Christ Visits Us

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Christ Visits Us, is an ICCDBB Sermon via Robert Benchoff, ICCDBB, 7/7/2013.

Updated December 1, 2013.

Updated December 13, 2013.

Updated 1/19/2014.

Updated 5/14/2014.

Updated 3/22/2017.

Ancient Aliens came to Earth with awesome destructive powers.

Ancient Alien visitations to Earth are a great mystery to many so some unraveling of that mystery is done here [as God wills (Luke 8.10)]. This ICCDBB Sermon in original form is in the current to date English language.

Since this ICCDBB Sermon is not about political boundaries between Earthly nations, the definition and sense of the word "Alien" in this Sermon is defined as: not of earthly origin.

Accordingly (reference previous ICCDBB Sermons on PCS) to quantify a pertinent quality concerning an Alien group or an Alien civilization: to possess "awesome" and/or advanced technologies, is not the same as to be civilized. Values can be revealed and utilized via the distinguishing not only of powers, yet importantly of guidance [(ibid.) and guidance systems].

There are Alien entities in the Universe, some are civilized and some are not (reference ICCDBB Sermon Some life in the Universe waits to react as it floats dormant, while other life in the Universe has talent to plan and travel and do things Earthlings would appraise as greater and awesome.

Some life in the Universe has not evolved much, while some are more evolved (see ICCDBB Sermons on "perfecting", and law on "more perfect"). Some life went from Earth and returned with not a large quantity of transformation other than such as some experience and education, while other life went from Earth and transformed (Job 28.5) and returned (Genesis 48.4). For instance a monkey might be sent into space and be bombarded by cosmic rays and other energies and it's DNA might be transformed and it might return to Earth though no longer as it was.

Some life in the Universe is not much civilized, while other life in the Universe is more civilized. Reasonably this value is one of the keys in wisely preparing for the future, as many key indicators have shown (reference quality systems) and as many facts have shown (reference legal systems & Matthew 22.40) though there can be exceptions [Will Of Living God (Matthew 22.38 & Ecclesiastes 3.1)] concerning worldly bodies (Romans 6.6).

According to the above therefore some Aliens can be classified as militant or terrorists, perhaps even in pattern as a large invading army of ants destroying virtually all life in it's path uncooperatively, carelessly, and/or without room for negotiation; while other of higher value classification are civilized ["They will beat their swords into plowshares" (from Isaiah 2.4)].

Value is with wisely distinguishing whether Aliens choose to only be militant (reference tyranny & enslavement), or are civilized with or without military capabilities (reference no-strike-capability-reconnnaissance, & strike-capability-reconnnaissance).

So in reading this Sermon consider the context of each section, therefore the measurable values with appropriate considerations as to how to prepare and interact with Aliens (Hebrews 13.2).

Ancient Aliens Visited flying in their UFOs and with Drones.

Jesus Christ lived on Earth virtuously, yet was virtually all about those living in the Heavens, and bringing Heaven on Earth. While agreeing with the Father and other people in the Heavens to visit Earth with the Father and other people from the Heavens [PCS: from Heaven (Mark 9.4) / as foretold and as happened in pattern "three of them went up Mount Hor together as the whole community watched" (from Numbers 20.27 New Living Translation 2007)].

Some information sources are more credible per se [Security PCS: (Ecclesiastes 4.13)]; than other sources which might be considered as relatively toward sin, to deceive, to joke, to teach by comparison, and/or other, example: a teacher shows a wrong formula [counted as if temporary sin (see GodMath)] so that the students proactively motivate for correcting and improving.

Television shows and Internet sites such as of pyramids and astounding ancient structures such as at Puma Punku, Nazca, Giza, Tikal [update 1/19/2014 (search Peten Guatemala on Google maps near Tikal in conjunction with Noah maps , no affiliations unless otherwise indicated)], Boznia, China, and underwater such as the offshore Taiwan Yonaguni Monument [thousands of years old on 20 Million years old rock (detailed in part at] and Eden possibly under the Persian Gulf (related map and possibly Atlantis [also seen on Google Images and here is a sample site Mars & Tikal Pyramids comparison maps (throughout this website no affiliations unless otherwise indicated)] include real structures of cutting edge technologies at least for their times, along with apparent imitations such as for instance the Nazca airport lines which evidently were not actually used as airport lines within our current modern airport meaning since planes, jets, and land traffic would have greatly disturbed and erased many of the lines.

If for instance a person climbs a mountain, they want to stand on the top and look around. Likewise in pattern if you go through all the trouble to build a high pyramid, you finish the highest point, but often that is not the case. Instead many pyramids have flat tops, such as to be able to land a flying vehicle on top that the passenger(s) might ceremoniously address the public below, perhaps with voice amplification and a light show.

Jesus Christ One In The Father is at Earth, and in person visited Earthlings at times, such as in Genesis with Adam and Eve, such as via Flying Car and/or Spaceship (click to see the Spaceship God used), and such as the Lord of the Gospels of Jesus Christ and US Constitution Article 7.

Others too have evidently visited in person at times (Mark 9.4, and possibly as some television shows on Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs, describe whether of earthly origin or other).

The point is, sometimes people and/or entities of higher goodly abilities visit Earth, such as to help us understand virtue, machinery, and/or for other purposes.

In measuring our civilization and the things of the Known Universe it is therefore evidently of value to distinguish accordingly.

The more moral, loving, and higher reasoning part of television shows often represent or symbolize the current [Public PCS] state-of-the-art of public opinion to certain extents as pertinent within situations.

Close Encounters of the Ancient Kind

Ancient people experienced abrupt changes in their cultures and their civilizations from time to time, impacting their faiths, religions, and scientific beliefs. Increasingly on television there are being shown many specials on ancient aliens not from Earth, with some more credible than others.

Ancient artifacts that are authentic and not fakes, are very old obviously and obviously hold great value worthy of governmental protection; but television studies of aliens in relatively recent decades such as after the advent of human designed aircraft able to have reasonably precisely controlled lateral movement [such as around the Eiffel Tower (Alberto Santos-Dumont circa 1800s)] often devolve if the programs fail to distinguish mortal human flight achievements from other [or alien (save Jesus Christ and His Prophets in the flesh Romans 8.3), that is to distinguish typical humans from other] creatures not of evolutionary flesh and blood.

For instance an ancient dig site might reveal an airplane and/or what appears to be a carving in stone of an aerospace vehicle with a pilot in a spacesuit or flight-suit. Though for instance given the frequency rate of ancient alien visitations and dramatic effects they cause, if to discuss on television modern times and finding a peculiar crashed aircraft with strange markings, it is very possibly a normal military craft prototype and not as likely an alien craft such as from Orion's Belt.

Since truth is important (John 14.6) lest the public and our future leaders be deceived, it is therefore important to have properly accountable (ICCDBB PCS) pertinently qualified expertise explain to the public [whether with or without entertainment values otherwise] valuable matters, such as about ancient and perhaps current visitations.

A pertinent recent news article example is found here: .

Biblically and scientifically "We can expect to find a multitude of lower life-forms on cold and distant worlds. Higher life-forms are another matter, as they are spiritually with us already" [reference (ICCDBB Sermon: Life Throughout The Universe specifically) and (Genesis 2.19 lower / Genesis 3.22 & Matthew 1.23 higher)].

Via God, One with Jesus Christ, all things work for good, including higher intelligence lacking proper faith in Christ Jesus, that is in pertinent current terms that a UFO alien or UFO other world drone might cause us disaster if we do not first cause it good guidance via delivering unto it the living points of doctrine of Jesus Christ for mutual benefit.

Can you personally overcome other world armies of advanced technologies with UFOs? Yes via a leap of faith in Christ Jesus, yet rather a light burden via a people, a planning Christian people functioning together as One to guide the alien culture for them and for Jesus Christ, and for our One mutual benefit.

The Egyptians in early days of Moses were planners in various faiths and sciences [(Isaiah 19.3) and in similar patterns "the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom" (1 Corinthians 1.22)], so then it is important that if to distinguish good aliens from bad aliens, rather good from those not yet properly best guided for Jesus Christ by you, then to perceive their talents and ways, yet to do as God does.

Place God first in their lives and/or talents of understandings, by showing God is already first now and always for their benefit and mutual benefit, and if they do not respect you sufficiently, succor them and rescue them and rescue their understandings that they perceive to choose to understand higher value found in God (Alma 32.27 & Mormon 9.27). Rescue them that they understand to be One forever [And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: (Genesis 3:22)] via Christ Jesus their Lord and Savior.

The best rescue path is not only about obvious things, it is also over the unseen, as they have nowhere to hide, and that if they not do best of light burden then they have chosen for themselves hardship [PCS (reference the GodMath Testament scientifically distinguishing the Christ Jesus path from the evolution path in Chart 1)].

If the aliens are reasonably willing (reference law) to lovingly discuss terms with you, then they might find valuable the experiences as applicable of matters to date through civilization(s) as to how a people of a broken heart yielded a contrite unified spirit: Leadership of Moses / contrite spirit / broken heart. Leadership might be an important value and/or goal unto the aliens, so they might want to learn more.

