How to give all.

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For Christ Jesus.

In order for you to give all (charity / love), you first have to have all.


August 2, 2015.

Christ Jesus gave up the Holy Ghost for You and for the Father In Heaven,

yet we worship in spirit and truth, yet we also worship the body (see the end of the previous ICCDBB Sermon titled Your Postion" & John 20.2) a relatively small amount though only in the proper situation, to an extent hardly significant normally yet within parameters as for specific studies and applications for higher purposes for God The Holy Father With Jesus Christ.

Consider that a baby is loved even though it bites a nipple and is not yet Baptized, even that a person might give their own life to protect that baby: to give no greater gift is associated with worship. If that child sins, a parent might continue to love that child (John 6.70).

The sinners are under the law, the person being judged is not the one to offer mercy, the Judge is the one that can offer mercy. Those that have taken upon themselves to question excessively and in general to be disagreeable [such as to protect their own pompous position (Esther 8.5 Douay-Rheims)] are similarly under the logic of on/off decisions (John 16.23) of their own cause to effect in themselves unnecessary hardships against themselves as if unawares [beforehand was the Word (John 1.1), then the action (Genesis 1.1)] as to go against the God Of Nature, the God Of Natural Physics, the God Of Physics in fact and in deed.

Christ Jesus gave up the Holy Ghost yet for a moment [such as of given task, and/or of 3 days] we worship the higher value and leave not undone the higher love and even the high worship even if only the counted as if body [unHoly in much of the former worldly sense, rather the much more than a body / dust], the Body Christ Jesus.

As Disciple Paul explained "I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean." (Romans 14.14 NASB). Even so, the Will Of God is to be accomplished continually and accordingly better is Christ Jesus now than of the previous state(s).

Christ Jesus gave up the Holy Ghost and the given world could not contain all the higher value (John 21.25) so many saints rose from graves.

Christ Jesus is the proper truth of the statistics.

Alpha with Omega: God formed and blew into dust, with the self same God a new action was initiated with the planting of the Holy Ghost Seed into Mary with Joseph. Baptism came from Heaven, God also created earth. There are measurable amounts of things, certain ones with parameters most suitable for delightsome temples and living. There was the former Christ Jesus Temple, then the new. Beforehand to know what to do eternally is better than being told what to do after-the-fact: let your fear be of God The Holy Father so witness of Christ Jesus in all things whether in the temple or out, and let your eternity be Heavenly.

Above is shown a link, a point, a position on a lengthy range scale depicting a tool that can be utilized for better studying and doing the Will Of God. If that point or threshold is crossed from Heaven value to another value [values / choice options / Relativity (see previous ICCDBB Sermons)], then the result typically is a miracle such as "a new Commandment" from Jesus Christ, or miraculous healing in a Church, or some other great value. But if attempts are made to cross the link for sinful purposes such plans would be thwarted, as the only solution God made is from above, the welcoming via Christian Baptism via Christ Jesus.

Jesus Christ utilized true statistics that did not lie [(Luke 16.10) see A, B, C, D above].

Jesus Christ went through [/ goes through] life utilizing proper physics, sound and reliable, trustworthy and beautiful. Tonal qualities, inflections, frequencies, colors, and other blessed contexts of physics can be properly deciphered and appreciated for proper witnessing and doing.

The physics of a dead body is that it stiffens and becomes as wood and as a rock.

Why would Christ Jesus return to His body after leaving it: the Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost left His body and The Father, Son, And Holy Ghost are One hence only to the worldly interpretation toward former things the body was Jesus; actually the Christ Jesus was not there and was gone from there, save God is in all things. The far greater amount of value was gone and only the dead body remained.

Christ Jesus returned, as Jesus said ..."if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." (Luke 19.40). Christ Jesus had witnessed unto the whole world, but the entirety of the whole world did not cry out. Also there are reasons far more, with so many of far greater value and importance; yet Jesus taught not only how to get into Heaven beyond death, yet also how to complete missions, and how much loving respect to give to the body, the amount to love thyself, the amount to love the temple structure, and the amount to love the greater proportioning.

All things were made of God [and/or as if counted from God (see Absolutivity Link illustration above) since God can hardly be measured by worldly secular science save if be of Christ Jesus]. In the sense of thresholds, Jesus agreed with the Holy Father in Heaven that Jesus would go down from Heaven to Earth to save the lost (Luke 19.10), then in the sense of the link Jesus came down into Mary, then of threshold down from the safety of the womb into the world, then from the family of Joseph with Mary (Luke 2.51) to be among the people.

