All 4 Good

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All 4 Good



Christ Jesus taught properly, rightly, lovingly, and for higher purpose(s). The world uses logic, often for improper selfishness, yet even in such though not as an excuse to commit sin(s) the world contains love even if many stray from admitting such, as the Hand Of The God Of Love works in all things, for higher purposes, such as for Christian Leaders.

The worldly so called secular schools [though harboring loving caring servants (Joshua 1.2) and any good belongs to God] teach:


Yet Christ Jesus taught the more valuable matters wisely, such as:





and so on, things that are taught in higher grades of schools, toward what Christ Jesus would have Christian Leaders teach concerning pertinence in higher value associations such as found in GodMath Book 8 Abstracting Chapter 3 Bible Clusters and such as Luke 21.3. For instance if to round up from 0.8, 1 person without a head times 1 person without a head equals no person, zero, save a miracle from above (reference ICCDBB PCS). If 1 male marries 1 female, then 1x1 may yield a family of 2, 3, 4, or more.

Jesus was with His Disciples and they moved as one unit, though not always (John 6.22 & Mark 10.14). Jesus said in John 12.36 YLT/ "while ye have the light, believe in the light, that sons of light ye may become.' These things spake Jesus, and having gone away, he was hid from them," (also see Joshua 10.13 & John 12.35).

There is a pulse to the Universe, there are pulses of short durations and there are pulses of long durations, from beginning to end time and in-between. Blood cells function as one, blood, yet such pulses.

Distinguishing higher value thresholds

Christ Jesus taught people to arise and be more Holy than previously. Christ Jesus also taught that people be worthy to arise to higher thresholds (Luke 16.11), a child is not given a car rather is first given training.

Christ Jesus said "and ye, take heed; lo, I have foretold you all things." (Mark 13.23).

Told beforehand / Power / "I am" / Coming / Righteous / You receive / Prophet And Righteous person's reward / Thank Christ Jesus.

Thank Christ Jesus = You receive x Prophet And Righteous person's reward (Matthew 10.41).

Prophet And Righteous person's reward = Righteous x You receive.

You receive = Coming x Righteous.

Righteous = "I am" x Coming.

Coming = Power x "I am" (Mark 14.62).

"I am" = Told beforehand x Power.

Some triadic trees and formations can be from God to God [the same God yet a better situation (reference center of illustration above)] as people increase proper meaningful heart soul spirit values. Yet when done properly for the sake of Christ Jesus there is not only such value since for instance in worldly interpretations the statement "from God to God" can confuse since a person might wonder if the statement meant from a god to another god (Exodus 18.11), so rather the meaning is from highest purpose to higher for Christ Jesus hence for the sake of all, from One Highest God to One Same Higher God a new creature the new Highest God Christ Jesus.

New Highest God / New Higher God / Highest God.


New Highest God / New Higher God / A person becomes One with Christ Jesus eternally / Highest God.

Yet for higher purpose are more examples, some more excellent than others, from glory to higher glory, even to plan along the future [(Jude 1.14) prophesying] and then to do such as in an instant and in worldly interpretation simultaneously (Revelation 11.6), that is, rather from previous as prophesied: first told x then done. Cohesive allegorical formulae model example:

3. No rain during the time they are prophesying per se / 2. A prophesy that there will be Prophets / 1. God offers protection(s).

While there is from God to God to God, also for good there can be from person to person [(see ICCDBB PCS) for Christ Jesus], from God to person (birth of Adam, birth of Christ Jesus, Immaculate Conception,...), and there can be from person to God (One / Holy Baptism).

New Highest God / Saved Hearer / Evangelist.

New Highest God / Birth Of Christ Jesus / Highest God.

New Highest God / New Higher Christ Jesus / John The Baptist.

There are applications that benefit Christian Leaders and others. Unleavened bread and wine, cars, swords, and other things have both higher purpose values and lower purpose values; similarly Prophesies, Heavens, Gods, and so on have values whether seen or not, whether perceived in the world or not, whether legal and/or logical in the world or not. Some values can be toward selfishness, but rather all should be for the One God and the highest value.

A sinner behaves selfishly, such as to print fake money to cheat every other person.

Yet a proper Christian values other better plans, rather than waste time, effort, and risk unpleasant consequences, and therefore is not selfish even though some in the world can count the Christian as if selfish (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the "as if" topic).

Jesus expects you to help your Christian family [as He does His (John 14.28)], so to do so is not selfishness.

Jesus taught to have bread and wine, so to do so is not selfishness.

If it is proper for your family to have a car, it is not selfishness.

Yet in these things there is a Best Righteous Way, and there are other ways, some goodly, others hardly. In these things there are proper conditions of acceptability, such as limitations, exceptions, and so on, though some matters are finite / infinite.

Some applications are clearly goodly, others are toward a flip of a coin (Ecclesiastes 9.11 & Ezekiel 21.13). A flip of a coin is as a pulse, even logic can know as much. If a pulse then much more than a coin [(Matthew 22.20) even a symbol associated with living].

