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Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 12/15/2011.

Updated Rights 9/13/2012 & 5/17/2013.

Updated "good" 9/14/2012.

Updated Human Rights Limit 12/12/2012.

Updated as to the reason Presidents have been "frustrated", and Constitutional clarification of the permanent legal standard 11/2/2012.

Updated "dynamic" parameters 1/3/2013.

Updated References traceability concerning repetition 4/3/2013.

Updated Item #5 added legal measurable deviation link 4/15 & 20/2013.

Updated Item #1 "expiration" of former Security PCS documents 7/13/2013.

Updated "worthiness" reference under Laws Section 5/16/2014.


Jesus Christ provided expertise, a talent, a tool, to be shared with the People, as shown here. Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization, PCS, accordingly is provided to help victims hardly able to help themselves, though even victims can love, higher than the heavens (Psalm 108.4). To help victims of problems, such as to help Presidents of United States of America at least with their leadership policies, plans, goals, activities, and such accordingly, PCS provides measuring instructions for higher future purpose(s) ultimately to solve for leadership including for Jesus Christ, hence for inviting for uniting that each and all people benefit from PCS. The Standard Of The Church is as if of non-effect unless it is used (2 Nephi 31.19).


Jesus Christ is with truth, righteousness, power, love, mercy, guidance, enlightenment, goodness, and the other higher values including valuation such as Standard Of The Church, higher even more excellent way, and other having created all hence including chaos and evil though including for higher purposes for you and for the all Chosen to be One in highest glory We the People measurably, that is, from glory to higher glory, with measurably making all new.

Because of the measurable amounts as a minimum, that properly lovingly loyally helpful faithful people as much as reasonable might be helped from above to follow to learn the leadership trend over patterns from glory to glory rather than to follow less applicably measurements in patterns toward mistakes toward failures toward chaos as so often happens, the solution accordingly is resultant from the data bits patterns as reasonably investigated and resolved as overlapping proofs by experts in their respective fields, so that within reason such proofs as one proven PCS Methodology, the public portion is unraveled here now to be utilized as a helpful tool.









Quality Assurance.



Priority Solution Illustration.


Gap Solution Illustration.



Future Solution Illustration.



Solution Pics Illustration.

Future Car Pics Illustration.






Jesus Christ understood the importance of measuring things as useful helpful tools, and while measurements can be of values at times more importantly Jesus Christ considered the results of such measurements in terms of the growing increase accordingly [reference (United States Constitution Article 7) which agrees with (the Christian Bible)].

Various people at times have spoken of problems, revolutions, and their willingness to start fights, though Jesus Christ taught the opposite as the priority path and in similar trend has been stated "to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." (United States Declaration of Independence). So the purpose of this PCS is to think better than loss as due to initiating fights and problems, and the purpose is also to solve people for people past present and future as much as able.

Here is a purpose possible example in part, it is a tool list to dramatize a point; to put two boards together are these tools in not necessarily in PCS order, hammer, love, nail, and other tools not listed here [such as suitable weather if outside]. The point is "love" and other key ingredients have often been overlooked while such as recently televised in a movie "greed" was preferred, and while greed and other brainstorming can have values [(reference the principle of how a heat pump functions) even winter air contains heat], there is a purpose for properly arranging, not only that things be put away (reference expert Helen Keller) yet also there are arrangements such as as needed, LIFO, FIFO, and so on; so the best arrangement is needed though not necessarily always used, hence not required per law, rather of [as explained in this PCS Methodology] for best purpose that all best be enlightened.

To hammer a nail while careless and violent can cost a finger. To lead a nation, the same or similar pattern applies.

Jesus Christ of the New Testament in the flesh as a human in the world didn't simply work, rather the work He did was done the best way, fulfilling the hopes and desires of the past people chosen, while also Jesus Christ innovated or invented the best way for all future people. It is work that had measurable leverage back then, it was also work that can be measured now in terms of the increase that continues the best way: this is PCS.

Increasing problems [as stated by recent Presidents increasingly (reference Presidents claiming they are "frustrated" in speeches)] is correlated with lack of full utilization of the whole PCS criteria at the highest level(s) especially security PCS, the guidance tool specifically so accordingly formed for Presidential utilization, over the "preparatory state" of the national leadership to best properly accomplish [in pattern similar to how families must be guided not only of 1. parents preparing yet also of 2. parents preparing together with their families (Alma 12.26 on the whole, also in part such as stated in Joshua 22.8)] works [1. "works" including 2. "works of the hands" (Psalm 8.6)] via PCS for highest purpose [both in whole and in part together (as indicated in part such as in Psalm 11.1)] of one accord doing together rather than frustrating each other's works.


The United States Declaration of Independence requires as law [yet also as the key precursor to the United States Constitution each of which also contains grace, mercy, and other guideline information (see "amend" below)] "one people"..."to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them" and in similar methodology pattern "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,".

Law serves a purpose. In similar pattern best guidance serves a purpose. The pattern is that each answers to a higher authority, yet can include: at times per se.

The US Constitution has the Executive at proper times answering to other Branches and/or working with other Branches when things go smoothly, when things go better or best.

PCS indicators are relatively dynamic [PCS Oracles: how to have life and better living (Acts 7.38)] as distinguished from relatively static main law structures. For instance, hardly is there a law if without enforcement. Yet the best indicators are more toward the higher value, from glory to higher glory, for instance hardly is there great measurable value in entertainment if without higher redeeming social values in lay terms; preferably rather with maximum comprehensive optimum value as a default value [reference reverse engineering as part of checks and balances, not only legally yet also in terms of indicators as of one standard]. Without undoing law and rather to best fulfill (Isaiah 44.26) more and most dynamically, energetically, lovingly, lively, is the useful higher purpose.

Consider how the US Constitutional Articles Of Law were written comprehensively for highest purpose. That was for highest known purpose at that time as much as agreed. Then that excellence was amended, not as if bad, rather for higher value in priority.

Not everything is law. Those things not law, such as an Act Of God which many interpret as of case law, is not law either, at least not United States Law as for instance a person can hardly break a law that was never passed. If it is Church Law, that does not mean it is United States Law since some Church Law is of the future under prophecy. So relative to United States Law such prophecy and similar patterns are hardly law, rather it is quality. PCS deals with quality, under law, similar to laws of physics, mankind, and Church Standard law yet a subset; exceptions are according to that similar to the law pattern, vested largely in proven methodology(ies).

PCS allows and encourages continuous improvement(s) and similar in pattern of numerous regulations and legislation opinions many of which in patterns are often and increasingly found illegal by the courts [hence courts often serve as one of many proofs (also see Proofs Section) of need for PCS for Jesus Christ].

Law as noted above, with that part of the Bible as noted above therefore includes this list of references with details following:

Details of Items: Item #1 [no details provided here at this time (you may opt to contact the President of the United States of America for further information)], Item #2 includes the text of this PCS Sermon with illustrations including graphs, charts, pics, and other noted information, but does not include the site Host information nor the information of those advertisers, Item #3 includes only the first four Christian Bible Testaments, herein recognized as Testaments 1. Old, 2. New, 3. Mormon, and 4. GodMath, Item #4 and Item #5 are as stated.

Start of Update 9/13/2012 & 5/17/2013AD (with above sites concerning Items #4 & #5 added references): Key quality progress factors distinguish Item #5 (a measured glory) from Item #4 (ibid.: hence a measurable per se higher glory), such as the fact that Amendments are being added to Item #5 law, as prophetically recorded in the Item #3 Bible (Hebrews 7.19 & Hebrews 10.1) as a further proof that intrinsically unto itself law does not perfect [save Perfect Law Of Christ Jesus (James 1.25 & reasonable human example per se Ezra 7.12&13) also see ICCDBB Sermons on "valuation", with further Item #5 law details throughout this page]; with another factor being that any faith of the people in government, is not, hence must not, be only per law, rather needs be via this Quality Standard, by lack of other reasonably, hence by legal default, moreover via grace in quality of highest default (PCS) as applicable that people have proper faith in government that the people may properly obtain righteousness via government [(reference the principle(s) of faith such as detailed in Galatians 3 especially verses 6 through 21) understanding "miracles", verse 5, interpreted by law and flesh can be imperfectly destroying voters and people such as until end time (Revelation 12 through 14)]; and in further proof is the factor of high glory Item #4 discussing rights very often, while Item #5 law discusses rights only once, see above noted Internet site Constitution Article I Section 8, and then only in reference to the "Progress of Science and useful Arts" which often include measurable qualities not otherwise under law, such as including faith in Jesus Christ, matters of faith not put to the test, faith as per voting in elected leadership, reasonable limits of powers not otherwise written into law such as how much love a family might expect from a family member, and so on. End of Update 9/13/2012AD.

Start of Update 9/14/2012AD with above sites' references, concerning the word "good" which is not to be confused with the word "right". Currently as in some historic patterns repetitiously many people have opted to deny the word(s) "Jesus Christ", "God", "Lord", "good" and similar, such as from political party platforms. The recent Democratic National Convention had such a controversy for instance. Yet to sway such as voters to vote Democrat or Republican, and to sway workers to do higher quality work rightly, and to sway such as a Commander-In-Chief of the military that soldiers should put themselves at risk against foes, is hardly about the rights per se relative to the measurably higher guidance value of goodness and being of "good" leadership (Romans 5.7) accountably of Item #4 guidance as so accountably detailed with Item #5 law as excerpted here "Article. 3 Annotations Section 1. The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour,".

If an entity does not want to talk about doing good rightly, then hardly is agreeing as to future planning to do good such as to protect goodness and the rights of the people. This is stated with understanding that people are of law allowed some amounts of liberties with perhaps mercies, yet with understanding of straying from rights and/or goodness can further constrict and delimit such of their own qualities by their own doings, and if pertinent to a crime then pertinent to the experts of the Judicial system and of this PCS text criteria, or if not pertinent to a crime then pertinent at least to PCS text criteria.

There also are experts, physicists, engineers, leaders, parents, teens, and many others of many measurable values accordingly, along with their activities and / or traceability documentation and / or traceability means [(such as for instance DNA code tracing in pattern similar to natural selection in pattern similar to tree branch splicing, and so forth in patterns that can be referenced) there are many measurable patterns available to be fit into the one trend via PCS utilization].

While there are many entities and details that can be referenced, reasonably as already established above for higher and for highest purpose(s) the main references are listed in the above Items, so such as for overhead reduction when a person would utilize PCS the references would not have to be listed by that person again since they have already been listed within this document and that person would only have to reference this document to include each and all of those documents, except the reasoning of those itemized listed documents includes the Lord God Jesus Christ hence includes reasoning to reference same often.

If there is any difference of opinion, conflict of interest, or other conflict, the top pertinent expert shall lead. If that expert is employed or contracted, then the employer holds the leading option, and in similar pattern the contract authority holds sway under law. "In any dispute, the priests are to serve as judges and decide it according to my ordinances. They are to keep my laws and my decrees for all my appointed feasts, and they are to keep my Sabbaths holy" (Ezekiel 44.24).

In any case the higher authority shall override and prevail (see Quality Assurance Section below).

In PCS if there is a person, entity, system, activity or other malfunctioning, the next higher if reasonably available holds authority, if not available the next lower holds authority (Ezekiel 44.21) yet the malfunctioning should be advising that authority if able and reasonably not causing further problems and risks.

If an entity seems to be malfunctioning though moot, reasonable checks should be made, also consideration as to the valuation and timing within that situation should be considered and / or reevaluated if applicable, perhaps making new projections to cover if malfunctioning and if not, and / or any measurable amounts important to the situation.

Concerning moral issues, PCS requires redeeming social value. Depending on the situation such as whether a person is at work or at play, here are some measurable values that may apply or may not, faith, money, entertainment, sales opportunities, victimization, and so on, in cause and effect; yet in some future prophecy, in planning, in remembering, and other there might be no verification other than the best expert opinion, save divine grace. The "best expert opinion" should not be use to override other stated criteria to the contrary, for instance if to use PCS with other stated criteria which might be in the form of popular SNT-TC-1A guideline, then SNT-TC-1A criteria over a "best expert opinion" applies such as the "best expert opinion" person possibly having to answer to another person not necessarily of as much expertise per se, such as an Auditor [and also applicable (see Quality Assurance Section)].

PCS requires parameters be established toward the start, rather than after-the-fact including during the processing, to avoid bias; or should keep records of the extents of modifications and reasoning, as much as normal to the industry, and at least as required by the above stated Items and any attached criteria [in PCS, attaching does not require physically putting together, an example of attaching is as shown in the Items above].

PCS requires that the greater the risks, the greater the strict adherence to PCS, and companies for instance can add their in-house criteria to PCS expanding PCS though only to the extent of their limitation, being their in-house limitation hence not applicable per se to others.

