Jesus Does As His Father Does

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Christ Jesus.

Jesus Saw

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Jesus Saw His Heavenly Father Doing something, and so Jesus did.

Jesus Saw His Heavenly Father Doing something [(in the GodMath sense and in part of the Absolute sense) or in worldly interpretation some things (in the Relative sense and in part of the Absolute sense until End Time of this world)], and so Jesus did in this world Relatively until resurrection then in the Absolute.

Jesus Saw His Heavenly Father Doing One Holy thing, and so Jesus did on Earth fixing what sinners broke, and greater than fixing in the Name Of Holy Christ Jesus Jesus served as both the best leadership fact and sign as the best example that people would follow to become the best in leadership if to do the Will Of God.

Jesus Does / See / Father Does (John 5.19).

Father Does = Jesus Does x See.

God provided these tools, language, works, sensory, and more, and if we don't properly utilize them, others will [perhaps against us (reference many cases found in the Old Testament and Book Of Mormon)]. Even if the Holy Remnant turns away from Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus may allow other than the Holy Remnant to prosper and greater.

"The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction." (Proverbs 16.21 NIV).

"And gave thee thy master's house and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and Juda: and if these things be little, I shall add far greater things unto thee." (2 Samuel 12.8 Douay-Rheims Bible).

Concerning natural laws and worldly physics there was an application that caused Christ Jesus to die, or to become free and raised, depending on perspective.

The application was not due to sin.

The application was counted as if sin, yet the application was from the Holy Father above, it was from Jesus Christ, it was from good, with greater good purpose.

The Plan started long before Christ Jesus was born, with God Willing to improve people from human status to God status. Part of that was that Adam did actions and learned consequences hence people began to prefer wisdom to love God more than an insignificant amount. Instead of secretly taking fruit from God, for instance Adam could have chosen to openly give a gift unto God (yet God was aware of the outcome in advance, also see Romans 5.13); note: this is hardly to pick on Adam, rather the words "a person" or "the human parameters" might be substituted for the word "Adam" (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on parameters and on Standard Of The Church).

Then in the Old Testament God was Willing to improve people so that people would form proper government as a higher form of civilization and function together civilly as a minimum, so likewise in the same One Holy Trend (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) God allowed people to choose to be good even through tough times and God judged their actions, and when people behaved per law is was hardly enough [obeying laws without agreeing wisely toward higher goodliness was hardly enough (see Genesis 1.1 and When I Saw God Sermon)] as God allowed Sabbath rest / feast yet days otherwise God did proper work and such was sufficient, yet with the Path though not on the Path when people saw that people would be killed for what might now be called minor infractions such as gathering firewood sticks on the Sabbath (Numbers 15.32-35), the people besought God for a solution and God mercifully allowed.

So Good God Willed the people to function together properly and the people within themselves found insight into so forming [as if their own, though counted as such [God own all concerns of value (Numbers 6.12, 2 Corinthians 5.21, & Luke 24.28) counted as if sin and/or a new name and/or another name, examples (1 Kings 18.31 & Isaiah 62.4)] government.

Christ Jesus heard and learned and read the scriptures, then in Holy Trend from good unto higher good immediately following Baptism led the people unto higher principles.

One Parameter / People parameters / Person parameters.

Since a Person can include hence be greater than a People and a Holy One, then there is that a Person does not equal a Person.

If clearly evident utilizing merely worldly logic alone [or counted as if alone (ibid.), named (Genesis 2.19) as if unique], then more easily is it for Heaven to be wise to call from former glory unto higher, and from God to Higher Same God.

Person parameters = One Parameter x People parameters.

Here is a Holy example, from Matthew 26.41 explaining why there is prayer [for higher purpose (in above context)] paraphrased in both directional orders:

Spirit Willing [of God} / Overcome weak flesh / Watch & Pray [Christ Jesus].

Watch & Pray / Overcome weak flesh / Spirit.

