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If, Then.


by Dr. Bob Benchoff 4/18/2010

What happens if You use the Lord's Name in vain? (don't try this at home, so to speak)

If You say "I am the God.", then what would the source of love do?

Will the Lord of love come and strike You dead?

If You want to carelessly promote Yourself, there is a danger.

If You choose to be carelessly conceited there and turn Your back on the Lord, there are risks. Yet the Holy Christ Jesus doesn't have to do virtually anything. If Christ reacts to sin, it is counted as if a worldly thing. Christ receives honor from above, hardly from sinners.

Christ doesn't have to strike You down. There are already plenty of natural forces and hateful powerful people in the world already ready to strike You down with a lightening bolt or electric jolt, at a moment's notice. God doesn't have to specially attack You if You sin. It can already be a done deal. If You turn Your back on God, the danger is God might let You, God might agree. Then all those things God protected You against, could be free to fall on You.

Yet if You are not careless nor selfish, and then if You say "I am the God.", then God can provide the proper blessing.

The Commands of God are laws. Laws have a limit. The limit is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

If Government or Your Parents make laws, those entities are sub-limits (the ultimate being the Holy Limit Jesus Christ). When You obey laws of a Government, You agree with that Government. If in another land and Government and You obey those laws, You agree with that Government [to such sub-extent, sub-limit].

You should already know from the Bible that if You claim You are God, then Your sin remains, since You do not properly traceably give glory to God that was before You and created You.

Of the great Holy Trend there was some portion that we can count in worldly terms as a pattern of pertinence, and that typical pattern was not to take the Name of God in vain. In that typical pattern, Jesus Christ did not go around saying "Look everybody, I am God." and then dance around by Himself and laugh and sing praises to Himself.

Yet there is another atypical pattern, as if an exception to the rule.

The as if exception is not the anti-Christ.

The exception is another new pattern, better than the first: the last is become first.

The pattern of the more excellent Way, the higher priority pattern, is something Jesus Christ also used, though hardly in casual conversation, as the higher pattern is toward the Holy of Holies. Respect of the Father is involved. Respect over Parents, Governments, worldly Bosses, over nature, and so on, is a minimum, if to enter the Holy of Holies and the Most Excellent Way.

Jesus Christ did not go around bragging that He was the Christ, with an important exception [as if, that is if to speak in worldly terms], rather there is a time, a situation, an event realm, an if then statement season, that Jesus Christ openly used a High pattern to as if brag about Himself, yet rather it was a prioritizing pattern, to distinguish Himself, yet not to sin nor brag about Himself.

The bragging, as evidenced in the world, was for Your sake, and theirs.

Jesus Christ in Holy Pattern from on High rose to the Highest Value the world had known, and Jesus Christ explained He and He alone was the God, the Father in Heaven, the miraculous divine Savior, the Unique Creator of Good and Evil from the beginning of time (John 18.5-9).

Able to cast fire and brimstone on cities, and able to strike adversaries with lightening bolts amidst claps of strong thunder shaking everything, the way a child might play with toys, Jesus Christ proclaimed He is whom they seek.

You can hardly claim in vain pattern that You are God, unless on sufficient High Pattern, that of proper Pattern Prioritizing within the One Holy Trend, You may say You are the Christ God Jesus in Name and Body [hence rather than worldly body, Holy Body], if true to be best of Your God given talent, and if completely for honoring and glorifying God Jesus the Christ and Father in Highest Heaven, and in this world, in application, rather in applying such Holy Faith, You do it not for Yourself [save possibly being entered into mutual blessing, yet even with higher purpose in case if not known as mutual benefit], if You do it for others to save them and bring them to Christ such as through Christian Baptism, and that You lose not One of them, as Jesus Christ has done as an example unto You.

That Holy Way trend pattern to overcome vanity can be applied to other sub-aspects, sub-patterns of our lives.

When two children fight over a toy, an adult might take the toy and say "Now I have it.", and the adult might start playing with it in front of them, and the adult might look at them and ask "Do You want to fight Me for it?", when typically the adult simply wants to teach them to share, lest the adult be in a vain bully sub-pattern worthy of less.

After reasoning the Holy Pattern pertinent to Your interest, there can be higher value patterns or there can be complication patterns not to be overlooked, such as after taking a toy and playing, the adult might find it fun and actually want to continue playing after pattern time has elapsed. Another complication pattern is safety interest pattern, checking on how safe the toy is relative to the age of the children. So there are many complication patterns, yet often it is relatively easy to overcome these when tracing properly for the Lord.

We can be faced with a challenge, so We can look at a pattern of pertinence in the Bible showing how Jesus Christ handled such a pattern. We can find a best match pattern, to the best of Our ability, hence to the best of Our agreeing with God.

