Beyond Your Place In The World

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Beyond Your Place In The World



Update source added 9/7/2015*.

Christ Jesus, if to explain about Christ Jesus so that the world plainly understands [as per logic and/or fair representation in court (Jeremiah 50.34)] hence to put into relative perspective (see GodMath Relativity), had something to do with flesh and His Virgin Birth and also something to do with the eternal and the beginning Creation and Plan and Work reasonably in human generations (Leviticus 27.23);

yet the far greater importance is what Christ Jesus will do in the next couple years, and much more than that of far greater importance is what Christ Jesus will do in the next couple million years, and much more with Christians in the trillions of centuries ahead! The reason of the future value being greater than the past value in worldly terms starting with highest value(s) is

Future money and self-esteem (including circumstances of self) / Present value / Past whether the self realizes past value(s) or not.

A typical [of flesh (Psalm 68.30)] or worldly person is relatively hardly interested in the past unless to their personal benefit including for instance their personal family in selfish terms [(Jeremiah 50.37) examples: whether such has been about selfish inheritance or whether such has been about a male to overly lust after sex devoid of higher marriage concerns or a female to overly lust after marriage as a hollow device in false storefront pattern to conceal illegal store operations hidden]. A worldly person might be interested in how much money they can make now, and how much more might be leveraged in the future; yet there is a gift of choice involved that a person might choose for selfish reasons or for less selfish reasons.

This is not stated to belittle the Holy Birth of Christ Jesus, nor to belittle glorious Creation with Plan via Work that Christ Jesus accomplished in the past, rather, for the sakes of the readers of this, this is to show the greatest things in the past that ever happened are going to be overwhelmed via the future presence in Christ Jesus in your proper Leadership agreeing!

There are great people in the Bible, and of those born of women Christ Jesus exclaimed no person was "greater than John the Baptist!" (Matthew 11.11). Per plain and simple logic (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Wisdom and on logic without love) and fit for fair representation in court, what activities did John The Baptist do?, did The Baptist break the law?, no, did The Baptist deceive for selfish gain?, no; The Baptist did step into the water and have volunteer people each in agreement briefly underwater and raise them while The Baptist spoke. No laws were broken. He was the greatest, per se, and you can do as much and be far greater (Matthew 11.11), as you are supposed to be.

In current times many Christians have stated they were impacted for good via the Holy Ghost, during Baptism. Many Christians were Baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not (3 Nephi 9.20) though in plain language in a pattern such as of a parent to insure so that a child is covered and the child knows it not. Far greater than insurance is of proper repentance, though to pay more for insurance can afford greater coverage value, while in pattern to have greater Faith can afford greater Power(s), Value(s), Opportunity(ies), and other descriptive qualifying and/or quantitative words, now while people live typically in the flesh (ibid.).

The Power is available now, reasonably, though the agreeing from the person per case is according to the person's choices, redundancy if any, and according to their talents; if otherwise such is the Will Of God.

Here is an example:

"As I watched, the Lamb broke the first of the seven seals on the scroll. Then I heard one of the four living beings say with a voice like thunder, "Come!"" [(Revelation 6.1 New Living Translation), the four living Testaments].

Of those motivated toward Christian Leadership there is much [eternal (Luke 20.35)] value from their part in agreeing with the covenant from the talent(s) provided via Christ Jesus (Joshua 11.15) toward worthiness / agreeing with the covenant of Christ Jesus, yet of the greater portion (1 Timothy 4.8 / Numbers 15.15 /Genesis 24.44) or of all (Christ Jesus John 3.16) is the higher glory for Christ Jesus One With Christian Leaders unto to fulfilling of the Prophesies.

Christ Jesus is not dead, rather is risen (example Luke 24.15 & 16).

Christ Jesus is coming again.

All prophecies are unto Christ Jesus, until the coming of Christ Jesus (John 12.16),

Christ Jesus is coming again.

Christian Leaders are coming, perhaps you. Some are coming again with Christ Jesus, as One.

Even the relative world of both Prophets and sinners (Isaiah 19.3) can speak of assets; so the youth, the ignorant, and of those of talents not yet unraveled can spring forth wealth. To some it means gathering, to others it means charity opportunities. To God it means converting sinners and the raising of Christians to unselfish higher glories such as gathering sinners and converting evangelistically then feeding the flock [(Isaiah 53.7 / John 21.17 / Zechariah 11.4 / Genesis 37.16) there is a pulse of matter / energy].

The nose is above the mouth. What does the toddler gain in the secular worldly version of germs?, the Bible preaches to eat seeds [(Genesis 47.24) not to ignore germs, rather keep them from danger (John 2.16), yet this is to help parents have hope beyond worldly items of logic(s) (John 3.6 & 7) as there is One Truth Christ Jesus,] and what is pollen yet it is seeds, compressed values, compressed complex energies that God wants people to have, even logic bits that are overcome via babies (Matthew 18.10). What protection does God provide unto toddlers?: love. People are born with from loving energy, and have sufficient love (Moroni 8.11):

If Spirit is of Spirit and spirit is of Spirit, then the host in the flesh [(Psalm 33.6) of the Holy teachings] is not the sinner of the sinner, rather of the Made And Chosen Of God The Immaculate Flesh Christ Jesus The Holy Way Of The Holy Spirit is of the Covenant with the Holy Prophet John The Baptist (Luke 3.16). So the Holy Word became flesh and via Holy Covenant in Baptism, those truly accordingly can lead in the Holy Spirit including Prophetically.