The Holy Spirit overcomes weak flesh so that we might choose to best watch and pray; we watch and pray thereof according to the Will Of God hence greater than before our prayer(s) so now we are able to overcome our self/ourselves to therefore Holy Spirit, as One Flesh Yet Spirit Holy as Christ Jesus was and continues

so therefore immediately we are to lead the people unto higher principles as above stated as Christ Jesus did

rather than not do something wonderful for Christ Jesus such as to let the next generation to do the light burden [rather do not teach any to be as slough (Exodus 34.7, Jude 1.18, Ecclesiastes 9.12)] or such as to let a deviant stranger (Acts 20.29 & Matthew 21.43) reap against Remnant Heirs.

Possibly no reward [save miracle (rare / perspective)] / Temptation / If not.

If to not agree with Matthew 26.41, then to agree toward risk: "no reward".

Also important to note that a person can be greatest only up to a parameter limit threshold with Christ Jesus, as so Named except "Named" is past tense hence former, therefore of New Name Christ Jesus (with you a new creature, with us a new creature, with God a new creature).

Heaven / Heaven Owner / Agree.

Heaven / Household owner / Agree.

Heaven / Man / Agree.

All can be overcome save since Heaven wins and is not overcome by non-heavenly works, the best to do is to Agree with Heaven, then to better Heaven wholly agreeingly.

Heaven is as a man a householder on mission(s) to go out and hire others (Matthew 20.1) yet to graft in such as corporate leadership and such as family.

Heaven / Worthy Family / Corporate leadership, rather

One / Family Worthy with Christ Jesus / Corporate leadership agreeing with Christ Jesus.

End Time

Rising Measures, Rising Values

In the previous ICCDBB Sermon concerning the New Christian Temple, depicted was the new Heavenly Habitat(s) [wisely (facts and greater, see below) portrayed signs and models)]. To depict such, no longer was it sufficient to depict a local tribal land map or even a map of the entire Earth or Known Universe (in the sense of velocity of light alone), rather Christ Jesus rose and accomplishes and as One Christ Jesus rises expands claims and crowns, One New Plan was required ["I told you these things long ago; I announced them to you before they happened so that you couldn't say, 'My idol did them; my carved image or metal idol ordained them.'" (Isaiah 48.5)].

As a candle burning brightly former systems are as if being done away, such as when a glass is full you no longer add water to it (Luke 12.49 & 50). We are no longer limited to Earth, and God seeks greater victories (Isaiah 9.7) on Earth and including beyond Earth, hence more crowns [in One (Mark 15.17)].

Elijah is come already (Matthew 17.12), the New Testament is come already.

When God says something it is so (Genesis 1.3), instantly, immediately, now already complete, so in a perspective some things take time though in another perspective those same things are already done (Isaiah 46.10). Logic has value, the body has value, prioritization has value, there is a perspective and there is a higher perspective of greater value, in Christ Jesus. A body has value and another body might be missing a limb though might have unique hearing or other value and together is the typical higher value (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on PCS and Win Win Philosophy).

Facts and evidence built logically upon laws have some at least minimal reasoning / government (see above). Values are in witnessing (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on perceive) such as of things known, and of things done. So the following are two versions of a Bible verse of at least some value since they are of the "known" and what was or was not "done" according to an author hence a witness:

As explained at the beginning of this Sermon Jesus Saw His Heavenly Father Doing something, and so Jesus did. And with it from Adam came "Person parameters" and from people came "People parameters" and from Christ Jesus came Heaven with the parameter of His Heavenly Father (Psalm 145.3). Of facts there is not only a body parameter from birth to death, rather scientifically there is a sperm, there is a genealogy of eggs, there is a history of ancestry records such as beautiful talents or such as a conviction record, there is a record of more than a person, there is a record of more than a government, there is a record of more than is now and more than was.

End Time Revelation

is already past in a sense (Isaiah 34.4).

