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Christ Jesus.

Missions in the name of Jesus


July 19, 2015.

In the above illustration are found a point, a sphere, a circle, a straight line, a triangle, a square, and more. The more important part concerns Christ Jesus and your work in accord. God first loved, then signs and wonders followed (Mark 16.17) that others might freely choose to believe (John 12:37).

Christ Jesus of the free Spirit Of The Holy Ghost Of God The Father chose to love, and rather than as if to have been required to do some petty bothersome temporary chore, Christ Jesus of Free Will chose, stated, and did love and the One Love Work first and eternally, before Christ Jesus and after the work of some of the Prophets Of God (Mark 1:1-8 with Habakkuk 2.11) via full repentance for their sakes via Holy Baptism (Mark 1:9) as part of the light burden (Habakkuk 2.12, Daniel 7.19, & John 19.18). It was done that others gain their position as One. It was done that each and all of the others immediately or eventually willing to raise others unto Heavenly position(s) would gain their position as One.

Some people work hard with their backs and their hands, some for some reasons, some for other reasons.

Christ Jesus was found often doing things for others first, and then afterward so doing for himself, giving the first fruits to others for higher purpose in the Father, then doing for himself according to any remnant. Christ Jesus often first gave gifts charitably, and if any over-abundance then gave He to Himself (Luke 22.44) for the sakes of others for the greater glorifying of the Holy Father.

Christ Jesus worked to give higher positions to others, then

Christ Jesus agreed as always with the Holy Father

then the Holy Father chose to reward

Christ Jesus with much more than a position [(2 Corinthians 4.18) secret].

John 7.4 Christ Jesus chose to do some things in secret.

John 7.6 Selfishness is temporary, Christ Jesus is eternal.

John 7.10 First some [family to Christ Jesus] were found exhalted, then Christ Jesus in that position.

Concerning "Some" in the above Drawing, here is a simplistically generalized worldly view, that if given "Some" = 3:

3 x 3 = 9;

Some x Some = Many.

Yet some things are secret in the Lord God, some things are not seen now since the sensations and derived thoughts of the senses and perceptions are toward temporary, save of the Lord God, and the things not yet realized are the greater values, positions, charities, and so forth (ibid.).

3 x 3 does equal 9 and is of value(s), yet the greater value is not perceived per sin.

In Mark 4.8 above Christ Jesus discussed "some" in three (3) types of folds. In Luke 13.21 Christ Jesus discussed 3 in yet another way:

All leavened / Hid in 3 loaves / Leaven.

Unperceived is a higher purpose in the Lord God, for instance:

All greater broader more deep temples / Hid in 3 temples / Leaven.

Christ Jesus gave higher unseen purposes that temples freely choose to rise in positions, hardly as simplified leaven selfishly eats nutrients out of the bread then passes gas to puff up as logically witnessed; rather of the higher meaning, for all, for the Lord God (Isaiah 9.7).

There are higher purposes and lower things, to be aware of lower precepts yet to rather do the better, love.

To not be left unaware there are higher positions and lower positions.

Who was Satan?, Peter (Matthew 16.23), One of the Disciples whom Jesus loved (John 20.2). A position can be for higher purpose and/or toward stumbling blocks unto some who might be for higher purpose(s). If a person, for instance Peter, can be Satan and loved of the Lord and overcame and be set on high in the Heavens with Christ Jesus on a daily basis in the Temple and in the temple of his own body (the temple body of Peter), then so too a person can choose to be with Christ Jesus, even to agree to do so eternally. Hardly is it of value to have the whole world when rather you are free to "Worship the Lord your God and serve him only" (Luke 4.8), and put another way if to receive for selfish self only "all the kingdoms of the world" then to be found fielding each and all the complaints people might provide and to try to stop all the attackers seeking your ownership position and to be at task to be in charge of the hard work of seeing that all the roads and utilities be properly maintained lest the kingdoms crumble and riots increase, and so compounded against the selfish self.

