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Baptism Mind Control Sermon.

Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB


Updated 10/25/2011

Imagine if today each and all people had Mind Control: things would appear and disappear, things would fly through the air as never before, many people would find themselves doing things they were not intending to do, and then some person of a planned or random thought in the blink of an eye would make it all disappear.


Are You starting to see what is so important with respect to approaching God?, are We starting to open Our Eye(s) unto new bomb possibilities with proper responsibility in mind?, are We becoming God properly?, and there are more responsibilities, and if without proper order in Jesus Christ, then irresponsibly.

Converting people is not some joke. Lives depend on You.

Mind control is not the same as useful, proper, Holy Mind Control that You are supposed to be doing already.

If I fail, pick up the torch; and I tell You I have failed in You [as indicated by the signs]. Even if so or not, yet rather pick up the torch of leadership to properly lead.

1. Love Jesus Christ.

2. Know the outcome.

3. Make it so.

You are given talents, so according to these, unravel according to such delights, yet do so responsibly.

If to pick up a mop, don't knock over furniture [in typical meaning]. If to use mind control, don't hate Your enemy.

You have a talent over Your enemy: convert them.

You have a talent over mops: enjoy them.

The second is similar to the first.

Arrange in Christ, hence arrange properly.

Shall You hire a person to be Your servant?, if so, perhaps a blessing, yet if You have the talent, reason, and means rather some expert to be Your Boss, yet choose carefully.

Who would do such a thing?, there are factory Managers hiring Quality Assurance Managers to be over them. Goodly things happen, as never previously in the world. You can trust in Jesus Christ, yet You can properly place talented Guides over Yourself. In other words You can choose to become more responsible than You have ever been, perhaps more responsible than anyone has ever been, save Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ wants You to be even greater, responsibly unto the One Holy Will.

To be careless is akin as if to say "I can pick up a hammer, I don't need mind control to do it."

You are being provided with a burden [You can hold Your applause, You don't have to thank me].

It's OK, I have plenty more if You use up this one. And that's the point, be responsible whether to Your Boss or to others, lest they otherwise harm. Lead them properly, physically, spiritually, and mentally.

You have talent to offer much freedom. They may yell "Boo". Defend their obnoxious right to vote on You. Make it a helpful thing unto Your learning improving responsibilities [such as being mindful loving faithful righteous higher prioritized intent and such as of innocent children's feelings instead of merely words of logic and law], that You may in turn improve theirs. When cheers are received, credit the team even when many indications are otherwise, mindful that the worse people need the most helpful encouragement.

When ready, such as in Church prayer, as a team You may practice Useful Mind Control, such as within the Lord's Prayer including the Command Of Christ [Commandments] while asking for not more than You can handle [even though God already knows], though be not overly repetitious. Show agreement, in covenant.

Shall You levitate a hammer for careless fun?, No.

Rather choose Jesus Christ. In such, choose proper useful leadership. If You cannot think of how to use Mind Control, use it not. Typically it is not right to use a bomb when circumstances are not suitable, nor a hammer, nor a person.

Learn new talents that they no longer seem too complex, that is, rather be enlightened since God is not the author of confusion. Therefore when learning, learn properly, Biblically, Biblically traceable.

Learn new useful mind control talents. Learn properly, responsibly. Make every part of You and We clean and pure and humble lovingly tender and deeply devoted to Jesus Christ, and learn proper thinking before trying to think for others.

Learn of God. Yet God has given You the world, to help You remember what God has given, such as to help You be mindful to destroy it not.

Do not tempt the Lord.

Do You want to levitate a hammer with mind control, then be mindful: do not steal, including: do not steal the glory belonging to Jesus Christ. Be mindful to do the right thing, yet also to give glory properly to Jesus Christ.

Does a mechanic thank a hammer?, even so, love. Love Your enemy, but not so as to cause them to do sin. Do not seek to disgrace Yourself, such as by praying to trees, rather love, and rather pray thanks unto deserving Jesus Christ. Love tools, somewhat, yet greater love rightly belongs responsibly provided unto the higher love.

Stop at nothing, save responsible higher love reasoning. If You can dream it, make it so, and that does not mean dream nightmares. Envision the goal, if to start a project. Count the cost, understand the consequences of actions along the Way(s) including any variables, as much as time allows, and rather as much as is pleasing unto Jesus Christ.

Distribute evenly, fairly. Give 5 cities to the wealthy, and 10 cities to the very wealthy, if according to the Will of God.

Let all enjoy their fair portions responsibly, as a team for Jesus Christ. Let them do so as much as they are talented and able, mindful that You too were perhaps doing not so much useful mind control.

Did You control their mind, or did they do so in agreeing with You?:

Sinners focus on ways to get out of responsibilities. Responsible people focus on Jesus Christ, and hence on leading, helping, improving, and mutual benefit such as how to help sinners not sin. Sinners destroy other sinners, and others.

Many lovely people go without, and concerning some blessing from God, they know it not. Even sinners do as much and know not the greater harms they do themselves and others.

People often know it not, they know not what they do, until after the fact. That is the hindsight of logic, even so, a little, leave it not left undone.

Do not give the bread and wine to those unworthy. Similarly do not give mind control rights unto those choosing to be uncleansed of Jesus Christ, do not give the blessings, save of higher choosings [including for their sakes, the sakes of the unaware of the risks].

Do not give bombs to children. Do not give mind control tasks to those without talent [there goes much of the levitating of the hammer fun].

There are higher reasons, yet let's solve the things first that are within talents provided of Jesus Christ unto such as would so do. In other words, concerning mind control, We pray We not be greedy, save greedy to do the Will of Jesus Christ.

There are higher reasonings, and dangers. There are higher commitments, even perhaps unto You there are more of the Holy Covenants [One Covenant] as burden blessing unto You.

Mind control risks and dangers are real. Even to read a mind may cause You tremendous depression, stress, and other. Imagine entering into the mind of a person and upon doing so, entering into their marriage partner love: treading on something Holy God hath consecrated. Similar is true of Prophesying, time control, and other.

Even so, become more enlightened in Jesus Christ.

Learn to properly conquer and control others. After all, if meek of Jesus Christ, You Will be given all things of the Earth, and so You had better start preparing properly, that You know how to control when it is Your turn.


Update 10/25/2011.

A television program showed Muslim verses.

Jesus Christ taught love, such as love those who persecute you.

But the many Muslim verses that were shown said to kill others, including all people that were not Muslim.

The program also said the largest Religion was Christian (33%), and that the second largest was Muslim.

So do you use your mind to enlighten people, or do you prefer to kill people?

The television program was just on, minutes ago, and it also discussed current events involving people such as Muslims and Christians and how many people act in the world now. It was not about some crazy person nor some small group, the television program was talking about the second largest Religion group, a giant group that probably wants to kill you.

This is about you.

It is about what you are going to do.