Future Government

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Future Government Sermon

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, April 1st, 2012.

Updated September 24, 2012.

Updated May 30, 2013.

Jesus Christ is the Truth, the One Perfect Way to Salvation [(John 15.19) which is why the world hates you of Baptism].

Quality Assurance, QA, used to be of checking quality of products, then became checking quality of Quality Inspectors, though has now become statistics. In other words, statistics can greatly increase value, or if a group of people want information to appear to be favorable unto themselves for sinful selfish reasons then they can manipulate the factors until they reveal the results they want.

If an employee is tricky enough to sinfully tempt the general public into buying things, in order to benefit the employee and/or the employee's employer; then an employee is smart enough to not sinfully tempt, and smart enough to motivate the general public into buying things, in order to benefit the employee and the employee's employer.

To have a game and make up the rules as you go along without Jesus Christ is unfair to the other players relying on your expertise, inclusive of fairness. Even so, this is hardly concerning law, rather grace, since it is alright to brainstorm and guess, within certain parameters, the certain parameters at this time [hence currently (inclusive of the Standard of the Church) independently itemized among other experts of Christian trust] are known as Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization, PCS [in free enterprise in ICCDBB and affiliate care (see the recent ICCDBB PCS Sermon)].

To follow physical laws alone, to follow physical science without teaching Jesus Christ, is as to follow no certain long range vision, such as to say "We will continue the search" or "This is a continuous improvement plan", and while such sayings have goodly aspects, without the ultimate highest point and zenith best plan, the paths are of futility, similar in pattern to the 18th and 21st Amendments of the United States Constitution.

Math has been called pure science [and computerization in similar pattern(s)] but the higher the math the more [strays from Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53.6) and] exceptions and needs being for prioritization as physicists search for more comprehensive formulas to explain the Universe.

The following illustration indicates the proper prioritization [PCS] need.

Jesus Christ makes Quality Assurance function properly and accountably. Pie charts, computer programs, graphs, and checklists if made without Christian faith do not make Quality Assurance, QA, function properly and accountably in the long run [(Ecclesiastes 9.11) to plan to fail is not QA, conditions apply]. Times allow nations to be lucky or unlucky, chances and odds in probability happen to people everywhere [save Baptism (John 10.1)].

Some endeavors are fleeting, here today and gone tomorrow, and often that is alright, yet even so there is the recommended optional matter of faith in the highest best reasoning that Jesus Christ fulfilled, in law, also in agreeing with the Holy Father As One from the beginning and throughout.

So to work against your own purposes is not wise, and if not wise, hardly smart [(Amos 5.13) along with the fact that 9 of 12 wanted to leave for Heaven indicating how worldly things could be tough while only 3 sought the light burden (3 Nephi 28)], also if not wise then lacking love (GodMath Testament).

Consider this, for long range planning you may opt for thorough QA, while for a short term project you might be less likely be so thorough (Matthew 5.18) amidst evidence that here-today-gone-tomorrow events often include dangerous careless shortcuts [(John 11.50) lest your best customer(s) and best worker(s) perish for your selfish short term pleasure], therefore after many short term events you have compiled a long range record, whether goodly or perhaps "likely" as stated.

If not your best, what will you think of you and who would entrust you with the greater things (2 Kings 22.5).

Automation is supposed to mean making life better for us, praise the Lord.

Jesus Christ, shows you an even more excellent way, including for instance automation. But if an employer accepts the financial risk only to selfishly benefit while firing the overhead workers, then the employer reduces the self same employer's future values (Matthew 7.6) as the employees fired no longer trust their former employer as before (Revelation 2.4).

By their fruits ye shall know them (Matthew 7.16), therefore what the unsavory employer did previously for selfish profit will less likely work again.

Computerization can be magnificent, with PCS, with Jesus Christ, though otherwise can be futile as often evidenced. Here is a perspective you may find typical in your past experiences; buy a computer (to solve a problem), buy an upgrade (ibid.), buy another upgrade (ibid.), buy another computer (ibid.), buy another in same pattern, with the result that you likely never did buy a computer that drove your car for you as originally promised (see affiliate discussion above).

Assuming you are fairly honest, normal to current civilization, since you opted to visit this site, you honestly witness the above hardships and transgressions against your own soul, and let such witnessing not be selfish only, yet thinking for helping others. So you, being honest, consider how much harder it is in the criminal realm, even so rather let your thinking be of Jesus Christ, yet do the light work of missionary work (Joshua 11.15) as Jesus Christ said for you.

The people are some of your best fruits, we the people are a great blessing that can be made greater, including many blessings, such as more money for proper usage, automation for proper usage, more computerization for proper usage, more energy for proper usage, more food for proper usage, and so on.

