Human Timeline

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Human Timeline Sermon

from Adam until now.

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 11/16/2011

Updated 8/24/2012.

Updated 10/8/2012.

Updated 10/14/2012.

Updated 1/5/2014.

Updated 6/7/2015.

Update June 7, 2015: As a person increasingly practices the thing(s) Christ Jesus revealed, the person becomes increasingly worthy as Christ Jesus taught to overcome problems properly victoriously, refining and honing (Isaiah 48.10, 1 Samuel 13.20 & Ezekiel 21.9) such as to improve sermons. In this case subsequent sermons of ICCDBB have revealed a solution to certain timeline matters shown on this page. While the following depiction is very linear, ICCDBB Sermon Christ with ICCDBB Sermon All 4 Good together yield a more clear representation, especially as shown in the bottom half models of the Creation Pulse Drawing of the All for Good Sermon; in other words applied to evidence, that there were pulses of intelligent beings on Earth to possibly or likely account for [the glory of Christ Jesus, and for (Genesis 3.23)] out of place artifacts such as perhaps a tool in million year old rock.

Jesus Christ, the One True Father of all, with the Holy Father as parent and child, the Alpha and Omega, is our Father.

Father is more than person, Father is also Family of higher Christian reasoning.

Today from television came a program explaining the world's driest oldest desert, the Atacama in Chile, is 150 million years old, though based on secular assumptions and speculations; for instances storms, ice ages, lack of world ice flooding, and other anomalies would predictably have impacted the region over such an extensive period of time as indicated on this non-affiliated site's maps (this caption was updated 8/24/2012).

Jesus Christ, the Family Father on Earth, yet One With God, embodies values unto us, not merely symbols, yet higher value with values: accordingly we become a useful tool for future generations to use.

By humbling ourselves we learn how others before us were [great yet] humble, as Fathers of Tribes, yet also Father of such lineage per se.

Consider a lineage, such as of one of the Tribes of Israel. The Tribe started with a name, named after a great person, humble under the Father God. That great person had a son and that son carried-on that name. So instead of a name of a Dad being a length of time of less than 1,000 years, a name may have represented many lifetimes of sons with that same name perhaps representing many thousands of years.

In cases a name represented not only a person, not only a family, yet also communities, even nations.

In Genesis 10.32 is recorded "These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood."

United naming can fail if not properly oriented for Jesus Christ. To invite the God of science and nature into best judging and guiding the people is the pertinent story found in Genesis Chapter 11 verses 1 through 9 concerning The Tower of Babel. A result being that the people united straying from Jesus Christ God were disbanded to establish proper nations. The New Testament and the Book of Mormon as another Testament of Jesus Christ as in 3 Nephi 19.5 Jesus Christ in Holy Trend describes as a future example of such Holy Trend for best properly uniting and/or distinguishing per se for glory realm unto higher glory realm for Jesus Christ God that people wisely comprehend the greater accordingly as One Leader or be distinguished as into "twelve bodies" which per se follow each of the twelve leaders' names (3 Nephi 19.4).

So to continue to be united and not wrongly thwarted, we the people are rather than to follow Jesus Christ we are to lead best and properly as Jesus Christ accepting the Holy Name Jesus Christ as One, in symbol hence in Holy Symbol, and in spirit hence Holy Spirit, over each of our bodies, united in leading nations if to stand in liberty united [not only law, yet rather with best quality guidance (see ICCDBB PCS Sermon with associated PCS criteria)].

To name your child for instance, is normally a helpful tool in raising that child, not only to yell the child's name when there is danger yet also a tool to help teach the child to alert the teacher as to any danger concern [more than to protect the teacher per law per se, to indicate to the teacher the child's learning rate (John 8.50) for the higher United Holy One Father Of Jesus Christ as agreed as One from the beginning and throughout]. In similar pattern to best raise a united body is normally [hence in the Name Jesus Christ] not only in some name in law, rather to best lead including to best establish reference points ["excellent and profitable for everyone" (Titus 3.8) and in Holy Trend that the Holy United Body may logically learn Holy Faith toward best leadership (3 Nephi 11.28)] to best teach the Name.

Naming best, applies not only to a person, community, or a people united as a nation over the Earth and Known Universe, yet also applies to descriptions and definitions, whether we lead to best name an innovation or to best name a computer software system or to best name a Holy System [leading to unravel (Matthew 13.11)] as much as reasonable, as much as humanly possible, that is, as much as God Jesus Christ The Father provided talent to so best lead One United People.

Jesus Christ taught to care for others, as of His Sermon On The Mound, since some people are poor in spirit, some are sick, some are weary; and such care for instance is hardly to expect each person is to prophesy on demand, rather of best leadership accordingly, improvement accordingly, best uniting of naming and describing talents accordingly.