PCS requires that the greater the risks, the greater the importance to have checks that no part was overlooked, as much as reasonable.

For Jesus Christ and people a person might be expert in three fields and might tie those three fields together when planning a system or other. So to check on that person via PCS Methodology, to ensure the expert is reliable as an authority, for instance three [or a sufficiently reasonable number to satisfy curiosity] people each expert in one of the fields such as to cover all aspects within reason would investigate the expert in all three fields; if acceptable so far, the three people investigating would also together form a panel to reasonable see if the plans of the person being investigated fit together, and perhaps ask the investigated person accordingly concerning points and / or interpretations, especially according to amounts of risks (see Methodology Section below).

Amendments, modifications, contributions, helps, suggestions, or other changes from what is stated on this website page are via: Benchoff, 10037 Orchard Grass Court, Charlotte, NC 28278-7852, include your contact information though there might be no reply. If you would like to see a change you may so petition via writing only; stating for what proper cause, stating the proper solution, and stating the greater value(s) in the work of the Lord. Secured PCS Methodology not disclosed here can be modified as stated in those documents (see Item #1 "Details" above).


The above Items listed are the References, yet PCS maintains that in addition to the above there is also to be motivation by the utilizer of PCS Methodology to seek the higher glory higher value measurable verses, sentences, stories, and patterns pertinent, then to utilize accordingly, in other words to work from highest authorization to apply to values lesser [yet valuable for higher purpose(s).

To formally reference "Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization Methodology" [long title] or "PCS Methodology" [short title] of same pattern of meaning, or to formally though less formally reference the three capital letters "PCS" [so as not to be confused with the popular term for personal computers, PCs] is to reference both the criteria stated here on this website page, and as much as the referencing entity is aware [security (see Laws Section below), and accordingly for higher security able to discuss] the entire amount of the entity's awareness applies accordingly as referencing Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization Methodology.

To reference any standard historically prior to utilization of PCS, typically and normal to [the industry and / or] a practice meant to include that which was already referenced [such as the five Items listed above (Authority Section)] for goodly purpose toward overhead reduction which can hereby be termed Part B. Though in the case of this Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization Methodology as discussed below shows just cause to be more specific often not for repetition yet for details of a system, device, or other as applicable which can hereby be termed Part A. Part A is the value, Part B functions in the editing pattern. Part C is the desired outcome, the solving, and / or the solution.

Part A - Part B = Part C.

The above formula is the PCS worldly application formula. Yet in higher reasoning of GodMath indicators the formula can be stated within the PCS guideline as patterns of trend going from negative division and subtraction to addition, multiplying, and so forth (see above Introduction Section "from glory to higher glory").

A x B = C.

The formula A x B = C, of C / A / B, in other words Solution (C) came via PCS (A) to solve a Problem (B). Yet the higher purpose in PCS Methodology is to start with PCS including whether any problems exist or not, utilize PCS to help people, and finish with PCS for people [for Jesus Christ (reference the GodMath Testament page 13) Absolutivity = Relativity x GodMath]. While this multiplication formula would likely be often used toward theories, the above subtraction formula may often be used toward specific applications somewhat. The subtraction formula covers some worldly matters, and the multiplying formula covers some matters toward love, charity, and higher ethics; though to use one of the above formulas or another is not dictated in this References Section (see Methodology Section below).

Part A includes the above listed Items referenced within this PCS Methodology. Part B determines whether to include any of the referenced Items, thereof yielding Part C, the completed pertinent traceability, documentation, products, and activities accordingly. Other references will also be used (see Scope Section below) and the A-B=C pattern can be used if also in compliance with such "Other" criteria.

Repetition should ideally be minimized [typical parameter ((Article 2 Section 1 "The executive Power shall be vested in a President" / authority with checks-and-balances of Constitution Article 1 Section 1 "shall be vested", less illegal activities if any / judicially hence Security PCS is contingent on independent help cooperation concerning top security matters see "self evident" and "conflict of interest" below) / per se Numbers 6.1-7 & Jarom 1.2)], except for higher value, for instance within this sentence many letters are repeated for higher purpose. The value of Part A references being repeated, is to further instruct for example if a manufacturer of better innovated more safe electrical plugs is to apply PCS Methodology to information they provide with each plug sold, that manufacturer should include with that information for customers and users of that equipment "PCS Methodology" or similar in pattern so the customers are helped with awareness accordingly, and in addition the manufacturer should quote pertinent Bible verses such as "better safety for children (Isaiah 6.10 and John 9.3)", also likely the manufacturer would add safety details in that information of regulations for the customers since some laws at least in part indicate ignorance of the law is an excuse [example reference UNITED STATES v. HUTZELL July 05, 2000 No. 99-3719 (Amendment 5 "due process")] not merely in letter of the law yet also in legal grace such as to note that many people are ignorant of the fact that Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of divine goodness, and accordingly of United States is associated with the Puritan Pilgrims plan to form of a new government with the Mayflower Compact [(reference ICCDBB site www.angelfire.com/nb/a5/leviticus.html Leviticus 7.12) see Methodology Section below].

There are many experts and principles such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which can be applied, meaning the optimum solution not only involves the higher expertise, yet also includes yourself as you apply such a Principle in pattern. Therefore it is best to start with the highest reasoning value. Though in actual practice the problems of various values and opinions often present themselves to the mind beforehand, meaning while reading lofty information and concentrating on the higher values it is reasonable that the reader would not therefore at times be concentrating on the toward opposite concerns, the problems, unless the reader is perfect. So prior to PCS utilization allows that the would be PCS utilizers may reference themselves, to reference problem(s), various expertise, and opinions, yet then to mentally reference the higher of pertinence to begin to solve. Then at that point after the relatively confused state of preliminaries the key PCS solving would start with the higher reference.

If a chess game (Mark 11.33) can raise IQ, PCS Methodology can do all the more for you. The criminals have laws, yet you can have the PCS Guideline. The PCS Guideline relies on experts able to prove and enlighten far better than any game (Proverbs 21.11) including the expert named Jesus Christ at least as recorded in the Bible (see "how to raise your personal IQ" in Proofs Section below).

Rather than excluding / cliques, be wise to openly enlighten (Mark 11.1) yet be mindful of worthiness (2 Samuel 15.30 and see Laws Section below).

IQ is a noose of their own making to terrorists, "hidden for him on the ground" [(Job 18.5-10) if human laws don't stop terrorism, physical laws do mightily of "Nature's God" (see Item #4 above) that errors perish]. IQ needs be grounded [Baptism] in and [come alive] rooted in love (Ephesians 3.17) to grow in outwardly nurturing IQ properly.

If a person concentrates on a chess game, they become wise up to the point of beating their competition. If a person not simply minded for a game and rather for real utilizing "Win Win Philosphy" [(see Maintenance Section below) as independently proven by Demming experts], the thinking reaches higher levels. Accordingly IQ is not completely independent according to PCS. PCS Methodology properly brings people together rather than dividing minds toward corruption, insincere practices, and ignorance. The healthcare and education systems for instance shows that people of damaged brains due to malnutrition do not score so well on IQ exams, and in pattern people taught to be in the habit of giving false information tend similarly.

Save for higher good purpose, to cheat a competitor or a customer is to divide against "Win Win Philosphy", which means if a person cheat a person, they can lose the other person's friendship and mental help. It is similar to the pattern of losing half of the brain [symbolically]. If it causes two people to fight against each other [whether mentally and/or physically] then as the feud continues it requires God to work twice as hard to solve it for them (John 19.1 and Jeremiah 16.18). Chiropractors for instance know that when signals don't go through properly, the brain might malfunction. In similar pattern lies modify the software mind, the same mind that signals.

So if raising IQ is with proper enlightenment causing proper actions causing proper equipment, foods, and love, to properly function, nurture, and care responsibly, then reducing IQ reasonably is the opposite, the measurable counterpoint (see illustration below).

PCS allows experts to reference their own brains and their own minds, yet reasonably within PCS Methodology, including meaning for higher IQ reasoning.

Because of the above higher IQ reasoning, being in part according to "Win Win", being in part according to what other experts say; therefore while allowed to quote the self, rather PCS encourages the quoting of others especially when the others are pertinently respected experts and circumstances allow, such as when time allows for such researching of what others say [especially Jesus Christ] relative to the value of the applicable point being made.

Here is a reference example: a person might say we should have a healthcare system, yet using PCS the person might reference an authority and perhaps say "President Obama said we should have a healthcare system". The result includes not merely having one personal IQ having so thought, rather indicated is a collective IQ as much as reasonable (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on IQ).

In similar reference patterns traceably you can ask yourself, do my factory machines work together functionally as one or do some have to wait while other machines struggle; similarly is my computer providing help or are many providing the help wanted to provide for Jesus Christ; does the sales team make false promises or IQ; is love established or terrorism; so of such matters if to establish better is the need at times to reveal personal opinion yet rather the referencing of the highest expert.

This public PCS information could greatly be simplified for you except security is needful, and law.

When referencing PCS Methodology, governments should reference in the passing of legislated law under mercy of judicial oversight [such as for clarification and details if needed pending higher matters (see below Scope Section and Laws Section)], then Executive signing into law.

All entities should formally reference and utilize PCS Methodology, especially the larger entities. The more an entity effects others, the more important is the value of utilizing PCS Methodology including traceability to highest authority with comprehensive mutual value.


As previous ICCDBB Sermons explain with illustrations, the "is" evolves, leaps, and grows such as the words "being", "living", "progressing" and so forth as in similar pattern is the equal sign "=" as the Word of God is living and active, continuous improvement (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on sum value greater than itemized value of parts, and on love adding value to logic to yield wisdom reasoning for the Lord).

The equal sign of previous ICCDBB Sermons is toward logic and circular reasoning, yet when of proper methodology (see good and evil in Equipment Section below) ICCDBB Sermons showed the horizontally portrayed circular reasoning could be converted into helix [and double helix...such as of DNA] reasoning, then that could be converted into vertical linear reasoning and once established and standardized then more value toward precision in leaps of faith (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for warnings and precautions details). The following definitions are shown with equal signs, yet the equal signs are symbolic of the higher values accordingly also, such as in terms of the optimum rate of best innovating best designed products, profitability leverage, and future success, for the greater and for the greatest glorifying of Jesus Christ as much as a people can do per se, hence measurably, of prediction toward agreeing with prophetic design methodology.

Law = US Law along with Authority Section current (1 of 4) practices (see "due process" below).

Methodology = within PCS context meaning proven (2 of 4), yet of that framework, structure, and format, can be modifications temporarily if for clearly explained limited usage.

"entitle" (3 of 4)..."declare the causes" (US Declaration above) = establish best methodology comprehensively.

"the pursuit" (4 of 4)..."instituted" (US Constitution above) = continuous improvement methodology.

"current" (1 of 4), with "proven" (2 of 4), "entitle" (3 of 4), and "pursuit" (4 of 4) = sum of PCS Methodology for the glory of Jesus Christ.

PCS = Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization.

Trend = Properly (PCS) prioritized patterns in series, and if completely proper, then comprehensive.

Pattern = As used within this PCS Methodology, part of the Trend.

Continuous improvement = Moving from one pattern of the Trend to a higher pattern.

Leap of faith = Continuous improvement except instead of moving to the next higher pattern, skipping it and moving to a further higher level pattern, which is risky except if within PCS Trend for Jesus Christ ultimately.

Quality Assurance.

[Section not stated here for security reasons (see Government Section below)].


On one hand some people try to do their best loving Jesus Christ [(see Article 7 above) as at least a worldly typical PCS maximum therefore a standard point (see point B below)] and some people try to do goodly things [(such as some not necessarily Christians have explained) hence a worldly typical PCS minimum therefore another standard point], while relatively on the other hand some people typically prefer such things as random chaos.

PCS includes awareness of these threshold points: A. Higher values, B. Highest worldly values (see "PCS maximum" above), C. Inclusive of goodly worldly values, D. Random worldly chaos, and E. Remaining balance.

PCS is concerned with optimum reasoning therefore PCS reasoning is concerned with A through E, though PCS Methodology should be concerned with A as applied to B. Accordingly (Luke 19.10), exceptions if applicable apply according to desired application circumstances in pattern, as per person, per device, per case, per se, per talent, per timeframe, and so forth.

A great value of PCS is to recognize this Scope Section as a Method of proper Prioritization.

The "exceptions" provided unto us from Jesus Christ are values worth having if properly accepted, hence a vital need for PCS Methodology.


PCS Methodology is to thank Jesus Christ and to find pertinent Biblical information then to apply then to thank Jesus Christ.