As Jesus Christ explained "Elijah is come already, and they knew him not" (Matthew 17.12). Logic and laws alone do not have the higher value per se to offer to the people, save the laws properly respect the Maker (see above start of government).

Christ Jesus spoke not merely of a person, yet rather of the higher value already come. Earth is already come. Christians are of various talents,and some or all may already have come through the Bible, hence through Revelation; the Revelation of God, the Revelation instantly.

We build on what we know, we plan for a past Prophecy fulfilled, and we plan for a future in preparation for greater (John 4.22).

A greater than Revelation is here.

Christ Jesus continued as His Father did, in ministry work, even though after all was fulfilled in Christ Jesus Our Lord And Savior And Guide Unto All Righteousness For The Holy Father In Heaven.

All legal facts Fulfilled! / Present / Past.

Book of Matthew [Jesus already here] / Book of Malachi / Book of Zechariah / Book of Haggai / Book of Zephaniah.

All legal facts Fulfilled! / Book of Matthew [Jesus already here] / Book of Malachi / Book of Zechariah / Book of Haggai / Book of Zephaniah.

All legal facts Fulfilled! / Book of Revelation / Book of Matthew [Jesus already here] / Book of Malachi.

Some people wear pointy hubcaps on their vehicles in case another vehicle gets too close (even if the other swerves close to avoid hitting a pedestrian). Some people wear dog collars with steel points and make similar tattoos and artworks. The GodMath Testament said to wear appropriate clothing, so people know you are Christian, and that GodMath instruction is better than this following part of this sentence that people wear clothing that at least meets law [accordingly (nudity in medical offices and beaches and other vary much legally)] yet per se to wear or to depict offensive things such as hubcaps that can cut tires and legs of the innocent are not toward gathering. "When my father and my mother Have forsaken me, then doth Jehovah gather me" (Psalm 27.10). We build on what we know, the truth, Christ Jesus.

If to chase away an intruder / criminal, it is not the same as to chase away the guest you invited and similarly we were empowered from God to form government, that is, to function together, to gather, properly.

A habit to repel people is hardly the same as a plan to properly share blessings, to properly hire, to properly harvest without offending the innocent, and so forth. We are to clothe ourselves in the Name Of Christ Jesus (Matthew 6.33).

Then, we build on what we know, we plan for a past Prophecy fulfilled, and we plan for a future in preparation for greater (John 4.22). When Revelation has long ago been added unto you, when any beast [(Genesis 1.24) for instance] has long ago been added unto you under your own control, and when situations and authorities have already long ago been given freely into your hand (Daniel 1.2 & John 20.25) then what worries have you unless ye backslide(?) (Luke 12.32).

If a football defense protects the ball but makes no offensive play they score nothing. The Jews kept the Holy Word: great value. The time is already come that each and all prefer to offend themselves with light burden for others (Matthew 25.40), victory after victory, victory after greater victory.

You With The Word(s) Of Christ Jesus / Christ Jesus / Jews.

When you are properly with The Word(s) Of Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus is with you (John 14.10, 1 Corinthians 5.4, Mark 5.30).

Christ Jesus was aware of the level of technology two thousand years ago. Jesus understood business (Matthew 20.1 & 2), fire (John 21.9), agriculture (Matthew 13.3), baking (Matthew 13.33), fishing (John 21.6), medical (Matthew 13.15 & Luke 5.13), storing treasures [(Matthew 13.52) also associated with possibly priming the pump to feed the multitude(s)], and so on. Each of these things involves tools and the proper utilization of such pertinent tools. While many may hate you if you have an idea that Christ Jesus may have used tools such as perhaps spaceships (1 John 3.13), the fact is Christ Jesus was born as a real person and typical [behaving and looking like others (Matthew 26.15) typically, as an example unto others], and a typical real person uses tools.

From childhood people learn how a stick and ball operate, helping to prepare us for operating oven mitts and tugboats. Yet Christ Jesus saw the higher purpose in all things and that all tools were to function for higher purpose.