Moses broke the law in Egypt, though for higher purpose, to thwart a merciless planner. So as an baby Jesus Christ visited Egypt to mercifully and legally fulfill the law peacefully as example for others to follow, lest they always be turning and looking back over their shoulders to see what enemy might be following, hence: Jesus Christ / Leadership of Moses / contrite spirit / broken heart.

Guide them in trend toward the Promised Land fold of Oneness lest they find themselves in worsening states per selfish plans until their end (Alma 8.15, 16, & 17).

If to "perceive their talents and ways", then to understand the parameters of their technologies, sciences, customs and so forth, and if they are not forthcoming with such to enlighten you then they risk their plans and possibly their end (ibid.). Cooperation does not require breaking of the law, rather have mercy, afford each party to have secrets if there is no deal breaker (3 Nephi 11.28).

There had been a prevailing notion that the pyramids of Egypt and perhaps also of Latin America and pyramids elsewhere were structures in which people were laid to rest [such as post 120 years (Genesis 6.3) and within the context of the balance of this page below (John 11.11)]. The typical Bible Testaments do not mention pyramids, though the pyramid burial notion may have convinced some according to the Maccabees alleged to have been written 100BC. Independently it has been stated that the Maccabees were more about wars than Holiness, yet the Maccabees are at least supportive of some Biblical text and even footnoted in Old Testament in at least one version of the Bible. 1 Maccabees 13 discusses seven pyramids used to lay people to rest though the seven may have been pyramids other than the currently popularized ones, and may have great underground structures tied to the ocean as one or some person or people have written. So reasonably usage of pyramids as rest places is a tradition that may have carried intra-culturally among some groups, which might accordingly have tied some cutting edge technologies and studies in complex advanced physics.

Close Encounters of the Leadership Kind

Alien attacks will come, evil will plague the Prophets and the Priests, from the human relativity / worldly point of view; "THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS" "will bring evil" down on "both prophet and priest", from The Most High Holy / Heavenly Point Of View (Jeremiah Chapter 23); attacks will come against our most kind Christian Leadership people. The attacks will be or seem as if Alien, raining down on human leadership, reigning over people [United States Of America Constitution (see Article 2 Section 1 Executive Oath to "protect") & (Amendment 13) slavery includes temporary wartime enslavement or subjugation], therefore proper planning (Preamble), Treaties (Article 1 Section 2), and provisions (Preamble) are required by law to have been made [by government at least secretly if not-of-Earthly-origin-Aliens were realized (Exodus 33.10, also in fair pertinence reference bottom of page within it's own context are "General George Washington", "Valley Forge", "aliens", and "swapping spies with the Soviet Union" at] to have settled or to have ameliorated the situation already in forward looking action accordingly.


Not only to correct, instruct, and guide the people and human leadership, yet rather to show and prove to the people and human leadership how great and wonderfully awesome Christ Jesus Is With The Father In One; yet rather more importantly for the greater glory of Jesus Christ, the source in charitable uplifting spirit.

The Book Of Genesis alone makes 119 references to "give" and to "gave" and similar; there are thousands of such charitably uplifting offerings in the Bible.

Not to be improperly used as a crutch in order to be lazy, of the Bible no burden God places on a person is too great / talent / human (John 16.12).

Why Heavenly Alien or seemingly Alien attacks will come is to bring a light burden onto those worthy to so receive of the power (reference "worthy" / PCS / ICCDBB) that humans rise from toward slime and evolution to become not only Priests and Prophets yet rather of being One Proper Leadership Together With Christ Jesus (reference "One" / GodMath Testament).

Ancient Writings and Artifacts bear testimony of what has transpired, while what has not yet come to be continues to seem as if Alien (Jeremiah 23.3-8) even though human astronauts from earthly origin come down from the sky, and even though we are stardust. We are not only offspring of the Big Bang, we are also offspring of time (see first illustration at affiliated site in the Holy Eternal sense, and Christ Jesus is Ancient and yet current and future, and Christ Jesus is not Alien and yet is over the Heavens also and can send Angels down or up, to here or to there.

There are things that can be reasoned about Aliens from other worlds. A less advanced alien might be found by earthlings on a distant planet and could perhaps appear as an animal, a plant, or as a microscopic virus. An alien more advanced than earthlings would be able to appear beyond description, perhaps both inside us while also outside our bodies the way radio waves can travel through people yet intelligent waves able to manipulate people and objects, such as to quake a person and appear in front of them as a lightening bolt that can be held as a spear or as a human that is kind yet controlling rapture.

In theory if advanced more than earthlings, then an alien can destroy earth more easily than earthlings could, but that has not happened lately.

So such an alien wants to help some or all earthlings. Puma Punku is such an example, or at least is in such pattern, of a non-earthling alien(s) attack against a city or site, against another non-earthling alien(s) and/or against earthling(s) there. In practical reasoning Puma Punku artifacts on television, have been connected to giant doors / hinges, or to a launch system. Some Biblical connections have been theorized, and whether televised or not one such Biblical symbol of the "H" shaped structures in partial or modified model forms can be found at these sites:

  • A Biblical destruction model: ,
  • A Biblical interpretation model:, and
  • A God Of Nature forming model (agrees with Psalm 18.2):
  • (no affiliations with other sites unless otherwise indicated).

    Of Biblical reasoning, if an earthling is to describe a more advanced non-earthling alien visiting Earth, then the following is an example.

    If Daniel had not been appropriate, and had been scared and fled as the other earthlings did, or if Daniel had put-up-a-fight [reference friendly-fire], then Daniel would hardly have entered into the powerful leadership position known as alien powers [unless the "alien" reached-out to help Daniel anyhow (John 20.29), rather of the higher promise PCS: rather than wait for a miracle be the miracle, be "the elders",..."the heads"...and the Commanders-In-Chief (1 Kings 8.1) and the powerful friendly alien or such authoritative representative with fruit convincing among entities, with powerful deeds, and the Holy Word (2 Nephi 3.11)].

    Close Encounters Working In Leadership

    Christ Jesus said "Come, follow me" (Matthew 4.19), so "At once they left their nets and followed him." (Matthew 4.20).

    Ought we not do the same? Should we not prepare to go lead with God when God comes?

    When God comes full of wonders and miracles, full of riches and fury, in power and grace; when God comes to visit use in great strength and might as if alien to us, as if an alien coming at us with awesome capabilities able to conquer us immediately and completely, we should be ready to immediately and even automatically from good habit making and practice to choose and be on the right side, the right team, to join in force with God and follow the lead of God and lead with the Father and One Holy Son of man and together in United concerted action so do properly and best accordingly.

    The Holy Father in the Bible gave us an example to follow to properly best deal with the alien encounter [to rightly properly choose (Matthew 7.16), and then], to do as Christ Jesus said "Come, follow me" and in example the reaction by His Disciples was that "At once they left their nets [their former ways] and followed him."

    Back then Jesus Christ said "Come", and then they immediately walked with Him.

    Today we have horses, chariots, and rather cars and planes, and soon will come flying cars; and while some walking would reasonably be done, so too as exemplified as in Ezekiel Chapter 1 verses 4 through 6 some would fly in advanced metal spacecraft rocketry plane and flying car designs accordingly as per needs per situation as written, with plumes of dusty winds and wings and other technologies utilized.

    So rather than being prepared to only walk with the Lord, plan to ride and fly with the Lord Of Nature And Natural Science, conquering the air.

    Because as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26.64 "From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."

    As people unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom of God via Jesus Christ, we can reasonably expect that greater and greater marvels can be realized of profound impact on civilization / leadership as a whole.

    The alien visitation type of prophecy of Revelation 19.17 states "And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, 'Come, gather together for the great supper of God,'".

    The Old Testament of the Israelites had timetables maintained by the Levites, calendars utilized by the Priests to invite the people unto Hallowed Feasts unto the Lord God The Father In The Heavens. In the New Testament Jesus Christ unraveled unto us that former laws concerning Hallowed Feasts were rather to be of charitable grace.

    Therefore we are to prepare to fly with God in the sky above our homes and there in the sky hold Sacred Feasts with God, with Bible seed foods.

    Also for foods, even though God can provide, we the people are to likewise so do and provide, as we charitably best choose, perhaps vegetables, perhaps unleavened bread, wine, fruit, fish and Old Testament listed approved meats, and accordingly within such parameters foods of newly unraveled technologies such as fusion grain cooking for meals for the Lord, and the Chosen of the Exodus had livestock so perhaps milk, and perhaps a flying house made of cheese.