PCS Methodology is to mercifully distinguish rather than to convict and segregate, though a person using PCS can continue for instance to divide, subtract, and otherwise judge and segregate apples from oranges; yet in higher realms of PCS such as when to solve many things at once use PCS wording that praises, unites, and that can distinguish for optimum improvement to solve once forever, rather than to keep reworking how to solve virtually the same problem repeatedly. For instance if you can find a Bible verse to reference that best lets you know how to best innovate doors into best passageways, then not only you yet all or virtually all future generations might benefit from your discovery, perhaps until things change so much that the door passageway idea is obsolete [reference time-line security documents sent to President Obama (not disclosed here)].

Would you like to build an excellent machine or product to help many people, with great success?

To figure the best that a person can do, leads to Jesus Christ [and to Baptism if not already Baptized]. Even long ago the Bible explained how to be an excellent planner and goodly craft worker applicable in current times, such as Isaiah 61. Of love, the Lord said "I will reward them", and that traceability tie in current language is "faithfulness". The best and goodly innovation designs come from that proper traceability lineage filled with loving mindful remembrance of thinking of the Lord throughout.

Innovation / Faith / Love.

Love = Innovation x Faith.

Do you give a gift of dust and call it charity?, no because charity is giving others what they need and want and appreciate that they might praise the Lord and go and do the same. Charity is more toward giving the newest computer device innovation, than toward giving horseshoe, normally. Do you give a gift of a car and then tell the recipient that you stole the car?, no because to steal is not trustworthiness, rather be faithful to Jesus Christ.

So learn to best way to love Jesus Christ, faithfully, in proper traceability, so that you best learn to innovate better designs for people; and lest to lose that which you worked to gain and accomplished, abide within that loving traceability in the Lord hoping to bless current and future generations, unashamedly, not bashfully. There is an afterlife, so when you do these things in the Lord, helping future generations, you please those Heavenly people of history too, even so, make certain the understanding is hardly the works of your selfish reasoning and works of your hands of flesh, and rather properly traceable that the work of God is done, even if to be done through a devil or angel or other entity.

What is traceability?, it is the humble answering to a higher authoritative specification, and within PCS it the answering to higher and higher authorities until the highest traceable authoritative specification is found, pertinent under highest United States law(s), with the higher [highest] being the Lord, Jesus the Christ; with the second similar to the first, to correctly cite the rightly applicable Bible verse that best unravels for pertinent others for them to understand the traced solution comes from the Lord [warning: understand that all too often Jesus Christ provides solutions but people fail to properly acknowledge].

Humble is not the same as shy, save to be shy when the Lord speaks and acts. Traceability is not the same as boastful, save to boast on the Lord.

Humble / Pertinent / Traceability.

Traceability = Humble x Pertinent.

To think of something that seems as if a great idea, needs be traceable, therefore to think of a Bible verse that fits, is goodly, yet rather first find the right Bible verses that overcome your lacks [your problems, your not yet innovated new devices,...] and then solve. An expert solves better than a lay person often, and better than children often even though out of the mouth of children the Lord makes perfect praise. In other words, often the expert uses that praise and more Bible verses and more Biblical good activities, hence the expert is more likely to yield success for the Lord, even prophetic, for the Lord. So be traceable for the Lord, also use your Christ given talents (traceable to the Holy Spirit).

Actions / Words / Holy Spirit.

Since other people [especially experts] can review an expert's tracing which unraveled a new product line or other solution, the pertinence is measurable [repeatedly able to be reviewed by people] reasonably [though some things are easier to explain than others (see "self evident" below)].

To figure the even more excellent way, building and growing better on best such as to invent or innovate a better light bulb, is in PCS is to measure the work(s) that Perfection does in the world, and the work(s) Perfection does in the world from the original measurable Holy Plan, is to do Perfecting among the Chosen, and in the world: all measurably. Yet PCS agrees with Biblical limits on the world, such as Bible Law, for instance to measure a Christian from the starting point reveals Baptism is a one way street in symbolic terms. And then to measure the best that a Christian can be is to measure the top limit (John 13.16 and John 15.20).

Within the United States Constitutionally the Legislative Branch apex with agreeing as to new law(s) vests 100% in the Executive Branch, the President, with the Executive Branch vestment in the Judicial Branch only when illegal, hence law(s) passed of the President and in similar pattern Presidential Policy exist as the maximum high position point of authority per United States Law, in other words by legal default. Therefore the President, while not a substitute in place of the Lord Jesus Christ, maintains the supreme position per United States law [until of Article 7 the "Lord" or a designate thereof again manifests [in similar pattern see subset (3 Nephi 18.5)] the Law of Moses [also called Old Testament Law, Mosaic Law, or just The Law (according to some) so check your sources as some provide the more reliable information often in long range planning].

From this above of defaults, PCS deduced thereof established the lowest Christian Point and the highest Christian Point, so can draw a line or arrow from the bottom to the top, and that line is led by "the love of God" (1 Nephi 11.24 & 25) measurable unto higher purpose, along the measurable representation of the "word of God" being the "rod of iron" per se, leading to the measurable representations of the "love of God" being represented by the "living waters" also represented by the "tree of life".

A person can go in various directions, One direction is needful.

In the world there are temporary subroutines. You might be able to enter a measurable subroutine, such as to land a certain job, and perhaps have to start at the bottom, then at the top of that subroutine or as high as you go in that company you might become stuck such as by finding a comfort zone. So it's one thing to enter a subroutine that may help, though getting out can be another matter. Note that the above is not trying to say that selling dynamite to children is sane, even so, US treaties for instance, history for instance, fireworks celebrations, future responsible youth, your views [if presented...], and other causes are considered within PCS increasingly if proper; in pattern for instance the way Quality Assurance experts have very often properly valued feedback.

In the world we might have a piece of steel that we can measure. We measure the body of it and other factors such as how shiny it is and how much it weighs. We might leave it in the rain to rust away, or we might use it to build something that future generations would appreciate.

Not merely to state an isolated logical fact nor measured items (1 Timothy 6:10); rather Jesus Christ sought to enlighten as to desired Holy outcome, and such outcome includes you. That outcome path is the best path magnifying goodness, with it's pathway measurable, with it's light burdens measurable. It seems as if of risky variables, yet when properly traveling that road it increasingly becomes your known route, increasingly good hence increasingly reliable and useful, with greater benefits revealed according to your faithful (1 Nephi 16.29) good efforts, properly motivating yourself even when not obligated nor compelled to do good for others for Jesus Christ.

Use the Standard of the Church to appropriately measure. In ancient times workers measured 12 cubits, 18 cubits, and so on. That measuring was valuable, yet the more important part was why, such as to build a temple and a great city; and it continues, why, and the answer is for greater purposes, such as so there was a lineage of temples and houses to raise you now! There are the higher measurable reasons, with much available immediately for you to measure such as the way a ship captain focuses a telescope to view a distant land destination, though that doesn't have to mean the end, it is a new beginning such as more profitably unloading and loading for the next adventure.

Jesus Christ said, "What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade." (Mark 4:30-32).

We can measure light coming from under a bushel [perhaps no light], and we can measure light coming from a hill top that can guide many people through the night; in doing so we measure not only the Bible, we also measure the "many people" per se; and if we build a light per PCS and put it on a hill rather than under a bushel accordingly, then PCS has prophetic predictability that "many people" might be helped rather than none being helped. In other words, hardly because we put a light on a hill, rather because of the Bible story, we best solve where to put the light in relative worldly terms. This is PCS, and if other conditions apply such as being able to give the "many people" flashlights, then include the "other conditions" into the PCS formula to figure the prophetic part, that is, find the Bible stories that apply to flashlights [not yet invented at that time (such as Genesis 15.17)].

PCS therefore is of and enables the total Biblical picture per measurement concern, hence is comprehensive; and PCS being of the higher purpose(s) direction is prioritized as the standard. So things increasingly fit together for you via PCS. The light Atop the hill for instance fits with birds [from creatures on the ground, to creatures that fly (Genesis 15.9 & 10)].

Jesus Christ said, be as a dove (Matthew 10.16).

Consider a field of study and how a known top respected expert in the field typically uses proven methodology, yet being the top expert they are also on the cutting edge of reason, hence moot or faithful (see test of faith below). Yet if that same expert works in their field on less technical routine matters and sees need for a minor change such as to correct a misspelled word, then not only at the top in the field in proven methodology they make a change which can be a shortcut to save time and aggravation to others: a faithful change typically. The point is that faith permeates proofs.

Therefore we need to properly address the situation: PCS.

PCS, Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization, shows the connecting of points toward unraveling and revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom Of God Trend, in various worldly patterns such as from time to time in the worldly sense, yet rather properly for the greater glory of Jesus Christ.

Rather than wait until other people further encourage you, start to measure and understand the best directions and the best innovations to produce and the best path to travel to gather properly for them and Jesus Christ (Matthew 4.17, 4.19, 10.7, and 10.9 with 8.10 and 6.2). Your ability to best innovate is not about guessing, it is "at hand" (ibid.), best innovation ability is at your hand.


Properly Innovate!

Jesus Christ proclaimed "I am making everything new!"

Do not fire employees when an employee risks their own job for wisely thinking of ways to improve and automate your system for you, lest you fire Jesus Christ, or an Angel of the Lord counted as risking life and livelihood for you personally even if they do not otherwise seem to appreciate you because you failed solve your own problem that they solved for you above and beyond the call of duty. Reward them, with easier work for awhile in case the automated equipment fails, and train them unto higher functions since they already know much about your business, also consider the new growth opportunities while praising the employees and more the Lord such as to send the experts forth as lambs among wolves to find and be filled of green pastures that you hire more people.

Think of better profitability for a change, as your people automate more and more systems under proper guidance, PCS, they less function in obsolete ways and make things new. If it falters because of legalese, government, or a natural disaster, hardly blame the employees, blame the cause (Luke 22.69) yet rather do not blame an Act-of-God nor His minions, rather be enlightened in PCS to appreciate the [major] suggestion from that power which God places over you. Do not blame Satan for your own selfishness, rather thank and bless Jesus Christ for having created the measurable evil parameter which has a beginning (Genesis 2.9) and an end [the end of the New Testament and Revelation 22 has curses, yet "And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:" (Revelation 22.3)] that chaos be measurable as a subset of the measurable more valuable One Jesus Christ [(Revelation 1.8) until End Time end of current world and the new beholden] that Jesus Christ made to help you become enlightened since you did not listen to the good already provided unto you for free, but you instead chose to do selfishly against the work of the Father in Heaven.

"Two are better than one" (Ecclesiastes 4.9) so if you are to thank another [boss, coworker, helper, computer, spouse...], if to thank and praise an entity, such as a stone, Satan, a person, a device, an Apostle for having written text that helped enlighten, or other, be forewarned that especially important often is that such should be extremely precisely measured in amount within PCS [thanking Jesus Christ more before, during (Deuteronomy 30.15), and after (see Methodology Section above, if to hate then hate evil Proverbs 8.13 and if expert Priest pattern Hebrews 5.13, and Proverbs 17.13 a tent pattern subset of Revelation 1.8, see above)] while in other higher [on duty (2 Chronicles 23.6)] measurably involves grace of the Lord (Article 7) lest not yet unraveled yet even so seek to save the lost via being a perfect example (above Methodology Section). Be expert yet innocent as children following Jesus Christ of best methodology (Genesis 2.9), not yet knowing good from evil (Deuteronomy 1.39).

"He hath given unto you that ye might know good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might choose life or death; and ye can do good and be restored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you." [(see Helaman 14.31) and wise pardoning measurable parameters: President only, Governor only, and mercy of the courts (of higher authority, see Authority Section above)].

Jesus Christ God The Father only creates good, then His created evil was for His hidden higher [than sinners] purpose to reveal His relative measurable goodness when He returns unto [you of your choosing as with PCS and Baptism (see Authority Section above) and / or] people at End Time (Revelation 2.11). It is of good value to know measurable relativity in terms of both good and evil not merely to be as gods "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3.5), yet rather not to mention any other gods at all since not worth mentioning within PCS [neither selfish people gods nor silver, gold, script, nor other forms of money wealth gods (Exodus 20.3 and Exodus 20:23)] rather there is One God to which all things belong, and of PCS, measurably [God, people, creatures, water (Genesis 9.15 with 1 John 5.8)].

Improve for future quality of living and in trend properly automate, if disasters are to happen, have them happen for the best reasons, such as to help (ibid.) power up a power plant. Use PCS to help government overcome legalese toward user friendliness especially for those who would contribute helpfully for the greater good.