To prefer to be Peter for the better purpose is far better than to be a stumbling block against righteousness (Matthew 16.18).

Rather the Kingdom Of God will be added unto you via proper position(s) in Christ Jesus.

So then:

Some x Some = ?.

Some of certain talents and certain positions / Chosen Of God, perform miracles.

So then:

Some x Some = Mighty miracles, and greater not yet or hardly perceived in this world (Luke 18.30).

Interpretations may vary in this time and in this world, yet everything Christ Jesus taught and did was/is for higher purpose. As lambs in thunder Christ Jesus sends you forth:

1. In The Name Of Christ Jesus.

2. In The Work Of Christ Jesus.

3. In The Truth Of Christ Jesus.

Evangelize: John 3.21:

Deeds manifest in God / Cometh to the light / He that doeth truth.

Baptize: 3 Nephi 11.25:

Immerse them / Ye shall / Having authority given me of Jesus Christ.

Lead: 3 Nephi 11.26:

Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost / In the name / I.

Where is Christ Jesus, what is His street address?, (see above):

Let your position be appropriate, then let God be your Judge (Jeremiah 9.24).

Let the people find God, help them accordingly, Mark 8.2:

Compassion / Divers / From far.

John 4.35:

To harvest / White already / Look on the fields / Lift your eyes.

Mark 4.26:

Kingdom Of God / Into the ground [love] / Man cast seed [Word].

Mark 3.35:

Brother, Sister, and Mother of Christ Jesus / Do the Will Of God / Person.

For Christ Jesus:

Preach / Reach / Each.

Convert each person for their benefit, for their higher value(s), for the Father In Heaven. Spare them from chaos, raise them out of misery, including for no reason they have done.

From Luke 12.7:

[Some] Ye are of more value [in the Lord] / Fear not / Than many [temporary things].

You, more valuable than sparrows, is similar to saying you are more valuable than a lesser values, such as a powerful disease that might be used to overcome other worse diseases, though a powerful disease out of control might destroy multitudes of humans and creatures and it's own food source due to temporary selfishness instead of the disease thinking ahead better.

You are more valuable than a giant computerized machine, which out of control might build itself and wipe out civilization.

The Holy Bible teaches people to plan ahead, eternal thinking:

Eternal alignment / Believe the works (John 10.38) / Proper planning and doing for Christ Jesus.

A disease is hardly properly planning and doing for Christ Jesus in any significant amount relative to what a person can [: eternal reliability (Matthew 15.26)]. To become of worthy position to enter the Kingdom Of Heaven requires first to become as a child [(Matthew 18.3) rather as Christ Jesus]. Even so, do what is proper for people including for Christ Jesus, and leave such other not undone for other forms of life and non-life (Mark 16.15 & Genesis 2.7).

A child obeying parental guidelines gains respect and is honored with greater positions, such as to be free to go out and play. To properly play with others, the others tend to endow the player with greater respect positions per se (Luke 16.9).

Peter is discussed above as a stumbling block temporarily yet rather as an eternal blessing, even with text in the Bible. Similarly the other Disciples, and / or any person may have encountered or will encounter such circumstances. So called doubting Thomas had second thoughts, questions, toward inquisition against God Jesus as did Adam and Eve, and well known in the world Judas so called the betrayer. Even so, all have already the Heart Of God within.

There is parchment found such as to declare Judas delightsome, and such agrees with the Heart Of God, in the company of Christ Jesus with His Disciples, and as they stated in agreeing "Now we know that You know all things, and have no need for anyone to question You; by this we believe that You came from God." (John 16.30, also see below concerning Prophet burdens).

It is important that a person advance properly, as Christ Jesus taught, lest to fall by their own hand. Of Heavenly Mission, sinless Christ Jesus already let his hands fall for you.

Christ Jesus fed His Disciples in this world, and in the world to come.

John 4.36:

One rejoice / Wages & fruits eternal / [properly] Reapeth.

Your eternal joy / Work to provide value(s) for God & yours / You.