Many animals are considered as tools, such as mules, having been made domesticated; yet wild animals too are tools for higher purposes, such as wild bees, dangerous, yet for higher purposes such as pollination and honey making, without being told by people they are able to bless people with pollinating and with making of honey (Mark 1.6). The Book of Revelation describes many such living tools such as with stingers in their tails able to deliver measured amounts of change (Revelation 9.10).

Tools: From Genesis to Revelation and Beyond

Jesus Christ offers Oneness shown to the right at the moment of Baptism (3 Nephi 11.27), center; though for higher purposes Jesus Christ offers various circumstances and various talents among people as depicted above. Not shown above, out of darkness many have been called, and shown above in dark gray of those called some decide to repent, some in green above have decided to be Baptized as Christians, and some as modeled above in yellow have become Christian leaders, even to behave as Christ Jesus, quoting the Bible and so doing.

God offered Heaven from birth (Genesis 2.8), and for higher purposes Eden was to be made by each person as Jesus Christ saw the Father do (Genesis 3.24): Eden Heaven Of A One Christian Leader Mission Current Times / Christ Jesus / Eden Heaven With God And People (Ancient) / God.

Some flowers open in dawn, some toward dusk. Some people prefer to talk of God, others prefer to do of God: and each has value, and both have value in One, and some of each more quickly than others, and all for higher purposes if so ordained of God (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "proper").

For instance in discussing Jesus Christ long ago a friend, Larry Samosky, rightly said from his leading edge physics and technology perspective, that church was like a funeral; for the edifying of the church this is said (1 Corinthians 14.5, 1 Corinthians 14.4 & 1 Corinthians 10.23). Jesus Christ rather than of redundancy taught and did higher purposes of the Holy Father, that churches be higher purpose attractive rather than as if regulatory bureaucratic morgues which are also of great values for many purposes (Mark 7.7), for example generally people at times find themselves in situations requiring such particularly specific needs, even the head, Christ Jesus explained toward the tail though not always though when appropriate (Matthew 15.17).

Some churches talk of feeding the hungry and providing water, then leave it up to the secular world. What other such as leading edge physics and technology Christians would rather do is so plan and do better than previously, the following site is an example of a new (photo 16 April, 2015) way to search for underground water in ICCDBB interpretation for Jesus Christ. There can be Christians in helicopters with new giant probes, and even with new or rarely seen of the world giant creatures, as we witnessed the Lord do (2 Samuel 22.11).

To be rejoicing in talk of the Lord is good (2 Corinthians 1.12), yet for higher purposes as you can see as shown above Jesus Christ offers various circumstances and various talents among people for rare and new values for churches for the people for the Lord in One so doing for the Holy Father.

Modeled above is an expanded view of Holy Missions with clear blessings values shown for the people including for victims and any in need(s). Adam was born and raised from dust, into the presence of God, Heaven. Some have thought in an instant, others have thought in eons of evolution, and both have values in One Great Value (see previous applicable ICCDBB Sermons). Adam became aware of the higher value of the Heavenly realm within an instant, while in Eden, and again when kicked out or allowed to exit (on his own, via his God given legs), and so on learning of Heavenly realm value and values. God was Willing to improve Adam and people so that Adam each person would form proper Heaven per se, that is each would see the higher value(s) and so be lovingly motivated toward a higher form of civilization and function together civilly as a minimum, so likewise in the same One Holy Trend (see "government" above) God allowed people to choose (James 1.25).

Some prefer to talk only, hoping toward miracles; others prefer to do tasks which can be interpreted as works of the hands (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "worthiness" and "thresholds" & 1 Corinthians 16.9) though Christ Jesus is for the higher purpose (James 1.22), that is, God did not make the person as a mouth only (John 1.1), nor a mouth and ear only. Do not holy a sword by the wrong end, typically. A helicopter requires many instructions, yet Christians need to feed the hungry and provide water unto those unable to help themselves.

