Creation through End Time for your sake(s).

Above is shown a choice. Below is shown no choice per se. Below is shown the properly advancing Christian looking up to Jesus the Christ, the Godhead, the becoming of the Godhead. Similar to how a person may choose to follow Christ, so too a person may choose to lead with Christ.

To lead with Christ is to forever not betray Holy Christ Jesus With The Father, to lead with Christ is to be of the One Holy True Spirit forever, whether in this temple or the next [utilize the tools properly (Luke 16:11) forever]. Yes, of logic be aware of the fact that there are some entities (spirits) not as advanced as God The Father In Heaven, yet alway do rather according to the Highest One True Holy Spirit.

Above is shown the creation of the temple, the person facing upward. It is true, a person must worship God properly, in the Holy Spirit:

"God is a Spirit:

and they that worship him

must worship him in spirit

and in truth." - - (John 4.24).

God = Spirit x Truth.

Spirit / Truth / God.

Yet if you are not in a coma, then there is much greater that you have been entrusted with, that you have been given, that has been bestowed upon you to do, there are spirits and more according to the talents given you via God The One True Spirit as much as you have accomplished: properly done with properly agreed; there are tools for you to spiritually consecrate if proper (see ICCDBB Sermons on "worthiness").

Be ready, now unto many, is as to view God as if not existent as if a fable, or as if a not able to be fully realized more than spiritually (Ephesians 3.20) such as with holes in His Hands (2 Kings 23.25 HCS).

The Holy Tree Of Life And Living in you yields fruit according to your choosing talents, at least unto the measurable/logical amounts already provided unto you from above of Heaven.

If unable to discern the spirit of a nail from

the spirit of a hammer,

then who will entrust to you the spirit of unmanned spacecraft.

Greater things than these will be at Hand:

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." (Galatians 5.22 & 23).

The Holy Fruit Of The Spirit Is God Jesus Christ, One Holy Ghost, and more than a shadow of things to come, and greater than a person alone, and superior as all become One properly, and with everlasting unseen save the Father In Heaven, the beginning and end of One True Holy Spirit in all things Holy. Christ Jesus found importance in Mary, Joseph, Peter, figs, the cross, Baptism, nails, and so on.

A nail has so many molecules, atomic weights, numbers, energies, factors, and so on, yet to simplify things unto the context of this Sermon, a rather arbitrary (Absolutivity and/or Relativity) value has been assigned and rather than to compare toward competing against a hammer, the nail spirit value is augmented when it functions together with the hammer (able to not only insert and remove many nails, yet also with a user friendly handle) and a contextually appropriate value was assigned for greater edification of the Church.

Christ Jesus proclaimed "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." (Luke 24.39).

Christ Jesus made it clear that a greater than spiritually alone fact is people will see Christ Jesus and much more than in the flesh [clearly, face to face (Judges 6.22 & 2 Nephi 33.11) to be judged], much more than in the Spirit, much more than in the distance, as has happened 2,000 years ago; and yet greater will happen in the future with all created people that would be so lifted of God, and so formed into a new Baptized creature and then as One fitting One Godhead all such in One, all such will be face to face and much more than face to face, in true real permanent excitingly delightsome agreeing in the tangible and the intangible and more.

Greater than a spirit descending in the form of a dove, greater than the timeline and time, greater than the clouds, greater than the bottomless pit, greater than fire; greater than Baptism itself as great as it is, one of the greatest things ever; all these and greater things and Spirit will come forth conqueringly.

The Spirit(s) of Jesus Christ x each becoming One

Christ Jesus from above facing down is then from Joseph with Mary with Christ Jesus the first to be with all proper spirits hence Holy Ghost, whole (in proper agreeing / agreement with Living God) facing up, Jesus face to face with God The Holy Father In Heaven, clearly, wholly (1 Corinthians 13.12). Shown also is the Holy Dove Spirit unto people, though according to each one's honed talents and personal agreements to accept, or not, each spirit(s) position(s). The lower right energy "Closer view" currently, is Biblically only discernible as one person beyond End Time to any other created "New" beyond the right of the Timeline (unless otherwise Heavenly so decided).

Christ Jesus in < year 0 BC could accomplish miracles, yet for the first time with a surety shown facing upward Christ Jesus became the first Son of man to be able to ask something of Holy God The Father, with expectation. Without wondering, without doubt, Christ Jesus did it for God showing people how to do go do.

The gifts, the spirits that house each gift (eg. hammer holds spirits/values, see above) come from the Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost. The gifts / spirits are given from God.

