Ancient Aliens Coming

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Christ Visits Us [Ancient Aliens / Christian Leadership]
Mark 13 (biblehub / no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated)
The spaceship God used / Ezekiel

Christ Jesus.

Ancient Aliens Coming.

Jesus came unto his Disciples and did smile upon them again (from 3 Nephi 19.30).

(Unaffiliated others often help ICCDBB such as the following, thankyou: Holy Prophets,, &


November 8, 2015.

God The Father set living precepts into motion as He explained and as His Son JESUS detailed and as the Holy Comforter brings into current meaningful purpose unto future guidance (see previous Sermon Comforter pic).

Prophet John Hagee (previous Comforter pic bottom) on His television series of Four Blood Moons with the solar eclipse in the middle, detailed that great things concerning this Revelation End Time would occur including specific to Israel events, and the Prophet detailed specific times of Blood Moons in the past and what had happened to Israel at those times.

Prophet John Hagee explained the Biblical Prophetic matters of the physical Heavens and how each Blood Moon impacted the Israeli Jewish People Chosen Of God (note that the Latter Day Saints likewise claim to be the Jewish People Chosen Of God, see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "One"; also of various sources about half non-Christian Jews reside in New York City / loci: see "half a place" in Ancient Aliens Drawing below).

While many revelations with much unraveling for Christian Leadership has already happened (reference previous ICCDBB increasing Revelations and with Sermons and on Four Blood Moons including a Drawing with key ICCDBB birth anniversary date), greater things are coming. Now revealed in this ICCDBB Sermon below for instance is the date and how Revelation End Time operates in Christ Jesus.

Concerning the recent Four Blood Moons of Prophet John Hagee, they spanned many months. One month after the 9/28/15 Sukkot, for the first time since Israel membership in the UN in 1948 Egypt voted in favor of Israel to be on the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Committee ( 11/1/15). Note the pertinence of "Outer Space Affairs" and what Prophet John Hagee Prophesied for the Holy Father, Christ Jesus, and the Chosen People.

Christ Jesus taught that if the people strayed there would be consequences. ICCDBB and others point out relevant aspects of the Bible such as the greater unknown save of One, and such as the lesser physics and nature and things, that is, there are self defeating ways and there is One Holy Path (John 4.22). If any seek Christ Jesus they yield victories (Luke 1.46 / Psalm 34.3). Let all be for Christ Jesus that good be properly amplified (End Time / Jehovah). Arab Nations (/ Egypt) needed Israel, reported Sunday, 01 November 2015 12:27 (see ICCDBB October 11, 2015 Flowchart Comforter / Godhead Drawing Arab Omega symbol).

Christ Jesus has allowed / enabled this Sermon (with the help of many others such as in order to reveal some certain of the great powers Christians have in the Holy Name Of JESUS, and that others need (see "needed" above likewise) attainable via Christian Water Baptism / full repentance / Christian Signs And Wonders (Exodus 4.8).

This means Christians are to produce Christian Signs And Wonders to yield spiritual offspring gifts for them, and greater.

There is proper Baptism to be accomplished in them that they too be One. As the "Do the Will Of God for them" Drawing below shows, after Baptism there are many Holy Covenants for them to accomplish before End Time be completed, that each be rewarded according to their works (2 Corinthians 11.15), evangelistically speaking, and rather in Holy Flock of greater Pastoring and guiding unselfishly yet of One Holy Mutual Benefit.

Ancient Aliens Are Coming,

do greater as Christ Jesus taught.

Christ Jesus explained of Covenants with God The Father and the Godhead, yet of the light burden such as a person can seek their own temporary reward and then repeat the effort(s), or can do a permanent effort to save a soul (hardly about signs nor wonders nor works of the hands, save the Hand Of One God). If End Time be already commenced as the Prophets indicated, and much be already completed, then there truly is not much time left as One choosing has already worked.

As Prophet Paul explained anyone [of the church of God (at Corinth) per se / letter] who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself, speaking not unto men, but unto God; but he that prophesies edifies the church and "he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort." (from 1 Corinthians especially 14.2-4).

In other words for current applications, if to evangelize in a language foreign to a hearing sinner, the threshold is as a barrier; so rather to evangelize in the way the hearer can relate to it. If a hearer is a drug addict, perhaps discuss how Christians understand things about drugs (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on spirits and wine). If a hearer is a sadist addict, perhaps discuss how Christians understand things about sadism (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the crucifixion and on healing). Be mindful it is key to them to be saved for Christ Jesus, rather than for Christian Evangelist selfish loftiness.

Many non-Christians consider themselves good or mostly good, and many are, though not wholly [(Matthew 19.21) "Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect"].

If many non-Christians consider themselves mostly good, and they can explain much sound reasoning according to worldly logic, then explain unto them the End Time Chart (in the above Drawing and bottom Drawing) and the advantages they can gain: even a sinner can be anxious to have some eternal mansions (John 14.2) in exchange for little effort.

End Times (Mark 13):