Prophet / Baptism / Covenant.

More blessed are those who have not seen [the works (Psalm 119.36), including any miracle] and yet believe [on the Name Jesus Christ (Psalm 75.1)].

Now until the coming of Jesus Christ all Prophesied until John (Matthew 11.12 & 13), yet " Wherefore, by faith was the law of Moses given. But in the gift of his Son hath God prepared a more excellent way; and it is by faith that it hath been fulfilled." (Ether 12.11).

It was done, perfectly properly and complete, yet, ..."God has not ceased to be a God of miracles" (Mormon 9.15).

Christ Jesus brought into existing the foremost and Great Commandment (Matthew 22.38)

so the reader could follow to interpret as to lovingly reverence the works of God, yet now with Jesus having said this a person might do as guided hence do the greater now having been prepared in Christ Jesus. To do as Christ Jesus rather than to do per the opinions of others [for examples the others perhaps being selfish sinners anxious to commit further sins (Job 39.16 & 17) or perhaps placing unsound limits by contamination against higher methodology(ies) (Luke 6.43) or perhaps others that might not be as capable per subject matter (see "allocating" below)].

Of history, such as of the Book Of Genesis, is shown that newly created people were not yet ready for the higher points of doctrine and principles (1 Corinthians 16.12 rather 2 Peter 3.9) such as higher mercy and higher grace such as to know the name of "I AM" (also reference YHWH in the GodMath Testament with Tetragrammaton, also "Exodus 6:3 and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as God Almighty; but by my name Jehovah I was not known to them" /, also after Genesis 3.10) as there is not only the logic of planets and machines rather there is also with such in a person a growing in wisdom according to proper growing in love, not contrary to the teachings of Christ Jesus hence growing loving wisdom unto preparedness (see ICCDBB Public PCS "worthiness").

With such guidance that a person now having become more worthy (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "allocating", and "allocation" example / may now be given certain new responsibilities, reasonably new greater rewarding, in context to do as Christ Jesus rather than worldly works toward chaos ( Measuring Values Of Logic And Love illustration).

With worthiness can come agreeing unto such greater responsibilities including beyond previous responsibilities hence from works to greater beyond previous works and in this case One Way unto One Name (Hebrews 4.10) therefore hardly of works per se rather of Name [example "Now the LORD has sworn this oath by his own name"...(Amos 8.7)].

There is a higher power, so now a mighty prayer key:

Almighty Father Of Heaven: Yes! As Christ Jesus invites, so all ought [counted as if the opposite of logic, yet rather for One in the wise Lord (see "ought" first reference "Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.", lest the mathematical definition)], therefore Holy Father let the covenant key be here unraveled now for Christ Jesus and any accordingly appropriate, through Christ Jesus. Amen.

Therefore now in the Name Of Jesus Christ a new Commandment (John 13.34 & 3 Nephi 18.27 with *1 John 3.23) is given you accordingly and hence within the above defining of duty to more perfectly love the Father In One Name Jesus Christ.

Almighty Father Of Heaven: Yes again from glory to higher glory! As Christ Jesus invites, so all ought be thankful [(Luke 17.18) accordingly appropriately], through Christ Jesus. Amen.

The above new Commandment is of building, developing, and rather growing in the Will Of God, so there is a new confidence in the One Name Jesus, the Christ, while this is not to undo the previous, the One Holy Work (Matthew 5.17 & James 2.26) even since as much is contained in the One Holy Name of the Christ, Jesus.

The First of the two Commandments Jesus Christ offered involved loving God [(Deuteronomy 6.5 & Matthew 22.37) including the Name and Works of God] and the Second to love thy neighbor (Luke 10.36 & 37). To follow / Christian Baptism is sufficient, to lead involves a more pertinent Commandment, this tetrad of triads form a Word become flesh become God trend formulae [in Relativity (see GodMath Testament) of people progressing in faith reading from right to left, or from God left to right] from people to God:

All Prophesying was until Christ Jesus came in the flesh, and now lead go lead with Christ Jesus in renewing of faith and confidence in Christ Jesus and in new leadership and accordingly do go Prophesy properly as Jesus Christ taught and do so in the Name Of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ comes again so Prophesy until again Christ Jesus comes as the Conqueror, as it is written and so ordained for you to seek to accomplish victoriously for Christ Jesus in the flesh yet this time also in the Flesh, that is in His Holy Flesh With The Holy Worthy Leadership Via Christ Jesus, worthy via Covenant agreeing and via the Power of Christ Jesus.

Jesus Christ Is Coming Again / Christ Jesus Was Born / All Prophesied.

Jesus Christ Is Coming Again / You Are To Properly Prophesy / Christ Jesus Was Born / All Prophesied.

As stated above all Prophesied until John The Baptist (Matthew 11.12 & 13), yet within context after Christ Jesus came as an adult in the flesh and was Baptized, then Christ Jesus taught of future matters with Authority and Prophetically [..." the people were amazed at his teaching, for he spoke with authority" (Luke 4.32); so in worldly terms why would Christ Jesus need to be a Prophet and Prophesy of the coming of Christ Jesus?, (Matthew 11.9 & 16,) it is because Christ Jesus was Prophesying of the future that people should repent before Christ Jesus comes again (Matthew 11.21 & 22); so you are to go and do likewise (Luke 10.37).