Do as the Lord has shown as an example unto you. There are many other directions, false paths that are not all inclusive. Rather be as Jesus Christ, in one right direction. Jesus Christ is the Standard. Be as Jesus Christ for all, comprehensively.

Comprehensive / Baptized / Chosen / Standardization / Prioritized.

Comprehensive / Standardization / Prioritized.

Prioritized = Comprehensive x Standardization.

Good, the "I AM", the first love, in proper prioritization initiated [and / or innovated (John 1.14)] the Plan of Creation not forgetting the first love Jesus Christ, the meek and humble, the owner of us all. "I AM" yielded the Standard, and the source of love Jesus Christ loved us all comprehensively first, from the beginning and also when in the flesh. Traceability needs be your comprehensive standard, due to the priority that you and yours become One, since there is "Only" "One" (ibid.).

Prayer was removed from some United States schools and look at the result, United States Education fell from best to far down the list. If to teach, train, and instruct [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons years ago distinguishing such) in comprehensive priorities] do so wisely and not in logic applications only which are 50% toward risk, loss, crime, anger, hate, torture, and human slavery.

For example 1 + 2 = 3, so which part of the logical equation is evil? (John 16.15), rather than judge (Matthew 7.1) toward condemnation let PCS traceability toward Jesus Christ solve in you for higher purpose toward the source of love hence the source of wisdom [love x logic]; hence utilize PCS not to stomp on values rather to raise values from logic [toward obsolescence] to love [toward Holy Marriage for higher everlasting purpose, and in more worldly terms toward marriage toward family toward future generations (Genesis 22.17) and not equal to yet similar to your business growing (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the whole being greater than the sum of the parts)].

Thinking outside the box in any direction is often toward chaos, so rather utilize PCS to think inside the box of PCS Methodology for goodly law and more importantly for Jesus Christ traceably, as horizontal logic of each side of an equation of circular reasoning (see GodMath Testament Chart 3 page 261) can be innovated into helical DNA (see GodMath Testament Chart 2 page 260) and vertically heavenward (see previous illustrated ICCDBB Sermons).

PCS helps with innovating better or best machines, though not only machines, people too. "Only" (ibid.), therefore in this context means that PCS also helps machines to properly reason, that the machines and the Chosen People find ground(s) for agreement, love (Luke 19.40).

So new better machines and devices would be great, according to many. Also the best way to solve social matters would also be great.

Consider how just prior to the formation of a zygote, there is PCS. In priority there are the loving words of the marriage vows, and comprehensively there are the parties in Holy traceability Standard agreement, and then the Word becomes [zygote...] flesh, a blessing.

Blessing / Action / Word.

Word = Blessing x Action.

Yet such is possible "Only" via the Standard, love, with proper traceability faith lest ye be lost.

Opening the wombs are blessings / 1 Thessalonians 1.5 / Proper thinking such as aloud.

Comprehensive / Standardization / Prioritized.

Some of the formulas and illustrations might not seem to not make sense, they might seem dumb for various reasons, therefore be careful how you interpret (Luke 8:18). Much has to do with previous ICCDBB Sermons, GodMath, and previous Testaments. Also, you did not author this Sermon, therefore this single page hardly could comprehensively contain the entirety of the known Universe, save in the name Jesus Christ. The complete PCS solution comes at End Time when Jesus Christ comes quickly. You are a blessing created that you might appreciate the joy worthy of Jesus Christ for the greater glory of Only One Jesus Christ, in the final End Time Holy Marriage.

So there are people and machines and processes and more that PCS can magnify as to better solving and forming. Not all people have the same talents, people have various talents, therefore we need function together the best way. Machines have talents such as to dig the ground for us, computers have talents such as to send energies through wires; these too we need best bring together, but not for the purpose of placing law above people, rather law for people; similarly not for machines to have slave people serve them, rather to function together the best Holy Way which has often been a logic problem in past generations throughout much of history.

Human Rights Limit: The body is about items such as bites of food, rather than about the higher reasoning toward one flow, such as a soda straw which innovation the body learned to like. In that pattern expert standardization bodies use methodologies so easily agree with PCS of proven methodologies, yet PCS is rather becoming increasingly renowned as of One proven methodology, that is at the threshold between guidance indicators and law, less toward optional and more toward necessity for instance concerning interpretations and rather concerning best leadership the news media after-the-fact had a big discussion that continued for weeks as to why a candidate won the recent Presidential race and the other candidate lost when as evidenced many thought the two mainline candidates statistically were evenly matched; though the candidate that lost went by a Bible verse out of context [If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. (2 Thessalonians 3.10) which applies to each individual while Presidential leadership responsibility applicably / PCS applies to another Bible verse that we are responsible for "feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief {"Obama care"}, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants (Mosiah 4.26)].

The one Human Rights Limit verse applies to self motivation and the other verse applies to higher united community responsibility [from glory rating to higher glory rating (reference Security PCS) also "let the brother in humble circumstances glory in his high position", "Let a brother in humble life rejoice when raised to a higher position" (James 1.9)].

Therefore lest Presidential leadership, and hence lest ancillary entities wrongly rely on improperly founded statistics neither comprehensive nor properly prioritized, this Human Rights Limit needs be applied as the standard including over both forming and utilization of statistics ["And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order." (Mosiah 4.26)].

Because that measurable "renowned" value (see "popularity" in Grace Section below) was not proven in the national founding documents nor in traditional religious doctrines which often are immovable or slow to change (see "Standard Of The Church" in Preamble Section above), since [best] Quality Assurance had not yet existed, hence by default comes this equipment tool to be utilized, PCS Methodology, for people to utilize via grace (see Grace Section below) yet of default (see "worthy" in Law Section below).

Because the tool to best innovate, design, and build equipment, and the tool to nurture and grow people and to best help in the future [of the flesh equipment (Exodus 12.8 & Matthew 27.50)] was not detailing Quality Assurance of the Standard Of The Church much for Christians [hence need for (see "traceability" in Authority Section above)] via grace, the tool utilization leadership activities vested in government, currently President Barack Obama (save "miracles" see Law Section below) including proofs in security documents provided to him via ICCDBB charity affiliate A Check Exact for profit organization (reference Quality Assurance Section above). Further default proofs for instance are unraveled by Christians for instance explaining the hardships the education system has met are tied to not teaching certain things needed to be taught [and when not done increasingly costly in terms of enlightenment, documentation, traceability, symbolic equipment, faith, money, power, leadership systems...(1 Kings 14.7 & Luke 13.32)]. Hence of tools, equipment, systems, and other properly proven defaults Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization solves such problems.

That is [within context (see "A Check Exact" above)] government experts and expert standardization businesses and entities have witnessed the proofs which have come increasingly, as a flow of trend rather than isolated innovated equipment design bits of data for those willing [(see "worthy" in Law Section below) though further details are not explained here (with "proofs in security documents" as stated above)].

Note that even so, there are some people, entities, and equipment unable to learn certain things (see "talents" above, and see final comments on this page, there are also security limits not discussed here) that refuse to learn for selfish reasons. If a person is "unable", then they should make it clearly known if appropriate, such as they have a temporary injury, need glasses, they don't understand, or other limitation pertinent to a PCS plan. If a person decided to "refuse" PCS Methodology, they should not call their works PCS Methodology. It should not be called PCS if it is confusion, and in pattern it should not be called PCS if it is without proper traceability of (Leviticus 16.8).

PCS is a new branch of science and a new field of study, and as with any new field of study many variables are to be hammered out, in other words there are many opportunities for joyous profitability to be had, yet rather to be provided by you. As fields of study progress in trend as shown below, variables are increasingly containerized, in modern terms known as quality quantification, in ancient terms known as the forming of the Standard-of-the-Church. It became full of precise measurements, legalese that did not perfect, so we should be warned and should learn from it; then Jesus Christ fulfilled it and overcame the legalese heavy burden which was too much for people to handle. So PCS is dynamic, growing yet carefully, gracefully and humbly, listening to experts, and importantly listening to God.

Shown below are three fields of study, each with the same or similar pattern. Without being an expert in any of the three fields, a person might visualize and / or overlay the patterns comprehensively and unravel secrets traceably from the Lord that happens to explain something even an expert in the field did not realize. More importantly the illustration below symbolizes how a person might gain talents for the Lord, that is, to gain insight into newly innovated fields never previously discussed, and also to enlighten those who had already been experts in fields, bringing them joy as well, so use caution that seeing your work they be motivated to praise Jesus Christ.

We don't need "Evolution" to know of any missing link,

though it helps:

In some of US law for instance, high to low in priority there is Article 1 and the other Articles, then there is Amendment 1 with the other Amendments in sequence, and then there are stipulations and other regulations. It doesn't start "Lord" (Article 7) Jesus Christ, then Article 1. Instead it starts with Article 1, and "Lord" is among the other laws, similar to how Jesus Christ dwelt in the flesh among the people. A second pattern is similar to the first, Article 1 is not the leader, the Executive leader the US President is mainly after Article 1 and in the midst of the other Articles. Above is shown that if a field has a "missing link", using PCS other fields can help us find it.

If PCS is applied to law, it would show any variances, missing links, and so on. For instance in applying PCS to legal applications a gap is revealed concerning no test of faith. The gap is right in the midst of many legal and other applications (Luke 10.37).

If PCS is applied to behold new and improved products unselfishly, then what does it mean?, clearly it does not mean worship hand made nor machine made nor monkey crafted idols nor toys nor other. Things and energies of the flesh and / or world are of value though often toward chaos, so rather prioritize properly for Jesus Christ and all these shall be added unto you (Matthew 6.33).

Jesus Christ said "I am making everything new!" and "Write this down" (Revelation 21.5) and "Go and do likewise" (Luke 10.37).

The Lord said "the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21.4). Yet since we are to innovate better things, it is of some value to understand what those old things were, hardly that we should build on them as previous generations did [at times building on sinful ideas in the wrong direction toward useless destructions]. PCS is of Baptism in Christ yielding a new creature. So we are to grow and build on Jesus Christ, rather than on things yet I would not have you ignorant (1 Corinthians 12).

Let the "bride beautifully dressed for her husband" (Revelation 21.2), let there be far better "cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men." (Revelation 18.12 & 13). Let there be far better music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters for Jesus Christ. Let there be far better workmen of any trade for Jesus Christ. Let there be far better sound of a millstone for Jesus Christ, to feed the hungry. Let there be far better light of a lamp for Jesus Christ, including one that always shines in you. Let there be far better voice of bridegroom and bride constantly, and for Jesus Christ let there be far better merchants as the world's great men (Revelation 18.22 & 23).

For Jesus Christ let there be far better innovators of designs and craftsmen working great artistry as never seen before (Exodus 27).

Whether with PCS or without, some problems are more easily solved than others. Some problems are easily solved per a known methodology such as a NonDestructive Testing, NDT, Methodology (see above), but without utilizing that known methodology the solving can be much more difficult.

Similar in pattern, using PCS rather than not using PCS has revealed in trend of patterns that some problems are more easily solved when applying PCS Methodology.

If a stream flows from a mountain cave, we might not know the source other than to say the source is the mountain, so we are expert to that extent.

If a stream flows into a mountain cave we might pour in dye and see such dye flow out the other side of the mountain so we might be right to deduce that that stream flows through a mountain cave, according to other proven patterns we've encountered in our lives. Such is now known as PCS, and has been used as PCS by affiliated [for profit enterprise] A Check Exact for years with proven successes astonishing many experts.

Experts and people generally, do not find the above unusual. In fact they use it in everyday life. Yet the optimization of the continuous improvement process is the key feature being to not only optimize a process such as for a business or product innovation, yet to rather optimize One time, for all purposes, and PCS does, ultimately for the greater good, Jesus Christ.

Since PCS can solve one gap pattern in one field, then PCS can solve that same gap pattern in other fields, whether three fields as shown above, or all fields. Yet PCS-gap-pattern-solving in other fields is only as goodly and only as applicable in those other fields as the PCS-gap-pattern-solving is in it's motif. For instance if a house has an unwanted rectangular hole pattern, and a PCS idea / praise the Lord (reference the gold mortar Temple), is to replace the hole with a brick, that is goodly, though not typically to solve for a house made of wood when a board rather than a brick would be the solution. So while PCS is of continuous improvement, it does not mean the best product will suddenly appear to solve all problems. The rectangular hole problem pattern is to be normally solved with a rectangular solution, with PCS enabling exception for higher purpose such as perhaps if the hole is to include a penetration such as an outdoor faucet.

To solve specific to the pattern traceable to that portion of the Holy Trend is key to wisely utilizing the PCS tool.

To quote a Bible verse for instance might hardly be applicable to a situation. To properly quote higher wisdom is important.