    Further food for thought is to be aware of the intense PCS / ICCDBB Standard-Of-The-Church need, the need to properly define, standardize, and calibrate from the start purely and distinguished from after-ther-fact bias contamination whether intentional or other [save properly negotiated (go from pattern Deuteronomy 18.9-11 to trend Hebrews 7.14-16)], and a proper way to do so more safely than problem prone situations [(Exodus 23.24 rather Philippians 4.5) legal evidence as a minimum]. A blessedly simple way to accomplish such a burden, rather such a light burden was as accomplished by VGC Foundation [(no affiliation unless otherwise indicated) bias may apply] which offered in it's VGC Proposal scientific proof against unfair illegal immoral bias according to not what evidence was provided after-the-fact, rather what was proven prior to question.

    VGC provided the example of the Heisenburg Principle as for Executive decision making and in pattern / trend as for Voter Rights. For instance if you show a person an Ancient Artifact, that is not the same as showing a person an Internet photo that may be counterfeit. In other words personal and/or group bias may have a wiki-type modern belief system of listening to many uneven opinions that may be goodly, such as for popularity (Esther 10.3), Quality Assurance, and more, but it can often be better (Luke 5.17) to specialize with precision (Job 21.2) as within a field of expertise not only to hear and stop gap as necessary per se (Ezekiel 32.3), yet such as that long range guidance and/or doctoring be properly precise (Deuteronomy 24.8 & Jeremiah 7.23).

    Ancient Aliens Not-Of-Earthly-Origin applicability is that in modern times bias, even of goodly intent, may apply, as of this linked site which has Ancient Aliens investigators blogging and jumping to conclusions often without all the pertinent facts, seeing pics of an Ancient Church Cathedral building with it's ornate structure clearly depicting an Astronaut actually as such, though having had in modern times been updated, similar to how some families have a quilt and each generation adds one or more sections to the quilt to indicate something about the family life during that time frame.

    If to discuss Roswell, New Mexico, or Kecksburg, PA UFOs, then innocent modern United States Air Force bias may apply. What may seem to be UFOs to the general public might be secret flying machines. Yet prior to the invention of modern flight as far as reasonably known such as BC rather than AD, it is safe within the context of this ICCDBB Sermon Page to say neither did the United States Air Force nor any other Air Force of Earthly origin cause UFOs other than kites, gliders, and other relatively simple machines. So [similar to as done by VGC for instance] unless authorized in government [see ICCDBB Sermon on Project Blue Book] BC is a more reliable source per se concerning the study of Ancient Aliens Not-Of-Earthly-Origin and Close Encounters Working In Leadership.

    Close Encounters of the Physics Kind

    Advanced physics applications were evidenced often in the ancient past on planet Earth. There were leaps in advanced physics with associated problem solving applications, relatively far beyond for instance the counting with stones.

    With no mortal humans figuring it out for them evidently, the chemical manufacturing processes, lifting of water, flight applications, and celestial measuring was calculated, with precision on the scale of nano-technology and time measurements and beyond, without the aid of modern handheld calculators nor of modern building sized NASA computer server networks.

    The facts have proven that sudden and dramatic changes came swiftly. Often advancements that have otherwise taken billions of years or more as the evidence has shown to date, occurred in a single generation, sometimes in a matter of seconds.

    Whether carbon based, silicon based, plasma based (James 4.14) and/or other, whether energy converters, matter converters, and/or 3D designing planners, abrupt changes occurred via the original deity [Public PCS: (Deity)] plan dramatically overwhelming the course of former applications as the new and improved more useful more user friendly technologies became wisely understood and gained permanence among offspring through billions of years [more than 3.7 billion years ago ( Table 15.1] as a leading pattern part [the second like the first (1 Kings 6.26, Matthew 22.39, & 2 Kings 25.17)] of the "superorganism" [(James Hutton 1785 concerning Earth) rather concerning Universe and All (Ephesians 3.9 & Matthew 19.4)]: "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." (Colossians 3.2).

    Whether flying over the earth with force [PCS: second nature (2 Kings 2.1) and first nation(s) (Matthew 17.12 & Matthew 14.8)] or flying instantly between solar systems (Psalm 19.5, Revelation 19.17, Luke 21.25, & Revelation 12.1); whether people fly, whether God flies, whether particles fly, and whether energy flies; in physics many experts consider the comprehensive theories, effects, and unified applicability. In the study of the comprehensive theorem is not merely the result, since such result is typically the formula, the equation, the solution such as from which law is derived and described; at least as importantly as the solution is how the solution was found. But "law does not perfect" (repeatedly stated at, the Public PCS site).

    Even many of the bird brains, the brains of birds, tiny as they are, know something of how to build with sticks and string. So it is hardly the lower value that is important, rather the highest value is important of how with comprehensive vision to be able to find the solving mechanism to solve many more things, many greater things, including how to meet God in the sky, how to agree with God, how to be "a God" [raised above other gods / protected from other gods (2 Kings 17.35), rather to serve One God, leading as One hence] rather to be One With God (Luke 21.8 with Malachi 2.2, and Acts 9.15).

    The lowest value [PCS: quality quantification (see above PCS site)] is a calibration point, hence of value, in this case we can name it law, and more accurately the law(s) of nature (ibid.). It is not only the law of solution(s), it is also the law of how to find solutions [also reference Scientific Method (a loosely scrambled collection, being per field, hence PCS is the comprehending entity among the experts when they so agree)]. For instance, if to learn how to "find" how to solve, then to transgress the law in North Carolina [not to single out North Carolina, the great state that has been called First In Flight] unless a student first pay a fee to "find" as required by the realty law(s). In other words to think [reference the Monkey Trial with "Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation." (Scopes Evolution Trial with Galatians 6.15), the right to think. Similarly (Matthew 22.39), the right to agree with a Physicist, the right to agree with a Judge, the right to be One With The President, the right to follow God to lead with God, at least in worldly natural terms the right to be God [yet not unfairly selfishly (see Proverbs 18.1 and with Mosiah 4.11 and Numbers 6.27)].

    Rewards are at times received by leading Physicists, and that is splendid, yet it can be that greater than that action is the activity of investigating of the source of solving [if not to get in the way of the Physicists (reference Public PCS)], for instance if a Physicist can predict sufficiently to reliably make long range projections for government and the people as to when floods will occur and/or when the Hand Of God will be revealed (reference insurance acts-of-God), then learning how the Physicists solve may unravel how to learn, comprehend, prioritize, how to make long range projections on how to fly with God, and similar.

    Public PCS discusses the importance of worthiness as a people, as a Chosen People preferably, to legally and to best operate. For instance many people believe that ancient aliens visited from under the sea (reference Christopher Columbus 1492 with Journal). Physicists may agree that possibly related are long distance atmospheric refraction visions of campfires at sea around an arc of the curvature of the planet, and often the bottom of a clear lake can be seen while simultaneously viewing the reflected top of a mountain.

    Physicists unraveling ancient alien visitations can agree that walking through the air on Earth involves a velocity that is often other than the velocity in water or the velocity in space, yet interface properties continue to be as defined. Some might be temporary, some might be refractive, some conditions may be more God applicable (Matthew 6.10, Genesis 1.20, Deuteronomy 4.36, Philippians 2.10, and 1 Corinthians 8.5) or ancient alien visitation applicable according to some evidence, than some other conditions.

    Yet Physicists can attest to the fact that private (see "selfish" above) reasoning alone is not sufficient in worldly terms for bringing about understanding unto others with associated actions on their parts accordingly, such as to dig for ancient alien visitor artifacts in a certain location or to have a certain air-water-spacecraft built within the next few weeks.

    Ancient visitations are associated with certain facts, and more than that they are associated with certain continuous improvement (2 Peter 3.11-13) in worldly terms ("they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world" Luke 20.35, and Demming Win Win Philosophy) for instance in ancient times, more than the prediction and/or warning of what would come soon, to be accounted worthy such pertinent ancient people did many works with their hands (Genesis 8.7 and in higher context 1 Chronicles 28.2), the ancient people did many awesome things that would make many pertinent / worthy Physicists proud or astonished, such as to evidence leadership in the constructing of a vehicle able to travel both under water and over the surface where the "Spirit of God" was (Genesis 1.2), and in agreement with "Physicists" and/or human(s), and almost as if a human commanded God, God moved light (Ether 3.4).

    God of charity broke, rather distinguished, parts of light; for His People and for all, hence the greater glory of God ultimately. Ancient alien or counted as if similar description [(Isaiah 52.14) due to your and/or our sin(s)] God (1 Timothy 2.5) and/or Gods (Genesis 3.22) beyond the capacity as Advanced Physicist Planner / Theorist, actually in fact created [rather than innovated / worldly, though the second point similar to the first] some certain electromagnetic light applications, that is for example to put two magnets together is innovation, yet the first human to do such is the inventor of the pattern [lead (2 Chronicles 26.15) without "I don't care" attitude, rather carefully as Jesus Christ leads (Mosiah 9.16 & 17)]. To discover is not the same as to innovate:

    To not-truly-repentant non-Baptized people, the above formulae (in this sense formulas that share certain aspects that greater aspects might be toward unraveling higher mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven and/or discovering accordingly or toward better solving) does not apply in themselves [though for instance the Bible explains "But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water." (2 Peter 3.5)] in a certain respect (John 6.36 and/or Amendment 1) hence to a person this site unraveling alien mysteries for them might be in a direction they choose or might be in another direction they do not themselves choose (John 21.18), so even if to prove or disprove ancient alien visitations, people, including great expert Physicists, are free to choose to agree or disagree under law, though if they choose the Bible, then of the Bible there is only one path, a one way street.

