Family Values.

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ICCDBB Sermon January 17, 2013.

Holy Family Actions Speak Louder Than Words

A picture is worth a thousand words, so to speak; if so, a family victory hug might be worth a million words; and a handshake from Jesus Christ is worth the scale.

There once was a family that became so big (see ICCDBB Specific Steps To Heaven Sermon 3 patterns) that they split up into 12 parts, 12 families, they became known as the original 12 Tribes Of Israel.

Christ Jesus had his 12 Disciples divide the people into 12 parts. Movie theaters have sections divided by aisles, and islands are divided by seas.

Children grow up, get married, and move out Your parents are hardly your employers (see "Will Of Christ Jesus"..."better than the parents" below). Children, make grow up and make your own photo op, make your own handshake with the Lord, and in so doing make your parents proud beyond their expectations [(1 Nephi 15.21 & 22) making them more wise]. This is hardly the law, this is grace, and loving guidance. In the Bible Jesus Christ teaches leading.

Not always though often beyond the words, the family pictures and videos of special moments to be remembered are sometimes descriptions symbolizing great times and can represent to others the family in certain specifics whether united or divided; yet Christ is even more interested in how the family will be Hebrews 7:11eternally. Families in the world whether united or divided only paint part of the whole picture, it is "incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!" (1 Corinthians 13.9 / Words about families and pictures and videos hold values, though limited values [(Mark 12.16) that can be weighed and measured].

This agrees with Exodus 20.4 states "You shall not make for yourself an image"..."You are not to make an image or picture of anything in heaven or on the earth"..., that is, if you make an eternal image of God In Heaven then you do so without including all Christians of the future, and if you make an image of something worldly it is counted as if to hardly please God [(Exodus 34.14 & Exodus 20.5 "punishing the children"..."to the third and fourth generation") "of those who hate me"].

So God acts. God has set in motion that of your family acting, the resulting is the agreeing with the acting accordingly with the One God Of Nature. Whether divided or united, it is a worldly temporal state, save the Holy Uniting, and the Holy eternal dividing if any (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "counted as such").

So God acts or has acted to provide your family with values at times (see "divide" above), charitably (see "family acting" above) enabling family logic toward sustaining during interim times (Hebrews 7.12) throughout eternity until End Time.

Since to divide, such as for a family per se to pay tribute, is to divide money which might be counted as if lost unto the family's perspective, there is a saving grace that Christ redeemed without money. Without the temporary or worldly, Christ Jesus has solved the problem(s), that is, Christ Jesus in you and within your family together in proper spirit and solves all eternally, even beyond dividing, overcoming to properly unite eternally. Rather than to solve to agree to sins, Christ Jesus offers solving talent(s) away from "outer darkness" (Matthew 8.12) where chaos might be more readily found, hence rather seek the inner charity leadership One in the Christ Jesus Family (Proverbs 3.5).

Money, things, energies, and such in pattern that can be associated with random number generators can be improperly buffered against your family, so accordingly with the above leading shown via Jesus Christ, understand logic yet be wise to guide the family through times of logic, first seek love, since of charitable wisdom "those who seek me diligently find me." (Proverbs 8.17). If to hate, let the family hate evil "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil" (Proverbs 8.14).

Does the money in your cache love you?, even so, it is people more than things that may love you and your family.

The family is not of limited to the will(s) of the parents [..."I am the Father and the Son."... (Ether 3.14)], a family is not a logic threshold barrier against the children, nor husband enslaving wife, though there is a valuing method in the Bible [(see "Equally yoked together?" below) hence valuation under law]. To consider mating, the male is to not attack a female to wed, rather to approach with agreeing [yes and no depending (Genesis 34.21 & Luke 14.12) to not wed or to wed]; accordingly of faith(s) per se (Genesis 2.24), the children are to find accord with the parents and the female is to remedy with the male ["I have drunk out of that bitter cup which the Father hath given me," (3 Nephi 11.11)].

Has God given you enough brain cells and a big enough brain?

How far have we come in the past 3.5 billion years [wiki (no affiliation unless otherwise stated)]?

Shown above, for a long time from primordial ooze cells things [(Job 38.38) not complex at first] began to live [(via God Of Nature) per individual cell faith(s) at least at the evolutional rate]. Cells would start to live then die, they had "no root in themselves" meaning they had improper faith foundation [(Mark 4.17 lacking or having turned from love, charity, proper prophesying, and the way of Jesus Christ]. Then some learned sex and other things, such as how to eat, then eventually gained faith of hoping from selfish glory value to higher unselfish glory value(s) on the wisdom path (2 Corinthians 3.18)]. Meaningful life forms, in current perspective, started with charity, hence started with the talent / increasing eventual worthiness to agree with the Spirit Of Charity (ibid.) toward everlasting living. Let the family be worthy, in trend let teach the robot to become worthy rather than a hollow logic supercomputer (1 Corinthians 13.1).

A brain is not the same thing as a mind [ (no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated) search engine shows no results for "brain" yet 178 results for "mind"], and in God Of Nature pattern a house (Isaiah 66.2) is not the same thing as a home.

A brain is where the [prison (John 3.24)] cells are, and a mind is where the heart is.

A house is made of walls that divide, while the home is made of the family united.

If a person is starting the process to yield a human, including in vitro / a technician, and that person sins, for instance such as unfair drug usage, then that potential new human might be in pattern of immature seed too light and easily blown off course into rocks or weeds. A person can rely on Jesus Christ for proper instruction(s), yet a person has the talent gift from Jesus Christ to not be a slave rather to have freewill (such as Exodus 12.14 & such as Genesis 17.12) to do properly or to do other.

Above is illustrated a model of something tangible, worldly, along with something higher and more advanced. The life form cells shown above are about the creation / evolution of the first continuing hence largest tangible family able to be perceived / humans / current worldly understandings reasonably such as via scientific descriptions, legal interpretations, and per government census pattern parameters if extended to include all ancestry beyond primates, mudskippers, and algae. It is a large family, yet the unseen in the world is greater being discovered, with life form seedlings crossing the known Universe. Yet the unseen Family Of The Father Jesus Christ (1 John 2.22) is a family greater than all the "known" life forms in known Universe, even the same One Family Of God is in all whether perceived by humans or not [(Acts 10.34) hence something able to be measured / perceived via the known family of humans such as Saint Peter noted and in Holy Trend other Biblical Scriptures agree].