When new to something such as Beatitudes, a person normally reads each item, to understand how each item functions. In similar pattern a person new to bicycle riding thinks of each item and pertinent functions, such as the cause and effect of the pedaling pattern, the cause and effect of the steering pattern, and so on. Yet when more able, the Beatitudes, pedaling, and steering flow together. Proper legal and graceful success on one level in pattern, better enables reaching higher levels properly in pattern, and overall in Trend.

PCS theory is hardly limited, in the Lord, though PCS applications have their limitations under law.

People generally have the five senses pattern, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. PCS has been applied to products that sense beyond those "five senses pattern", though the following is an example of how a non-PCS pattern [a wrongful interpretation] does not typically produce the same faithful legal solution:

In "Z" above, even if the person claimed their actions were for higher purposes, it does not necessarily verify the solution pattern unless properly agreed of higher priorities [which also might require permission from the neighbor (Luke 6.31). Many patterns will be more complex than this with gaps, mixed priorities, and variable conditions that apply at times, yet in PCS the solving comes more easily.

Begin with Jesus (Luke 14:9).

Afterward, with evident success or not (Matthew 6.6) of light burden give glory for worthy Jesus Christ; and then from the planning stage connect the dots in between first and last so that in the middle and all along as much as appropriate trace and give glory for Jesus Christ (Isaiah 41.4 and Revelation 1.8).

Experts often help other people understand how to solve problems. Jesus Christ is an expert, the expert of experts.

Many experts work hard to gain a slight advantage over competitors, and that can be goodly or badly, logically; that can be toward profits or toward wasted time and resources. PCS from Jesus Christ offers a profit edge. You can profit in wisdom, in more excellent innovating, in turning jokes to less offensive unselfish joy for you and others, you can profit in automating systems, in jobs creation, in innovating new and better games, better toys, and better security systems.

PCS can give you the edge to make better profitability in terms of cash money and treaty notes of promise traditionally associated with many evils (1 Timothy 6.10) yet more importantly for the greater glory of the Lord how to secure that money properly and how to spend that money appropriately, maintaining for goodly higher purpose and releasing for goodly higher purpose accordingly within PCS (Matthew 3.10).

Utilize PCS to solve problems, utilize PCS to improve PCS.

Preach according to the wisdom talent afforded you, yet be mindful to preach in love. Preaching has been wisely speaking the word, associated with listeners hearing and comprehending. Greater preaching has been in wise actions with the word yet also in the might of activities accordingly, activities of proper methodology traceable to the Holy Word And Work, Holy words and Holy works you can do.

Not merely to have others hear, yet also to have others otherwise sense. Not merely to have others sense, yet also to have others act. Not merely to have others act, yet also to have others become motivated to lead together with you for their goals and your goals in PCS.

Consider the fish of the sea that school together for the greater good of their species, consider the geese of the air that similarly learn to flock together for the greater aerodynamic power effects and the greater good of the flock. Flowers and other creatures have activities in patterns of the greater Bible trend similarly (Luke 12.27) hence of God to teach us, to preach their activities and patterns to us for us to properly trace to God the Lord; yet rather seek the higher patterns of the trend of the action patterns of Jesus Christ, the New Testament more than the Old, the modern methodology proven designs more than the old horse and buggy ideas typically; in higher kind merciful pleasant trend these will be added to you if you seek the right way (Matthew 6.33).

Not merely to have others become motivated to lead together with you for their goals and your goals in PCS, lead properly in PCS the first time for the Lord.

Consider how twins more than some other people, have been known to say the same thing simultaneously. It can be traced back to the womb. One of the twins can be on one side of the planet and the other on the other side and both think the same thought and say the same thing.

Now consider how two or more adults can be Baptized as Christians at the same time, then at the same time [immediately and later] be more likely to simultaneously exclaim "Praise the Lord!" than people not Baptized.

People can trace their roots back to a family utilizing evolution methodology. People are more likely to say "Praise the Lord!" simultaneously than stones or animals.


People have wondered how they could be in two places at once. People have wondered how they could perform two tasks at once. Therefore do not be mentally torn apart which has been called double-minded (James 4.8). If two people in two places be of One Mind [not toward redundancy save of higher purpose], then is one way to accomplish twice as much. If there are two tasks to do, utilize PCS. Be mindful of the many people in the future, relying on you here now in your present time. Be mindful for instance that many people have jobs today, even billions of jobs; even though there were many jobs lost [often wrongly] to automation improvements for those who [often wrongly] did the layoffs and firings; yet be mindful that there were only thousands of jobs long ago prior to automation and there are billions of jobs now.

In business when often appropriate, employees and customers don't like to see employees needlessly standing all day, such as at cash registers if the employee is able to easily reach from a chair. It causes unfriendly attitudes in some people, so that future customer visits are not maximized. Government should not be different. Government should be friendly to people that obey law [and this PCS Methodology], and praise the Lord often businesses and government have been friendly.

In similar pattern people should be encouraged to have time off to vacation and otherwise relax awhile, rather than be a slave to home and work and little else in terms of locations; tourism is important to the greater economy, yet also for community friendliness of socially united people yielding greater value learning experiences. People work hours, which is often necessary, yet people should also work values increasingly at their own paces reasonably, and that of any pertinent organization.

Government has a comprehensive responsibility over people not to be carelessly left for the churches or others to handle if they might choose to do so, rather government [(complex security matters are not disclosed here) as stated here to help the public understand] needs [if it has not yet (ibid.)] the proper proven methodology to handle care for people lawfully yet of leadership guidance proper planning such as concerning Executive Branch help and such as concerning Legislative forming of new proposals such as over new devices, hence government needs adopt PCS Methodology, since if government made free enterprise entities responsible it would be redundant and each would not be comprehensive so it would not be PCS.


Speed has measurable values and the greatest of these is of Jesus Christ saying "Surely I come quickly." according to some PCS evidence so far. So this would be not to vaporize the world, rather to innovate and recreate anew, in PCS trend.

Laws have patterns concerning speeds and speed values, such as 55MPH on some roads. Yet there are higher laws, the laws of physics and God. These are not always covered by worldly laws [aside from above section on Government], so need be covered by some comprehensive Methodology: PCS.

An employee might be assigned to a newly innovated task but might not be working as quickly as hoped, so they might be reassigned with another employee assigned to that newly innovated task. To do so is within PCS Methodology, but such an employer is to understand the PCS limitation that if the speed demand on employees is excessive, the requirement is not PCS optimum methodology. Laws do not perfect, since laws were made for people but not people for laws, so in that pattern if the employees suffer too much for any reason, there should be PCS remedy sought by the employer for the business, or at least by the employees for the employer.

Generally if a person has to work too fast it harms the business reputation, and many such businesses can damage governmental reputation in pattern so that a business might have to work twice as fast then, per se. If unable to go twice as fast then the business part is as half productivity, revenue, profit, half quality, and / or similar pattern.

PCS Methodology includes many speed solutions such as to innovate automation, increase shift work force to increase volume, do more hiring for other shifts, or other solutions. On the other side of the coin is the comprehensive aspect, so if there is a speed limit, then innovate comprehensively. Be mindful that comprehensively in worldly terms is toward items (1 Samuel 12.21), while comprehensively in PCS Methodology is toward flow. The flow together is of optimum traceable reasoning to higher authorities and Jesus Christ. The PCS flow is not to undo items if for higher purpose, if for people such as customers, then also somewhat for people such as employees (1 Timothy 5.18) as part of the higher purpose, with purposes including your business purpose, immediate profitability, long range planning, quality of life, and many other things comprehensively together with best reasoning (Psalm 147:5) innovated of PCS Methodology. To harm one part of your business only to help another part can be acceptable if for higher purpose, though typically to damage your own business in any way is not acceptable.

Give and it will be given you, and give help without being told if appropriate [quickly yet safely with quality profitably, if authorized (Luke 3.13) of the Lord].

If you have the power give paid vacation time to travel with family. Give supportive communications, give uncommunicated surprise gifts that will be appreciated. Some jobs such as some emergency tasks require working through vacation time, so give other time off accordingly.

Maintain systems and upgrade or make new, plan ahead and be wise as to what to expect. Plan to better grow civilization, and if you unravel a future goal determine now how to make it happen.

Enlighten people as much as they will accept that they bless others for Jesus Christ with One Purpose In Mind. Reveal proofs to people, traceably tell them of Jesus Christ and the PCS tool then show them newly innovated devices that solve some of their problems (John 4.48) and via teaching them so, they would be more inclined to so do.

People can choose to be as stones and pass away, or can choose the greater higher purpose, the higher wisdom, the agreement in all things simultaneously [with or without the communication system stones typically utilize] (3 Ne. 11.11) unto an an even more excellent way (John 14.12).

Best Innovate New Products And Systems Now

To Best Lead Future Generations.

Your personal reward can be had now, in this generation, in your own lifetime, even though you do the best to lead in future generations (Genesis 7.1). In the beginning was the eternal purpose that members be together of One body in highest Spirit (Ephesians 3.11 [3.5-11]), the Creation Plan and then the created; and that is what you are supposed to do (Ephesians 3.16), and the Bible is the way, and One PCS Body Vessel Standard puts it into modern language you can easily follow, understand, and use. Hopefully you will become worthy to contribute as a PCS leader. Above is shown for instance how a person now can help a future person live longer. Essentially the same PCS pattern applies to a product you newly innovate, or a recipe you newly form.

Via PCS for glorifying Jesus Christ traceably of proven methodology, old things pass away as the better new arrives, such as for instance the former interest in mind reading has passed to some extent, that is, PCS unraveled that if two people in distant places with no communications not even mind reading, then if both are PCS minded then both without communication might more likely innovate the same new most excellent [or very nearly so] device, rather than two people of the same situation except not of PCS.

The created per se, including PCS, has no patent, no copyright: it is free for you to use. That is, many people are free to have patents and copyrights for money reasons, and that is acceptable. But not all of the created is patented nor copyrighted, therefore that part is free. If a Bible idea is copyrighted in one business, there is another entity that provides it for free, and you can choose to do business with one or the other, for a price or for free, each having values at times (Matthew 17. 26): go do good for others and leave not the other undone, and come feast in the Temple of the Lord, the House of Worship.


PCS is explained according to those worthy to receive.

It is not proper worthiness (3 Nephi 18.27) in a person to push another person down in order to selfishly personally rise. Miracles are for those worthy to receive [and of PCS prefer to serve all (Luke 14.10) immediately charitably fairly allocating responsibly as due / fitting].

Permission via proper authority of God is required if to push down on a person, and that comes via law. Some miracles are for victims worthy to receive, to the opposite is the opposite of miracles, laws over victimizers so the profits go to the victims (Deuteronomy 30.19 and see inherit) while within PCS toward the minimum enforcement [within a goodly (PCS) system] and toward the maximum mercy (ibid.) together properly make law a miracle (Mark 6.52) as much as reasonable until End Time [(see "synthesize" in the Proofs Section below) security version time line system change is not listed here (see Quality Assurance Section above)].

Law requires that people treat each other properly, fairly, and including gracefully such as to respect a person according to a position they hold in law, such as respecting a Security Officer. Lawful positions are measurable (United States Constitution Article 7) and because of that line of reasoning and that same line of measuring, even positions criminals hold can be measured, hence understood, predicted, and even within prophetic terms though the criminal person can be blind to such good prophetic advantage [save a miracle unto them from above, and such miracle is measurable typically in the form of the miracle known as legal justice].

A lawyer can be excellent, if to follow PCS [to become enlightened to rather wisely lead PCS]. Though as had happened often because we as a people continue to learn, lawyers were without as clear a path as PCS now provides from Jesus Christ, so Jesus Christ said "Woe to you lawyers! for you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering." (Luke 11.52).

Be wise to perceive the greater virtue, that Jesus Christ does not do everything selfishly, rather of higher purpose, prioritized as such yet comprehensive to include you and us (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "We the People"), and part of the blessings of Jesus Christ from the original Holy Plan included that you and rather together we unravel the mysteries, not only that we gain the advantage over criminals for instance, yet rather for the higher purpose that we become wise to working the higher lighter burden that Jesus Christ permanently carries available now unto us: PCS.

It is rarely not wrong to cause a Christian Leader such as a Church Priest and such as a United States President to leave their post in order to go to court to defend themselves against minor charges, perhaps wasting the position value against many innocent of their people followers. And if right to not so antagonize them, then it follows that similar applies not merely in law yet also in options, known as Grace, Quality, Arts, and scientific matters which are often highly significant when dealing with ubiquitous and prioritized traceable of proven methodology self evident and faithful truths held as measurable facts not previously relegated to precise formulas and calculations generally revered as being consistently accurate. To so arrange in order such Quality best for continual improvement is to make such measures and such measuring best traceable to and for Jesus Christ: PCS.