    The above formulae in PCS terms indicates that to Discover, Innovate with Inventing, for instance as interpreted accordingly for higher purpose for the greater glory of Jesus Christ, if to Discover, utilize the expertise of the Chosen People while not leaving the other undone, so comprehensively Innovate unselfishly for Christ Jesus while enabling the Prioritizing Inventing aspect [the opposite being that pearls tossed in front of careless people are hardly of interest to them (Matthew 27.35 & Matthew 7.6), fighting for things instead of fighting for people more importantly]. A wise people will Innovate and then welcomely be thrilled with unraveled mysteries Invented / Discoveries.

    Physics uses models, often in the form of equations, though linear equations are often unevenly represented per Physics Laws (reference Public PCS Item #5), reasonably similar to using a series of zeros-and-ones to truly describe the fact of a kiss; in other words interpolation, assumptions within so called "pure science", and similar are guessworks of confusion all too often even though the portrayer might have goodly intentions (Proverbs 12.2); therefore beware of how ye hear (Luke 8.18) and view [(Psalm 19.3) & Pastor John Hagee &] and that you do as perfectly ordained [(Deuteronomy 6.3) as the Presbytery and others have taught that great learning comes from students doing accordingly]. If to learn what ancient aliens did, then to learn properly for Christ Jesus lest to become a lost civilization defeated. If to learn ancient alien Physics, then vital is to learn safely (Hebrews 5.7-9).

    Close Encounters of the Applied Physics Kind

    Advanced physics applications were evidenced often in the ancient past for instance physics breakthroughs came in ancient times with the breakthroughs often handed down through generations, with leaps in advanced physics associated problem solving with no mortal human Earthlings having figured it out. There were chemical manufacturing applied physics that rival what our experts might consider today. There were breakthroughs concerning the lifting of heavy materials weighing tons, the lifting of water, flight applications, and celestial measuring was calculated with precision on the scale of nano-technology, along with interconnected time or time travel measurements, all without the aid of modern handheld calculators nor of modern building sized NASA computer server networks.

    As discussed in the "Close Encounters of the Ancient Kind" section above it is important the public know the truth from the appropriate experts. Similarly it is important to be wise ["the value of wisdom" (Job 28.18)] to be distinguishing people from things, not toward destroying goodly valuable work(s) with associated utilization of tools and energies, rather to respect entities for their value(s) for higher purpose such as how they best function together [or apart such as no short circuits, hence to function together safely insulated].

    A person might fly in a spacecraft for instance, or perhaps they might fly as if without a spacecraft. They might have a remote craft lift them by energy similar to wires, or they might have a small implant device that has a lift result. Many energies come and go, to humans and from humans [(Matthew 14.29 & such as related to levitation [affiliated NASA CREW discussion (Flying Car Breakthrough Design from A Check Exact].

    Having established certain parameters as stated above, an important distinguishing key wisdom factor follows this next eye opener revelation.

    What then is the Kingdom Of God? Who then are the mighty and wondrous Ancient Aliens of which civilizations speak in awe?

    In the world from the point of view of algae, a bird is as a great power, able to swoop down and devour algae; while from the point of view of Ancient Human Civilizations, an Ancient Alien was in pattern as a great power, able to swoop down and do marvels of science to improve the human condition or to destroy. Today in pattern God not only teaches individuals, yet also guides current civilization such as via Church, and such as via visiting widows (James 1.27); visiting not only some or all of those willing, as of Baptism / repentance [and greater (Matthew 17.3), yet also visiting selfish people [unawares (Hebrews 13.2)] also fitting the pattern of how a parent decides to wait before buying a potentially dangerous gift for an often careless child, and fitting many other patterns (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on how many patterns properly arranged fit within One Holy Trend).

    God visits us, and God comes not by works of our hands (Jeremiah 25.6 & Hebrews 1.10) neither by observation, save such works be One Holy Work from within the Holy Temple(s) of God, within each Baptized leader accordingly, and/or within One People accordingly per se (see Public PCS); not from outer, yet properly from within. "The kingdom of God comes not with observation: Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." [from (Luke 17.20&21/].

    Not to leave the other undone, God is within all things (Deuteronomy 4.7), with One Person or One People either under the limitations per se (Exodus 32.19), or over the threshold; in pattern either as viruses symbolically as viruses are most often considered replicators rather than forms of life, or as Ancient Aliens in the sky in the Heavens relative to Ancient Humans.

    So there is a work of the hands (Matthew 4.17), One Work (Matthew 5.3), that can be done. It is a mighty and wondrous work. It is to those unawares Close Encounters of the Applied Physics Kind.

    Applied Physics in the sense of these current years involves things such as waves of energies [the Old Testament repeatedly refers to "waves of the sea" and greater (Psalms 93.4, Genesis 1.15, & 1 Samuel 9.27)], intermittent energies [communication as of to see "the word" (1 Samuel 9.27)], accelerated particles (Romans 8.11), fusion and fission nuclear power (see the Ark Of The Covenant below), ionized clouds and electricity channeled along wires.

    Years ago on my own (bias may apply, save the Lord willing) I used a "VU Meter" as it was called, a recording / amplifying device to measure electricity on things such as on humans, plants, and inanimate objects, keeping careful records organized to reveal patterns. Inanimate objects often were inert, plants showed some electrical energy, and humans showed a great deal of electrical energy. While surface area may have had much to do with the results, along with moisture and other factors, the following site illustrates further examples of electrical matters pertinent to this topic (no affiliation unless otherwise indicated).

    The above link / site states "plant branches are usually positioned 45 degree's from the plant stem." "rain is negatively charged" ["Molecular dynamics simulations of water clusters with ions at ..." (American Institute of Physics)], usually [(reference typical lightening source(s)) and distinguish missionary work (3 Nephi 19.14) from a fall (Luke 10.18)]. If there was no branch (Isaiah 11.1) the trees would be more as lightening rods, more likely to be struck by lightening. If the branches were 90 degrees instead of 45 degrees the trees would be more likely to be as center-tap-electrical-transformers reversing electrical ground, grounding itself at each limb [rather (Ezekiel 17.3-8), also a and/or counted as if Ancient Alien above (Mormon 7.7 & Helaman 14.21) and/or within (Alma 7.10)] or higher value [(John 15.5) agrees with the above link / site].

    Popular current Applied Physics also for instance includes electricity as in static fields (see Daniel 1.20 below), chemistry [with chemists in many fields of advanced talents such as perfumers, cooks, and metallurgists (1 Samuel 8.13, Nehemiah 3.8)], and plasma groupings of energies at times with particles such as to overlay weld, similar in pattern to cladding such as in Ancient times that perhaps Ancient Aliens were clad / armor-plated (Revelation 9.9).

    Concerning the Ark Of The Covenant there was power according to evidence having to do with the collapse of the Walls Of Jericho. The Israelites were instructed to "March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in." (Joshua 6.3-5, & see below radar ultrasonics).

    Marching over a bridge is illegal since small footsteps can setup harmonic waves that can destroy a bridge. Add musical harmonics such as trumpets blasting in rhythm and much change can be made, harmonic leverage can be quantified, see the illustrations below. Also note that in situations lack of harmonic music, such as mild (reference user friendly & PCS) background noise is preferred as legal.

    Jesus Christ referred to the Father above. God the Father is everywhere though counted as above, from or at Heaven, hence in the context of this Sermon, distinguished as though Alien, counted as a quantified entity hence point with which Jesus Christ agreed, hence counted as an equation expression.

    Since the power of the Ark Of The Covenant is from above from the leadership known as the Father, it follows that the Ark Of The Covenant had symbolic and actual fact of advanced power (1 Chronicles 13.10) which killed an Earthling and anger was kindled. To quantify what type of power might both kill and collapse a city wall, while in consideration that no pertinent lightening bolt nor projectile was mentioned, the more obvious scientific and faithful (3 Nephi 21.6) answer is that unseen energy waves were from the Ark Of The Covenant. Any Earthling too close to the Ark Of The Covenant and anything in the path of the beam of energy focused by the Ark Of The Covenant within a reasonable distance, was transformed (reference above DNA discussions, flakes of steel leaping away from steel plates due to applied ultrasonics, ultrasound kidney stone cracking, nuclear energy intragranular stress corrosion cracking, and dolphins harmed by sonar).

    Applied physics of Earthly origin offers many solutions which are routinely utilized in pattern, such as applicable to ultrasonics, radar as with mode conversion to ultrasound, X-radiography, radio signaling, and so on, so it is certainly reasonable that much guidance came and comes (reference PCS) from the Ark Of The Covenant Alien (counted per se, see above) advanced civilized technology among the Ancients experiencing Close Encounters of the Applied Physics Kind.