So there are families / life form cells as depicted above, and there are also measurable life forms unseen both with and without cells that divide; and there are intermittent life forms and there is an ongoing constant life form whether seen or unseen. Of loving wisdom with respect to family, that is with respect to unselfish thinking and measuring for other(s) for higher or highest leadership purpose, it can be pictured that including the families hence the bodies and the body, hence including matter energy contains life. A sample of that energy can be appraised [(Daniel 5.27) weighed and found wanting], such as to measure the life force energy of a given family such as for taxation [(1 Chronicles 23.24 & Numbers 26.54) via conducting census registrations] or for highest purpose in trend of leadership guidance over the energy(ies) of the family, and the people [(1 Chronicles 21.17) David built an altar hence the charitable tribute amount was quantified hence that symbol represented the greater amount per se hence the greater family quality was quantified].

In other words, when you give a tithe to your family's church, it is a part of your family income, such as 10%. So for instance on a given week if your family gives church 10,052 sheep, then your family life form energy is 10x or 100,520 sheep value in extent that you agree with God, according to your word.

Hence Jesus Christ gave all of himself without blemish. All energy and power therefore is of God The Holy Father Jesus Christ. If your energy is less than all, then how hardly can you or your family enter into the Kingdom Of Heaven, how hardly can you or your family follow the blessings of God much less lead properly as Jesus Christ taught to do, save via Jesus Christ. If you carry a lot of money and go for a ride with your family in a car and along the way buy gas but only a partial tank amount which is only enough to get you part way there, then you and your family may have a problem, not that God caused problem. You may find another gas station along the way, or not; and other conditions apply; yet the God Of Nature always applies for you and your family. Learn to lead the greater unseen Universe(s) [of higher realms of glories of Highest Glory (Luke 19.38)].

If you give "10,052 sheep" you agree to that extent, you let God know you offer that much loving energy relative to your family unit and symbolic of their energy need condition, so the laws of nature might automatically compensate you "10,052 sheep" times 30, 60, or 100 fold (Matthew 13.8), such as providing seed for 100,520 sheep and not less lest there be famine and not more lest perhaps the unused rot and spread plague from your family's church [or vice versa in pattern per se (Exodus 11.1 save Leviticus 22.21 with Exodus 12.31) hence a minimum family value via God without higher value end].

To start a proper family begins with a new human including before conception, even generations ["abounding in love" though fair concerning "sin" (Numbers 14.18 & Numbers 15.14) and more, in other words living is a full time job in Christ Jesus the Lord of all made [in progression specific steps / progress via God Of Nature trend (such as Revelation 8.12)].

There are many chaotic ideas surrounding sex concerning personal private masturbation, also concerning mutual sexual activities including entertainment, such professional entertainers, measurements of dating virtues, Christian teaching about sex, and procreation. First consider what Jesus Christ would choose.

Importantly to abort for no reason other than for selfish [including mutual selfish (Hosea 6.8-11)] gratification is in pattern of the opposite of what Jesus Christ would choose (2 Samuel 13.12, Lamentations 5.11, & Ezekiel 22.11).

A person does not have the act of procreation sex all of the time. People do things other than have sex. Most of a person's lifetime is spent not having the act of procreation sex, and God does not kill them because of it. Onan strayed from God according to sin by his Dad Judah, and thereby and/or also according to sin by Onan to wrongly covet [the newborn (Exodus 20.17) though not the wife] against charity [(Numbers 3.12 & 13) rather higher priority to follow Dad in trend of Adam & Eve should have obeyed God though instead became aware to know their nakedness] even if to gain forbidden fruit and / or sexual pleasure.

The point being that in this measurable specific step when Onan spilled his seed on the ground it was due to sin(s) by his Dad and/or it was due to his own covet sin(s) [his covet sin plus his devoid of true repentance sin (2 Kings 21.22 & 1 Kings 11.6) or counted as if sin (Matthew 3.11 & Jeremiah 50.6)].

A puritan (Philippians 1.9-11) might be suspicious against pleasure, yet rather Jesus Christ is the source of joy [though details apply (Song of Solomon 8.4 & 5, 2 Kings 19.30, Deuteronomy 5.33, 1 Corinthians 7.5, Philippians 2.28...)].

1. God created male and female (Matthew 19.4 & 5);

2. A male or a female is born humble [(Moroni 8.10 & 11) little worldly logic much love (Job 22.19)];

3. A male or a female is grows aware in youthful lusts [growing in sex knowledge yet growing in wisdom to help others rather than offend (2 Timothy 2.22)], it is normal and hardly any crime within mature wise reasoning;

4. A male or a female learns logic to become accountable [(Moroni 8.10) learning responsibilities];

5. A male and female may opt to covenant with God to wed, properly [importantly relative to: lest to be cast away into outer darkness (Matthew 22.13)].

To grow aware of youthful lusts is not sin, within reason, rather of God it is part of to grow up (John 14.26 & Isaiah 57.8).

Measure, allow proper growth within reason (Isaiah 57.14) within the standard of God The Father as God has intended. In other words in pattern for edification, a person has a body and for instance paint is not in a person but paint is used elsewhere properly, but if a person wrongfully is painted that person might perish; a person therefore also needs have personal space to breathe, to learn to distinguish an entertainment sex matter from a medical sex matter, and so forth. A male needs learn that a female has not the exact same feelings, logic, nor love interests; and vice versa female to learn the male.

It is toward Biblical irresponsibility if a male not become aware of female menstruation (Leviticus 12.5), shall a male never look at a female body or illustration, hardly, save higher purpose such as personal preference, family criteria, or celibacy / abbey. Of wisdom let a male know if the intended is a female, if so then shall the puritan not discuss such to rather cause discourse, hardly.

It is toward Biblical irresponsibility if a female not become aware of male needs within reason [whether awake and pleasant or nocturnal emission unawares (Leviticus 22.4-6), shall a female never look at a male body or illustration, hardly, save higher purpose such as personal preference, family criteria, or celibacy / abbey.