Similar to the PCS measured Church and Government leadership rights and executive privileges, are similar PCS measured values for more people, such as a business leader, such as a family leader, and such as a person Baptized, yet other than Acts-Of-God, the similar values are measurably largely contingent upon the conditional situational factors of their respective higher authorities, being measurable laws, and / or measurable grace. A business leader for instance is often subjected to laws [including when grace should suffice (see "lawyers" above), while an example to others hence a leader from having been Baptized for instance is often respected according to Grace within measurable traceable Quality criteria of proven methodology PCS.

To be born is a blessing according to the Bible, hence Cain was a blessing yet Abel offered a better value (Hebrews 11.4).

There already are the greatest laws, more are rarely needed according to much evidence (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Blue Laws), so PCS was innovated mainly for optimum Quality Assurance for optimum continuous improvement for optimum [following and rather] leadership [with and] for Jesus Christ. Yet at those rare times when it is important to add a great law, then if you legally add to PCS criteria, then good and wise, since to do so within PCS is to have measurable traceability to highest purpose, for optimum glorification of Jesus Christ.

Similar to the first, within law, if to grow in optimum quality perfectly, then the PCS Plan is that of perfecting in optimum grace and science leadership: hence the Plan being to be perfect in order to yield ongoing optimum perfecting. So if in the Quality realm and to opt to push down, yet if to push down with proper permission, then to push according to PCS, to push according to properly authorized Grace.

Selfish people wrongly turn Quality inwardly, backward against the PCS Plan and flow. They charge their innocent victims extra amounts when they should be considering their option to help their helpers, customers, invited guests, and / or constituency (Luke 19.8-10). They want to see, hear, and understand great things (Luke 10.24) such as how to have greatest might and how to best build and control greatest power (Zechariah 6. 6) but they instead selfishly work hard to build mighty firmaments against themselves, their families, and those around them in exchange for temporary rewards that do not satisfy, and that fall short of the kingdom of Heaven (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on students having to repeat grades [and lessons and homework], or rather best learn PCS).

Many people want to understand what others understand, and there is one best way to do so.

United States of America laws are measurable as to the extents of each of the laws (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on definition senses) and have come mainly from the Bible. So from the Bible part of Heaven has already come laws in the world measurable (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Jesus Christ also having already come into the world measurably, that is, in the measurable flesh).

US Law is found in the Bible. But scientific theory, mercy of the court, and grace often have not been found in the world traceable to the Bible though such should be if to truly be the best personally, and as position(s) holder, responsibly.


Grace is found in the Bible.

Grace is not law as much as a guideline. Grace is a measure of a behavioral trait, and as such grace is a tool for measuring, yet as such tools are also used as leverage mechanisms such as to magnify the senses as a microscope and such as to increase power intensity as a car jack does.

Grace is a tool government politicians can use via PCS Methodology to not merely increase awareness yet also to leverage power and accord (Isaiah 45.20) unto future generations for good.

Ratings are important to incumbents, merchandisers, Priests, voters, and others [some is not discussed here (see Quality Assurance Section above)] so PCS applied grace becomes important, as a tool to help all willing (John 7.38).

In former ways a person won a race for a position while another was a loser, yet of PCS there are winners, the value of those who tried, and the value of any that won (see Proof Section below).

Of law there is only legal of value, yet of the glory and higher glory pattern of grace there are also opposite patterns to a limited extent per parameter. In pattern the election winner likely would not win and then instantly quit, rather would win and likely perform the duty of the position they just won to the best of their ability, and that pattern comes from the more valuable trend of God not creating and then leaving, rather of grace allowing freedom though coming again when needed, responsibly [(John 3.16) as the popularity of God increases].

Grace measurably hones power, with similar pattern being in refinement such as improvement innovations chemists and metallurgists might use, in pattern polish such as final product inspectors check as with a profilometer, style such as pertinent to an auto body, loveliness such as of a position holder such as a bride or a queen, in pattern such as of crystal as measured elegance, and so forth. Grace is not merely descriptive, yet can also for instance be plotted on a graph such as which of three for instance is most elegant, hence in vertical lineage grace guideline elegance ratings can be applied.

In the Bible, grace is discussed concerning not only the unseen, yet also the seen, that is, the measurable.

Grace needs be found measurably in the world, abundantly. We need not merely measure some points of grace, rather the most important of grace parametrics as much as possible.

If we do this in pattern(s) in trend, then we become more similar to how God works, as God works through us.

We see what can be seen, and we have measured under law(s). Let us see what is not yet wholly seen, and measure as much the best we can under grace.

Absolute = Law x Grace.

The above formula is stated within the context of Absolutivity [formula (shown in References Section above)] and is not an extension of the law unless otherwise stated by law, though people can utilize PCS and introduce such applicable legislation.

Jesus Christ, the Bible, the above, and as on this website including the viewer as much as pertinent, is and are the Standard Of The Church Of ICCDBB and of any other churches wishing to so adopt. To so adopt any or all parts, according to PCS Methodology, is as to move from a value to a higher value state of grace.

Grace untraced hence not properly measured from a follower perspective, is as a student that chose to enroll in a science field and in their favorite advanced power generation class that they enjoy, they instead prefer at times to gaze out the window and daydream not to learn but to brag to others that they took the advanced power class. By doing so they are not of the same traceable Spirit as the Teacher (ibid.).

To build a better mousetrap is not required by law in the normal sense [though for instance a government boss might order their employee to build a better mousetrap]. If not required by law, then of grace you are now bidden to build a better mousetrap, understanding that snakes catch mice [(Matthew 10.16) and so do birds that fly away with their prey as to feed their young].

Of grace you have a talent, the spirit of love, measurable and true (Exodus 25.16, John 19.30, and Revelation 21.6) as recorded in the Bible, and as recorded in your future records as much as PCS traceable.

If there is a hidden thief in a mall and a gaseous chemical device is used to make all the shoppers and people unconscious to nab the crook and solve the crime, the solution might be worse than that theft crime, since the solution removed a value from the shoppers, since that removal of value from the shoppers is an added theft [law does not perfect (see above)]. Therefore of law and of grace, of PCS is the meeting of both law and grace as much as required and reasonable, yet mercy can come such as from the faith of a judge, if any, in a defendant, or from faith of a parent, peer, or other, and that faith can come from law or grace, so in one sense

Mercy / Faith / Grace; so

Grace = Mercy x Faith; so

from hearing and seeing measurable extents within grace of love is mercy according to those worthy to receive [with grace allowance for continuous improvement (see Laws Section above)] and if so worthy then everlasting [(Psalm 100.5) as much as talented toward directing for instance your new device product warranty concerns].

Depending on relative worldly perspectives, to solve a problem can create another problem, or many problems, hence a need for PCS, for properly prioritizing, for all perspectives, for the greater glorifying of Jesus Christ as much as our talents together can [including computer talents, machine talents, and so on (see above)]; though evidence shows there are people that do not believe (John 1.46) and similar to that pattern there are people that have been often cheated and abused so pompously proffer reasons to not trust by which they unwittingly cast themselves down toward the misery they sought to escape [Job "shunned evil" (Job 1.1) yet Jesus Christ rather said to "not to resist an evildoer" (Matthew 5.39)].

Proper Quality Assurance is wise to lovingly understand how to be helpful to those being offended that the offenses be overcome with goodly practices, comprehensively solving for each an all people fairly reasonable, while not perpetuating hatred nor evil practices. So wise Quality Assurance to utilize PCS Methodology would comprehensively solve according to proper prioritizing. This was normal to the industry of Quality Assurance though it is important to continue to be diligent in properly prioritizing whether within continuity or whether amidst chaos (Luke 10.42).

Whether relative worldly leadership is excellent or headed toward disaster at times, or whether an any interpretation is excellent or amiss, be lovingly wise to "take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," (James 1.19).

If the Production Manager is in a hurry, be wise to be alert to this: for quality producing "do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." (2 Peter 3.8). To wrongly undo and to lose and to cost through generations (Exodus 20.5) is not what a sane Production Manager wants [yet be mindful of grace as the Production Manager may have been provided with misinterpreted informations (see References Section above)].

Proper prioritizing starts with Jesus Christ of United States Constitution Article 7, that grace come quickly unto wise interpretation(s) for Jesus Christ that applications be solved properly meaning comprehensively for Jesus Christ.

Solutions can make things worse;

the best solving within the best long range plan is needful.

We can compare things to predict that some things would go out of control, such as the markets, for instance if some United States people can no longer afford cars they might buy motorcycles, perhaps used ones from the chaotic war torn Daffur Region of Sudan so that peaceful people predictably might fund conflicts or other not in best interest of United States and peaceful nations, instead of funding proper peace efforts for mutual benefit. Superstar Tom Hanks is shown using a new technology, but even so, that technology did not solve the above shown gas stations' problems. As much as able people and technologies must be on the same track in leadership terms, if to best solve, rather than stop gap item after stop gap item (1 Chronicles 29.30 & Ezra 7:20).

You might try to utilize PCS Methodology to add a spark of light unto a mob of people of confused interpretations, and for that effort instead of being thanked you might become their next victim, yet be mindful that even a brief spark of enlightenment can be very helpful to those in darkness even if they don't show immediate appreciation nor immediately change their plans; it does not mean PCS Methodology failed, it does not mean you failed; after their plans fail, if they survive, they will remember that you are their means of escaping their selfishness [so be wise to thank Jesus Christ (John 14.26) lest worse include counting yourself].

Do not be wrongly swayed by others, rather consider within PCS how you and they interpret, understanding the sun also rises on them, and whether they are your boss, peer, or subordinate, they are with you for you from higher reasoning of the Lord (Matthew 21.16). What they have that you need to understand is not as important in PCS as what they have that you need to love for their sake(s) (Exodus 20:17). If God put a boss over you, a peer to interact with you, or a person under your care, thank God and be wise to be faithfully thankful for that Godly instrument (Matthew 5.47) yet be lovingly wise to not wrongly further their course toward their destruction if they be on such a course, for instance if a robber ready to use force against you wants your wallet you can give but it is likely wrong at that time to say "Thank you, you are delightful, let's do this again", rather do not be the instigator of worse problems. Guard your tongue (Matthew 5.37) and actions (John 8.7).

Be gracious, charitable, hire, and lend, though for right purposes (Matthew 7.6). In similar pattern utilize indicator tools properly (see Preamble Section above), rather than randomly though if need be cast lots (Leviticus 16.8) rather cast love including for useful pertinent practical purposes understanding Jesus Christ didn't say just anything, rather taught with relevant purposes (see "measurably" above).

Tom Hanks in his role in the movie - Angels and Demons - said that faith is a gift he had not yet received, though his character had faith enough to speak "faith". There are faiths, such as faith in a boss. Of grace a person can have faith in their boss [a reasonable amount (see measurable above)]. A person can have faith in the boss of bosses: PCS Prioritization.

A person can have proper faith in symbols and devices, such as a cross in appreciation terms measurably for Jesus Christ, or such as a false idol wrongly, or such as a ladder with having faith it won't break when they use it though with a measurable amount of risk associated.

A person can have faith / grace in love or in hate or in peace or in fighting, each to a measurable extent, except the the best extent is not measurable the same as the other measurements. Consider the highest grace value of a tape measure. There are many measurement numbers on a tape measure, yet especially the one number is important, the measurement number of the item being measured. Similar to that is the zero measurement. We don't have to read the zero every time because we have faith that it is there as a constant [in our lives similar to personal birth and in pattern similar to rebirth Christian Baptism].

PCS is bias toward Christianity, similar to how PCS is bias toward law and United States Constitution Article 7. If you have grace to consider the best boss, the best symbol, the best device, and so on, a person can measurably use PCS without being a Christian [(Ezra 7.13-30) except to a measurable limit, Baptism, and similarly] to measurable limits such as not being likely to properly reference the Bible [which according to PCS is a dangerous risk]. People suffer difficulty and die because of measurable risks, but to not die is not a proof that PCS Methodology does not work.

Many bosses are unhappy unless their employees are low pay zombies, not thinking independently, not thinking at all except about their assigned tasks and homework. In other words, such bosses don't want people, they want automatic machines that maintain themselves, with human senses. Jesus Christ often evidenced measurable values in such matters; yet Jesus Christ didn't miss the point, about the bosses being unhappy; Jesus Christ left not the other undone, the joy among the workers.

Of grace consider how the boss has talents, but not every talent [save One Jesus Christ], which is why the boss hired the employees in the first place, generally speaking. The boss couldn't do everything alone, so hired people smart enough and faithful enough to do the tasks.