Christ Jesus is the best example, and Christ Jesus did tell people all things beforehand (Mark 13.23), go and do likewise. Symbols will be sent beforehand, by your own hand if unselfishly hence for Christ Jesus, lest the very stones cry out (Luke 19.40) and the Heavens pour out symbols such as red moons against any silence and lest the stars fall on the selfish which were told though if to act as if unawares [do not blame God (Job 1.22 / 1 Timothy 6.14 / & rather Revelation 14.5) see NASA illustration below].

Preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4.19) yet try to be proper / right mindful that the Lord is not your slave to do your bidding at your whim.

Ten Commandments (Exodus 20), Two Commandments (Matthew 23.38 & 39), and now is given for your helpful guidance Three Commandments for the unselfish Will in Leading For Christ Jesus:

Love Jesus, Rather Than Works for selfish purposes / Love All That God Is Including Works / Love Neighbor.

To the world of logic, Love Neighbor = Love [Jesus] God x Love God.

Of the advancing Christian is more of loving Jesus hence greater value(s).

Such is evident in advanced Christian charity. Christian charity of followers is of money such as 10% of income. Advanced Christian charity is hardly ancillary to filthy lucre (Titus 1.11,1 Peter 5.2, & 1 Samuel 8.3), rather advanced Christian charity is of higher value proper loving leadership rather than worldly logic accountability (Matthew 23.19). The measuring is hardly of any account and is often wrong / human errors, rather the Standard Of The Church is the enormously far weightier value rejected by worldly [there is now at least a mild pattern relative to this reference(Luke 9.25 & Jeremiah 4.6)] so save others rather than overly puffing up for self (Moroni 7.45, Alma 5.37, & 2 Nephi 28.12).

Now of pertinence of advanced Christian charity concerning the Holy Spirit and the discerning of spirits, the worldly person of logic alone does not know love [(1 Corinthians 2.14) much or at all / forgotten (Revelation 2.4)]

"Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place-- unless you repent." [(Revelation 2.5) hence in pattern(s) / Holy Trend the Lord "confounded" (Omni 1.21)].

Of advanced Christian charity concerning how to discern spirits, Christ Jesus preached openly in the temple (Luke 19.47) while relatively low valued, unfaithful, unruly, high risk, taskmasters' selfish spirits are discerned from higher love with Jesus knowing their thoughts (Matthew 12.25). In modern pattern example a parent waits outside catching their unawares temporarily wayward teen sneaking out their bedroom window, hence per the choice of the selfish spirit of the teen yields the result of the teen under law; rather the opposite of the wayward spirit needs apply. Christ Jesus therefore became higher, superior, and much better than the angels (Hebrews 1.4), hence of pertinent concerning how to discern spirits in advanced Christianity there is no need to discern spirits save One, that is, to seek the highest Good Spirit In Covenant (Genesis 17.7 & 1 Samuel 4.5) of love is victory over law(s) in Christ, including the second part if to rate, rank, weigh and measure the lesser or the measurable other spirits for higher purpose to convert and uplift them such as to define parameters and match those spirits to fitting parameters hardly to confine them rather upbraid (Matthew 11.20) lest they receive not the proper [(amounts / if their talents would agree to be so increasing) / proper guidance] higher values new unto all who as might convert and rise in Christ Jesus.

The spirits of logic range from selfish disservice to valuable Leadership In Christ Jesus, hence the full Leadership value can agree (though would not necessarily do so / Deuteronomy 30.19) with at least minimal love [faithfully unto Christ Jesus (Mark 4.31, also before sin example Genesis 1.2)] ranging to deep devotion (ibid. with John 1.12 & 13). That is, love can be measured / logic, unraveled / higher love (define / know Acts 15.8 & measure 1 John 5.7).

There is a Love, Christ ["And thus we can plainly discern"...(Alma 24.30)]. But logic without Jesus Christ has been of evidence, facts, and reality of sinners or of turned aside people that..."seek deep to hide their counsels from the Lord; and their works shall be in the dark" (2 Nephi 28.9). In the dark is as to mean for enlightenment of the reader, to be lost; whether with money, with possessions, with worldly loves of flesh, with hopes, with uninvited impositions [spams], or with other [addictions]. Let me cause your family to starve so that my family may eat and waste living, is no way to hope to endure (2 Timothy 2.7-10).

Hardly a person can have grace if without rules:

Jesus Christ / Grace / Mercy / Rules / Standard Of The Church.

Hardly a person can properly discern spirits if less than Christ Jesus.

Know this, all spirits are blemished (2 Timothy 2.10) save One In Jesus Christ, save One In Agreement With Jesus Christ, yet rather stated save One In Continual Agreeing With Jesus Christ. To discern spirits is a gift from God, a blessing. Go, do, properly discern; all people and all spirits are flawed [under law(s) (Romans 3.12, & reference law / AWS)] save Jesus Christ (see bottom illustration).

"Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”" (Exodus 20.20) yet of proper Holy Leadership it is now unraveled unto you for your sakes: Do not fear, God has come to raise you from follower only, to leader.