Temple of God / Temple body of Christ Jesus [in family] / Seed in Mary / Immaculate Conception / Holy Agreeing / Plan Of God From The Beginning.

To properly be on a mission such as to seek, testify, save, witness, and/or other such as miraculously [even if only miraculous from the lower point of view (Luke 2.47)], if to respect going down for the sake of death (Hebrews 2.9 LDS), then to cross thresholds, in this case to include the threshold of the Baptism link (greater than a decision alone). Baptism is a new creation. Christ Jesus in Heaven was a new creation already from the worldly Relativity perspective, so He suffered a death or similar (Mark 12.31 NLT & KJ) per threshold (Matthew 5.30) yet temporarily for higher purpose, including the reuniting with His former body forming the new Temple beyond former limitations.

To be overwhelmed with joy is hardly room for misery. To be full of the higher purpose hardly provides room for pain (Acts 5.41). People openly confess such things as "I want to be healed", "I want money", "I want" this or that for myself, for my children, and so on; and if to openly confess then generally toward goodness, even so, let hearts be Godly.

God allocated talents, trust in God. Do for God, pray for God, wait for God, all for God as Christ Jesus spoke and did.

On a Mission, or counted as if missions for the sake of edifying the Church, each threshold Jesus crossed was as if to die a little or a lot, yet unselfishly (Matthew 21.42-43), hardly as for lower purpose rather for higher (2 Peter 2.21-22): One Mission, counted as if to return, rather as progress, to collect the fragments that no one gathered be lost along the Mission and that nothing be lost along the One Holy Way.

For people Christ Jesus became incarnate, made flesh again (ISV / Christ Jesus was not harmed by the second death, nor by the deaths, nor by death save the Holy Agreeing Amount. Concerning big complex ideas and words such as reincarnation, predestination, and Eucharist, such have value yet are often more for those of talents to comprehend such with active involvements, moreso than for others (see Semantics Drawing at the bottom of this page) so values in Relativity can vary such as perceptions / talents, while the higher talents / valuations from God is already established (see ICCDBB Sermons on the Standard Of The Church). Some is toward One Holy value and some is yet to be so interpreted and accomplished (see ICCDBB Sermons on Revelation now, and End Time).

Jesus Christ offered Himself, His Blood, His All, for you, for the Holy Father in Heaven,

and for Himself [and with mortal himself / 3 days (Genesis 40.20, 3 Nephi 11.11, Luke 15.31, Genesis 25.5 & 1 Kings 20.4).

Christ Jesus selflessly as much as humanly possible (John 15.13) lifted the world and the Heaven, the worlds and the Heavens, the inorganic physics and the organic living growing physics of the God Of Nature. His living blood stopped dead tomb guards, raised Apostle Spirit(s), and saved innocent lives. Christ Jesus hardly merely talked about higher processes, Christ Jesus was such higher matters and lived such physics, physiologies, and talents, and oversaw each and all of such for the Father.

When Christ Jesus "cried out with a loud voice, "ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?" (from Mark 15.34), He was hardly talking about the crucifixion, as if to ask the Father to stop the punishment and death, nor to wonder as if why the Holy Father betrayed Him, though normal people as much as so talented at the time were able to logically so interpret.

Rather Christ Jesus wanted to do all that He came to do (Matthew 26.2)

So when Christ Jesus cried "ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?" He was suffering yet agreeing with the Father to remove His Cup (see Chalice illustrated above), to remove his mortal former temple (body) to receive (reference Baptism) His New Temple.

According to the teachings and Holy Way of Christ Jesus, this is the truth [(1 Corinthians 10.13) perfectly],

Or for now at least more perfectly (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "an even more excellent way").

Christ Jesus had all,

including Himself, and he freely gave, without money, without price to any other.

Christ Jesus had people thronging Him,

Christ Jesus had all the tools he as if needed such as boats

Christ Jesus had all the physics and time, and He gave all, that is:

Christ Jesus is giving all according to our abilities to choose to properly receive.

Christ Jesus was hardly about giving so He could get, rather of the proper best. "And thou saidst in thy heart: the heavens I go up, Above stars of God I raise my throne, And I sit in the mount of meeting in the sides of the north." (Isaiah 14.13).

In 3 John 1.4 Jesus asserted "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (NIV) & "greater than these things I have no joy, that I may hear of my children in truth walking." (YLT).

"All", as stated above, includes for instance people with highly contagious diseases, and with highly contagious sinful plans.

