Human Love Timeline

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Human Love Timeline

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 11/3/2011.

Jesus Christ started to love [How long ago? forever.].

Then in order for you and all humans to receive the love, Jesus Christ started to make humans [From the Holy Plan from the beginning.].

Humans are in the world, and normal to humans' understanding is that humans measure (Genesis 6.15 [measure and build], Genesis 7.20 [to rise over mountains]).

This means that even sinners can use these Bible principles to build great things as never before built in the world.

PCS, Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization, [guideline, hence principles guiding law(s)*] shows the connecting of points toward unraveling and revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom Of God Trend

that sinners might understand now in this world (1 Corinthians 10:13)

though not that sinners should be better than any sinless (1 Corinthians 13:2). Two considerations are that:

The above discusses long time understanding via the love of Jesus Christ, and is hardly about short term memories that quickly fade away (1 Corinthians 13:10). In worldly terms it is excessive risk and worse: loss.

Long term memory, in terms of measurable love, is not selfish, therefore lasting generations.

Consider the end of your place in the world and/or End Time. If you are going to live in Heaven forever, long term blessings are fundamental: first grade stuff (Psalm 8:2 and Psalm 8:2).

If humans have root in themselves with short term questions and answers and with short term memories to those questions and answers, they [as are all humans] at risk of being selfishly rooted in their own conceits. Though with enough love per se, their short term ideas grow upwardly unto all humans and for the Lord. But if toward selfishness and short time pleasures without charity in love, since they have no root, they last only a short time (Mark 4:17).

So PCS reveals short term memories can be goodly, yet rather is the long term eternal memory (see previous ICCDBB Sermons).

In measuring love, the graph below shows a big change at the start of humans as much love was administered unto the First Family, the Adam and Eve Family. Secondly, similar to the first (Matthew 22:39) is charted [increasingly] to the right is the First Family in the world [and in the United States the Obama Family (yet in consideration with Numbers 18:13)] of law and/or guidance* ("United", that is executively over many Christian Churches (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on legalese of church organization businesses [in willing compliance]).

Even so, even in current worldly terms if you acquire prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and even if you are in misguided faith and have a faith that can move mountains, if you are a sinner and/or have not the proper talent from Jesus Christ you might have a lack of long term value (1 Corinthians 13:2). Rather properly measure love, and to do so is to include for readers and/or listeners that you print and say "Jesus Christ" in context appropriately. PCS guideline not only requires, it is a key. It is not as to fail and then have to repeat a grade, rather it is as to be honored, as a merit and reward and/or payment for services rendered as a minimum. To keep repeating is not without value, yet rather become enlightened along the way, and then as appropriate continue (Luke 16:11).

So let us measure love. Then let us measure greater love in the future, more valuable for all others, measured more precisely for all others, that all or as many as truly willing might receive the love, Jesus Christ, and receive outwardly more abundantly (John 10:10).

Much love came to humans until humans chose to quench the flow.

Jesus Christ revealed goodness. Love x Logic = Wisdom (reference the GodMath Testament). In the two most recent ICCDBB Sermons prior to this Sermon was accordingly unraveled, per se, that Faith x Love = Good. Yet people in the world know logic, and logic is not always Yes [or Good], it is sometimes No [or Bad]. So rather is considered Love [in Jesus Christ], and if you find any Logic and/or Faith that properly agrees, wise and good.

Jesus Christ understood to agree with the Father. Such understanding came from love.

Love teaches where to place faith.

Love teaches prioritization.

Love teaches how to teach.

Love teaches long term logical reasoning, to better learn it right the first time.

Love cannot quench the flow of love (Song of Solomon 8:7), but humans can wrongly choose sin instead of love. Such can be done even if choosing love seems not required per laws (Luke 19:40): in other words love can quench love via a intermediate step, individual human choice [a higher love gift from Jesus Christ (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Baptism being a one way street, and Matthew 3:11)].

There is no sin without people, but people are now creating [innovating] people [such as from animals], therefore people need to be aware of the importance of accordingly measuring love and administering/allocating love in appropriate amounts, if to create humans properly (leaders be aware and cautioned).

If a human [or other] such as a medical professional create a human, and perhaps use modified monkey brain and organs to do so, it is important to know how much is not properly added: how much love is not properly added. The human heart, brains, fingers, and other human body parts house the soul and the soul is able to interact with love, so to prevent measures of love from being added to a human(?) being created, is similar to breaking a promise against all people.

To add love, is to add properly, yet the PCS condition applies. Glory be for Jesus Christ, with the following factor applying (John 14:10): from glory to higher glory.

If to make a worm or a dog or a human, then the appropriate love must be part of the formulation. If to form an infant or a teen or an adult, then the appropriate amount of love needs be administered, and not in word only, in action (ibid.).

So for the highest purposes the greatest precision in leadership is to be utilized.

Love is:

Love = Charity X Hope.

Action per se includes being charitable to family, including the current First Family, yet also the Adam and Eve Family of mankind. As we form humans and creatures and stuff, we have to responsibly meaning give the right amount of the right kind of action. To study you own talent while ignoring another talent is to miss the other point, per se. Even so, properly prioritize Jesus Christ traceably: love first.

Love, then continue, hence measurable; the starting point is love, and then from that is a measurable amount: it is not the starting point if "from" it, therefore is measurably other, yet is of love.

Add love, and that is a third point measurably. Of PCS it is from love to higher love to current highest love (1 Corinthians 12:31).

Do you want to beat the competition?, look here, God has already done the hard part of that for you (Proverbs 12:26), God figured it out for you, for them.

Yet be guided (Philippians 1:10) in love.

Be ye not as animals, partaking in lower matters without higher cause, yet let some grace suffice, and consider law and mercy so settle the love measuring concern quickly.

Do not mingle animal codes nor parts with human aspects, lest you and such all fail accordingly, even in generations thereafter.

Place not animals before humans.

Even so, with much loving higher human control, including concern for each and all humans, specific talents within PCS can be solved within proper parameters if not misused in name or might (Deuteronomy 5:11). As complexities in leadership decision making increase, the need of proper PCS increases accordingly.

We must advance in love. And to do so is to do so properly.

In a particular field, if you are not lovingly understanding a methodology, then verify such as of the fruits of faith, and/or of the fruits of logic (Matthew 7:20), such as faith in an expert, and/or utilizing your own logic and/or the logic of other expertise in which you might have some amount of faith.

Moreover, study how to love and how to measure love.

See Illustration Item #4 above.

Study the Father, the Lord, Jesus Christ.

*There is law in the world, and higher is grace; grace can be a suggestion from God whether delivered directly or otherwise, therefore you would be wise [immediately, or if indirectly delivered then quickly yet cautiously if appropriate] to obey even though it is not required under law (Romans 4:13).