It is wisdom in God that time and chance be overcome in One New Higher God (above illustration, left and right).

Blood Of The Lamb Of God was for instance distinguished into Holy Heart Chambers, the Holy Fluid took the shape of the Holy Container (reference in similar context: sphere, see below). The "sphere" was formed to pulse the Blood. In other words, the fluid was made to behave like unto another state of matter, plasma (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), a harder state of matter per se that would again become softer, liquid. Sinners have turned back to their former ways, but to repeat properly as the Blood Of The Lamb Of God has done is not to repeat at all rather to do for higher purpose including to feed the brain of The Lamb Of God contributing unto the Holy Mind teaching the value(s) Christ Jesus taught.

The Sword Of The Judge Distinguishes Soul / Spirit (Hebrews 4.12)

Christ Jesus wants you to lead this world and others. Note that in the above Creation Pulse Drawing the horizontal wave to the left is as it appears to the world of logic and laws, that is as it appears to people focused on laws rather than on Christ Jesus [(Luke 22.63) strike / pulse]; rather Heaven is as the wave rising vertically (GodMath Testament Chart 1).

In the upper right a sphere can reflect in various directions energy that strikes it (James 1.22), or a sphere might pulse generating waves (Matthew 6.3). If a person generates a wave it is goodly for that person it to only generate good [lest they undo themselves by their own efforts (Romans 14.14)], since their own waves and items are reflected [as misfortune(s) already being plenteous in the world historically (Matthew 6.34)] and since A. standing waves, B. combined waves, and C. other anomalies can be created by that person alone or with other(s). Proper work is not good and evil simultaneously (2 Corinthians 1.17 & Matthew 12.25), rather good, and being good it can help those doing good, while helping repentance from evil, while doing good for good purpose. Note that Biblically the word "good" is associated with higher work, Heavenly (see top Drawing with or without wings), while the word "goodly" is such and also may deal with evil as discussed here to overcome evil that there be less evil or no evil (top Drawing no tail needed: reference PCS typical applications).

If a person form spheres [or babies or businesses...], preferably they are only for highest purpose or at least goodly (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on God and civilization formation of government). Consider that if a person in a lab illegally and unrighteously forms cancer cells, of the people the person at highest risk is that same person including reasons of proximity, and mental dysfunction: mistakes. Also do not wrongly tempt God (Micah 6.15).

Some people on vacation in a twisty complex rocky canyon for instance may become separated from each other so they call out to each other and might hear echos from various directions and the people might go in wrong directions. Correlated is a person which has chosen to prefer bad habits, it is a similar pattern until to repent or to suffer.

The God of natural physics allows evil to cause it's own failure(s). To attack "good" is to choose failure.

Spheres of influence propagate through waves of people, waves of applications, spheres of powers, and sources of energies.

In the above Drawing lower middle and right are other models of waves to help people perceive and wisely conquer since you chose to visit this Internet Site, but others did not so choose so hardly gain such wisdom quickly [(Luke 8:10) save Miracles of Christ Jesus, such as via echos, though even then a person can develop habits to not properly choose (see top Drawing center "recant")]. There are Christian Churches other than this ICCDBB Site, and such can better offer values such as laying-on-of-hands, Christian Baptism, and so forth, so this Internet Site is hardly alone, rather there are many values many places, God has arranged for you according to your proper Christian Faith to meet your particular needs as brilliantly and as quickly as you need them.

What is faster than the speed of light?

Some scientists say expansion. Some say smaller energy waves, and so on.

Consider that if randomly given two locations in the Known Universe, similar to A and B as shown below, and if a light would shine from A to B, it would theoretically take so many light years. If to say 100 Billion light years from A to B, then to hardly say simultaneously (see Christ Jesus inviting people to be One) or 1 second or 1 day.

The Bible teaches that God visited generations long before you were born. The Bible teaches that God created, and so could have created three gas stations before any people existed, or 10 swimming pools, and so forth. The above Drawing left wave shows agreement that God could have created things long previous to the current conditions. Even at least in theory generations of creations as part of One Holy Creation and if so then of One Holy Creation Plan.

In other words, if to get from Point A to Point B, then perhaps already there before done reading this line. God has power to give life, to take it away (interpreted of ICCDBB as transfigured or similar), and the God of nature and physics has power to move life, to relocate it, perhaps as people understand scientific laws yet rather and perhaps solely as One God knows how to do.

If to go from Point A to Point B and already at Point "Earth", then less than half the time, less than the so called 100 Billion years. That is, according to viewpoints and perceptions and interpretations there are many opinions that can be formed, yet there is One Christ Jesus of One Holy Opinion that matters most (see "A person becomes One" above) or solely all One.

In terms of the Big Bang (or Big Pulse / also reference magnifier focal point and sphere) Point A and Point B were beside each other, if you are already touching then you are there save One. So a perception or anomaly is time dependent as the determining factor as to whether true or untrue, hence as Christ Jesus taught not merely logic yet also with it love. The higher purpose is the Standard Of The Church (reference the teachings and way of Christ Jesus, the Bible, ICCDBB PCS and similar).