Concerning criminals, remember you need them more than they need you [in their minds (see GodMath Testament discussion)] lest we all be cast into prison to perish, yet rather for the sake of Jesus Christ, rather than to dwell on how to punish, ponder how to help others. Be ye mindful of the agreed fact that people have talents, some of them do not have talents you have and rely on you and your talents, while some of them have very valuable talents you do not have, truly you are hardly even aware (Psalm 35.8)!

This saying is a great blessing unto you, a vast higher opportunity. Other people, whether in jail or not, whether fired or not, have useful talents that if we lack them with us we lack together. Rather that together we of one accord we grow and increase in talents, of PCS One Talent to best glorify God (Romans 15.1 through 7) even as Jesus Christ did show in his living as an example unto us as to how to behave properly [for instance (Romans 15:8)].

Talents unto many are as values, yet via PCS as an organization, even as unto an organism in Trend, with living members, with growing families, with fulfilling nation(s), and with higher reasoning.

Here is yet another example of such higher prioritizing showing the Christian Church advantage "For God has set first in his church, Apostles; after them Prophets; after them, Teachers; after them, miracle workers; after them, gifts of healing, helpers, leaders, different languages." [(1 Corinthians 12.28) Aramaic Bible in Plain English ©2010], proof as evidenced [measurably (see luck discussion above)].

God shows infants simple things, that explain Godly things (Matthew 21.16).

Jesus Christ gives birth to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ gives birth to your successes as the Holy Spirit dwells in you. "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit" (John 3.7).

The Holy Spirit visits individuals. How much talent will the Holy Spirit bring and make available unto you personally when the Holy Spirit visits again?, yet if of Church ranking position (see above), how much the more, yet only if you are willing to agree, that is, to you is given, do you logically understand how to receive?, even so [reference GodMath Testament discussion, yet even so lofty conditions apply (Zechariah 8.2)] the male seeks the woman and the woman man.

The Holy Spirit always is ready to openly entertain, reasonably, conditions apply. You can have all talent in yourself now, save God if to be jealous of your selfishness, so rather together grow, solve, nurture, and bless.

Update September 20, 2012:

As President Barack Obama increasingly states, he wants to build from the bottom up. Being servant to the people (and others similarly such as government news pundit entertainment hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert), President Barack Obama is to therefore to give his own life first except Jesus Christ already accomplished that, therefore President Barack Obama is to take for himself, and to take unto himself for others, and thereof properly (reference ICCDBB Sermon on PCS) become so prepared, empowered, and enabled to so help best to build from the bottom up as the President so properly chose as policy.

Jesus Christ taught such, to feed the poor, to be kind to strangers, and so forth to best go forward, properly united.

For example, a person can hardly hardly share a loaf of bread with a hungry person, if there is no loaf of bread to share. In another example on a jet a passenger is instructed to save the self prior to saving their child.

Yet these examples and this trend is not for the self (save 1 Timothy 5.18, feed and pay the worker), rather for the higher purpose, for the hungry, and for the baby, and for the governed, we the people.

If the President is to be paid the proper amount, then too is to pay the best bread maker that bread best be shared to the "bottom", the hungry; therefore to pay typically the big business that automated and provides bargain priced bread for the hungry masses [and the families, including family units consisting of one or more people and whether able to work or not (1 Kings 21.7)].

Such is what sharing is all about.

Such is what best leadership is all about.

Update May 23, 2013:

Often when considering the best or higher forms of governments and nations, people often of loyalty think of their own nation and their own people. But the inherent value to consider is their selfish bias, rather our opportunity to capitalize on their problem, which I or we can do selfishly for oneself or ourselves, or we can do unselfishly or better, for mutual benefit. Even as a minimum old or of ancient United States, US, principles, points of doctrine (see ICCDBB Sermons on "points of doctrine" of Christ Jesus), or at least US law refers to the common good and similar. Yet rather than search lower toward confusion selfishly for oneself requiring harder works tied to failures in repetition (GodMath Testament pages 16 & 17), the higher value(s) have already been stated in this Update, in speaking of the "loyalty" aspect of the people.

The "loyalty" aspect of the people is the higher value aspect of the people, and that higher value can be properly converted into those same points of doctrine of mutual continuous improvement (see ICCDBB Sermons on ultimate or absolute perfection perfecting).

When Christians consider higher values and nations rising, Christians often think of The Exodus (Numbers 9.21) from a nation in bondage to a nation in relative liberty, and similarly to think of the Baptismal principle of trust, from nations in relative bondage (Ruth 1.1) to more freely thinking progressive nations.