Prepare the Way Of The Lord, hence prepare others, hence prepare yourself to so prepare:

Prepare the Way Of The Lord / Prepare others / Prepare the self unselfishly.

Properly grow and move with all that be Good / Form the body the Church / Prepare, do.

Prepare now, before-the-fact, before the attack(s) and/or task(s) if any present themselves. Law does not perfect because it is often after-the-fact, example a person is shot and then the law investigates, as it should; yet love is toward leading. To love the self limits the self, measure the physical head of your body to see if it has a limit or extends forever, so if the body is limited yet a person is to become eternal as Christ Jesus teaches then to properly overcome the threshold. Prepare in forethought how to increase the physical properly, perfectly. Example, test yourself on the following:

In brief: Thou shalt have no other God / Do not make a thing to worship / Do not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain / Rest on the Holy Sabbath / Honor thy parents / Thou shalt not kill / Thou shalt not commit adultery / Thou shalt not steal / Thou shalt not bear false witness / Thou shalt not covet.

Everything (Hebrews 11.1 & ICCDBB Sermons on Public PCS, pulse, & glory to higher glory) that came on official (Biblically / Genesis 1.4) Day 2, was already contained within Day 1 (Biblically / Genesis 1.3), then Day 3 came accordingly (Genesis 1.11), so:

Day 1 = Day 2 x Day 3;

to a large extent, yet there was also value prior to Day 1 [(Genesis 1.1 & 2) God considering the fabric of the Universe], and yet there was also value post Day 3 as subsequent days have been coming. In so termed points of logic and facts of laws while valuable though toward static the formula is counted as if complete, yet relative to dynamic growing love there is much more to the formula and not merely variables since there is only one constant in the Universe, God Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe and not under the Universe save His One Holy Mission.

In context of the Ten Commandments:

Have no other God = Do not make a thing to worship x Do not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;

to better explain toward edifying toward Christian leadership yet the equation is much more than an equation and is rather equating.

All Other Holy Commandments = Love Wise Jesus x Love Wise Jesus And His Holy Work.

Christ Jesus is come, Christ Jesus is present in them, and in you according to your continual agreeing with love as much as you so agree.

Continual agreeing with the source of loving wisdom and victory indicates that while in the world to do things ongoingly in higher and higher successes, better and better; more than to adapt tactically and rather strategically as has already been accomplished via Christ Jesus.

Thinkers such as NASA Scientists have accomplished great things, yet if to agree then to do better and better than previously, hence the light burden of the love path to Christ Jesus. To do other is toward destructions of values, toward selfishness and chaos. Let science be not toward clumsiness so much, rather full of grace, such as merciful toward proper recordkeeping and ancient artifacts, wisely understanding that to some scientists there is a tendency such as to destroy the artifacts in order to melt and extract their gold.

Rather as the Prophets have agreed, so to let the scientists and other professions agree, legally, morally, in working, and in feasting. Let plundering have limitations, and let generous uplifting progress be entertained.

Beyond NASA Science:

Look at God from the perspective of God, though if on a mission to look at sins then delimit sins as finite quantities, toward lay terms or rather more accurately look at the already delimited sins as finite quantities that is perceive wisely the Holy Work Christ Jesus has already delimited, as done, as accomplished, as victory for the Holy Name Christ Jesus. Above is shown from the inside of a Prophetic help message (reference signpost) or threshold ("/"), looking out to those who predictably might approach.

Lose not by your own hand the very thing you seek and many things are relatively known as priceless (reference GodMath Testament on "Absolutivity"). "Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them" (Mark 4.25). Defend yourself from yourself, the proper amount for higher purpose.

Of advanced Christian leadership charitably concerning the Holy Spirit and how to discern and be discerning as of spirits; if to distinguish in Name hence for the Holy Name Jesus Christ then of wise understanding comes that the worldly person of a field of study whether of a legal system or per illegal operations, might normally be found in works per logic such as to count students or such as to measure values of stolen items and measure risks to replenish (Luke 12.18). So such logic while valuable if legal, if laws in the world are reasonably just, has relatively little if anything to do with love from moment to moment per se. With such law and logic there can be a discerning of what is properly expected to be accomplished (Matthew 5.45).

Yet of the greater responsibility of advanced Christian leadership with how to be discerning spirits beyond works is hardly of logic rather love, such as loving respect for the Christ Name, Jesus. Some of chaos and/or logic largely devoid of love might choose to heap works on themselves (Luke 7.30) since logic alone can hardly know love [(see ICCDBB Sermons on Baptism and Luke 16.24) / firmament,] so rather to be charitable in the Holy Name Jesus it is important to not utilize your new powers unjustly such as against those that have already been found guilty and served sentence (ibid.) including both per laws within advanced reason, and per true repentance [hence a self imposed sentence (also reference ICCDBB Sermons on Baptism)] so therefore rather than overburden toward unfairness (Proverbs 25.22) in the Name of Jesus offer loving guidance, hope, peace, grace, and mercy (Proverbs 25.21).