    Close Encounters of the Astrophysics Kind

    26 degrees 18 minutes 9 seconds is the Christ Angle, 26.3 degrees, pointing to Bethlehem laterally, and to Venus and Regulus vertically [(according to with 2017AD discussions & illustrations]. 26.3 fits into a circle 14 times if with overlap, hence helical, see DNA above, see algae above, reference the Khufu Khafre Menkaure angle. Much data can be presented, much can be very pertinent, much can be less pertinent. On television great things are presented about Ancient Aliens visiting, so accordingly thank you very much television broadcasters.

    Even so, often the television experts while presenting expert values themselves report "What if" scenarios. During a recent Presidential Candidacy Debate Senator Hillary Clinton determined from the onset that she thought it unfair if the Moderator would ask questions that were "hypthotheticals", in other words that were "What if" scenarios. Raw data with exciting entertainment guesses are not the same as proper scientific methodology, even if offered by experts in their field(s) hence even with many renowned sources referenced (reference PCS) including eye witness accounts of UFOs.

    If to properly [(ibid. & reference scientific methodology expertise such as Golden Rule with Demming) agree with both being legal and to agree with the God Of Nature in] evaluating Ancient Aliens visiting humans, then to not only present facts as if isolated and independent from other conditions, rather to make the higher comprehensive consideration(s) [of Grace enabling higher Wisdom (PCS Prioritization), see Calibration below]. To use math, laws, and/or other information conditionally is hardly the same as pure science. For instance 26.3 degrees noted above by some expert is called the Christ Angle, though perhaps 10 degrees can also be the Christ Angle [sun dial (Isaiah 38.8)], the 3 degrees can also be the Christ Angle [as of Telestial Glory, and Terrestrial Glory (LDS)], along with many other degrees from God the Creator. The God Particle and many other ideas provided by leading experts are often for fluff, rather than of points of doctrine of Jesus Christ in agreeing with the God Of Nature And Science And Scientific Laws And Principles And Methodology(ies). If not properly referenced in agreement / One Standard, One Guideline, and One Law for all people, then subject to other than agreement, hence opinion.

    To do a great work only to do so unfounded, is hardly to do a great work (Matthew 12.26), in other words to not give proper credit, proper accountability, when seeing Alien Artifacts and/or Alien Visitation(s), then hardly proper methodology [such as a talent of the interpretation of tongues (1 Corinthians 12.10)]. We do not communicate much in clicks and whistles if inappropriate, rather we use the pre-agreed dictionary. We do not claim we are authorized, unless we have been so authorized. We do not set financial nor ethical standards inappropriately lest we be as crooks, rather we properly agree to terms and arrangements. Often high or top experts in their fields have great latitude, an elastic clause, or similar, so there is already a precedent set accordingly, yet reasonably (ibid.).

    Rocks, such as planets, and energy systems, such as stars, have molecular structures full of energy including the in-between spaces [(fabric of space & Colossians 1.16) seen and unseen] for good higher purpose.

    If to see awesome visitation, do good (2 Timothy 4.2 & Luke 8.18).

    A mountain witnessed the Glory Of God, the mountain melted. We can experiment, without experimenting against personal rights [(former President George W. Bush) yet also reference acts of faith (Acts 12.23)]. Act reasonably safely for others, yet also unselfishly. There might be a rock that witnessed a special Godly Event, or there might be a God Particle to testify to a special Godly Matter, or there might be an angle that is special to God; yet be concerned how others may reasonably interpret; are you guiding or misleading?

    Close Encounters of the Astrophysics Kind are how We The People interpret, not to make We The People selfish, rather that We The People be wise to understand each other and the talents each has that We as a whole be properly United as a minimum, and rather more, that We properly lead in the Universe and not be conquered (Matthew 10.16).

    The Great Creator The God Of Nature taught the rocks (Luke 19.40), the rocks taught the slime, and the slime taught us. Leave not the unseen nor the rocks undone [guide all creatures and things (Colossians 1.16)] yet with higher purpose (Philemon 1.6) moreso guide willing people unto higher principles and wisdom.

    There can be an easy leap [of faith in Christ Jesus "Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets" (Luke 6.23)] thinking, and/or in freedom of religion under law there can be simple steps of logic that none be lost in better values along the way [scientists be glorified (Isaiah 35.6 with Joel 2.5) rather / ICCDBB PCS]. An easy leap of faith predictably can be an easy leap into misplaced trust (2 Corinthians 6.14), inappropriate faith in things of limited comprehension (reference Comprehensive / ICCDBB PCS) such as in algae, rocks or bricks, which things relative to human understandings are seemingly largely unawares of relatively higher processes and things such as of hammers. To leap at the high risk chance to cause confusion, such as scientists taking orders from monkeys [note that toward the opposite in context there are per se examples (reference space monkeys / NASA)], cows [ibid. exception (Hindu)], or elephants [(ibid.) other than such as elephant trainers], or such as religious faith in trees (reference tales of the Ancient Civilization at Stonehenge) is hardly faith at all and is not counted as higher principled. Television shows on Ancient Aliens often focus on exciting pertinent points, yet be wise to understand that also many pertinent points of higher reasoning are not covered on many such shows. In other words often people whether of Ancient Civilizations, Modern Civilization, or Future Civilization(s) would hardly likely [in the worldly sense] discuss higher reasoning properly at times. In the business worldly sense for instance, often a quick sale is counted as far more valuable than long range planning for mutual benefit [reference ICCDBB discussions on proper need for PCS (Mark 9.50)]. If higher leaps of proper reasoning goes unheeded by them, then naturally entertain such confusion to be theirs (Security PCS & Psalm 109.29 & Numbers 32.17).

    Now, in this case to entertain and rather better [that your growing wisdom bee heeded (2 Corinthians 12.12)], let there be a leap in long range planning in Close Encounters of the Astrophysics Kind, yet with checks-and-balances, that is, with step-by-step monitoring of the results for safety for the children (ibid.); if to monitor steps, then to step, if to properly step and monitor, then to be motivated to properly step and monitor.

    In wisely understanding Aliens which might be monitoring Earthlings such as prior to interaction, it is also a consideration that it is possible that at least for a given situation Earthlings might serve as entertainment value(s) unto Aliens.

    Cause-and-effect in science (scientific methodology), transparent-accountability in law (SOX), redeeming-social-value in popularity (entertainment industry), and so forth are applicable components of the overall (law and the prophets, see pertinent applications of PCS).

    On television Close Encounters of the Astrophysics Kind involves sex [and greater (as of the Star Of Bethlehem) and/or] with Ancient Aliens Not Of Earthly Origin. In other words control of the Heaven(s) and/or skies and stars, and control of DNA and offspring has control value such as to motivate, to do, and to win safely virtually risk free; and the control of DNA has popularity value(s) such as to legally improve (see Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide and pertinent PCS sites) such as to not be wrongly overtaken by Alien invaders, though illegal leaps could include voter mind control [rather reference (checks-and-balances, Security PCS, and VGC Foundation Proposal) affiliations may apply if indicated otherwise]. Whether controlled from Earth or from space is a key factor, to determine whether Ancient Aliens are not of Earthly origin or are of Earthly origin. Many experts would reasonably agree both apply, both controlled from space, and controlled from Earth (limits may apply); that is, the science of nature and of innovations agrees with that of Earthly origin and with that not of Earthly origin [God Of Nature (United States Declaration Of Independence and 2 Kings 19.15) over all worldly pertinent Kingdoms]. The highest case, the most pertinent case, whether powerful and/or meek and/or other, most applies to Close Encounters of the Astrophysics Kind otherwise.

    There is a continuity pertinence, and there is a step-by-step pertinence. The One is Absolute, and the second is like unto the first step-by-step in Relativity (reference the GodMath Testament). When the Relative step-by-step worldly approach is used, such as to describe as a dictionary does, or as with laws, or as an expert describes, then there is Relative good or bad [rather good or better (Ecclesiastes 7.1 & Ecclesiastes 9.18)] Relative legal or illegal, Relative Ancient Alien(s) not of Earthly origin or of Earthly origin and dangerous against Earthlings (ibid.) or not dangerous to Earthlings (see GodMath Testament). So if crooks and/or if dangerous Aliens, and if given:

  • Few crooks or dangerous entities, with many legal and/or goodly Earthlings, then each goodly has value;
  • Some crooks, and some goodly Earthlings, then each goodly has relatively greater value;
  • Many crooks or sinners, and few that chose to be good, then at or approaching the default threshold of goodness per goodly person (ibid.).

    Accordingly value increases for good per contrast increase [both Relatively & Absolutely, Law & Prophets: (reference Relative Supreme Court: pyrrhic victory) & (PCS: Romans 11.23)], while not so for sinners (Jacob 5.65).