Conditions apply to the above, such as unclean "unless he has bathed himself with water" (ibid.).

The is much worldly sexual talk with many diverse sexual trappings. The Bible too has sexual talk such as within the Song Of Solomon yet of trend with romantic imagery and higher purpose, such as rather than talk about a male with female performing a sexual act rather to discus the family unit of each of the two, and to discuss nations, and the Israelite family. Sex can be fun, marriage can enable greater measurable joy [or beyond measure (see above "minimum family value via God without higher value end") that is beyond worldly measurements and off the scale]. Sex can bring joy such as a newborn beyond selfishness, yet rather the newborn can bring nations (Genesis 17.4), you can bring nations perhaps with the stroke of a pen ["The lame who hath faith to leap shall leap." ( Doctrine and Covenants 42:51)] though perhaps greater is required (Luke 11.50).

So you and your family unit are to "Walk in obedience to all that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess." (Deuteronomy 5.33).

Jesus Christ gave all; yet lest you not be aware, wisely understand that if you give more than the minimum required (see 10% above) the more will be expected from you [if your family receives more then other families will expect greater from you (Luke 12.48)].

If given a big enough brain and the Christian Mind

the image Mind Of Christ Jesus, then M & F valuations are easy to understand.

From Leviticus 27.3 & 4 from 20 years old even unto 60 years old the male is worth 50 shekels and the female 30. Even so, let Christ Jesus be worth more.

50 & 30, the male is estimated at nearly twice the female. What does this mean?, a multitude of values. For instance a male has value (50), so often seeks a female for sexual delights (4 Nephi 1.10), while the female has roughly half that value (30) so the female more prefers marriage, that together they be joined in value such as depending on perspective of 50 + 30 = 80 [rather multiplying exponentially, scientifically speaking cascading (Genesis 22.17)]. Within context, while it should be a Christian marriage hence of far greater value in the Lord, only the male with female sexual portion is being detailed here. The higher value is the being told beforehand of Heavenly things, with action, learning Oneness In Christ Jesus.

Via marriage the female wins, gains much proportionally, and similar in trend. This is not to say the male loses, the male also increases in value. If to only speak of progeny then the male might choose a wanton worldly life of sins to have many female mates to bear much offspring, and even the world can predict such male as too busy in sexual matings to properly give at least proper legal care to his own offspring and / or to perish in sins per spreading diseases, breaking child neglect laws, and so on (Daniel 5.23); rather lead the Church properly.

Parents, leave not undone proper sexual activity and responsible raising of children, yet more importantly increase in value according to the Lord.

If a female feel slighted and be upset that "the male is worth 50 shekels and the female 30" and if the female err therefore to believe God might be unfair against her, she ought be mindful that Christ Jesus already overcame the law [the first five books of the Bible (Luke 16.17, also reference Torah in pattern)] for you, and to reason in wisdom is goodly though to act without reason can be illegal; a person should seek properly though a female may opt to build a legal case against injustice if written into law but if she find such action to fail [..."has to start over from when"...(Numbers 6.12 GOD'S WORD® Translation) such started and] seek the higher wisdom to solve (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on higher wisdom solving ancillary problems); also be mindful that many try to wriggle out of responsibilities by improperly proclaiming New Testament while rejecting the Old Testament which Jesus Christ did not do rather fulfilled offering grace found within the Old Testament [(see Leviticus 26.6 with Matthew 10.34) also "From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three" (Luke 12.52 New International Version)].

Equally yoked together?

The man is worth more than the woman, accordingly the husband is worth more than the wife, thus it is written, so it shall be obeyed (Leviticus 27.1-8). The man is worth more, then the woman much more as the woman is bearing child [(see ICCDBB PCS on intermittent) & further considerations in trend apply]. If a man irresponsibly leave his wife and child, as the law and Prophets show the man then is counted as reduced value [(Amos 3.1) if a family member suffer, then all, so rather uplift all for Christ Jesus].

Even an animal can become Holy (Leviticus 27.9). Their children are worth less (ibid.) yet of far greater value than that of animals even in symbolic gestures [(Matthew 12.12, Proverbs 31.10, & Luke 12.7) even in lesser worldly things].

The lesser value child normally or reasonably has less honed (Psalms 7.12) talent such as to responsibly accountably discern the consequences such as of electricity or of a football game or of alcohol, while for instance the husband may drink more (1 Timothy 5.23) and in doing so the husband might better [(affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ) Relativity, Absolutivity, and in trend GodMath)] not merely discern spirits for selfish chaos, rather to discover, unravel, and utilize for Jesus Christ including for family. In other words for higher glory love. This is no excuse to break the law nor to give wine to infants, rather toward Biblical discovery as to how much wine an infant might ingest prior to sickening, that is, rather meat is for the mature. We do not have to eat poisonous plants because our ancestors already tested them at great costs, more importantly we do not have to eat poisonous meals because of Biblical teachings, we no longer have to dwell in ignorance.

Christ Jesus chose hardly as the world has chosen, save agreeing with the God Of Nature And Covenants, rather Christ Jesus chose that which does confound the selfish ["SAY TO THE DAUGHTER OF ZION, 'BEHOLD YOUR KING IS COMING TO YOU, GENTLE, AND MOUNTED ON A DONKEY, EVEN ON A COLT, THE FOAL OF A BEAST OF BURDEN.'" (Matthew 21.5)], in doing so Christ Jesus chose love guidance, rather than logic which can be used selfishly. Christ Jesus chose love to prioritize toward proper faith in the Holy Father rather than that which might be made by your family to follow, and rather than that which might be made to follow.

Proper Faith / Love / Logic.

Logic = Proper Faith x Love.

Logic, as of a relatively static worldly equation enables two alternatives in the world to win or lose, right or wrong, legal or illegal, our company or the competition, and similar in pattern, yet in the Christian loving mind is the higher priority in Christ Jesus with the greater value ability to overcome the world in the long run with per se two paths to Heaven, to head toward Heaven such as via a leap of faith (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on vertical and helical reasoning), and to head toward Heaven with others such as with family and such as putting your family first per se under God via missionary work.

To the selfish in the world Logic is finite, an equation is a dead body, a material able to be manipulated such as including accidentally.