The spirits are utilized in the world according to each member of the body (1 Corinthians 12.12).

Usefulness or other / Utilization(s) / Entity or tool / Each member of the body.

The gifts of the Spirit in You and in each You save to Lead as One yields multiple blessings, for instance the increased likelihood that there is one fewer of crooks among You and Us. Also there is greater likelihood of Heavenly healing as Christ Jesus taught, so as they come closer to God (Leviticus 21.21) they / their faith may perhaps perish [(1 Chronicles 13.9 & 10) hence You assume greater responsibility(ies)] or may be prepared properly of You / ICCDBB / Bible / Christ Jesus to therefore join forces for good.

Your faithful good hard work harbors great spiritual value(s) (Alma 13.3) whether seen or unseen from glory to higher glory.

Holy Gifts [for "one of the least of these" (from Matthew 25.40)]

Christ Jesus went on a mission. Another person can go on a mission, selfish people can go out and puff themselves up. Unselfish people seek to be known openly yet of meek spirit so if to puff the self or to do this or do that then for our sakes, whether to be accepted as Christ Jesus [(Hebrews 9.7 & 8) also e.g. (how some pilots were treated on first contact at isolated tribal places)] or as wise and discuss on their level (Luke 2:46) or to be as if a fool that any would be sufficiently entertained so as to start to listen or as a spectacle unto an audience for higher purpose (1 Corinthians 4.9); hence it is of One Hopeful Spirit that they also simultaneously do for their sake.

If your spirit is in an unmanned space probe and you find a creature athirst, you may choose whether to reference and/or utilize all your spirits, tools, and talents such as perhaps centrifugal force over the conquering of such thirst unselfishly, that is, for higher purpose (reference ICCDBB Sermons on "mutual benefit").

Your spiritual position responsibilities will increase, that You may feel grief or that You may exclaim joy at last that You may prefer to further glorify / thank the Lord while improving Your learning of the Holy Trend Pathway of signs and wonders helping You along while helping all. You will find new delight in searching details of God such as formerly more difficult to interpret Old Testament jargon such as concerning types of cloths, so You would be better able to interpret how to match elasticity metrics of materials and applications, tensile strengths such as a few of high strength matched with many of low tensile strength that they function excellently together. To study something and forget is not the same as to study Christ Jesus properly.

If to build on Christ Jesus, reference same more and more. If to hear a Christian Preacher and to obey, and thereof to solve something, then consider referencing the source.

If Your mission is to go toward a problem to solve for You and for others (for God) fear not yet be aware and wise and of proper utilization(s) of spiritual talents and resources for mutual benefit, as Jesus said "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. But beware of men [(people) as this current civilization harbors females in high positions and at gates and other in the streets: people other than unseen stay-at-home-moms (note spiritual value increase applications, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "rate of change")], for they will hand you over to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues;" (Matthew 10.16)].

In the above graph a person in spiritual position "B" is considered in need of help. If a person was in the center of the ellipse, from that perspective it would look as if person "A" was little more than running around in circle(s). Yet from the perspective of Christ Jesus Holy God, of the Bible, the perspective of Person "A" is that Person "A" is actually doing as Person "A" saw Christ Jesus do in the Bible, therefore Person "A" also sees Person "A" as doing more, the greater unseen for the Holy Spirit including the helping of Person "B" and others.

To change a person's mind (reference ICCDBB Sermon titled Mind Control) has a value organic (toward goodness) or inorganic (toward a computer when it acts as a machine). To improve a person's mind is toward proper accomplishing with success value(s). To change a person to fully repent and be Baptized and be the greatest Christian Leader (according to the request of One Christ Jesus), then full value / member as a minimum (reference the Spirit Of God).

Of high(est) Holy spirit(s) to go on an unstated mission at Your own choosing such as when there seems nothing better to do, then perhaps or normally to go higher, from Heavenly glory to higher spiritual glory for God, toward and/or in the presence of God. Yet needs at hand are often that to go on a mission is for less selfish (counted as if) reasoning, to do unto Others as You would have Others do unto You. Even so, do for Christ Jesus.

A spiritual mission can be exciting, according to Your taste, such as perhaps delight with success with a newfound higher spirit, eg. the new Church Priest was appointed and is in the greeting room, or the newly Baptized are visiting, or the new computer cell phones are out so to ease the spirit of evangelism, or the new barn needs erected so let us get into the spirit for community benefit. The spirit of a business to lead to success with a new micro system can be astounding, the spirit of a government to lead success with a new planet moving machine might be awesome. The spirit of a new thought might be Godly, praise Christ Jesus.