What does it mean to churches that speak of the spirit, as great speakers and goodly following hearers only without works of hands when it is said "unable to help themselves"?; it is as a TV reporter that arrives on the scene of devastation such as showing starving children and then the blessed reporter leaves and goes home, leaving others (example to do the hard work.

In this case this is not a motivational message to go out and do, rather in this case this is toward edifying, as stated above. The reason is that rather than leave everything behind and go out as an individual on your own as Jesus Christ did (examples Luke 4.38 & Luke 4.1),

rather with the tools and people (Mark 3.34) already provided

do as Jesus Christ did (examples Luke 5.5 & Luke 6.13).

Modeled above are a family of people of many various talents and resources and with tools great and small, complex and simple, and many things complex to many are simple unto many others, and of many of all few are chosen. There are many lovingly wise people in churches, and yet from them a person speaks, there are many lovingly wise mechanics and healers in churches, and yet from them an appropriate person does such as to fix a church building microphone with helpers, and/or that an appropriate person lead teams to visit houses to provide meals.

Churches can invent and/or innovate as never before. Secular is merely to not be concerned per se. Yet a church can be concerned, and do. A helicopter therefore is not secular unless you interpret accordingly: rather do for Christ Jesus (Psalms 18.10 & Ezekiel 10.9). The Christian Family (and others in need of work) have/has tools, factories, and systems with devices to manufacture planet manipulating solutions, solve for Christ Jesus, solve for those in need as Christians are to do. Above are shown pressure waves, electromagnetic waves, constant flows of energies and so on, all according to Holy Scripture, and greater according to Holy Scripture:

Ephesians 6.12 / Romans 8.38 / Ephesians 3.10.

God / Love / Heart / Soul / Mind / Strength.

Christ Jesus saw the value of utilizing tools to leverage victories such as small tools to steer a great ship (D&C 123.16), yet Christ Jesus saw the higher purpose of tools that utilized tools such as proper faith in Christ Jesus and yet per mission task such as in overriding and superseding such leveraging [with limited victory example: (Acts 27.40) having placed hope in technology when more important is hope in Christ Jesus].

In the above Drawing for the greater glory of Christ Jesus and you (Colossians 3.4) the God of physics and nature made Himself In His Holy Son ..."a little lower than the angels"...(Hebrews 2.7) to allow people to properly lift themselves in Christ Jesus higher than Angels in Heaven, such as to include and properly involve tools such as the human mind to do unto others such as to lift Angels [rather than (Luke 12.45)], for higher purpose in Christ Jesus.

So we are to lift people yet to also lift Angels.

"And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him" (Hebrews 1.6 LDS), "And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God" (Revelation 7.11 LDS).

Revelation time is here with the final End Time of this former approaching, yet God is eternal. At home a person might have a list of chores, so they prioritize, hence somethings, some tools, are later on the list and sometimes dependent on variables between now and possible due dates. Christ Jesus understands the "time" tool (Proverbs 20.4) and taught toward overcoming time delays (Deuteronomy 11.25) to do now the functioning proper to be done now.

The Time Tool is given unto the worthy (ICCDBB PCS). If given eternity, consider now the tasks, hence the priorities, hence the Mind And Will Of Christ Jesus, One Task. There is One Task, and it includes One Task In Top Priority, hence with it One Task like unto the first task.

1. Love God The Father With The Godhead.

2. Love one another / love good / Love God The Father With The Godhead.

3. If to do the above, then to also love to help all Angels properly, as many have already helped people.

Today there is but little power in a person until empowered from on high (Isaiah 32.15), save in Christ, plan. Then do.

Sin in this world is done away already though many there be as yet unaware, that is, many continue to be selfish, many continue to harm others, unaware they harm themselves the greater part each time.