Christians too might be subject to surprises due to sins in the world, yet otherwise to the Christian Logic is infinite in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3.10) so the parents are to make this known to the children (Ephesians 3.9) and the preacher to their flock (ibid.).

To the Christian, the above formula becomes:

Logic x Logic = Proper Faith x Love.

To the Christian, the formula becomes a living growing dynamic [family] institution instituting for Christ Jesus. In terms of overlapping [in the higher glory sense (1 Corinthians 15.41) for instance some stars have reasonably identical twins qualities as much as known at first, and some are otherwise of values].

Teens starting in the workforce for instance learn that if the boss says to do something they are to do it, and if it sounds illegal they are to do it [within reason] since they later learn pertinent details of regulations and policies which causes them to understand the logic of the legality.

So too, the female is of less value than the male. Did God do it to hurt the female [God made (Genesis 2.22 & Luke 5.26)?, hardly, rather to bless the female. Homework assignment: find at least one unselfish way those of lesser value(s) benefit from such Godly valuation. To use logic to detect solutions to the "Homework assignment" is hardly to advance wisely [(Psalm 36.2) as Wisdom = Love x Logic], and while lie detectors and other sensors of measured amounts of logic have values, such logic devices are not Christ Jesus (Psalm 19.11), family (Obadiah 1.7), people (Job 39.29), nor even pets (Job 39.27); rather now do the "Homework assignment" from your loving perspective [God loves your family when you agree entering into covenant (Jeremiah 34:15)] not only initial words rather enter and continue entering heavenward as One Leadership Head beyond End Time, and God is properly willing so read the following and test whether your solution(s) to your "Homework assignment" agrees with God (Acts 16.15).

Ye may opt to do homework, or rather opt toward Heavenly Mission(s).

To do homework tasks for various schools and to do other household chores might feel to you as if to face a multitude of repetitious attacks daily, as if amidst a sandstorm with no end in sight. Yet if to lead as Christ Jesus let your heart be changed, let the chores be momentary yet rather let the chores be eternal; let the chores be momentary yet rather let the chores be for Christ Jesus, let God help your family and the descendants (Deuteronomy 30.6). According to the talents of your family change your logic from bombardments of tasks at hand(s) to One Holy Missionary Value For Jesus Christ.

Leader In Loving Jesus Christ hardly ..."flit from one ally to another asking for help [they] will let you down," rather give the leading example of Jesus Christ extending help to them [(Jeremiah 2.36 New Living Translation) lest you be distracted and become trapped under mindset(s) of lack as they might be (Luke 10.40)]. Let them follow the charity of your Lord [(Jeremiah 26.13) perhaps counted by them as if by your own leadership (1 Chronicles 23.13 & 14, with Philippians 3.7)] and together glorify God.

Logic is hardly counted, save the Will Of One Family Leadership, logic and reason accordingly is as if an equation of law(s) equal to naught, unless love create logic to abound lest death reign including over the innocent [(Romans 5.13 & 14) love therefore becomes logical, logic evolves from love]. Create new love(s), yet create wisely for the greater glory of the Lord. Protect your family, love; guide your family, love.

From the information presented above, that we are to agree "with the God Of Nature And Covenants", allow love to guide to wisely unselfishly utilize a higher formula, that "Nature" [such as the study of rocks] is toward static, and "Covenants" is toward dynamic living, growing, receiving Christ Jesus, planning, Baptizing, Marrying, procuring [birthing rather in Holy Wedlock trend (Hebrews 9.12)] and so forth Biblically.

Logic 1 x Logic 2 = Proper Faith x Love.

For example with "Logic 1" symbolizing victory over a dispute with a neighbor and "Logic 2" symbolizing losing a dispute with a neighbor, to the selfish in the world often only "Logic 1" offers hope, while to the Christian "Logic 2" also offers hope at least as a learning experience [referencing long range planning / Biblical eternal principles with future victory / Biblical Oneness (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on optimism).

Some great preachers preach great things along with some parts not so great [please forgive mercifully / reasonably (see previous ICCDBB Sermons)]. For instance some less advanced or "not so great" sermons have included that nothing of the body is higher than any spiritual thing, yet there are lower values of some spirits for higher purpose, even worldly bodies go to work on worldly missions and tasks while many such people are capable of far greater excellent talents.

Jesus Christ in the flesh taught that a person that did not properly provide for his family, his bodies, was [hence measurably (ibid.)] worse than an infidel [as agreed in trend in many verses such as (1 Timothy 5.8)].

In the world many people have realized at least temporary successes by "leadership" as they call it, by doing other than what they did when what they did risks tied to losses and debts. They [rather those God has provided unto us (Matthew 28.19)] analyze risk factors, costs, and account logically. They offer great values, many are of great value(s). They investigate what killed families, they survey what random other families think, they count votes, they provide regulations and determine when laws against sins by certain children will be enforced. They have values, yet the loving path of God is often found toward the opposite direction, that is directing toward the fear of God (1 John 4.18) rather than the fear of failure. If to survey how other families behaved such as how they voted, what purchases they had, the risks they chose, and in pattern other concerning history, such is toward the past (Isaiah 43.18) and as such is toward risks and losses; at best such logic is limited to predictions under laws hence under logic hence accounted as an off on switch or the flip of a coin.

That is a reason real Baptism is not according to logic which includes sins or faiths, rather according to One Loving Faith Of Christ Jesus.

To write the word "sin" on a side of a coin and "not sin" on the other side is not how loving leadership operates. To get the opinions of other families has value(s) though is not how family leadership is to function in the Lord, instead it is how followers of various opinions have been led astray or have been distracted, for instance many people have taken a vacation trip only to find after driving a long time they already drove past their pre-agreed destination (Luke 10.41); in other words they were counted among leaders and leadership then continued toward a new but wrong direction perhaps into a traffic jam, into a ditch, into a new crazy fad, into a new drug, or into another guess. What's the big deal?, sometimes small things turn into big deals, sometimes families find their ways while others are lost for generations.

Alma 35.15 explains that due to strictness people became offended. Christ Jesus does not offend, the people per se chose logic and should have rather put God first and via so doing would have entered properly into future leadership [rather into properly leading righteously (Alma 35.16 toward 1 John 3.7)].