If the spirit of mercy can be utilized in the courts to help lawbreakers, so much more value is such spirit among those of many goodly spirits powerful and strong in the Lord of the whole system(s).

Christ is aware of wars and rumors (Matthew 24.6),

and of how some spiritual values are among temporary temples (Luke 17.34).

Christ Jesus prepares the mind toward peace [for any entering Heaven (Matthew 10.34) to cut off sinners: hardly place peace for amidst sinners (see ICCDBB Sermons on worthiness)] to protect the innocent Lamb(s), in both even matters (ibid.) as well as in unfair fights [/worldly interpretation (Luke 12.52). To sinners there is a bag of loot to be taken/of their interpretations of parables, yet rather to the Holy there is a container of money to help sinners no longer suffer needlessly if only they would not steal it. Not to harm people, net them in spirit and strength, in mind and heart, that their souls be lifted to realize the Holy Ghost. If a nail has value and a seed harbors greater value potential(s), so much greater is the spiritual hope in a person of perhaps trillions of trillions of cells and functions, hardly worth mentioning when considering the spiritual value of Oneness in Christ Jesus The Holy Lamb Of God.

Hardly it is a thing to kill a person, when rather a person can be saved (reference graph model above). In the great movie Willard killed Kurtz, though secretly hence if revealed openly publicly then Willard is in danger of the lawsuit \ trial \ result (Matthew 5.25).

Beware of entertainment, of books, of hearsay, of things. Yet let Your spirit soar / let their spirits be free, reasonably, rather: Biblically, of Christ Jesus: eternally. If for instance to land a job in the entertainment field and to hold a position as makeup artist, to do makeup to show scary bodies and corpses is of limited value (Hosea 8.12 and previous ICCDBB Sermons) so seek rather to offer greater spiritual value doing makeup for the stars and rather the higher (Psalm 37.4). That is, some spirits are toward Heaven and some are less [counted in Relativity as not higher value(s) (Isaiah 40.15)].

Fools delight in themselves and in their own opinions (Proverbs 18.2), rather do as Christ Jesus did in designing and fitting a costume of appropriate higher Spirit (Matthew 12.18).

As the above movie Apocalypse Now Redux showed, prepare the body and mind for the mission. If a person can do such, so much more a Priest, since a Priest claims Christ Jesus is the source of all good, including meeting all Your needs. Go, prepare for the Sabbath, and leave not the feasts undone. Be prepared and of proper spirit / missions, go do invite to the Church that they may feast on the Holy Spirit Gifts / Holy Word Of God, be strong lift vegetables to the tables for them, or other as proper and fitting lest Your invited guests faint: they might not be as strong nor as mentally agile as You. Do as You find appropriate for the best glorifying of the Lord.

Christ Jesus revealed His Spirit, go and do likewise according to the Holy Good Pleasure In You for the Lord. The spirits are in many forms, some toward hearing, some toward seeing; some toward neighbors, some toward Old Testament Prophets. You have spiritual talents, and as You give / utilize properly charitably Christ Jesus offers more [(Jeremiah 15.13 & Genesis 17.8) whether a person be selfish or not].

If there are two doors available with no worldly logic to tell them apart, be of the spirit of good cheer and pray God and perhaps pick a door, perhaps God has counted You as of fitting spirit(s) to accomplish the more difficult trial(s) (2 Nephi 14.2 & Revelation 1.4).

Though in the worldly perspective not all spirits are for good, yet in the perspective of God works reveal the spiritual gifts including faith: "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" (James 2.18-20).

Likewise in Holy Trend "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." (James 2.26).

Parts of logic are emotions.

Parts of souls are spirits.

Parts of spirits are organic entities with life.

Parts of spirits are inorganic tools, systems, and things.

Parts of faiths are works, some to life and greater excellence, some not.

Parts of goodly faith are the things hoped and evidence(s) of previously unknown / world.

Parts of the Holy Ghost are the spirits and their gifts: when properly utilized.

Parts of a puzzle hardly have the functional beauty of the complete, though can point the way.

Now can be seen more clearly, formerly less, and of proper Holy Trend Spirit in the future to perceive even more perfectly.

End Time Will Come Of God, and as the Holy Way spreads (note the Holy Word has already spread around the planet and beyond) the Path Toward Oneness Will Multiply And Magnify In The Holy Spirit Of One Father Christ Jesus.

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Legal note: no affiliations with any organizations unless otherwise stated. Christian matter of faith and religion note: affiliation with all, through the Lord God Christ Jesus.

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