Christ Jesus healed them quickly when their faith was strong, yet God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10.34) Christ Jesus did not have to heal them save of mercy, grace, and higher truth in love; that is Christ Jesus would rather that the sick and the sinners prefer the higher value; and so Christ Jesus taught and showed the people the limit (reference ICCDBB Sermons on measuring) of the body and the greater value purpose of the new: the shedding of the former robe to leap ahead to accept and put on and wear the new blessings eternal.

Why did Christ Jesus suffer is similar to asking why do you drink water,

when you know that others are thirsty;

value with values, lest value with potential values.

Christ Jesus went from His personal body to Universal Holy Spirit and tool, Holy Spirit With Body; a new Body, a body able to do things the former could hardly save miracle, a body not controlled by nor influenced by sinful ways [for example with showing of a sign beforehand (John 18.6)].

For the higher purpose unselfishly for death in order for the sake of other people, to show the Way Jesus went into a higher Heavenly threshold.

Adam and Eve imitated God, eating of the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil, though not entirely for higher purpose, rather not sufficiently for higher purpose such as to gain / request permission from God first (Matthew 7.9) and similar (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on praying, on giving thanks, & on doing likewise): rather than break the law or carelessly betray The Holy Guideline Of God, be in Heaven, hence: "but--in imitation of the holy One who has called you--you also must be holy in all your habits of life." (1 Peter 1:15 Weymouth New Testament).

There is a way out of Heaven, and a Way in.

Satan as lightening was cast out of Heaven, and Christ Jesus became counted as if such for the higher purpose, that people could not only leave Heaven, yet also leave for higher purpose and return for higher purpose. No legal affiliations unless otherwise stated and any interpretation is according to free Internet viewer interpretation(s), ICCDBB thanks the bloggers for the pics!

Above left a Cherubim Angel with a flaming sword guards the entrance to Heaven [(Alma 12:21) for Us (Genesis 3.22)], with to the left depicted is the casting out accordingly for them (see above "yet to be so interpreted and accomplished") and Us / One.

Above in the Drawing to the right is not the way into Heaven though contains similarities visualized for you, including as so interpreted: Holy Christian Marriage (agreement with above) celebration for higher purpose with feast / charity since more than a person or two can eat (this is symbolism and may or may not reflect actual events). In Heaven there is a Tree Of Life, yet of the given in this world currently suffice it to be said that Christ Jesus is the Eternal One, the Eternal Way to Eternal Life flawlessly and sinlessly, the Living Eternally. The above right pic could also have been a Christian Baptism pic, of similar symbolism.

The part of a Bride or Groom upon entry into Holy Christian Marriage is the wholly giving of the self for Jesus Christ and the mate (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Marriage). This holds significant value similar to wanting to physically be with God In Heaven, though to selfishly bring problems rather than to bring value(s) is improper:

So too is the proper dating process and Marriage, in accordance with family provisions as the couple would normally agree each step of the way. Also note that a person may opt to implore God [(James 4.2) and as Abraham did (Genesis 18.24-32)] though hardly to put God to the test (Malachi 3.15 & Acts 15.9-11) rather kindly, responsibly, unselfishly for higher purpose to meekly ask, that as the LORD Almighty hath spoken "they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him." (from Malachi 3:17 NIV) "And they have been to Me, said Jehovah of Hosts, In the day that I am appointing -- a peculiar treasure, And I have had pity on them, As one hath pity on his son who is serving him." (Malachi 3:17 YLT)].

Jesus Christ invites You to give Your all

and to utilize the tools of speech and similar

in this world and beyond.

Christ Jesus loves the Holy Father and you, Captain, although even a Captain may find difficulty in reading the above. A light burden to Jesus Christ is hardly the same burden value to any other person, save the person agree in the Holy Name JESUS (Matthew 1.21). "Truly this man was Son of God." (from Mark 15.39).

Following signs and wonders has values, yet properly leading that excellent guidance signs and wonders follow is the greater value.

Note that Christ Jesus did not curse those that pounded nails.

Note that Christ Jesus was kind to His Mother Mary (John 19.26).

Christ Jesus had everything, He was in Heaven.

Christ Jesus gave up everything for you.

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Legal note: no affiliations with any organizations unless otherwise stated, accordingly drawings, pics, signs, and illustrative symbolism is presented by ICCDBB not to offend rather for glorifying and honoring (for example Adam leaving Eden is for higher purpose explained above, similar to how in order to build a tall building a person might first dig down the opposite direction) with the understanding that others have free choice within current laws to perhaps interpret for same or other reasons.

Also note: plans are already in the works for the next ICCDBB Sermon and it is expected to unravel great scriptural Revelations astoundingly, pending the timing, guidance, and willingness of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Amen.