This offering applies not only to a person, yet also to a situation and to a methodology and to a scientific test and to an ancient excavation, and so forth; to not pursue the harsh crude ways of the past (see above new Commandment guidance reasoning) rather the mild path. Consider a shovel can hardly penetrate a patch of hard earth, yet a mild tiny seedling can send forth (Matthew 10.16) a diminutive root sprout to penetrate the hard earth via finding tiny fissures (see AWS above), occupying (2 Timothy 3.16), and expanding (if only / earthly works / logic then Ezekiel 31.14, rather Genesis 9.7 with Mark 8.35 & see "Name" above).

If to attack an innocent student with a hammer or with an unfair tongue, then toward logic alone; if to attack an ancient record with malice or unfair destruction then where is the love?, rather properly attest, account (per works Revelation 20.12 rather of Name Jesus the Christ the Final Author Revelation 20.15).

Now a hard saying is offered. To a Christian Follower the tithing of money is mandatory, a key, a step toward higher grace in the Lord. Yet unto proper advancing rather is as Christ Jesus taught. Consider that if a person cling to money then hardly a follower of Christ Jesus, even if to hinge on taking income and giving; so while excellent rather give the self, lest to be as servant to money (Titus 1.7), to receive money does not mean to be penalized (see ICCDBB Family Values Sermon first illustration as charity is not the same as taxation). Therefore if you have overcome lust for money, such as perhaps having given all your income at least once [(Mark 12.42) even so leave not undone (Luke 11.42)] then to consider properly giving greater than money, lovingly (Matthew 6.3) also wisely [(Matthew 10.16 with Numbers 21.9) / ICCDBB PCS Standard].

To give all your living, which some consider as all their income, which reasonably sounds as if a heavy burden [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "leave not the other undone") concerning responsibilty]. Yet rather consider what Christ Jesus and the Holy Prophets taught, such as the Chosen People living in tents and their borrowed money did not save them when the Father gave them manna from Heaven and fowl too much to consume.

Today people pay to go to a park and live in a tent. Perhaps you can imagine going into the wilderness or a park for a night or a week without a phone nor computer nor money nor similar things under which you might be addicted, save bare necessities such as food for the children and shelter, also perhaps fishing gear and other camping delights, yet things which remind you of the longsuffering of the Chosen People of Israel. Perchance you with your loved ones which you see daily, will meet your loved ones. Income is important and valuable, work to not lose your job over folly, be responsible, yet overcome the world responsibly, overcome addictive behavior(s) and prepare feasts new way(s) (Luke 10.42), such as fresh; or if living in the wilderness perhaps seek to dwell in the city a time (Mark 8.27), or perhaps boating (Matthew 15.29).

Be wise to advance in loving guidance yet be wise to also be ready to defend Our Lord. Therefore be wise about higher purpose of the Will Of The Heavenly Father, and with such be caring to defend any which belong to Our Father, including souls, people, lands, things, systems, and other, and to search, measure, and weigh their values reasonably.

Valuable ancient artifacts were often buried, often reasonably due to them being involved in such things as diseases hence carriers of ancient diseases, and others likely per evidence tied to ancient knowledge that was dangerous such as perhaps able to destroy a person instantly (1 Chronicles 13.9). Ancient artifacts and writings can harbor values yet research treasures properly; and if able to do so, then generally reasonably wisely rather make new greater treasures (Matthew 8.22).

If the God Of Nature made a natural threshold (examples: boat, bow & arrow, shelter,...) from which a person can learn and rather from which a person can wisely learn, then wisely / lovingly can a person wisely choose to form proper appropriate blessed thresholds to move people from glory to higher glory lovingly victoriously: proper progress.

Do the Will Of God praying God receive the glory, and find yourself rather Christself Jesus doing what nature accords. This hardly means outdoors nature, though also; rather toward Bible physics and more clear values to be proffered openly (Mark 12.35). This pits scientist against lawyer, or of advanced studies in leading highlights the proper advancing, even a battery has a positive and a negative hence value, and in pattern people were each given talents, some were given many talents, some few, some 100% (Colossians 3.1), some 80% (ICCDBB Family Values Sermon), yet all are equal in the sight of the Lord (1 Corinthians 12.25, and Nehemiah 3.8 with Matthew 5.18).

Many people don't want God, Christ Jesus, Prophecies, good fun / joy, civilization / generations, science / truthful research of facts, values, nor mercy [current day pattern to best solve example "cloth, dipped it in water, and spread it over Ben Hadad's face" until he was murdered (2 Kings 8.15 /]; because many people turned themselves from Christ Jesus for many selfserving reasons hence have become themselves distracted; hence within delimited awareness patterns hence prefer to be too busy working to hide their own sins [even if others are working with them (Moroni 7.31)], to be focused to be able to concentrate on the higher more worthy values coming forth from the God Of Nature And Science And Leadership And Love.

An entity such as perhaps a less advanced robot or possibly an illegal captor, might be able to repeat the word "love", though hardly know tenderness and affection, much less wisely understand faithfully and deeply profound proper loving devotion.

God proceeded according to certain steps, according to grace of love; before laws existed "the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness is on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters," (Genesis 1.2 YLT)..."know that I am. Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in your words, and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized, for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost"...(3 Nephi 12.2).

Loving steps / Baptized / Humility.