Rather (advanced / Holy Name Jesus):

One [Holy Eternal Head Including Fully Repentant Baptized You Charitably] / New Christ Jesus [same person new body & spirit] / Christ Jesus.

A new body for a new mind (Matthew 9.17).

In the above lower right the new temple (body) is needed to properly fit the new higher threshold level(s). A person may search a level and if of God given talent (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "an even more excellent way") until they find that they are as if in a womb and the person is needed elsewhere, higher.

Christ Jesus taught rather than many career paths, although valuable, one thing is more important, most important, the Father in Heaven with the Holy Spirit, and the Father has prepared a place, an Holy Place (2 Corinthians 5.10, a temple garden of Eden condition, and more. Christ Jesus showed in His life that there was a former body able to transfigure according to miracles from above (Matthew 17.2-3) in temporary state even though in the world, and then back to his former body, and later Christ Jesus taught of the higher authority body temple, the eternal body state.

Christ Jesus taught to make proper choices while in the world (practice, as a student, as a follower) and Christ Jesus taught the more important greater purpose to have that whole wisdom worthy of the agreeing with the Holy Father to harbor of the eternal state temple body such as to dwell in Eden or to be on some other best mission (Heavenly missions / One Holy Mission).

Christ Jesus taught to make the important higher decisions with the mind, and yet Baptism (and similar finger in the holes) is of the rendering the body to deny the body self in order to have faithful confidence to follow the mind, not to dive down to gather clams for food, rather that the body, the tail, go down on a mission to delight the Holy Father in Christ Jesus. So the faithful trusting body becomes no longer limited to the selfish pleasure and rather becomes new to serve God, even to deny hope of worldly food (Mark 7.18, rather per se see previous ICCDBB Sermons on which foods are of Biblically higher reasoning) and even to deny that which the body normally was meant to do such as to breathe, in order to better serve the higher purpose of the mind of love for God, in functioning anew.

Christ Jesus taught that the Head is to lead, and the tail follows: be One Head.

Concerning the tool known as time, Prophecies are the Head with historic evidence the tail, so then there is to be a new tail.

The problem with Prophets is there are problems today in the life and in the living of each Prophet as Christ Jesus warned [(Matthew 6.34) hence for the worthy: advanced Sermons for the Father]:

So the Head, the Prophet, has problems as a person in the world compounded of the future seeings: the added problem(s) of what to do concerning the things coming tomorrow and in future days: burdens x burdens (light burdens x light burdens, even while light, compounded yielding greater than light).

For instance if potentially lost in a forest and then to foresee the clear path ahead is not only with added burdens it is also with multiple blessings. To know a mountain path needs be overcome is a burden yet it is good to know since God blessed the Prophet with trees and vines to construct ladders and greater to take on this part of the journey and perhaps to leave on the mountain path for others (see previous ICCDBB Sermon Party of One).

Long into the future planning / Planning / Selfishness.

Being / Doing / Following.

Authority in continual practice / Authority per mission tasks / Authority / New Body.

House for family / Apartment for self / Live with parents or guardians.

Bigger storehouses for higher purpose (Luke 12.18-20 & Matthew 16.18) / Barn / Food in cupboard.

Christ Jesus stated things perfectly. Christ Jesus stated things in specific ways for people of divers talents for eternal betterment, bettering; gathering for the self and more importantly for the Father.

Shown above is the handling of the hand (see Luke 21.32):

See things come to pass / Is at hand / Kingdom Of God.

Luke 24.39 generally / formulated:

I (Jesus) am not a spirit / Handle me [/self/bones & muscles: be/do] / See, touch feel, perceive [exist in authority literally (also reference Mother Mary)].

There are practical applications of such tools, and hardly according to wars rather according to love parents can create a child, likewise Christianity can create a proper eternal new body to delight the Soul / Holy Spirit (3 Nephi 11.14-34), even so in such looking forward if any so choose to be contentious or argumentative then they can hardly overcome any threshold (1 Corinthians 11.16) lest fraught without resolve (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on habits, addictions, and recant). In 3 Nephi 11.34 Christ Jesus clearly stated "And whoso believeth not in me, and is not baptized, shall be damned." for the higher purpose as Christ Jesus stated within 3 Nephi 11.22 that there "be no disputations among you.".