A limited answer to the "Homework assignment" is a lesser valuation as of a child is that the child can rise farther because their parent has helped pave the way even if of logic it is counted as if son against dad ["not my will" (Luke 22.42)] and family against family ["Israel hath gathered together to fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb" (1 Nephi 11.35)]. Rather than logic alone even if logic happens to agree in a given circumstance ["That through them I may prove Israel, whether they will keep the way of the Lord to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not." (Judges 2.22, also reference genes, natural selection, DNA codes, & program sources)] it is of the higher loving, spoken or unspoken, that the "the way of the Lord to walk therein" (ibid.) is lovingly afforded from improving agreeing with Christ Jesus.

That is, to do the logic of the parents can be a formidable task and can be respectable [rather (Matthew 11.30, see previous ICCDBB Sermons)] yet to surpass the logic of the parents can hardly or cannot be achieved logically, lest the parents would have already done it.

Whereas the parents have tremendous abilities relative to their children, such as typically the power to be able to overcome and guide the hands of their children, and whereas the parents have relatively vast resources in the world greater than what their newborn controls, the parents would logically be relatively best able to maximize profitability from the given situation.

Yet the parents have the same God over them, whether stated or unstated by people, as the children have. God provides logic, and if that's all then machines rule equal unto humans [(2 Chronicles 26.15) such as to end people]; rather God also provides love which does not "end people" so that machines of logic rule instead of people. Via that same love people can improve [even to be "greatest" (1 Corinthians 13.13 & Romans 6.5)].

Therefore to better [in the current situation, or best (ibid.)] answer the "Homework assignment", "those of lesser value(s) benefit from such Godly valuation" via doing the Will Of Christ Jesus. To some at first this answer might not seem as if a specific solution, yet it is.

Yet Christ Jesus offers many solutions, many blessings to valuations whether low value; mid, same, or equal value; or whether higher value. For instance God enjoys the leverage charity provides (James 3.4) as small means and lesser value causes great accomplishments, and ..."God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9.7), and ..."one who has a cheerful heart enjoys a continual feast." (Proverbs 15.15 & 3 Nephi 28.22). If equal value then of covenant agreement, and if great value ..."Work to see that the city where I sent you as exiles enjoys peace and prosperity"...[(Jeremiah 29.7) raise them / mission].

In family context, lead the family to do as God wants, as Christ Jesus wants.

In the Will Of Christ Jesus encourage the family to do better than the family, better than the parents, yet not outside the Will Of Christ Jesus, not outside the will of the parents as much as the talents of the parents can lovingly fathom reasonably.

"And now bideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." (1 Corinthians 13.13). Proper Faith In Jesus Christ includes Charity Of Hope, hope for them, hope for their sakes, hope for future generations, hope for eternal Jesus Christ.

Charity / Hope / Faith.

For God / Charity / Hope / Faith / From God.

If "For God", then in order for you to get God to accept, then to covenant with God.

To God / Covenant Acceptance / Jesus Christ / Covenant Offered / For God / Charity / Hope / Faith / From God.

To God / Covenant Acceptance / Jesus Christ / Covenant Self Offered / For God / Charity Self / Hope in Jesus Christ hence including those God created / Faith / From God.

Shown here is the specific arranging of Points Of Doctrine Of Jesus Christ via the GodMath tool, and with having used the tool is shown many increased Holy Values unto the delightful children of God.

For Jesus Christ / Living / Prophecy / Love / From Jesus Christ.

Many things are illegal, though conditionally, save the Lord.

Many things have valuations, though conditionally, save the Lord.

Many words and depictions are considered illegal, though various humans for various reasons are in authorities over such, with various opinions whether to edit, delete, discard, censor, or other. Jesus came to save, yet to properly save. A house has trash, Jesus came to save it such as via recycling, landfill compaction, and other means, yet Jesus has more important things to do too (Matthew 10.31). Above is shown the measure of a man and a woman symbolically, artistically, yet in agreement with exact science and laws within reason.

To have 50% logic with 50% love, or to have 100% logic with 0% love, or to have 0% logic with 100% love, or to have intermittent of same meaning in context, is only half way there. To have the option to overcome boundaries properly, legally, and for Jesus Christ with mutual benefit unto all reasonably is to have 100% logic with 100% love, and that condition is a wisdom key. Not only to have words, yet also to yield required Prophesying (Acts 3.18) to tell all things beforehand is of the Plan Of God. Proper Action / To tell all things beforehand / Plan Of God. Yet more is required far beyond predictions. Acts 3.18 does not merely require a Prophet to be Prophesying, Acts 3.18 requires all Prophets to be Prophesying. All Prophets are to be in agreement, agreeing to so be Prophesying.

If to lead your family properly, then to know the future to the best of your ability, and if to know the future best then to be a Prophet, and if to be a Prophet properly then to be in agreement with all Prophets [that none of the Children Of God be left behind unawares without proper higher reasoning (2 Samuel 15.16)].

Lead your family properly / Know the future / Be a Prophet / In agreement with all Prophets.

To be in agreement with all Prophets entails studying all the Bible, so do so such as with your family, church, and nation, to the best of your God given talent(s); yet be mindful of love and it's source thereof. If there be a shortcut, Christ Jesus is it. Also the red text of the King James version is helpful, as the teaching (red text) of Christ Jesus includes the teachings of all the Prophets. Check various versions with related materials for helps, study nature not only as tasks (see above) yet rather Of God, of the Holy Love Perspective such as to unravel the everlasting reasoning [hear via seeing (D&C/LDS/TV, & Daniel 5.16) too, perceive].

Many have made themselves angry due to the following: the male is worth more than the female. Even though it is in the Holy Bible, people, especially females, have made themselves worried, upset, and confused; so as a result some females try to dress and act as if males, another result has been that some females have chosen to ignore certain female duties or privileges.

Rather than start wars, observe the Bible unselfishly, then with that love unravel that logic God wisely ordained to guide you for your female benefit.

God has an intent, and it is "unto the fulfilling of his covenant" (Mormon 5.14).