A person can hardly know love without Christ Jesus, save to a relatively small extent, including to be able to love enough to realize the source of Love generally which of selfish choice might be delimited to only selfishness, though rather is a gate to greater Love value(s). For instance concerning the above example, if you or another person happened to have been asked long ago before popularized in the media if waterboarding was torture and/or legal, the person might not have known what waterboarding was much less the legalese and moral details though especially so if the person had not current comprehension of that Bible matter (

Civilizations can advance or decline, sometimes by leaps sometimes by slides, yet Christ Jesus is the example, "He tells us everything over and over--one line at a time, one line at a time, a little here, and a little there!" [(Isaiah 28.10 NLT), concerning "over and over" (see "fluttering" above & ICCDBB Sermons on glory to higher glory)]. There exist steps:

Baptism / fire // Greater humility / growing faith // Baptism / water // Humility / true repentance.

What does a family, or a church, or a business, or a government want?; a body?, sometimes, such as to selfishly gain bragging rights often associated with other powers; does an entity want your mind?, yes too, parents, church leaders, and so forth want peoples' attention. Yet together both body with mind hold value.

The body with mind is a soul, and it as a whole holds greater value than the parts [in pattern normally for instance a car properly constructed has more value than the sum of it's parts (see previous ICCDBB Sermons & Golden Rule)]. Notice the quantifiable variance of perspectives in the following three versions of future out of body experiences:

Yet note you are not yet in the grave (Genesis 6.3, also reference miracle interventions & End Time) nor our tools and valuable people and items (Alma 34.33) and some though not all rose from the graves and were yet in bodily form (Matthew 27.52 with 2 Nephi 29.9) and non-grave flesh people have entertained flesh angels unawares (Hebrews 13.2) and we are to transcend angels [(Psalms 8.5) to do as Christ Jesus taught].

Christ Jesus was born not only of the Holy Spirit, yet also of the Holy Flesh [Absolutivity love (2 Samuel 22.31 Douay-Rheims Bible & Matthew 1.18 New Living Translation) immaculate conception, & Relativity logic (John 3.4): definitions (reference GodMath Testament)]. The Standard Of The Church For Christ Jesus leading physics of natural science of universal pulse is of starting from above, down on mission to lift for higher purpose, and not repeat rather from glory to higher glory:

Christ Jesus rose in Spirit And Flesh / Cross mission under / Arose as dove / Baptism mission under water / Over water.

John 20.29 / Galatians 6.12 / Matthew 3.16 / Matthew 3.13 / Genesis 1.2.

If to not follow the straight path of love of the God Of Nature, which can also appear as though energy pulse waves unto worldly logical interpretations depending on perspectives, then to suffer not only death in flesh which otherwise might rise in Christ Jesus, though then also the selfishly unrepentant to suffer per their own choice(s) in the second death.

Second death in unrepentant spirit / Initial death in former worldly body / Birth in world in spirit and flesh.

Helaman 14.17-20 / Helaman 14.12-14 / Mark 10.8-9.

The soul properly agreeing with Christ Jesus is the Holy Spirit, a greater value (2 Corinthians 5.8). Spirit without body, without you, is of less value than with you, that is, if properly, if you put on the body Christ whose name is Jesus. Put on the greater value(s), to help raise others for Christ Jesus, properly guide others unto:

Lead / Follow / Baptism / True and complete repentance.

There was a flow of Holy Blood from the cross, there was a flow of wine, there was bread, and more. Properly together these yield greater value(s). Parts such as sperm and egg have temporary existences relative to the potential of the zygote. Prior to formation of the zygote, the zygote is counted as if without a mind as the zygote has not yet come into existence until the sperm and egg form the zygote. The created body has a value. Spirit has value, and with body properly, has more value.

Jesus Christ / Holy Spirit / Soul / Mind / Body.

Agree with the Head and higher, put on the helmet God, also the Breastplate of the Holy Spirit, according to proper loving faith in the Word In The Flesh Jesus Christ The Living Sword Of Peace [which overcomes sinful ways (Matthew 10.34)].

God of ancient civilizations, YHWH, Yahweh, is the Head and the same then as now and now with a new Name Jesus, the Holy Christ; the same Name that is the Head over and as the Holy Spirit, Yahweh Christ Jesus in the Flesh. If the same, then to properly lead and guide others (see above) for Yahweh Jesus:

Your name [if unselfishly (see new Commandment above)] agreeing with Christ Jesus and Yahweh.

Charity / God with us / God.

You / Jesus / Yahweh.

Future / Present / Past.

The Word Became Christ Jesus:

There was the First Blood Moon of the Tetrad with Solar Eclipse, those best leading with Christ Jesus did celebrate (Colossians 2.16), those not with Christ Jesus did not (Colossians 2.22). Those without seek for flaws against the thinkings and doings of others. Those with Christ Jesus overcome the flesh, in the tomb with Christ Jesus / Baptism and so too risen (Colossians 2.12). Enjoy! If to be a slave then be a slave to the One who sets free! The Sword Of Peace! The Christ: Jesus!

In the above illustration is mentioned a perhaps secular birthday and written in the Bible (Acts 12.23 NIV) is "Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.", therefore if to mention a day of birth or birthday anniversary, then to immediately or rather beforehand give God the credit, give God the glory lest to lead others astray. Then what would God do?, at the timing of the God of love God would suffer to agree to covenant if the parties give unselfishly as Christ Jesus taught.