Rise above former less valuable times and past sinful ways whether sinfulness of yourself and/or of others. If you are injured it does not mean revenge, God will repay, God will keep you beyond this life, beyond this lift. Sin is already done away though many unaware continue try sins and to deny the truth. Many unaware are anxious for selfish sins to resist, delay, question, interrogate, contest, circumvent, evade, argue, harm, and so on; and yet if unselfish then each tool is for One Holy Victory In Christ Jesus. A pistol can be for victory, yet if to plant farm seeds a plow is typically a better tool.

A person can prioritize per time, yet to prioritize for Christ Jesus is a better plan (see below "It is not only the old who are wise"). A person can be under the law, such as to serve a sentence a length of time; rather a person can build a person and greater, since what doth it profit a person to destroy what God hath ordained, rather do as God does, raise tools from past to better technologies, raise people to be friends properly, raise Angels Of The Heavens to overcome / guide, properly agree, and lighten their burdens accordingly (see "worthy" above).

See the First Great Commandment: God.

There was a civilization prior to the current worldly civilization known to people ["Jacob [physically] Wrestles With [a man] God" (Genesis 32.21-25 Biblehub)]: there is within civilizations a pulse [(Genesis 3.23) hence the start of a new civilization] and also a continuity (from God) and more.

There is a tool: current civilization typically known among people of this world. Hence there is a mind accordingly, a tremendous tool, an advantage according to proper functioning for Christ Jesus.

From God to Same God is superb! Stated in other superb words is from God to Tool Of God to Same God, that is, from God to Plan Of God to Advantage God Reaps to Same God.

God is the judge, not time.

Daniel 12.4 / LDS: "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

Now is such knowledge increased, there are tools, save One Decisive God.

A chess game pawn has no say so, it is a tool. A chess game pawn has no say so, nor does the king piece of the game. There is an end of time of the world coming, and it is wisdom that Christ Jesus has already arrived, blessed are those He finds so doing.

Ezekiel 3:1: ..."eat this scroll, and go"...; Christ Jesus said eat bread, drink the spirit (Ephesians 5.18 & 1 Timothy 5.23). A building structure is a tool with similarities to umbrellas and cars since people can be within and less harmed by outer elements. Christ Jesus spoke of teaching daily in a temple, Christ Jesus spoke of a higher tool the temple of a body of a person, there is also a temple of a Heavenly Angel, yet there is One Highest Temple. How great is the Highest Temple: it is over all of the outer elements, and the inner: maximum value.

The temples are containers, tools of delight; some such tools are toward minimal value [(toward selfishness) or even toward disadvantage / sin(s)] and rather there is such toward maximum delight (Psalm 27.4): God can supply your every need: agree in all things, that is, review the former and rather agree wholly and properly Prophetically.

1 Corinthians 1.22 Biblehub: "Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom,".

Teach wisdom (Job 33.33). "But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right" (Job 32.8 & 9).

Teach people and Angels practice makes perfect (Hebrews 5.14).

Evangelize, Baptize, Shepherd your flock, and do other great things according to your talents, speak, show, lead. Accordingly within context:

One Jesus Perfectly / Christian Leadership / Wisdom / Love / Logic / Fear.

A. Rather than live in fear of the past, cast out fear, save fear the Prince Of Peace Jesus Christ.

B. Logic is valuable, example: to fear being hugged is better than to fear being raped (reference GodMath Testament on feelings).

C. Love conquers all: charity is power over, as compared to under legal logic.

D. Wisdom discerns spirits, be wise to choose the Lamb Of God.

E. Christian Leadership enlightens and guides the flock and others.

F. Greater than competition, better than head and tail, is One Head.

Christian Wisdom = One Jesus Perfectly x Christian Leadership.

Christian Love = Christian Leadership x Wisdom.

Christian Logic = Wisdom x Love.

Christian Fear = Love x Logic.

There is a path to be Baptized, hence to perfect (verb) love within the personal choice [including per the worldly interpretation of choice (examples Luke 20.24, & Mark 15.26) and to yield and give benefit unto others in their so agreeing(s) within each person or group per se. There is one path to the top, and yet for the Christian there is a blessed path up and per proper mission a blessed path down or other ways if in One proper Way as the Lord Jesus has so determined or similar in the Will Of Christ Jesus.