Parents have mercy on the children that can hardly protect themselves. God, it is prayed, have mercy on the parents that can hardly protect themselves from God and rather guide family and / or families unto Oneness for Jesus Christ, the Will Of Exciting Loving Merciful Reasonable Mild God be done.

The worldly view or logic without love view of the above is as if God wants merely to please God selfishly, and that can hardly be the case since a covenant is hardly only about the self, rather is of multiple parties. Be wise to understand that logic has value as law, though with more than minimal love added it is in pattern to be toward righteousness (Job 36.3) and even to distinguish goodness such as applicable to distinguishing spirits in seeking the shockingly powerful Jesus Christ With The Father.

If the lesser values, such as laws, are ignored, then higher reasoning can hardly safely be entrusted, for instance if a person ignores insulation guidelines then a natural law scientific electrician would hardly entrust that person to hold live wires that might not have insulation. Small unselfish acts often yield great values.

In another perspective, if a female feels as if unfairly treated in terms of Biblical evaluations, consider why God utilizes small things to accomplish His great works of wonderful mysteries. "Look at ships too: Though they are so large and driven by harsh winds, they are steered by a tiny rudder wherever the pilot’s inclination directs" (James 3.4).

God also has a bonus intent, and it is for the greater future family value / covenant ["And also that the seed of this people may more fully believe his gospel," (Mormon 5.15)]. Such as in order to edify, a wise person is able to act as if a fool, though a fool can hardly act as if a wise person (Proverbs 13.16); so too a person in agreeing with the teachings and practices of Christ Jesus can more clearly reason as concerning people that have decided on other selfish options.

A person can interact directly with God. A female can interact directly with God, yet with marrying God appoints the husband to head the family. To pretend other is to try to transgress nature and the laws of physics and prophetic love.

Children / Female / Male / God.

The above in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 11.7) agrees with the Old Testament (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on valuation of people).

The man was not made for the woman, rather the woman was made for the man (1 Corinthians 11.9).

God provided you with some advantages, such as with a mind to choose to imagine space, stars [whether you have been there or not (see ICCDBB Christ Visits Us Sermon detailing "we are stardust", also see "stars" above)], atoms, and The Countenance Of God. The God Of Nature also gave you talents (for Jesus Christ / to overcome / talents / works of spirits / Lord), needs, wishes; you likely have blood, a stomach, feelings, communication sensors and more.

God gave you a situation, a given; God also gave you the power of choice, a contingent variable.

Contingent variable / Given / God.

A multitude of choices are the domain of the Lord. Yet many other choices are bestowed upon you [as you become worthy in the opinion of the Lord (see ICCDBB Public PCS) to lead your family and perhaps nations].

You might perhaps choose for instance whether to wed or not. You may choose for instance whether to bear a normal and / or admirable child, or to perhaps take powerful drugs known to have damaged brains and bodies of fetuses, such as perhaps due to a temporary medical condition you have.

The God Of Nature also reveals far more in the Holy Bible whether in worldly legal terms or not such as scientific values that those of logic as if alone otherwise could hardly answer, for instance in context is the proverbial question "Which came first the chicken or the egg?", and many logical people have chosen to fight, to debate against people hardly distinguishing whether the people were family members or strangers, when rather than to first choose to fight and debate, rather they could have chosen to love and more precisely to go to the source of love for solving; as the Bible discuses in pattern of the typical egg bearing female came second after the non-egg bearing male (1 Corinthians 11.8). In lay terms a Christian might proclaim they want proof, we have God [perhaps so stated so "they" might benefit (2 Nephi 31.3)].

In other words, there is a true science, and there is a false science; there is a Biblical Science Of The Will Of God, and there is a science otherwise with logic which can be at times in pattern of a dog chasing it's tail or returning to it's vomit or a methodology that accepts no new previously not yet perceived unexpected values nor surprises (Luke 6.39) since logic without appropriate love including traceability to and for Jesus Christ is as a garden without water which can hardly be remedied by the addition of more fertilizer.

To spare the rod can be to spoil the child, yet be mindful of the higher purpose to not harm those under your authority (see top illustration).

A wanton child might quickly undo values which took generations to build or grow, such as to destroy a valuable ancient artifact, or to harm a family tree or nation ["Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away" (Proverbs 29.15)]; a disrespectful child might be inclined to not learn respect lovingly ["The rod and reproof give wisdom, But a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother" (Proverbs 29.15), even a child can learn wisdom]; and greater mysteries can involve children and raising and protection of children ["And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne (Revelation 12.4 & 5)].

Yours is of current generations, and as such redeemed via Jesus Christ hence no longer under law as in former times rather free, hardly free to transgress the law since to do good, rather redeemed to best lead properly, including to best lead your family (with or without worldly spouse always present). Here is an example hardly over you legally, yet so for higher symbolic purposing in your heart, blood, mind, and soul; that a firstborn was to enter Priesthood, though now of Holy Grace you might opt to entertain your firstborn toward such higher purpose and position in Priesthood as a minimum:

The former ways under very complex legalese was as a snare unto the law abiding citizens, so much that a Parent or a Priest could hardly do their intended purpose; so not only to lead as those previously did, yet rather as Jesus Christ, to lead better than they did, so yield, give them room to grow properly with proper encouragement.

A clear and simple to understand legalese situation in pattern would be that a person could have a car and a particular law would require the car to stay between the lines, between the yellow center line and the white line on the side of the side of the road; but if to move the car from the dealership to the area between the lines then the car would have to cross the white line not allowed per that particular law (Luke 16.17); therefore counted as though better that that car had never been bought (Mark 14.21) therefore Jesus Christ has come to save your family with perfect teaching so your family comes to wisely comprehend that the law does not perfect. Jesus Christ fulfills all the stop gap solution needs sufficiently, of Holy Grace.

Seek what is best, seek to charitably offer the best self for the Lord so accordingly seek to be the best unselfishly, seek to offer the best family for an example unto other families, seek to lead the best; Christ Jesus saves with Baptism yet also opt to be One best, One Christ Jesus in family name and in so acting appropriate unto such position. Seek to properly offer your Christian family as a family of Christ Jesus hence in the Name Of Christ Jesus.

Only room for One Name At The Top, One Body, One Person, Be There.