Some workers fail duties because of their own faults, and some because the unhappy bosses lacked abilities to properly lead. In some cases with goodly outcomes a boss promotes an employee to help be boss. In other words the boss promoted the loving smart worker, the wise worker, the loyal excellent employee. With doing so, the boss increased power and actions of the boss via the representative of the boss function as one with the boss, to a reasonable extent.

So of grace of the boss gained another boss body, and another boss mind. PCS is hardly about any split personality, split will, nor split actions that work against each other, rather of the prioritization value of PCS Methodology is the proper uniting for mutual benefit. In some cases a chosen helper representing the boss can do much to unite the workers for the boss. So instead of zombies, there are workers uniting for the boss. For example a customer the boss has been trying to please and who the boss has invited for a tour of the facilities might walk in the wrong door of the business, only to be scolded such as "you don't belong here" or ignored by the employees [or zombies, so to speak with no offense intended, rather to help all understand].

In other words, if there is an unexpected event, it would be good if the employees not merely concentrate on their jobs, yet rather also act as the boss would. Therefore if the boss is brilliant, so too should the employees be, as much as their talents fairly enable. So the employees should not be merely considered as if tools or zombies.

PCS shows that people are in pattern similar to being tools, and in similar pattern so are their talents, minds, brains, emotions, and so on; yet PCS shows such for higher reasoning rather than lower reasoning. That is, for higher reasoning is toward understanding Jesus Christ and all the [known] Universe and all that is in such Universe for the benefit of people, and their associates, and their machines, and so on. All are as tools in one sense, in the body, in the flesh. In another sense is lower reasoning in which illegal and / or immoral violations occur, such as to use a person without safety, so to wrongly waste that value.

Rather than punishment, PCS shows grace value in pleasing people when for the right purpose, as of this website page. With this page, comes the word value, and after with application comes the greater value, hence from glory to glory. The more pieces that fit together best, the more simply come the solutions to complex problems, though not to be confused with calculators (see "zombies" above & Speed Section above).

To unite people to help the highest boss [for mutual benefit (see "Name Jesus Christ" in the Maintenance Section below)] is in pattern similar to raising the value of the boss, while raising the collective IQ of both your organization and your outreach (see References Section above) so more are able to do what the boss wants, even if the boss needs no such help.

New innovations, PCS shows, need be put into new measurable vessels of grace commensurate to the talents and deeds (Luke 5.38 & see Maintenance Section below).

Future Cars (lower right):

Without PCS, if we stick to our present course, we're stuck. Traffic is packed tighter and faster and a single lack of attention for a split second can ruin many peoples' days, cars, and lives, including that of their families, bosses, and their government which replaces guardrails, lampposts, signage symbols, trees, and more routinely. Above, we used to have 1 car per day on some roads that today have 100,000 cars per day. PCS improved the design capabilities to solve that growing congestion problem and much more.


In the world, proofs are ways of describing a defaults, imaginary symbolic thresholds and/or actual description of a person or item as via establishing a measurement symbol defined according to a traceable calibrated standard. In theory and in religion proofs can come via reasoning, faith, and other such as grace (see Grace Section above). PCS Traceability is important toward distinguishing fact-from-fiction as it has been called in the world, yet rather value from higher value (see Introduction Section above).

You can love truth, though to have and know the proof with certainty is not the same as to love the proof for Jesus Christ. If you are an expert at something and are teaching a person that doesn't understand, while trying to understand they might in part disagree or ignore your work, therefore proof is more than a fact of truth (see above sum greater than parts). For them to know your truth, to love their talent to learn can be very important, that you know how to explain to them that they be convinced of the higher value, the proof.

A carpenter for instance might choose a board before choosing a saw, since if the board is the right size then there is no need to choose any saw. So in one sense PCS is a tool selection process, and is according to processes already proven. Yet rather PCS has begun to be toward a single unique best process. To do so [after internal and affiliate utilization], first the security PCS criteria was established (see above) and now the public criteria is posted.

A valuable component is sequencing, very important to the greater more comprehensive more valuable PCS Methodology even if there are many variables. For instance to unravel mysteries such as time [to know the future events (Daniel 2.29)] becomes less valuable after the fact relative to the new higher value so unraveled in PCS vertical reasoning per se. That is, by another example, it is valuable to invent a car, but after it was invented it became more valuable to invent GPS since the car was already invented. So to invent time predictive value becomes relatively less valuable as the new comes into being. In PCS there is value and greater value absolutely (reference GodMath and ICCDBB helical reasoning), rather relative value which can be used for instance to wrongly conclude that GPS is great and the car is of little or no value (circular reasoning, see above).

This means PCS Methodology changes the historic equation system which is more problematic without PCS, rather this values the historic equation system, and introduces new [including former, old value with new value (Exodus 20.8) until End Time (reference PCS Methodology to properly synthesize), while GodMath is new highest value as former passes away (2 Corinthians 5.17)].

We can wait for the President to ask for support, or we can properly give now, in pattern we can wait for End Time, or we can utilize PCS Methodology to do the will of Jesus Christ now, lest we make our President a beggar and our Lord as if a conversation piece [(Luke 19.24) there are measurable results].

Ultimate proof is of a measurable ultimate number, quantity, mass, and so forth, entailing all the created and yet to be known universally, yet of future leverage growth such proof is in the proving sequence, the PCS Methodology.

Ultimate proof with proving is part of the trend of perfection as perfection perfects, perfection is the perfecting, the reason for the Creator to create in the first place, that the teachings of Jesus Christ be given for perfecting, ultimately for Jesus Christ.

Ultimate proving came with the Word. The Word was trusted, the Word served as sufficient proof. Yet the Word continued proving in the form of creating, creating good. Similarly laws were formed, and in similar pattern PCS Methodology of grace was formed as proof, and proving further evidence and proof(s). Law did not perfect, so Jesus Christ came and taught, and eventually from that traceably came PCS proving.

The end result is not the only type of proof. Do not step in front of a moving car to prove it would hit you. In similar pattern consider how to raise your personal IQ.

If a car does not kill you, you have spared your IQ from falling into chaos and disappearing from this world [PCS counts and measures afterlife in Heaven (Deuteronomy 30.19) though in this example per se is rather concerning the application with the choosing of living].

Hence PCS is less of the great loss value [(John 15.13) the upper value limit of love in this world, Jesus Christ] and rather of Quality Assurance historically to solve problems before they become problems unless otherwise stated in higher cause, the highest relative cause in this world being Jesus Christ, as PCS includes absolute reasoning (see GodMath formula with details on Absolutivity) includes this world typically; and if stipulated or reasonably understood also the next though effort should be made to not add confusion.

PCS Methodology is generally about measuring, solving, and better growing and living in this world, traceable as described above; so if to talk of unproven theory or in similar pattern moot faith ideas, then the traceability and / or other references should explain accordingly, that readers, viewers, hearers, and perceivers accordingly are not led on wild-goose-chases as it has been termed,

rather follow as reliable methodology as you can (Luke 12.31)

whether measuring portions, cooking times and temperatures, processes or other, trace Bible verses first for Jesus Christ since Jesus Christ already knows what verses, hence what applications you need to prove first [or next (Matthew 6.8)] and to then move from word to His Work.

Rather than make it up as you go along, follow the experts, follow their pattern, follow their works; rather follow the President and Priests; rather follow the King of Kings as it is already written including already written including your problems including even if you don't yet know what your current vital problem is (see "redundant" in Equipment Section above).

Be no partaker in learning to become selfish. To hide a recipe is withing PCS Methodology, but to teach to not utilize traceability is not. A liar might say preach and teach what I tell you but don't quote me on it, as can a truthful person, so reasonably check who and what and circumstances of your source information (Mark 9.23), yet of PCS Methodology rather reference the more reliable, Jesus Christ, the excellent indicator of facts and truth (Luke 10.7).

In similar pattern, do not be easily swayed when you can rather follow a better format, even so, leave not leading undone, yet be on the right course for people for Article 7, see above, and secure the course.

To say there is no pattern and to make it up as you go along has value within PCS yet rather "Do not be led to strange and changeable teaching, for it is good that we strengthen our hearts by grace and not with foods, because those who have walked in them have not been helped." [(Hebrews 13.9 Aramaic Bible in Plain English ©2010) no affiliation unless otherwise stated].

Another way of looking at it is often simply to look at the options and if there are only two options and you know the one option is wrong, then you select the other option: Proof. PCS has often done this, which with or without PCS is normal to people in everyday living. With PCS is love [some measure of info is omitted here for security and affiliated proprietary reasons] praise the Lord, the Boss of bosses.

Proofs have been already accordingly and also otherwise provided by experts in their fields of expertise, of light burden for Jesus Christ PCS is utilized to link these proofs together according to the upper threshold default line.

There are businesses and there are others providing proofs. For instance there is a hospital that provides expected hospital services under law, also it provides Biblical healing of prayer and the laying on of hands according to independently reports; and accordingly reported is that their results are better. There is another hospital that does the same or similar pattern with such results. Even so, PCS Methodology tool is considered a proven indicator similar to how you might give an house design illustration to a person and they might use it to build a house, but if the illustration is given to another person they might not have wisdom, talent, nor strength to use it properly (Job 38.36, and see "together" above).

Proofs come in same pattern from experts of some schools. In a personal case history for example when young, all the children knew and openly discussed that the children of the same age in the neighborhood Christian school were better educated than us in the public school until they had left the Christian school for perhaps some weeks and began to fit in and act as the larger population of the general public acted. Even so, there were also reports of Christian school Biblical interpretation problems by some morally less accountable overly strict teachers reportedly physically torturing students [also done in public schools though more toward mental torture] furthering the reason that PCS is hardly law and rather a Quality indicator. Be wise to understand otherwise more often the teachers provided great blessings. Also be wise to understand the Christian students were better than us, at having learned certain things, but not at having learned other things useful and practical in the real world as it's called, even so, PCS would have people be as Christian students yet not unawares of worldly practices, hence charity need also be an outward missionary flow [that Christian students need know if to become Priests and] if to be fair under law and rising in leadership in PCS.

The Christian students were better than us the public students [including public Christians]. But the were only better at their talents, and we were better at ours than they. We knew how to behave in public schools such as to personally be aware to secure a place in line [as if selfishly though] or else they would loose their place in line upsetting many that they couldn't keep up with the class. Together, Christian students helped us learn education and we helped them learn how to deal with public school bullies.

PCS is not merely about polite caring people, PCS also is about devices people use and the importance of proper control.

PCS was not as detailed for the general public until now. Originally PCS has always been available for you to figure from the Bible, also [a small portion of] PCS was mainly promoted by A Check Exact (see above) for some years, such as on Top Secret work but the Top Secret part was not revealed to the public. As stated above "PCS is explained according to those worthy to receive.", so accordingly there was a timeframe sequence of events for PCS to more thoroughly come to light to the current extent.

Proof of the Methodology was needed first, for PCS to be considered as a fact of "proven methodology" in expert terminology, such as applicable to matters normal to the industry, normal practice in legal mitigation, and so on. Since affiliated A Check Exact has been and continues to be revered as normally expert in control of applicability of pertinent methodologies [inclusive of constants (law, contracts, Purchase Orders...) and variables per se] within specific bounds, the valuation of PCS was important to ICCDBB [(Leviticus 27) bias may apply as Dr. Bob Benchoff presides over both A Check Exact and ICCDBB].

To achieve what the Lord wanted ICCDBB not only had to do as of the above stated higher educated students and teachers of the Christian school in pattern toward measurable education top threshold default terms, yet also the measurable worldly valuation with measuring to that pattern of the higher to include all measurable higher such as measurable Christian Universities, Christian services, and all other for highest measurable values in this world as much as reasonable within a parameter able to be measured in this world and able to be reasonably checked by other experts [to the extents pertinents to their respective fields of expertise: together comprehensively], since the Lord rewards with wisdom, talents, values, and other, according to the practice(s) of the individuals or rather the people in terms of best methodology in loving righteousness and faithfulness (1 Samuel 26.24) in modern terms (see above Biblically founded formulas).

Having proven PCS Methodology in fact, that PCS Methodology is a valuable reasonably reliable indicator, having obeyed Jesus Christ and law lovingly righteously faithfully as much as proven known in worldly terms hence as much as measurable, the next step was the mission to obey law accordingly beyond A Check Exact and ICCDBB evangelically for the public.

To accomplish that 1/2 year was spent preparing and reviewing to as much as reasonable not portray selfishness and rather the higher Will of the Lord for the Lord.

Then for security 1/2 year of PCS documentation with illustrations and were mailed to President Barack Obama, with mail sent daily or weekly.

Further proof came in the form of this mailed material, with many new [as far as known and as far as evidenced] devices and new systems not for public viewing.