  • Alien invaders, sinners, or crooks working against any goodly, also fight between themselves, crooks selfishly vie for powers against other crooks, crooks also lazily take shortcuts which forms snares against themselves, crooks also don't pay attention and rather pretend to do so, hence crooks unintentionally in situations work to the benefit of good whether the goodly people see them work or not [(2 Corinthians 4.18), also "mighty power"..."armor"..."against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"..."up the shield"..."you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." (Ephesians 6.10-17)] if they have chosen to not come in peace (ibid.).

    So the properly faithful science of nature and innovations yields hope even if outnumbered, including if by Ancient Aliens (save One Default Christ Jesus). So for instance to hear and see television illustrations of Ancient Aliens not of Earthly origin being awesome and so-called or so-indicated as if too powerful for Earthly humans to overcome (ibid.), there is a way.

    To overcome properly (ibid.) involves the distinguishing, as for proper safety and higher proper purpose(s). A proper step is to distinguish Absolute prioritization, from Relative comprehension [the whole of humans].

    Many people are anxious to know how their enemy thinks. Yet according to the above, far better is to know the mind of Christ Jesus and these tools are added unto you (3 Nephi 13.33) including measurable powers over plagues and forces unseen by spies or crook invaders (Revelation 22.18 absolutely, & relatively AMA for example).

    Hence human proper pursuit of Close Encounters of the Astrophysics Kind is a charitable mission to overcome and lead victoriously, measurably [as pertinent to PCS Calibration (see Daniel 1.20 below)].

    Instead of choosing to be exterminated by Powerful Flying Aliens Not Of Earthly Origin, rather choose to explain and demonstrate human value for them and for mutual benefit. Plan ahead.

    Honor their leadership with proper counsel, such as via radio signals. Prepare the human mind(s) to be ready with a suitable gift, token/symbol and/or blessed functional device. Examples of gift(s) can include the Bible, movies of Aliens peaceably interacting with humans, copies of high laws, communications equipment, and so on, depending on circumstances (Mark 13.11).

    If to respect Alien leadership, then to explore higher values together wisely as part of the liaison contextualization starting point, with much tolerance offered since they might make jokes or might be taken out of context or they might make mistakes and/or perhaps launch an attack inadvertently not realizing how much humans have to offer.

    To start would be to agree to definitions (Alma 24.14) fit for a King, a President, a Space Commander, Ambassador, or similar, hence explaining we come in peace or similar, explaining we might help protect the safety of their entities and equipment, and so on.

    So the awesome Alien, Godlike, and/or similar leadership is correlated with human leaders and human leadership, such as to defer to a human leader such as the President, and the President might choose to defer to an expert accordingly such as a pertinent person from NASA. Yet due to the above discussion and ICCDBB PCS, care should also be to best represent Christ Jesus via an expert accordingly.

    Ancient Alien visitations illustrated in Ancient carvings and books, such as depicting awesome fights in the sky, are not necessarily depicting Alien leaders. Among humans, leaders negotiate at safe distances away from the front line battles. So as awesome as the Ancient sky fights were, the Alien leadership is predictably all the more awesome. Consider regal realms when considering initial visitations, ranging from front line emissaries, to mid-level meetings, eventually to meet with the high level leadership, yet all the while long range planning for the eventual.

    If to visit, then the Alien visitors would have places to stay unless they appear and disappear quickly or other advanced talent(s).

    On television are shows with artifacts such as paintings and illustrations depicting Ancient Human Civilizations interacting with what has been interpreted as Ancient Alien Civilizations.

    When Earthlings visit each other such as traveling from one city to another in order to visit, often the visitors stay not on site, rather nearby such as at a hotel. When Aliens visit Earth, they might stay at a nearby galaxy.

    The Holy Catholic Church as previously cited by ICCDBB has provided evidence that the Star Of Bethlehem possibly involved components ( Regulus ( Ecliptic/Constellation Leo King of beasts & of Sphinx & Great Pyramid of Egypt), Jupiter (Ruler of the planets) and Venus (Queen).

    Many ancient ruins have yielded artifacts and geographic / astrophysical evidence that the large complex structures were often far more than precision calendars and clocks such as to measure when to plant and when to harvest per the seasons. Also some stars are likely too faint for eyes to see, in example "What baffled anthropologists and astronomers is how did the Dogon know this, particularly since the smaller Sirius B is a white dwarf – a dead sun that cannot be seen with the naked eye." [( see double helix path similar to DNA pattern, interconnected to other symbolic models such as flow / migration (].

    Pleiades is a constellation of seven stars (Job 9.9&38.31) involved in precision pyramid construction / plans of ancient times.

    Whether the Sun and the stars are temporary housing or permanent homes unto some Aliens, within our range of perception (reference Known Universe) these are Close Encounters of the Astrophysics Kind.

    Close Encounters of the Alien Calibration Kind

    If you make your first contact with an Alien-not-of-Earthly-origin, it is self evident to be wise, especially if not under their attack, to safely initiate peaceful relations with them properly, defining peaceful terms since a party might not be familiar with the other's survival parameters, definitions, senses, laws, calibrations, meanings, matters of grace and comfort, immediate needs, and so on.

    Concerning Alien visitors to Earth from other places, the Old Testament taught traditions and key legal principles and/or laws such as "Whatever anyone does to injure another person must be paid back in kind" [(from Leviticus 24.20 New Living Translation 2007)] though (see "law does not perfect" above) God of the Old Testament also allowed Moses the murderer (Exodus 2.12) to not only live yet to lead the Chosen People [(see ICCDBB Sermons on Baptism)/advent]/unselfishness with wisdom, hence more accurately replace "paid back in kind" with "done to him again" (King James 2000 Bible 2003) pertinent to many [save some (Moroni 8.11)] not yet Baptized hence under sin; even so rather of the grace of Christ Jesus God declared "Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me." (Mosiah 26.30).

    In the case of you visiting an Alien, or them coming here, peaceful contact would reasonably be cause for some respect while assisting similar to how you might assist children initially (see Moroni 8.11 pertinence above). It is valuable that Earthlings be aware of such (reference pertinent discussions such as on hosting, on protocol, also such as on knowing the mind of the enemy). Surprises are often unwelcome, though surprises alone are not necessarily bad. Mercy and grace are also valuable, along with measured responses and rather advance measured plans as appropriate to solve rather than conflict (see civilized discussion above).

    Close Encounters of the Alien Calibration Kind involved measurable results [such as ..." ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm." (Daniel 1.20).

    The GodMath Testament explained some ways to measure things not previously measured, such as applicable to properly advancing Earthly civilization, and such as how to make data compact so as to be read not only left to right top to bottom hence possibly valuable in communicating with Aliens of advanced civilization(s) (reference text that can be read forward and backward for different meanings, 3D data, united talents in ICCDBB Sermons, also moving text hence changing definitions such as according to dynamic systems and/or due to dyslexia).

    Proper Scientific Methodology [PCS hence (reference God of Nature / Declaration of Independence)]:

    Holy Path / Christian Baptism / Real Repentance / Broken Heart & Contrite Spirit.

    Above is the Ancient Mayan Civilization's Kukulcan Pyramid on which the shadow snake appears along the echoing musical staircase. The noise from the clap(s) is liberated [weep for them (in PCS / GodMath Holy Trend reference James 4.9, Ezra 3.13, Ezekiel 37.7, Alma 55.24, & Helaman 9.18) yet best lead], molded, transformed, and transfigured into music, the song of a bird, the song of the quetzal [advanced technical historian study for the Holy Father / Jesus Christ reference Toltec & Aztec Quetzalcoatl (1 Thessalonians 1.8)]. The Holy rise to Heavenly music, while the balance for instance "They struck terror in the hearts of people everywhere, but now they have descended as outcasts to the world below" (from Ezekiel 32.24). The "feathered serpent appears when the Spring and Fall equinox happen ( Note how the serpent head and body appear on both the pyramid and on the sonogram, reference Hydra teeth mythology, Christ protect us (Ephesians 6.16).

    Advanced Ancient Alien "bitter" technologies and cultures have in measurable / calibration (see ICCDBB Sermons on Standard Of The Church) situations been exemplified in legal history, in the Bible, and on this Internet site. Per se / within such measurable parameters [applicable is (1 Timothy 4.7) to sinners or (2 Peter 1.16 to Saints)] is the pertinence to within the example of objects delimited / pertinent authorization [as of delimited / defined specifications hence delimited faiths per se (under laws, not meeting the Accept / Reject Thresholds) each lacking One United Standard Of The Church]; or pertinence to people of great faith in Christ Jesus is the Acceptance having met the requirements [as of example model (GodMath Testament Chart 1)]. In similar pattern [as of hewn stones (Deuteronomy 10.1)] as some products are accepted and some sent back or disposed, so too if Aliens or Angels invade or visit then to be acceptable or not including their equipment such as confiscated or not; hence of faithfully loyal humans per se deciding such threshold according to such proper position / governmental authorization for mutual benefit inclusive of defending though not by lower technologies nor random "faiths per se" (see above and reference Christian Baptism)], that there be properly United / Zion "beauty" and not irresponsible going out with "haste" "by flight" (3 Nephi 20.40-42).