Love is not selfishly puffed up, to be able to properly Prophesy does not include to be selfishly puffed up. A person can take a photo of a mound of dirt, or paint a mound of soil. Rather, above is depicted something greater than the logic of a picture. To the naysayer it is a distortion of logic that for their selfish reasons should be edited or censored. Rather of lovingly faithful reasoning toward creating and evolving for higher purpose(s) the proper guidance is provided (see previous ICCDBB Sermon "When I Saw God" concerning symbolism).

Instead of looking forward, with strong delimited conviction people often look backward into history if to consider prophecies, when people, churches, and families should be heading forward lovingly guiding others wisely Prophesying. Prophecies were about Jesus Christ. Yet also as examples unto future generations to follow, and to learn proper lovingly wise leadership.

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints [( affiliation if otherwise legally agreed] involves the


Another Testament of Jesus Christ

containing prophetic materials such as the Words of Mormon written 385AD. Over 300 years after Jesus Christ of Joseph and Mary, in the legal flesh, comes lovingly wise Prophesying. Note that "lovingly wise" applies to those who agree to wisely love.

Prophecies were about the person 2014 years ago named Jesus the Christ.

Prophesying now is according to Christ Jesus in you.

In you and in your family's ability to receive unselfishly, to do as your talents from God provided, and will provide, these are your abilities to receive pertinent Prophesying now and to provide Prophesying now unto your family and others, all for the greater glory of One Jesus Christ (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "Oneness").

Specific to Prophesying the Words of Mormon 1.4 includes "knowing that many of them have been fulfilled; yea, and I also know that as many things as have been prophesied concerning us down to this day have been fulfilled, and as many as go beyond this day must surely come".

To overcome how to be properly Prophesying and not merely talking about the future and not being able to do anything about it, rather to be properly Prophesying and doing something(s) about it whether with body [since a human is born with a body (Ezekiel 31.6)] or via other such as leading, guiding, administrating, communicating, protecting (Specific Steps To Heaven Sermon illustration of Specific of "Protect Christian church family"), or similar in trend; and to overcome including unraveling the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven hence into at least partly worldly terms that people properly lovingly wisely understand, is to for instance interpret into the time space continuum symbolism.

The time space continuum is not only electromagnetic waves with positive on one side and negative on the other, it also includes therefore ( harmony reference wave harmonics) packets of energies with some referred to as matter, and it includes therefore (ibid. + non-harmonic waves) intermittent energies and bodies; all of which is subject to it's higher authority priority ultimately Christ Jesus. Note that the previous sentence includes words such as "bodies" and "it's", which infer selfishness ( ) yet in this Sermon per se is the overcoming of the selfish aspect to rather relate to the higher and with relating with the ultimate criteria hence the unselfish symbol in word with aspect in deed ultimately for the greater glory of worthy Christ Jesus.

Being unselfishly posted therefore, to define an anomaly (reference ICCDBB PCS, and Standard Of The Church) properly at least in part as done in this sentence is to decide what item God wants you to protect. To protect your family, a Standard Definition is established, defining scientifically of the Holy God Of Nature, defining lawfully as much as proper laws are made by people and as much as reasonable (hence to include the spirit(s) of the law(s)), and defining via the Standard Of The Church [(the Standard Of Christ Jesus rather than moot standards by others: see the words Jesus Christ spoke in the Bible) note that the reference is to "words" now within context and not to "Word" of other ICCDBB Sermons]. So while to relate words and actions to God via Prophesying and Holy Acting, it is of wisdom to be mindful that this is per se, contingent on the higher, all answering to Jesus Christ.

Prophesying and also Prophesying With Contingent Actions whether the Actions are immediate or at the proper agreements or moments, perhaps with more careful considerations of complexities and contingencies, all depend on God (Deuteronomy 11.1) as covenant with Christ Jesus is with Prophesying With Contingent Actions similar in pattern as to how a house is with shelter as a proper shelter for your family is your house to call your home, even if your home is perhaps the Universe.

Along with dictionary style definitions for instance, the Bible also defines the home via Biblical versions, as talents of human experts have shed light on verses from various perspectives, not necessarily that an expert is right and another expert wrong, rather that together people can utilize their talents together, such as in pattern children helping the family via doing mild and / or proper chores.

Here is a "versions" example: "But unto you that fear my name, shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall." (3 Nephi 25.2) and what is meant by the word "stall" (also found in 1 Samuel 6.10 / is home (1 Samuel 6.10 / So home is a place not only to grow up yet also to fear Christ Jesus. In worldly / unraveled terms, lest a Medical Doctor try to heal but make a mistake (Proverbs 16.10 & 11), rather let Righteousness arise; perhaps the relatively lowly or ancillary patient might help the higher authority via explaining where it hurts. God is on top, even when God goes on missions, hence even when God places God in ancillary positions; for instance if you fall, God may choose to be under you to catch you, hardly to cause distress, yet you and the Medical profession may marvel.

Save your child, preserve your family, yet place Christ Jesus first (Genesis 28.17 also reference ancillary the small portion that is your current mission to tend 2 Samuel 9.10 in pattern your family).

So you are to guide, protect, and care for your personal family, or you may [should (1 Peter 2.17)] opt to care for all people.

You private family home / Ancillary mission / God.

Prophesying / All families God created / God.

This is no excuse to motivate people to break highest laws [yet the One Highest Law cannot be broken lest God Will (reference GodMath, also reference End Time)]. Therefore clothe your family properly (Colossians 3.14) to properly protect your family yet more importantly that your family best act on behalf of Christ Jesus. That your family be able to accomplish the best therefore within your family God has given spirit, body, and action ["and ye, take heed; lo, I have foretold you all things" (Mark 13.23 Young's Literal Translation)] so give your family power that such power be unraveled unto others properly during each and all family activities.

Accomplish that your family guide your family and that your family let your best lead other families automatically [not toward selfish self destructions (Hosea 8.7) rather] that properly automating for family is for the God Of Nature hence via the God Of Nature (ibid.), the work of the God Of Nature already completed in Christ Jesus.