Then if the pattern is not a perfect match, We can look in similar prioritizing to find sub-pattern matches.

1. If to find a Jesus Christ Pattern that completely encompasses our challenge, then that Jesus Christ Pattern is a priority over Our challenge pattern. Hence Our challenge pattern is optimized by the higher priority Jesus Christ Pattern [unless We find a better fitting Jesus Christ Pattern encompassing our challenge pattern.

2. If there are evidently gaps between our challenge pattern and the higher pattern, then We can seek a fitting Biblical pattern covers those gap patterns, or each gap pattern, and so forth traceably, as We prioritize each aspect properly.

To help You learn this, the Bible often has verses in series, similar to connective tissue in humans, that if to tug on One part, then the other parts come along too.

Many people are heard in the Bible, including sinners. So it is better if to apply the Bible to Your situation pattern, to start searching patterns among verses of non-deceitful verses and verse patterns: verses when Jesus Christ spoke.

A sub-pattern, more tricky yet of value, is when other Holy Prophets spoke, yet when checking such sub-patterns and finding patterns that match Your situation remember to make sure they fit their higher Pattern Jesus Christ taught, in other words, make sure Your interpretation sub-patterns, and the sub-pattern interpretations of the people are not in conflict with any Patterns Jesus Christ taught.

Here is a priority list guide, with a couple verse sets / patterns.

So in Ether 13.11&12 pattern, people might bring corners of a bedspread together and fold it into a tighter unit in some dimensions, and in so gathering a first part can become last, in pattern, that is, You might first lift a corner, yet the end result is other parts being brought inside while Your first pick corner remains out at the corner. Mosiah 15.2&3 show a pattern, We can call it Pattern A, of how Jesus became the Son in what We can call a sub-pattern of Pattern A, and then Jesus became the Father, in what We can also call a sub-pattern of Pattern A. Yet to be properly prioritized according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the pattern of becoming the Father is not only a sub-pattern, it is also a greater Pattern, so be aware of how much such a situation may or may not properly apply to Your situation pattern.

The Bible contains many long sets of patterns. There are many long sentences composed of many verses in sub-patterns, and they may apply in portions, yet thorough awareness lovingly helps with proper prioritizing, with wisely the proper logical matching of patterns and/or sub-patterns, yet that You ensure love properly traceably among the patterns and sub-patterns, especially in pertinence to the situations given, not that the worldly situations are higher, rather that Jesus the Father is Highest.

So, there is a Highest, and accordingly if there is a proper Highest Loving Pattern then given this worldly pattern there is a mission of love sub-pattern to be done, then having the conquered pattern, then is the rising pattern to Highest Pattern, as if again, yet rather anew, having conquered properly. It is the proper conquering pattern.

Here is a real world specific applying of the Bible that I am doing, to help You:

Given the Bible, the High Pattern, I wanted to build flying cars that the Chosen in worthy pattern, and others in calling pattern, could use and enjoy traceably for properly praising the Christ Jesus. So the grasshopper pattern fit, and a higher pattern fit on high was also found (spaceship:, along with other Biblical patterns with portions of pertinence. So for good, traceably, rather than bad I sifted through pertinent patterns, rather God sifted through and I entered into His Holy Work For Good (reference Covenant patterns). I have a for profit business, A Check Exact, and this too enters into these patterns, that it be not left undone (

There are many other types of Biblical patterns, as the GodMath Testament has stated. For instance Mormon Chapter 4 verse 16 uses the pattern of the word "again", within the pattern of the word "against", showing a sub-pattern worldly interpretation so to speak of how problematic patterns as if beget more problematic patterns, rather of how We can conquer via enlightenment of awareness pattern that We properly traceably recognize according to their natures, that We therefore in God overcome in proper pattern.

Here is given You another expanded pattern of Alma 5, verses 7, 13, & 15, not that the other verses don't matter, rather that You follow the higher trend of prioritizing patterns properly unselfishly for the Lord. If You read 7 through 15, You should find it worthwhile toward a pattern recognition enlightenment example, as far as pattern importance as to what part is more valuable in Jesus Christ.

ICCDBB for Jesus Christ has taught the importance of love, since in Holy Pattern love never fails.

Keep the proper Holy Priorities Pattern(s), the Holy Trend, in mind when figuring patterns.

For instance keep the love pattern in mind when reading an important pattern priority list at the end of the Book Of Mormon, page 530, especially lower left on that page.

The New Testament has a similar list, so properly distinguish the patterns.

Some patterns have things missing, to highlight the important pattern(s). Some patterns have things added, to further explain details in the living Bible.

While confusing to others, We together of Christ can overcome.

A Bible Prophecy Pattern.