Form the good or goodly habit or preference to lead in preparing for the glorifying of Christ Jesus / Follow and hope to agree immediately / Repent and be Baptized in Christ Jesus.

If "Immediately" giving glory or rather safely preparing beforehand (Mark 1.3), then how quickly would God agree and act?, even so, offer God grace rather than place demands against God to do for personal selfishness. God may have a much better plan for you not yet realized in your flesh and spirit, even so the Holy Flesh And Spirit also might be on a particular mission at the time (see pulse above).

Beyond the past secular buildings and ways (John 2.19), beyond outdoor nature with natural survival physics, beyond past logic when it lacked love concerning humans; The Word Became Flesh, The Flesh Became Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Invited Those Worthy (Genesis 3.22 & ICCDBB PCS).

Worthy / Christ Jesus / Flesh / Word.

Unto those unworthy, hardly let your blessing become an overwhelming burden unto them [(Lamentations 5.13) Jesus already bore the greater burden], hence leading the followers is hardly the same as the working of evangelism.

As the Lord taught"...(Judges 7.2) having the Jesus Name in Church Leadership can involve the Name Jesus without situations involving works, this being said not to divide for selfish purposes rather to effectually grow the Church in wisdom.

"But you must not brag about being grafted in"...(Romans 11:18 NLT) "do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches"...(Romans 11:18 NIV) yet be wise in your teaching of the Holy Path including those to be grafted into One Name Jesus The Christ "let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel," (Acts 4.10) the path properly though to allow logic and choice though determine whether or not to continue or not waste efforts on any if they are not currently to repent or other within contextual examples since some perhaps might not understand (Matthew 7.6) or perhaps might already have such wisdom and be too busy at the moment to so discuss with you (3 Nephi 17.4),..."that by the name of" [(Acts 4.10) continuing:]

Jesus Christ..."there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved" (Acts 4.12).

If not to enter into one work to raise Christ Jesus, that is, if not to agree with doing good perfectly then toward chaos and cessation; since God is not dead nor End Time, rather God lives eternally. Therefore if to enter into highest Name power, then to love doing as Christ Jesus taught loving and praising the Holy Father, therefore to love to be as a river (Isaiah 66.12), that is, practice, that as soon as a blessing is received receive it hardly, that is almost receive it not yet receive the blessing and immediately pray [according to what is appropriate (see ICCDBB PCS) to pray within the self or out loud (Ecclesiastes 3.7 & 3 Nephi 20.1)] lest yourself be overwhelmed such as according to potential random thoughts within the self or world, rather immediately give glory where glory belongs (Matthew 22.21). In advanced Christian leadership give glory to God Jesus.

Give away the glory properly and charitably even if to yield the self without glory fun (reference GodMath Testament "fun" & "joy" topic) even if to seemingly head toward depression and other yet rather trust God.

Grow building proper faith in Christ Jesus; consider how a toddler falls generally, yet continues and likely with help as from parents the toddler eventually walks and runs and rides a bike and so on. Not merely to learn from logic (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) rather wisely grow in proper Faith [(1 Nephi 20.18 & Isaiah 48.18) to love Christ Jesus; and His Work, His Love in each proper covenant from the beginning (John 8.19)]. Obey Commandments, proper laws, and grace for Jesus; agree unselfishly yet responsibly [(Luke 9.25) lest of wrongful selfishness lose to what together was worked to accomplish to the worldly measurable logic extent (Jeremiah 48.36)].

Become a stream of love, a river flowing, constantly being replenished hardly at your will, rather relying on Jesus at the Will And Timing Of Jesus. It might be time for you to learn patience (Book Of Job) or perchance it might be time for preparedness concerning a greater event (yet God is also over chance and castings of lots).

Pray Jesus is worthy / Receive blessings / Pray Jesus is worthy / Receive another blessing another time / Pray Jesus is worthy / Receive a blessing.

Beyond redundant words, not only pray, also do. Beyond works, pray. Pray meaningfully, longsufferingly, excitingly, and so on, yet appropriately according to the Will Of Jesus Christ. Not all days in the Old Testament were Holy Feast Days nor famine days (Ecclesiastes 3.1).

Save Christ Jesus, the former self toward the self was worldliness of works of the hands and flesh and sins in vanity, YLT example "and presently there smote him a messenger of the Lord, because he did not give the glory to God, and having been eaten of worms, he expired" (Acts 12.23 / 2 Chronicles 24.5 / Exodus 20.7).

Love conquers all save the source of love, Jesus Christ (Song of Solomon 8.7), therefore love God yet properly devote respect. Whether rich or poor, bound or free, of high position or newborn, love God though not contrary. For instance if a person wants to do good but realizes they made a mistake and sinned, to offer sin to worthy God, under the pretense of as if charity, is not charity as it is contrary; therefore if to err then immediately offer God prayerful blessings according to if God find any portion worthy of God so receiving (reference ICCDBB Sermons on End Time), which pattern agrees for instance with letting God decide as in matters of if to be casting lots.