Christ Jesus did not die and become limited to being a spirit, rather with Temple Body did harbor His Spirit.

To learn to no longer turn back, "C" above, is to include the body to so do, hence a new raised body, lest to lose the body [spirit (John 6.12 & Luke 18.37) and properly newly protected].

Christ Jesus did not die to become temporary even though he said "the things concerning me have an end" (Luke 22.37) rather He spoke of the matters at hand, pressing, eminent [(John 11.14) temporary to temporary as interpreted, rather (John 16.29-30).

Christ Jesus overcame and so also overcomes future stumbling blocks as a matter of pattern and Holy Trend. Apostles have been temporarily transgressors, as each and every person is, was, or will be; save 1 Christ Jesus; hence therefore:

Fear not Holy Flock for it is the Will Of Your Father In Heaven

to give you the proper fear, it is an Holy Fear and Absolute:

Christ Jesus is the Son Of Perdition

for the ultimate glory and honor of the Eternal One In Heaven.

The Mercy Seat Of Christ hath no end, fear Christ Jesus The Lord,

fear Jesus Christ The Conqueror. Jesus Christ conquered fear, love, hope, joy, and all the things people might innovate, contrive, and/or imagine.

Above in the triangle is shown how people often fall a little, wander a bit, or meander some downward per level; especially until better learning the path, hence onward to higher levels.

Rise more / Rise / Some people (Matthew 22.14).

Work to rise / Slip a step / Many (Matthew 22.14).

Christ Jesus is the Son of man.

Christ Jesus is the One The Only, yet Christ Jesus is / was just another person, and a person is much more than a person (Zechariah 12.1), from measured breath in the nostrils to blood through generations and the Prophets [(Revelation 18.24) God save Mother Mary].

Temporary and Eternal Positions.

Your own position can be plotted in the above vertical arrow. An important precept in the above illustration / Drawing, is the reference to "Hebrews 2.9" not only for applicability to worldly cases, yet also for past, present, and future applicability to Heavenly. Such is the Way of the Bible, totally applicable (Matthew 5.18, Acts 15.15, & Matthew 22.40) as One, even though typically many verses specify absolutely (such as Grace, Love, & Mercy) concerning specific cases in the relative world.

Christ Jesus is hardly of contentions nor inquisitions, and rather of much better than goodness, accordingly now seen with eyes and/or otherwise perceived in this world are things seen including many sins, though before creation other than God there were no people to see nor perceive. So prior to the created was the greater unseen.

After the created and End Time of this worldly system is the Prophetic greater value unseen, not perceived, save One Christ Jesus. Yet because of Christ Jesus it is the greater seen after Christ Jesus came into the world, than the value of the created world prior to One Christ Jesus in the world.

So there are means, tools, and One Holy Standard to measure:

A. value prior to creation, then

B. value after creation BC, then

C. value after creation AD, then

D. value after End Time of this worldly system.

The point in higher purpose of this analysis being the Way to prove One Christ Jesus did and is doing the right thing, and is on the Proper Holy Path, the Will Of God The Father.

D > C > B > A.

D / C / B / A.

God was perfect, "A".

God Will be better, more perfect, best, best alway(s) (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "an even more excellent way" and on how "perfection" includes "perfecting").

The original Plan Of God was and is more than pretty good, so in that application per se as a part of the whole, God is best in "A", clearly better than sinners found in "B"; though in the overall there is a perfect Trend, perfectly perfecting, so "D" is more valuable than "A", and just as stated above concerning the body giving up breath and blood to unselfishly follow the higher Holy Spirit through Baptism, so too "D > C > B > A".

In evidence yet also in hope that Good God will bless the Church, Amen.