Before you were born God made for you all the gas stations and swimming pools and mansions with luxury limousines you can handle. Before anything, God thought of you and your good pleasure [joy in the Lord (John 14.2, Isaiah 46.10 & Genesis 1.1) In the beginning God created the heavens].

For all the land which thou seest,

to thee will I give it,

and to thy seed for ever (Genesis 13.15).

Properly, responsibly, graciously, mercifully control this realm that yours be called a delightsome land; "And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts (Malachi 3.12). A boat in a pond is shown to the right, with deep [space...] Biblical applications (1 John 5.8).

Thanks be to the Holy Father In Heaven For Christ Jesus. Thanks be for the Heavens (Genesis 2.4) as the Christian reward and more valuable [than worldly interpretations] things as the Heavens are for higher precepts and principles of God, such as to further prepare a people after death to sin.

People are growing human parts from plants and animals, there are multitudes of people with artificial mechanical limbs and internal mechanical and animal organs and parts new and typically better than before in certain measurable senses, people have mechanical brain parts and computer equipment within themselves often with radio communications / external controls (Ezekiel 1.12).

Revelation is now, and as such as the Book Of Revelation explains [and as indicated and/or defined (as from and others)] matters of apocalyptic energies and proportions, that many people will not be able to withstand and therefore where is the crowning glory of victory each of such should present to the Holy Father for Christ Jesus having already suffered and withstood, so rather therefore people are to prepare themselves for Christ Jesus that rather than be destroyed to rather be prepared to properly accept control over such Heavenly Blessings, that is, to be in proper agreement then therefore to be in the comprehensive realm of wisdom to comprehend such level of wisdom to handle such responsibly then to so do in agreement with God. Therefore a person is to rise to the portion of Heaven, that is to rise into the realm of one or more of the Heavens wisely, to comprehend such to overcome accordingly and to lead other people higher and to please the Father in Christ Jesus.

Tools are valuable, some more than others

Personal and professional God given talents, positions, and authorities are valuable, some eternally and some per task until End Time of Revelation. Accordingly useful per se are tools. Generally and typically for instance a train is more useful than a screwdriver since a train likely has one or more toolboxes onboard with screwdrivers, yet in the right hands a certain screwdriver might make a train run: in each instance it is the associated higher purpose plan that best blesses.

What are the most important authorities and tools?, the world hardly could know, save Christ Jesus. Hence as Christ Jesus taught and did, drawing in the dust and preaching high precepts.

People are daily faced with many specific tasks hence requiring specific solutions from the Bible, so in these present times accordingly such as shown above in the Drawing, to the right in current application(s) is a highly valuable tool. It is the measuring of water, and universally the Spirit and water and blood agree (1 John 5.8).

How can a person do more than see the Heavens(?), to handle greater Heavenly things coming such as noise (Revelation 6.1), hunger (Revelation 6.8), and the moon as blood (Revelation 6.12), rise, as God explained. What is higher(?), the Heavens: enter a higher realm, a Heaven commensurate to the task (Matthew 25.26).

Many scientists [Christian or other (Luke 8.18)] have already found and measured many things in the Universe, and we are entered into their work(s) [or we are to enter if we have not yet already].

After we wisely enter we are to do [for Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1.13) and guard (2 Timothy 1.14)]. The thing to do is the task, the things to guard include Holy guidance praying, the preparation, the teaching, the task work, and the accomplished task victory for the Holy Father via worthy Christ Jesus, thankfully.

God gave us the Way of how to do the task, including procedures (Ezekiel 44.5) to do each step and tittle item along the Way (Matthew 5.18).

The former was the individual body from Adam until Christ Jesus, then Jesus ascended to show us the Holy Way to be One with the Holy Father, One Holy Soul, yet a body that did things a person can do, such as when Jesus reappeared the third time (John 21.14) to feed the lambs.

So there was the former Temple, the body, each person, Jesus, and with conversion of the whole of the people of Earth, the Holy Remnant Christian Church, the New Temple then is the Earth realm, and the next New Temple the Known Universe (Isaiah 41.26).

Authority is according to Prophetic Facts And Greater, in God The Father, The Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ. Tools such as drawings and biological phones also are according to such in valuations. And these together are according to situations, with applicable considerations (Luke 14.31) and tasks. God sometimes may favor the competition, so first consider self worthiness for the Lord (Luke 6.42), lest to cause the competition to perhaps gain your own crown and Heaven (Genesis 27.36). Hence rather opt to follow the Way Of Peace, rather to lead as Christ Jesus taught and did in One Way Of Peace, clearing the path that all willing might properly best enter into the missionary work to receive victories as never before revealed in the former world, for Christ Jesus.

This All 4 Good Sermon supersedes the following linked archival Sermon Human Timeline updated June 14, 2015.