Selfishness is the opposite (2 Thessalonians 2.11 & Mark 12.41), selfishness force sells lies to victims to enslave victims, selfishness ensnares by selling hope but it is false hope(s) to illegally or at least immorally entreat others to cooperate, often for shortsighted fun simply to try "to see how much they can get away with" as the adage goes. The way physical nature functions applies to each and all, whether a child, a parent, a CIA operative, another leader, or some physical anomally; all are subject to that which already is, of physical nature, of the God Of Nature and as often represented in non-fluff true science such as involving scientific discoveries though scientists often fail to give proper credit to God even though there are many scientists (Acts 18.10) that often pray God for selfish help beforehand.

Not to let us merely sit back and be lazy and let God do it, rather to prayerfully arise (Isaiah 52.2) not merely to make things happen rather to make eternal love (2 Peter 3.8) function and not to ignore (1 Corinthians 10.1) so properly (1 Corinthians 10.24) leverage appropriate systems and machinery (1 Chronicles 21.23).

Prophesying With Fulfilling:

Children, the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you, along with worldly practitioners in letter of law with limited math equations for unjust money; and while to be called children might or might not be proper then also if to rather be called adults and friends, then nonetheless refer to the teachings of Christ Jesus [(Mark 3.34) so be worthy].

In times past Jews followed the letter of their laws and often made progress, ancient Greeks are known for physics and physical logic pertaining to natural fundamentals of math and science, though all too often the lack is concerning proper glory charity for God. Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, to Jews, indeed, a stumbling-block, and to Greeks foolishness, (from 1 Corinthians 1.22 & 23, also reference GodMath Testament details on wisdom inclusive of logic).

Hookey players, AWOLs, "tax collectors and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you", Jesus said (Matthew 21.31). If random people and sinners can go into the kingdom of God currently in the presence of people and in future generations, then how could a person interpret?, to be random?, hardly, or a sinner?, no. Jesus stooped and wrote on the ground (John 8.6), also if to be Baptized to then turn to merely go to a church building to sleep or rest in a pew, it is of far greater value than to not care at all. If a baby cries, then to temporarily ignore the baby might assist it to choose to rather cry only at more important moments.

Any sins are equally sins under the law. Yet with Baptism is much evidence of improved talents to distinguish and prioritize to best guide, or at least to weigh various legal points such as to establish a certain penalty per a certain crime. Rather than race to beat others into Heaven, consider the missionary work Christ Jesus exemplified, Prophesying that your family may offer Prophesying unto others including unto harlots and those demanding signs, not as rewards for sins, instead for glorifying Christ Jesus. Rather than hate lost souls, do no sins; rather than hate the lost, save, even also guide unto higher reasoning, even to be doing missionary work. It is better that your family help others into Heaven now, rather than let your community suffer. Love rather than hate.

Heaven is love, Christ Jesus is love, and much more of higher value awaiting unraveling via the world if the world so agree and properly say and do what Christ Jesus said and did, such as when appropriate per situation. Christ Jesus provides all the good opportunity situations that exist. If to do Prophetically, then let your family so be Prophesying to fulfill, hence to include to teach as Christ Jesus Prophesied in the Bible [examples (Matthew 9.15, & John 2.19) it is easier to relate to some more than others].

Christ Jesus taught that we should be Prophesying (Luke 20.15). All Prophesying is about Christ Jesus, back then; so be Prophesying if Christ Jesus is in you and your family [examples (1 Corinthians 14.39 & Ezekiel 21.2)]. But do not be Prophesying wrongly for improper sinfulness, neither to unreasonably puff-up the self for improper selfishness.

If to be Holy Prophesying With Fulfilling then assist people in unto the New Jerusalem [not only kindly give cause to be Baptized, (3 Nephi 21.25) assist the people of God].

Holy Leadership / Give All People Motivation To Be Baptized / Convert from sins to the Way Of Christ Jesus.

Prophesying With Fulfilling / Preach to all properly / Convert from sins to the Way Of Christ Jesus.

What does it mean that Prophesying and other values are provided to people and true Christians gain values though sinners do not?, while for instance if without the The LORD of hosts Jeremiah 51.18 reports "They are vanity, a work of delusion: in the time of their visitation they shall perish" in some versions, yet here is another way to unravel this mystery of God: 3 Nephi 19.13 speaks of a "fall" yet not as the "fall from heaven like lightning" as reported in Luke 10.18, rather if you with your family act without sin then as 3 Nephi 12.2 explains it is as a pleasing value, "visited" rather than "fall".

Family missionary work can be pleasing, such as visiting; rather than toward logic devoid of love. Goodness can accordingly be found with "feasting", yet unselfishness is of the accord (Ecclesiastes 7.2). Hence the hope of future value becomes toward proper Prophesying. Even so, to quote Christ Jesus Prophesying yields great value(s).

Properly convert computers, convert surgically and genetically, properly for Jesus Christ convert electronics and otherwise modified entities both of families and singularity [(Galatians 3.28 with 1 Corinthians 12.19) hypothesis lest delimited progress to not "exceed that of human brains" (Kurzweil / Wiki, save via Jesus Christ Matthew 19.11)], convert nature as much as it is talented to be so able.

Lead your family away from sin according to law, and with fulfilling of being legal as much as reasonable, guide your family unto higher wisdom in Jesus Christ. In example, originating from this teaching in this new Sermon on Family Values January 17, 2013, a new way in Christ Jesus was formed and charitably given to (Matthew 7.11) affiliated for profit company A Check Exact which has helped ICCDBB exist, to enable a new way to design schematic diagrams toward simplifying the process to manufacture in family generating pattern electronic circuitry. Via this step, never before seen by this ICCDBB author, a massive amount of calculating and data processing would hardly become obsolete though would in pattern so to speak go the way of the horse [as the horse industry pays $1.9 billion in taxes (Equine) (no affiliations unless otherwise indicated)]. In trend reasonably people learned to add and then count and later learned to multiply, yet we still continue to add and count even though we now know how to multiply.

To ground a child and take away privileges can edify, yet perfect guidance can also edify. Logic is valuable, and being a tough parent is often valuable in situations, though logic associated with legalese of imprisonment, hatred, violence, and / or persecutions can hardly everlastingly be the best ways to lead families. Logic without love is not the solution, Jesus Christ is.