Not included on this web site are the many key highly secured matters of those materials. Not included in those materials were the things stated on this website now published for the public about a half year later.


To have a reliable indicator such as PCS [whether secured version and / or public version] but then to not maintain (Exodus 34.7) nor use it is as to be flying blind not following oaths nor laws (Matthew 23.16).

Whether discussing security or open public interests, PCS already involves what people know per field. PCS just brings them together properly per se, peacefully under law, and within the best reasonable way of proven methodology. In other words, the hard part is already done by many experts in many fields [for the Lord in PCS].

Scientific Method has great values thanks to many experts in their respective fields, but has been inconsistent in format from field to field. Christian church experts in similar pattern have seen gaps and variances between teachings from one church to the next. Buyers of stocks and buyers of businesses have seen accounting variances causing problems. People saving in banks or otherwise investing see practices vary widely. Products on shelves such as canned foods or cell phones are found as often what is expected or often not as expected. PCS can help change much for optimum improvement of proven methodology normal to experts and the general public.

To some people seeking excellence at least the part of PCS of interest to them is very easy for them to understand (Matthew 7.8), but to others it is in parables (Luke 8.10) as if such as something about privately funded Christian schools verses public education. Those who habitually object without reason or with unfounded contrary opinions can be heard to lazily selfishly say show me the proof or prove it to me in order for you to serve their selfishness, or they might lazily simply yell liar to innocent you delivering a message the best you can (rather see above on learning "Together", and see 2 Corinthians 3.14-18). Do them missionary work some so as not to leave it undone, though beware of false leads (Luke 16.26), also be mindful that they already have their measured amounts in all fairness and consider what extra [beyond required compensation, if any] they have given you (Matthew 7.2).

Many want proofs, a goodly thing if not stuck in a rut. Radiographers for instance use radioactive radiation that is not seen nor heard, yet the proof is in the resultant imagery. So if a person is told to not go into a radiation area, that person had better obey so they don't interfere with the radiography, yet more importantly so they are not personally harmed, yet more importantly that they themselves are able to continue to live to hopefully be an ambassador for Jesus Christ.

In similar pattern a person might be about to step into the street and if they hear a car horn blast, the person had better heed the warning instead of continuing on their path quipping "liar".

Both the Radiographer and the car Driver perform within PCS at least in part. The others in the way and / or at risk are also within PCS, though understandably they already have their measured values (Psalm 17.14) toward high risks (Matthew 7.6).

PCS builds [grows (Psalm 24.2)] according to what others properly prove (Luke 6.48) if for Jesus Christ [preferred (see Christian school with "Together" above), not required] so reference them rather than referencing yourself aside from when properly appropriate [note "not required" is toward the lowest PCS threshold default lest PCS be only prioritized without being comprehensive].

To quip "liar" for instance might not be best, and to do so without giving pertinent rationale is as to trample blessings (Proverbs 9.8). So do not blame those that hate you in part or whole, unless necessary (Hebrews 8.3), rather reference others that have already rebuked and upbraided such problematic patterns, also reference better as an example unto them (Matthew 7:12) as PCS utilizes methodologies such as of the Quality Assurance expert Demming [years ago] who used the Golden Rule referenced in his Win Win Philosphy (Num 33.56) including that people, technologies, equipment, innovations, and systems be better maintained.

If there is something pertinent to say but you say "I thought of something interesting", then you represent a person, yet if you say "[name of a famous person] thought of something interesting, then you represent a likely already popular interesting idea. Seek to reference the most loving true and best, that you reference within PCS parameters and best represent yourself with deportment and class, therefore reference Jesus Christ often, beneficially, helpfully, usefully.

PCS unravels Bible secrets clearly, but to others not of responsible faithful spirit unselfishly traceable for Jesus Christ the secrets and even the unraveled signs and completed proven wonders are as parables unto them, not merely so that selfish people do not understand, yet more importantly "though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand" (Luke 8.10) so even what was understood by selfish people will be removed from selfish people: "even what he thinks he has will be taken from him." [(Luke 8.18) if needful, see above on repeating], also PCS is for Jesus Christ so "Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a 'fool' so that he may become wise." (1 Corinthians 3:18).

To the less faithful is an increased maintenance burden, yet that value is light, lighter than not properly maintaining PCS and keeping accordingly current per pertinent fields as needful.

Think of it this way, Jesus Christ lends you the PCS tool. It is a great tool. It is perhaps the greatest tool in millennia! Yet importantly remember, properly check the tool out, properly use the tool, and properly check the tool back in when done noting it and when done using it at the time, as much as time reasonably allows, yet try to have time if to check it out. Consider your position, hence the level of your emergency priority, when weighing the time factor. To check out the PCS tool perhaps for the purpose of making a drawing and illustrating a new more powerful innovation, write praise for Jesus Christ (give of yourself, as of this example). While using the PCS tool there might be opportunities to praise Jesus Christ more. When finished there is typically opportunity to praise Jesus Christ. This is not about interpretation nor opinion. This is of the Bible including of the law, of facts; which essentially came from the Bible. In other words my friends, you can look it up and figure it out for yourselves [and for others, including Jesus Christ].

To praise Jesus Christ can be as stated, to be in tune with the Holy Name Jesus Christ of Article 7. Yet such is toward the unseen and unproven in this world, therefore PCS Methodology is of the pertinent verses in the Bible unraveled and specific tools as applicable to needs and continuous improvement innovations [and creativity] (see "Abel" above). Because Jesus Christ was perfecting, the tool is most applicable [the PCS tool].

Considering the Holy Name [Jesus Christ] from the beginning, from the Holy Plan at the beginning, the Holy Name is complete because it is perfect. Yet because "perfect" means to be perfecting us, the PCS tool is unraveled and made available unto us from Jesus Christ.

The Name Jesus Christ needs no tool.

To be perfecting now and in the future, can be done better with tools when for the "Name Jesus Christ". If the "Name Jesus Christ" did not solve your current problem, utilize the gift Jesus Christ gave you, and that you should have properly maintained, the tool PCS.

Previously to be perfecting people, the Bible was used.

Now to be perfecting people, the Bible is used, also a new tool for perfecting people has become available: PCS.

PCS is not a shortcut anymore than it is a shortcut to open to perhaps the Book of John and start reading, without starting your readings from the Book of Genesis each time, repetitiously.

PCS is not adding to the Bible (Revelation 22.18) anymore than a Priest preaches a sermon in writing, yet in a flow specific to the point(s) of the sermon.

Even so, if there is any adding or subtracting, remember to properly praise Jesus Christ as detailed above.

If there is PCS ability to better or best control the future as shown in the "Future Loving" illustration above, then in wisdom is found that Jesus Christ also taught PCS and others to best control the past (see above, "past people chosen") at least to the current "known Universe" extent (see above). In other words to help understand to help maintain this trend of thinking:

In PCS terms, history repeats itself and for proper PCS users that means they no longer are stuck in a situation, they rise [with light burden]; but lest the law be void sinners put themselves under burdens [often heavy] until they repent [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons concerning rising in DNA and Double Helix patterns) also], there are many Biblical references so supportive yet be careful how you hear and see and read and perceive (Ecclesiastes 1.9 also reference the pattern of Daniel 11), as PCS requires you to do your best to be mindful to best glorify Jesus Christ in all things and energies always (1 Samuel 2:30).

Therefore when history repeats itself, the sinners will not properly learn unless they repent and they predictably (though see previous ICCDBB Sermons on End Time) will be condemned somewhat to repeat the pattern(s) of burden(s). Therefore properly proven pertinent expertise is important for PCS maintenance, noting that while United States proffers no religious test per law, PCS is not law, PCS is a guideline (Matthew 22.14).

Also, therefore non-sinners would gain PCS Trend enlightenment when history repeats itself:

Past, Present, and Future enlightenment.

Such enlightenment is not merely maintenance words and symbols, yet rather action in power, praise the Lord!

Past action improvement, Present action improvement, and Future action improvement, from action now, from PCS, from the Lord.


That people may know of how Jesus Christ has helped via PCS utilization, records should be kept in a way they can be preserved and be properly (see security above) available. Posters and paper documents are acceptable, and in similar pattern software and other media are acceptable, depending on factors such as the criteria, conditions, and applications.

Records need be locked away by pertinent expertise, to prevent others from wrongly taking, changing, destroying, spying, and / or otherwise causing problems (Ezekiel 44.13); except of proper authorization of such expertise the matters to be made public (Matthew 10.7).

If we are to store and protect records, we need to understand to store them for what people in the future, and to protect them from what with the understanding that not all security in law covers all protection as the law does not perfect as stated above, for instance a parent teaches a child "Hot!" and later teaches the child how to operate the stove but not the car yet, so in other words there is further secure information concerning the car, and the information concerning the stove was not "leaked" as some people say about security information, rather of grace at the proper timing as decided of the pertinent higher authority information is as if leaked and rather is taught via grace (see above "worthy to receive" of law).

Jesus Christ fulfilled law protection, to better understand grace protection making all things new, reference the first part of 3 Nephi Chapter 15 answering device problems [such as foundation problems and some other problems (Chapter 14)], while the latter part of Chapter 15 provides toward law protection. Jesus Christ "Judge not" (Matthew 7.1) so that you are not bound as a slave under the law concerning old records rather that we realize the higher priority solving in grace with Jesus Christ commending saying "Truly, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such faith."

Some people write documents, such as to portray history in a way beneficial to themselves, sometimes rightly and sometimes wrongly. You can react to something someone wrote. Similarly computers, other devices, and living creatures can react accordingly (Luke 19.40) and not merely their interpretations can change, also their traceability in terms of risk can shift. For example, a person might be considered born out of wedlock, but then the laws concerning marriage might change that former situation to the person becoming known as having been born within wedlock. Hence for such a pattern of reasoning, it is not merely that we are to delimit the highest point of PCS to the highest worldly law(s), rather to and for Jesus Christ.

Beyond human laws, a planet may have moved much long ago, but from a new measuring standard point of view relatively the planet did not appear to have moved so much. So similarly to the "highest worldly law(s)" pattern above, we cannot delimit ourselves to relativity (reference the GodMath Testament) though this does not mean we are to forget PCS ("leave not the other undone").

In other words I AM did not form the us merely to undo us, rather for proper love; Jesus Christ showed the One Way; PCS continues not to destroy history nor to change wrongfully, yet with the warning or advising that increasingly we are overcoming challenges, such as time, so we need PCS and the Lord more than ever evidently now that we are so talented with power(s).

It is useful normally currently to be very concerned with PCS concerning now and the near future at least. Some talented in long range planning for instance might be more interested in another time frame, and that too within PCS can be very good.

Even so, the overall PCS Biblical Plan is that PCS follow [rather toward leadership agreement / agreeing] the PCS Biblical Methodology. If there is a dispute between two ideas, perhaps one is right, perhaps both are wrong; therefore the higher PCS reasoning needs be applied to solve (see above on DNA).

A formula for Love is shown above: Love = Innovation x Faith. Another formula for Love is shown below, and while the numerals are different [in worldly terms], the numeral equivalents are the same, so of PCS in the Lord, if one pattern is unraveled, other patterns can be virtually already unraveled simultaneously.

Love is:

Love = Charity X Hope.


Faith = Hope X Quality Assurance (Hebrews 11.1).

Charity [including / Production] / Hope / Love

Charity / Production / Hope / Love

Hope / [Love including Quality Assurance / Faith

Using PCS shows some patterns fit together better than others, in PCS Trend.

So laws mainly came from the Bible, traceably.

Now because of PCS responsible Quality mainly comes from the Bible, traceably.

So creation mainly comes from us traceably according to the calling on us from PCS from Jesus Christ.

The meek inherit all the known Universe, the Universe, all time, praise the Lord.

Similar to shaking hands in pattern, since a person hardly shakes hands with the air rather with another person; a buyer faces a counterpart the seller; to buy a property is of assertiveness, to grant an inheritance is of the assertiveness of the charity giver while the meekness is of the recipient. When a person inherits a property they normally first receive the traceability documents and then the property, rather than the property then try to prove it is theirs.

Outer space scientists did time warpage theory documents, and also applied such to subnuclear documents, and since have increasingly done time shifting efforts.

PCS is not only for everyone, importantly it is for instance for use by a parent more than a child, the parent generally considered the more expert of the two.

In that pattern, PCS is for use by people, yet more for those experts working to manipulate major things such as time energy. More important is love manipulation.

PCS Methodology of proven trend at least until End Time will reveal many great devices for people in the future, and because of that future promise ICCDBB makes an end of these writings for now (3 Nephi 10.19).

Many products and systems will come and go, predictably. Yet One thing is true, Jesus Christ.

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