Love is

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Love is

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 10/23/2011.

Jesus Christ enables us to rise from glory to higher glory.

Such is accomplished faithfully in Jesus Christ. We accomplish in Jesus Christ by doing the Will of the Father God Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ taught, yet left many mysteries that He did not fully teach, in order that His People might unravel mysteries at times, that His People at times might have great joy and joys, at finding such discoveries or innovating such high pleasures such as done here by ICCDBB. ICCDBB uses standardized formulas.

ICCDBB is assigning definitions more precisely in current terms, so that such can be applied to nearly pure science mathematical terms, yet this is not to leave the other undone, the wisdom of proper highest pattern usage for solving for the greater glory of Jesus Christ. Even so, this website page is less about patterns and more about mathematical formulas, because expectedly with the showing of some of the key formulas many people can be helped in terms of better becoming properly enlightened to thereof better comprehend complex higher patterns, symbols, and highest Holy Trend an even perfect more excellent way.

Faith X Love = Good.

Jesus Christ enlightened people, and from that enlightenment people can better learn to enlighten others. Formulas such as shown above help Christians and others comprehend many higher things both seen and unseen, such as why Jesus Christ died on the cross, and such as what our purpose is in life and why we are here. From the above illustration we learn about how to best define parameters, such as what a "Word" is, what "Love" is, and what it means to be "Good".

Jesus Christ offers gems and treasures throughout the Bible, and from these people are often expectedly helped to be able to make correct decisions including decisions never previously made in this world; such as possibly the first person that decided whether to drive over a child with a car, or not.

Yet to best advance civilization properly, expert precision is important, so the best expertise is properly used for God (Exodus 31.4) and the people of God, lest any [perhaps counted as if] unworthy be struck down by [God, perhaps counted as if, or by] their own sin(s).

So for the highest purposes the greatest precision in leadership is to be utilized.

Love is:

Love = Charity X Hope.

Therefore the following is included in Jesus Christ:

Jesus Christ = Charity X Hope.

While Jesus Christ is not exactly Charity times Hope, it is true that Jesus Christ contains most pure both Charity and Hope.

Jesus Christ is the source of Charity and Hope, so can be written:

Jesus Christ = Charity source x Hope source.

From properly utilizing the right formulas much truth can become unraveled, be revealed, and published for others to have as known. To have as known, concerning highest matters of Love and Jesus Christ is enlightenment among such people, such hearers of the Word:

Word = Faith X Hearing.

It is easy to try to make a high formula and then fail, yet consider how a child might try to learn to ride a bike though not succeed on the first attempt. Go, do, live, prosper, leap in Faith for the greater glory of Jesus Christ!


Now for a more advanced lesson:

The next step, from line by line reading [linear, single dimensional], is page reading [two dimensional, 2D], toward 3D [understanding 3D: matter].

The following is an example.

Faith comes from Hearing and Hearing comes from the Word of God, the Bible, therefore can be written:

Faith / Hearing / Word.

Another way [better per se] to enlighten and write this formula is:

Word = Faith X Hearing.

People use ears to hear, and the Word is also written in books, so also can be inserted into formulas are the following items as shown here:

Faith / Hearing / Word / Ears / Speaking / Reading / Books / Writing / Seeing / Ink / Paper.

Warning: understand that some of the above line can be reorganized into other for some goodly or other purposes at times, not described in this Sermon [(see the GodMath Testament for further information) also not GodMath / Book of Mormon / New Testament / Old Testament, therefore N = G X M, and M = N X O].

So from the long formula sequence line above can be written in pattern the following:

Faith / Hearing / Word / Ears / Speaking / Reading / Books / Writing / Seeing / Ink / Paper.

Word = Faith X Hearing.

Ears = Hearing X Word.

Speaking = Word X Ears.

Reading = Ears X Speaking.

Books = Speaking X Reading.

Writing = Reading X Books.

Seeing = Books X Writing.

Ink = Writing X Seeing.

Paper = Seeing X Ink.

So the above can be read from left to right and right to left, 1D; and the above can be read top to bottom in sequence columns and bottom to top 2D. So when on the right track for God many newly unraveled treasures help indicate the simplicity and higher excellence from glory to higher glory along the Righteous Path, along the Holy Way (Matthew 11.30).

Be wise to lovingly understand that the above is to be lovingly understood within context. For instance

"Reading = Ears X Speaking."

may not seem to be right, since "Ears X Speaking" seems to equal "Hearing", not "Reading", yet be mindful to abide in perfect praise, such as when a parent is "Speaking" to a child's "Ears" and might say or ask: Do you read me?, or Are you "Reading" me.

So if your leaps of Faith start becoming a little too confusing unto you at the moment, consider when to rest awhile, and when to walk before running.

Now for further consideration and enlightenment is the moving from 2D to 3D.

Here is an indicator as to how to go about such as a homework assignment:

Water has a 2D surface, and water has depth, 3D; Length X Width X Depth = 3D (reference Genesis 1.2), and each item can be described in Biblical formulas and patterns at length, reasonably as much as desired for proper enlightening for highest purpose.

Having been calculated via having done your homework you can thereof write each of the three Biblical formulas and stories on each of the three dimensional surfaces of a cube.

It is reasonable that if done most excellently the area within the clear cube [aside from ink] could be filled with data, and without excess of ink nor lack, the result should reasonably yield a very compact way of representing the Holy Word of the proper Holy Action Activity [including reading] of the Holy Matter.

Praise the Lord!