The human timeline is hardly limited to names, definitions, and law alone. Within the logic of electronics for instance is taught the logic of opposites, such as so a radio can be built, yet for the higher leadership purpose it is hardly that historic perchance obsolete logic, rather for the higher value [(Jesus Christ) including] values such as the voice on the radio perhaps discussing how to logically build an even better radio.

Within the human timeline a person helped a division of people, accordingly in such leadership trend within the human timeline a person according to their talent united best can help a world of people the best way into the future.

In some cases names [of people, things, and symbols] are direct correlations and in other cases names are loose associations, and in other cases names are counted as if separate (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on pure innocent Jesus Christ wrongly segregated and counted as if sin, see also the GodMath Testament on proper distinguishing for higher purpose).

Today there are often last names that represent such lineages. Back then a name such as Abraham was used not only to represent a person, yet also others.

It is of our humble respect as enlightened unto us by the love of our Father Jesus Christ that allows us to be humble so as to not puff up ourselves in terms of geneaology and to rather puff up Jesus our Father.

So if you are a man and have a Christian son or daughter, and someone asks who is their Father, you can say Jesus Christ, rather than saying your own name. Though if to do so might confuse the person asking, and might confuse the child, so consider the absolute and relative values beforehand (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on speaking in their language and within the hearer's ability to understand).

The above illustrated principles shown are in part interpretation, there are many natural science indicators such as of social sciences and archaeology, and there are Biblical discussions also helping to guide us unto higher enlightenment, such as ICCDBB Sermons and another example is an independently operated website (no affiliations unless otherwise stated).

To unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, is as to view a flower without damaging lest the view be lost. To study Heaven is to learn to use the right tools to study, and to understand not only what to do yet also what not to disturb and such [counted as if] logic in wisdom comes from love.

To study Heaven such as of geneaology is to study for the higher purpose, the humble glorifying of Jesus Christ the Father, rather than for selfish reasons.

To gain respect, honor, value, beauty, humility, and so on needs be for the right reasons, for others, for the Father, for future generations, and for past.

To have all power and be all powerful is for you.

Update 10/8/2012: When people discuss floods, people tend to discuss matters extraneous. God explained people are to seek the deeper hidden meanings, the higher values, the fulfilling more than the surface appearances. Accordingly rather than limit the self to considering for instance a flood due to a storm, we can consider a great flood on a Biblical proportion.

God is not limited to surface effects of rain, nor even surface effects of a tsunami originating from earthquake faults under the sea. Many large space objects for instance are comprised of ice that not only can melt and add to the Earth's total water, space objects with great winds can hit a deep ocean and flood with great lingering splashes. Another consideration is that while liquids have volume, liquids can also expand due to heat, and more due to bubbles and debris in and under the water. Also for instance the Earth is often compared to a sponge, with caverns that can contain or release water.

In the above illustration is a discussion of Noah estimated 900,000 years ago. In a related recent discovery there has been determined that The Shards of Naica caverns / caves in Chihuahua, Mexico near magma containing giant crystals, with the largest crystal 39 feet tall, 13 feet wide and weighing 55 tons and growing in the extreme humidity, the timeline is 600,000 years of having been filled with hot mineral water (The Shards details source: The Red Bulletin November 2012, p. 8).

Often dams burst, deep underground, with the rocks squeezing the water up and heat shooting water jets in great quantities. Though often misinterpreted, and after-the-fact, science continues to reinforce what the Bible long ago professed.

Update 11/16/2012: In the studying of evidence of ancient human activities, it can be difficult to date many artifacts, for instance among the ways to utilize known time relative radioactivity is the Carbon Dating Method, CDM, which for certain precision among some specialists has been indicated in technique to be delimited to the measure of CDM in Tissue, CDMT, that has lived, so accordingly if to do carbon dating of some of the first humans then to obtain such a sample would be a great find per se, and one such example was claimed on television to have been found.

2.5 Million years old CDMT, a sample of an animal [mainly a bone] was found with carvings made by humans, according to the expert and as depicted.

This finding agrees with the above illustration.

Update 1/5/2014: The Human Timeline with respect to Noah and / or Nimrod, there are worldly indicators that the great flood was long before 900,000 years BC, such as 10 Million years ago with many large floods since such as the Zanclean Flood "The last reflooding 5.33 million ago" with flooding "at a rate 1 000 times greater than the discharge of the modern Amazon" and "the actual process may have taken many centuries to complete" ( so measuring the wide mainstream of the Amazon, though not at the Delta with land masses in-between, the flow if at the same depth as the current Amazon River would have been the width of a continent; and that the first people, Adam and Eve, existed over 5 or 10 Million years ago [not necessarily always walking on 2 feet (example illustrations &]; even so the findings continue to be that worldly opinions vary, contingent upon the opinion of God as found in the Bible especially of the teachings of Christ Jesus the Lord, with the Blood and the Spirit and the Water in agreement when to count without including sins.