A person under law is limited (for instance the law does not allow every random act), a person that has fulfilled the legal requirement (Galatians 6.2) is at liberty to accomplish great things with the hands, the mouth, and so on without fear of legal reprisal, generally legally speaking though hardly offered as legal advice, rather consult Jesus Christ.

Hence Love and Logic are Fear unto some, and are Conquered Fear unto such as recorded above. There is a formula for going up (Acts 19.4), there are formulas for other, such as to go astray or rather to go into the region of any lost and astray to rescue. It is easier to return home, than to recant on a deathbed to seek the proper highest, the Home Of God; it is relatively simple to be Baptized and go on missions for the Lord and return to the Lord, than to not know the way and to never have practiced the going along the proper pathway; that is, if to not know the way then to relatively be a slacker and backslider since they Way has already been offered (Romans 16.19). The slacker hardly has the will to recant, let the churches not only do, yet also to say, to motivate the slackers with motivational speeches, and let the churches do that slackers see and want to buy and even that slackers see and want to be Baptized.

Love casts out fear (1 John 4.18). Love Prophetically.

As the world would normally agree per se:

Yesterday 1+1=2.

Today 1+1=2.

Tomorrow 1+1=2.

If the world can know of parameters (such as Base 10, Base 7, and so on) and can normally reason that in the future 1+1=2 in as much a prophetic measure as reasonably understood among Christians, so much the greater accomplishing the Christians are reasonably to do for the greater glorifying of Christ Jesus:


Yesterday precept.

Today precept.

Tomorrow precept.

Yesterday Revelation.

Today Revelation.

Tomorrow Revelation.

Yesterday Genesis.

Today Genesis.

Tomorrow Genesis.

Yesterday Christian System.

Today Christian System.

Tomorrow Christian System.

Yesterday Holy Tool(s).

Today Holy Tool(s).

Tomorrow Holy Tool(s).

A person is hardly a tool, as Christ Jesus is within, yet if a person form a tool and a System such as with other Christians, and greater matters and energies for the Lord Christ Jesus, then good [with wise parameters (Mark 6.10).

If Christ be the One First Perfect Servant, to serve you in the One Christian Leadership Head, and if Christ lift you and command you to take His Holy Seat In Heaven then if you can only do as Jesus Christ saw His Holy Father In Heaven Do, then have mercy on your servant charitable Christ Jesus [reference son of perdition (John 17.12, & Mark 10.40) to give]; and therefore since sinful ways do their own destructions and become no more [End Time (see above, & Luke 11.17) divided] then One exists beyond End Time until a new beginning, and that existing is One (reference Baptism and each Baptized / each turn / each fully repentant) exhaulted then Jesus Christ is counted as if the tail for your sake and ours (Christians & ibid.) and therefore of charity your love / worthy as now told beforehand is that you leave that Holy Throne (note eternity is a long time to sit in a chair, a person and/or spirit would get up and move around) and do as Jesus saw the Father do, missionary work.

Accordingly it is reasonable to become [yet safely, responsible (Luke 24.49)] anxious to do more than light burdens, to do a greater burden: Christ gave Himself at the cross. Of tiny Holy words and visions, great proper guidance is accomplished in JESUS!

If to have conquered Satan, then there is no longer any such position holder in this Known Universe (see previous Sermon All 4 Good) so to have conquered this Known Universe then to move on to go where needed on new better missions (Matthew 10.16).

You vs. Universe(s) of the as if unexpected, rather "Fear not: for God has come to prove you" (Exodus 20.20), expect God to endure properly according to Your Love rather than by your command as if to produce fear in God the source of yourself, that is, hardly be divided save the Sword Of Peace Christ Jesus.