So if to lead concerning betting or if to lead in consideration of a Church and/or business risk, be mindful there is only one sure thing (see "only one constant in the Universe" above). There is only One Eternal Name to keep an entity from being put to shame (Psalm 22.5) and that means there is only One constant agreeing on the part of any creature lest the shame preventing be interrupted (example Psalm 22.1). Rather God The Father taught not only to love the Lord your God constantly and not per selfish vanity and yet more importantly Christ Jesus taught the more advanced in faithful learning how to appreciate the more Heavenly mercies mild to not merely be invited yet rather properly to Host (Luke 5.33 & Public PCS worthiness).

To feast on the Name Jesus, is not the same in worldly terms as to feast on a turkey with family at Thanksgiving while also of value. Rather to feast on the Name Of Christ, Jesus, is more toward being the High Priest entering the Holy Of Holies, not to leave the other undone nor ignored; the preparations and care, the fun pleasures as God delights unexpectedly that is as the Word becomes unraveled unto each as much as each was given talent(s) to appreciate, and turning personal delight into constant outpouring of joy.

Without turning to sin back-and-forth repeatedly One Proper Christian Leadership In The Name Jesus, the Christ, is the proper outpouring of joy, love, mercy, grace, and constant Heavenly Value. Show forth works accordingly, consistently, constantly, via the Name, Jesus. Only One Flesh is suitable to enter Heaven, Jesus. Only One Work and One Spirit may enter Heaven: Only one Soul, Jesus.

The Christ Jesus Becoming Multiplied:

Christ Jesus. The Name of the Creator of all names, have no other name (see Commandment 3 above), save properly traceable (see the GodMath Testament & Public PCS criteria; & examples: Genesis 3.20, & Genesis 2.19) for Christ Jesus.

There are values to doing works according to the Will Of God such as to give values such as money charitably unto strangers, yet there is value beyond works of the hands and flesh. Value(s) can also be brought about via the Name, Christ Jesus. For instances a person might want to bring about a great blessing unto the people or might see a great need or might want to avoid some great calamity, so the person might fervently pray Jesus; notice the person does nothing with their own hands and does no works save pray Jesus, and then as some have often testified there did come about a miracle or great wondrous happening concerning that circumstance.

How to:

  • Work miracles,
  • Do fantastic great works,
  • Build tremendous splendid things,
  • Lift, raise, grow,
  • And/or conquer victoriously in many areas of living.

    God agrees to work miracles, to do fantastic splendid things, and much more, yet according to the guidance God provided, the guiding unto unraveling of the wisdom of the Creator Christ Jesus. There is a reason why God enables a person to realize great values being made so. To do great and marvelous things, have the Name, manifest the Name; then make it known; then if God agrees, then God could have it come to pass, such as if God wants to do it now, for instance perhaps God wants other things to happen first.

    How to be Creator = Make known the Name "Christ Jesus" x Bear the Name "Christ Jesus".

    Make known the Name "Christ Jesus" / Bear the Name "Christ Jesus" / How to be Creator.

    3 Nephi 27.10 / 1 Kings 5.5 / Creator.

    "And if it so be that the church is built upon my gospel then will the Father show forth his own works in it." (3 Nephi 27.10 / Do work to follow the Will Of God, yet be aware that Christ Jesus can do for you with or without your work [that is: (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "counted as if")]. Nonetheless, with your work is far better than without (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on toward "chaos"), in other words a person without doing the work of the Lord may encounter difficulty properly focusing on the Lord so might pray to their own self per selfishness since for instance as the world has said "believe in yourself"; in another perspective to do the Work Of God is to form good habits (in plain language, John 16.25) hence to better know what proper unselfish prayer for Jesus is. To believe in the self is hardly to believe unselfishly. Jesus taught to believe in God The Father, save to enlighten the people [such as "And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." (Mark 14.62] via to teach plainly unto them rather than let them be confused, hence for higher purpose than the world (which includes sinners) yet for the higher purpose for believing in God The Father.

    Rather than say "I have a new Name, Jesus" as if to no longer be responsible for your children which hold your former family name; instead love, be responsible, be caring, afford rest at times, support rather than be a selfish burden; rather than take the Name Jesus give. Even be a good example unto others for God The Father.

    Christ Jesus offers greater glories available now of the Covenant; in plain language to the unworthy save of Christ Jesus, and to the worthy having appropriately agreed and not due to works trying to do other selfishly. Christ Jesus is already the shortest shortcut, the unselfish path leaving not the other undone hence the least selfish path, hence the lightest burden comprehensively yet with bonus value(s) from glory [that is, to glorify Christ Jesus unselfishly (see above pic)] to higher glory(ies). Adam and Eve were Heavenly for awhile, in the Garden Of Eden with God in tune with God (Matthew 18.10 / Psalm 84.9 / Genesis 8.13 / Genesis 1.4).

    Christ Jesus / One Of Us / To Know Good / Increasing Values (1 Corinthians 12.23 & Isaiah 6.2).

    If you did claim (that is, enter Covenant Agreement of the Will Of The Heavenly Father) and put on you the Holy Name Jesus Christ, then did you receive the pleasures of Heaven yet?, even so, rather as Christ Jesus taught seek to give such first, seek to give Christ Jesus (per se hence the Self as so accordingly unselfishly) and then when done hardly take pleasure for the self rather be of present mind to give any glory to Christ Jesus (Public PCS): Christ Jesus is the source, practice letting the source flow with continual good doings accordingly as a key doctrine for Christ Jesus.