    It is not only a decision, it is measurable, point to point, threshold to threshold, precept to precept, edification to edification, variable parameter to variable parameter, higher treaty to higher treaty. For instance not all toothpaste is completely tested, some is sample tested and if found acceptable the balance is sold; so too a sample of Aliens can visit. The first Aliens to visit Earthlings from a previously non-contacted group might be scientific / military from that Alien group on reconnaissance (reference NASA), then after that might be a sample of Ambassadors with military presence. There is value in wisely being aware of what to likely expect.

    Puma Punku is an example of ancient advanced civilization laid to waste possibly by ancient aliens. A similar example is on the other side of the planet, found in the Bible, when a pyramid shaped mountain trembled before the Chosen People Israel and fell before them during their Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land.

    God came from a place (Sinai) and God came from a place (Mount Paran Seir). God is everywhere [(Deuteronomy 4.7) including as each comes to be properly enlightened to so properly appreciate for Jesus Christ]. For instance as each so talented (see talent, value, and worthiness / PCS / ICCDBB) can comprehend that the Hand Of God is in this matter while also in that matter, so too can each comprehend more than a hand, even an entity: God. There are names and titles in the Bible, such as Father, Lord, Christ, and so on. For the greater glory of Jesus Christ each might properly assign for the entity, Lord willing.

    Light shined "from them", from the "three places", each place of which included the manifestation of "the glory of God".

    The glory of parents is God, though [PCS: on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6.10)] in worldly terms the glory at least predictably into the future is manifested in investment hope values vested generally and mainly in the children; free promise and power with God, or under worldly slavery (Galatians 4.21-27). "At that time the son born according to the flesh persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now" (Galatians 4.29).

    Consider how an Earthling family with two cars is more likely to accidentally crash their two cars into each other, than the likelihood of crashing into a car on the other side of the planet. So too is preparedness value such as to witness two Alien UFOs crashing into each other or into Earthlings, or otherwise conflicting against Earthlings for no planned reasons by the Aliens nor by the Earthlings, as God has high concerns, also Aliens might be less able to handle Earthly anomalies such as microbursts since for instance on their Alien planet they may have solved the microburst problem generations ago and might be rusty when it comes to dealing with that technology now. Also for instance if an Alien placed a landmark and another entity erased it, the situation can change drastically.

    The mountains quaked and/or trembled in some versions and/or "melted from before the Lord, even that Sinai from before the Lord God of Israel." [ tool (no affiliation unless otherwise indicated) / (Judges 5.5)] so the mountain we may seek to find on the map may no longer exist. Yet while some tangible earthly bodies have been transformed scientifically speaking, the fact remains that facts such as the points of doctrine of grace and mercy of Jesus Christ have not and do not change until End Time, pending divine intervention per se.

    So in calibration, whether Earthly in origin or Alien, there are calibration priority concerns, such as to distinguish the Holy and to quantify yet with such quantity to distinguish the More Holy [and the Most Holy (Exodus 26.33)]. To break a stick from a tree to measure an Alien is not the same as to break a different stick from a tree to measure an Alien as the results would likely vary, hence there is a prioritization factor required if to have proper grace, proper mercy, proper legal agreement, and proper comprehensive law. With agreement [(ibid.) with Jesus Christ] let grace be properly measured that there be fair law and mercy that all may legally / properly agree.

    If to entertain Aliens, then to reveal a delightful Earthlings civilization having many values with certain of these being transparent values easy for Aliens to quantify / appraise. Many Earthlings have already quantified such so much of the burden has already been accomplished, with a light burden remaining in hosting and/or related activities (see above).

    Famous Ancient Aliens researcher Georgio Tsoukalos:

    It would be remiss to not mention world traveler Giorgio A. Tsoukalos,

    the flamboyant star and Consulting Producer of a television series on Ancient Aliens

    and publisher of Legendary Times magazine on

    Ancient Astronauts (

    There are other experts on Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Structures, Ancient Aliens, Ancient Writings (such as religious), Ancient Machinery (Jarom 1.8), worth mentioning though the list is lengthy so a search engine can be used. Yet in context Erich von Daniken has also done outstanding work such as in his book Chariots of the Gods, liberating many minds with questions, yet with some key facts.

    Jesus Christ is an expert on Aliens, as Aliens (or counted as if such) are noted in the Bible, and Jesus Christ expounded all such things (Mark 4.34 & 1 Timothy 2.5).

    Close Encounters of the Ancient Aliens' Powers Kind

    Good News! Aliens Not Of Earthly Origin, whether of Ancient times or modern times did not and do not need human slaves, and do not need wimpy human power generation systems such as our electric power plants and our Great Pyramid power complex!

    An example of an Ancient Egyptian subterranean complex power generation system within and under the Great Pyramid of Egypt which involved tapping into the power of the world's longest river 4,180 miles long, the Nile River, and tapping into other energies such as biologic as to form fires; to form wave beams of energies and particle motions, is illustrated at the following linked site click for Great Pyramid energies / water pump animation (no affiliation unless otherwise stated).

    Resonant Power From The Great Pyramid Of Egypt

    The Great Pyramid naturally resonates / emits energy at 6 cycles per second or over 1/2 million power pulses per day (the above sound pic is found at

    The above pic [from (ibid.)] site reports the energy is lower than the human audible hearing range though tends to make humans feel an uneasy haunting presence.

    If a human builds a fire, the fire energy naturally rises; in that sense if a human builds in The Great Pyramid pattern, even though the structure is man-made, the energy otherwise naturally occurs, for instance wind, water, daily heat and cold changes, and other natural energies phenonema are converted into a special purpose functional / useful energy; reference pertinent natural wave energy transformations utilizing static man-made equipment; also reference coaxed / semi-natural wave power generation as of the 1930s Interferometer / the Tesla shield and the Tesla death ray (, and the Armstrong second-harmonic-principle Superheterodyne Radio).

    Tesla and Armstrong may have been visited by Aliens, though perhaps not more than typical humans otherwise, that is for instance Tesla reported Alien outer space signals were [perhaps reflected waves from the] moon ( So dramatic Alien contacts might be rare as evidenced / witnessed among scientific expertise though mild or background associative sounds or noises are another matter [in agreement with scientific findings (reference God Of Nature and Heaven within)].

    The over 1/2 million power pulses per day point toward specific areas in Alien outer space though there are time / position concerns at websites such as at (illustrated).

    There was electricity back then in Ancient times. But did Ancient Aliens Not Of Earthly Origin come here to steal our electricity: no.

    Did they come to steal our copper and our gold, no; well perhaps some came and used some of our resources [perhaps to benefit Earthlings (Isaiah 54.17 & Matthew 20.32/Matthew 6.33)].

    For a moment consider a ridiculously sinister alternative: you as an Ancient Alien are sitting in your favorite Ancient Alien pub in a galaxy far far away bragging to your friend that you are going to travel to Earth to enslave the Earthlings and then you will make some real money, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. The fact is, Earthlings only have so much strength to pull stones and after that Aliens would have to turn to a more high tech solution, oxen, kites, or greater technology; technology that they already have if they are already able to travel from galaxy to galaxy. Power they already have.

    Maybe Ancient Aliens used some power from Earth, possibly from the Great Pyramid in Egypt. A more likely idea is that if Ancient Aliens Not Of Earthly Origin did visit, they more likely started with special permanent land markers / signals / pyramids, such as to monitor Earth revolving around the Sun, to measure Earth's wobble, and to measure plate tectonics. First they would thoroughly examine so there would be no unpleasant surprises, then they might visit.

    We don't have a lot of time [120 years (Genesis 6.30] to get this right. To wisely understand Godly principles, and then to use them wisely for God The Father One With Jesus Christ, is hardly optional, it is a guideline goal the Lord has set, established in the Heavens above, to be established in each heart (1 Peter 3.4).

    Aside from things about which Earthlings currently have no known control [God controls the unseen, the unknown, the unrealized (Acts 2.31)], we Earthlings are to gain dominion over natural science [or leave the self subject to such random enslavement(s) haphazardly (Ephesians 2.2)].

    There are activities over which Earthlings hardly have current control(s), yet the more immediate need is in becoming over those parts of science already given to us that we ought to properly accomplish that we become worthy to be entrusted unto greater authority [(Isaiah 22.21) having learned to become properly clothed in appropriate wisdom, scientific technologies, capabilities, & powers].

    God didn't come to rob us. If there were entities in the air in flying machines, perhaps aliens of various technologies may have had disagreements, though perhaps more plausible is that advanced experts may have been testing products as Earthlings watched / witnessed [perhaps such as "unprecedented" war games evidently confusing to the public June 27, 2013 US-Japan war games off the California coast imitate Chinese invasion (code-named Dawn Blitz].