If to cast away fear, save fear the Lord, then to cast away many useless fears and to save only valuable fear, hence of small means a great thing comes about. With properly loving guidance and instruction from God, a button is manufactured, the button is pushed, and a great and marvelously helpful machine starts to move providing great blessings as never before, for Christ Jesus. The task could be as discussing the past, or some other timeframe.

New Time Changes: Jesus Christ Is Constant

"And there was also written upon them a new writing, which was plain to be read, which did give us understanding concerning the ways of the Lord; and it was written and changed from time to time, according to the faith and diligence which we gave unto it. And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things" (1 Nephi 16.29 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS).

The Lord God mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind (2 Samuel 22.7-11) and the Lord had the cherubs do other Godly things such as protection [(Moses 4.31) so much more God will do for You Of Proper Holy Faith [(Ezekiel 9.3) pray for love rather than destructions].

God rides the great things, and also invests in tiny things such as keys, and the minuscule such as DNA and smaller. To measure in a femtosecond, one millionth of a billionth of a second, is hardly a matter a person can perceive of their bodily senses alone, rather is of the proper living organization. Organic Semiconductors modeled below for instance involve things a person might typically observe, such as a flower stem, since Organic Semiconductors can be formed of materials the scientist chooses such as into a mat that can be rolled and zipped into a tube form, to function not only as a tube to deliver plasma or other, yet also to filter, a membrane, a memory storage device, a power device, a building structure such as for temples and for motors and for human limbs; and for many other purposes, yet in such research such as per a search engine, let there be proper recognition and thanks for Christ Jesus with scriptural guidance references, not to thwart science, rather to best lead scientific advances. If they search the unknown (Matthew 6.23), be a proper light that all may see what the Holy Father did as Jesus has seen [to cut and to form and do greater (Hebrews 4.12, Genesis 2.7, & John 1.50)].

New Tools for the greater glory of Jesus Christ

Christ Jesus makes people into new creatures (2 Corinthians 5.17), hence fitting for new creatures are new tools. Shown above is a model of a natural or a synthetic nano-device, an Organic Semiconductor, a tool never known among the people of 3,000 years ago [within reason per se (see Christ Visits Us Sermon)], it is new and many currently are unaware of pertinent specifics. Above, new things do things without any observable means [reasonably (Ezekiel 10.17) yet known].

With no seen moving machines nor things, tools can form on the surface of the ground for you to use, though hardly count on it without miraculous faith or applicable true reasoning such as scientifically expected. You can count on God though the solving might be hardly as you anticipated (2 Corinthians 8.5).

Computers can arise from dust, and computers can fix themselves and upgrade unexpectedly, per se. Living creatures can form, things can appear before your eyes (see When I Saw God Sermon) and enemies if any can disappear (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "assets" and on conquering: overcoming problems).

Hard work is not only for the mouth. The Spirit is Willing though the flesh is weak, and if the body of flesh slacks then hardly is entrusted the greater.

New devices can be led by Christians, or by others for other reasons, even so the Christ, Jesus, already overcame that Christians might properly lead.

A semiconductor conducts electricity, pressures, electromagnetism, heat, ideas, materials (such as electromagnetic actuators and railcars) and other, and an Organic Semiconductor may interface more directly with human brains, that is, energy pulses pass through people continuously as the people are often not significantly effected by many such waves, as many waves are hardly connected to the people significantly. Though to control a person can be of a multitude of ways, and one such way is to have a pitch & catch system, a transmitter and a receiver (or double buffer or more). Christians need lead properly, else if improperly left to other than Christians then per worldly (non-Baptism) chance then left to be undone to such extent, so rather choose Baptism that Christ Jesus within be eternally present as the solution: Jesus Christ does not change his mind (Numbers 23.19) so is not subject to temptation having already conquered it once for all.

Overcome for Christ Jesus, help others for Christ Jesus.

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Legal note: no affiliations with any organizations unless otherwise stated. Christian matter of faith and religion note: affiliation with all, through the Lord God Christ Jesus.