    Civilized Ancient Aliens Not Of Earthly Origin hardly came to destroy us [typically / predictably (see "When Aliens Attack!" below)], steal from us, nor other horrible stuff, understanding [in pattern/trend (2 Corinthians 10.14) neither domestic nor foreign (Deuteronomy 29.10 & 11)] God has placed scientific powers and has placed authorities over Earthlings that Earthlings may see signs and wonders and give glory to God of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God doesn't need to steal your power [the power is His already (Proverbs 8.14)]. God is full of power (Micah 3.8) and overflowing (Malachi 3.10) though too much for you to receive unless you be properly adorned and properly "clothed with power from on high" (Luke 24.49).

    And if there is an invasion of Aliens Not Of Earthly Origin then God has prepared the way for us to become sufficiently prepared [(Ezekiel 13.23) it is sufficient]. And yet rather the God Of Nature And Natural Science And All Science(s) has yet an even more excellent way, not against God, rather to be One, with God, on the side God is on, to be of the viewpoint God is, and this is known unto ICCDBB as PCS (at least Public PCS as a minimum). In other words, God has established a scientific plan, the Scientific Plan Of God.

    The Scientific Plan Of God concerning Power has a beginning known as eternity, yet in worldly perspectives according to points and powers relative unto each other the Scientific Plan Of God has specific starting points that Earthlings can utilize for various applications, applicable to various powers, for instance many experts already know that the start of radioactivity in many typical applications is known as a source, such as an X-ray tube or such as a localized nuclear fission focal spot. In pattern a flashlight is a light source. In pattern Science Of God also applies to people power as of the "beginning" of the Power Of God and as of the "first" of the Power Of God [depending on Bible version (Genesis 49.30].

    The science of Earthlings has included wise understandings of various types of power sources, and now Earthlings can know more (1 Corinthians 12.31).

    Earthlings can form structures to resonate power, such as to form an antenna, so accordingly Earthlings can form links with Aliens, though communications systems are not to be carelessly formed, as the Bible has explained. For instance for mutual benefit it is better to invite friendly Aliens first, such as to mutually gain allies if any is attacked. If Aliens are hiding, it is valuable to wisely consider why and to quantify as much as reasonably possible / practical, lest to guess and perhaps remain confused; rather to be properly wise (1 Corinthians 1.22 & 23).

    When Aliens Attack!

    Properly prepare!

    Properly equip (reference PCS)!

    They are going to attack! The Aliens are coming to slaughter us!

    The Aliens have already made their plans, they are fierce and treacherous.

    Wait a minute. Didn't it just say above that the Aliens would come in peace?


    Who are these Aliens that threaten us?

    Who or what is an Alien? The Only Begotten Of The Holy Father Jesus Christ rose from Earth, and later in pattern not as an Alien though in pattern of Alien came from the Heaven(s) to Earth (John 6.33) on a mission, yet counted in pattern as though Alien. Others too left Earth and came down from the sky to visit with us, such as Moses [on the mountain "And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him." (Matthew 17.4)], and such as Neil Armstrong (from the Moon). Yet keeping in mind Holy Oneness, there is distinction, there are distinguishing measurable indices, as Jesus Christ often spoke of the Father above [per se not Alien though counted as such (reference "Relativity" in the GodMath Testament)]. So there is at least One good Alien, per se, that we can call our friend.

    But there are other ferocious Aliens on their ways to attack and kill us according to many self evident truths, such as what the Bible teaches, and such as what humans experience according to the laws of nature such as when animals attack!

    The Aliens are coming! The Aliens are coming!

    Prepare ye the Way Of The Lord (Isaiah 57.14) lest thy people perish (Exodus 19.21).

    Nature teaches people that there are things out there anxious to eat us. Some work on stealth, some are already parasites inside people munching away, some are unseen craftier than many have imagined. We have home court advantage, yet much more needs be done, especially as we invite them to dine.

    Compare how the toddler plays with the viper (2 Nephi 30.14), and how the young adult realizes how many minor adjustments are needed to steer a car properly lest they damage their valuable equipment and possibly lose their life and the lives of many others.

    Aliens are in likelihood on their ways, moving from planets to planets, and they are hungry. Nature also teaches that there are Aliens on their ways to Earthlings to dissect and reinvent (Romans 11.23) or to destroy such as the ways many teen Earthlings have often played and trampled and destroyed flowerbeds and their own crops.

    The Aliens are coming to kill us!

    But of course don't be alarmed, just do the right thing.

    There are many reasons Aliens are coming to kill us.

    There is one reason Aliens (or counted as such) are not coming to kill us.

    Aliens are coming so as it is written guide "to flight the armies of the aliens." though guide not only Aliens, guide also all leaders (Hebrews 11.34) as One.

    How are mere Earthlings to accomplish such great things? God will do it, yet be not lazy (Mosiah 9.12). Therefore be as God. Do as God does. At least do what you can properly reasonably wisely do, such as one step at a time; yet Earthlings United each properly doing one step accomplishes a multitude of steps per talents, virtually beyond measure.

    Here is a tool. Earthlings / Christ have or has something(s) Aliens want, somethings more valuable to them than flesh for them to harvest, and more valuable unto them than the best of their technologies. We have precious hope for instance that we can impart to them, as is written concerning such ferocious Aliens per se "That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2.12):

    Alien attackers devoid of hope in Christ Jesus are hardly able to enslave and harvest and eat Earthlings even though they harbor advanced technologies (Ecclesiastes 9.11 rather Mosiah 29.38). Alien attackers devoid of hope are hardly as farmers planting seeds in the hopes of future harvests (Romans 4.18), instead Alien attackers devoid of hope are as hunters (see parasites above).

    In example, an entity might steal an electric drill or a space instrument, but that doesn't mean they know how to best use it, for instance the entity might try to use the drill as a hammer instead of supplying electricity to the drill. Alien technologies would reasonably be foreign to other Aliens. Instruction books would predictably be foreign to each other, from a given group of Aliens to another group of Aliens. So as a group of Aliens conquers another group of Aliens it does not necessarily follow that they advance their own civilization (1 Timothy 1.19).

    Earthlings are rather to overpower / overcome / overwhelm with blessings or at least defend properly (see above unseen armies) over the invading attacking Aliens (1 Timothy 1.18).

    Convert the attacking Aliens and give them jobs. Start them on the path to responsibility, law, and higher purpose(s). For instance God assigned to Earthlings to work with their hands such as to till the soil (Genesis 3.23) to help Earthlings [with properly / wisely guiding (John 4.48) as needed in the world]. So too, if to think as God then to assign such jobs to mutually benefit any invading attacking Aliens as it is written ..."the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers." (Isaiah 61.5). The attacking Aliens already come with powerful equipment we can have them utilize to plow and plant and more.

    Even so, do as God, stay more than a step ahead in proper leadership since as it is written concerning future problems that might occur in patterns "Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens." (Lamentations 5.2 & see "lazy" above).

    If to attack Aliens, make amends to make peace quickly unless if no accident, then consider the terms. As much as reasonable and faithful for example set Aliens straight via being a higher example, a desirable position unto them that only comes unto the Aliens via their mutual delightful agreement.

    If to attack Aliens, as much as reasonable give them life (Abraham 4.30) and living more abundantly [give to them (2 Nephi 10.2)] that as a minimum Aliens properly anxiously follow the Lord (Proverbs 16.16 & Proverbs 22.1) and accordingly as a maximum is highest agreeing with mutual united leading as One. Updated December 13, 2013:

    They're attacking us unselfishly.

    In ICCDBB Advanced Christian Sermons is taught that the Bible taught unselfishness toward Jesus Christ, more specifically toward the life giving uplifting teachings of Jesus Christ [not only charity from a selfish perspective lest slave only (Jacob 2.10 & Mark 9.50)]; therefore in context remote controlled drones with the spirit of their controller(s) within, or flesh and blood Ancient Aliens referred to by some people as though "Gods", came to visit; accordingly therefore without thinking too much of yourself then why did Jesus Christ come?: many values yet one of the reasons was to visit you yet to accordingly check on the task(s) done by the spirits of his Ancient Aliens "Gods", his Angels, his Generals or his people that he had placed in authority over us.

    The Holy Father in agreeing with Jesus Christ gave Ancient Alien visitors the task to properly lead us, so Jesus Christ came to check on their work(s).

    Update 3/22/2017:

    Precept on precept (as Christ JESUS taught) independently verified what Georgio Tsoukalos had announced / scientific evidence. The unraveled Biblical verification came from the ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS Best Now (

    Also many sinners say false things about innocent people, generally speaking, and many have been against the truth and against people telling the truth as if the sinners could selfishly protect their own lies forever, and the protecting of lies is actually insanity, in part and/or in whole (allowing for possible conditions, such as a child not understanding "Don't run into the traffic!", yet understanding "Hot!", so the child is not killed by the traffic).

    To counter some false claims and to make clear the truth, within the past year Georgio Tsoukalos said "I never claimed to be an atheist.", (