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Public PCS Calibration.

Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization Calibration.

Optimum Improvement Via Default / Measuring / Calibration.

via ICCDBB, 4/12/2013.

Update "stop gap" 5/21/2013.

Jesus Christ is the beginning of the law of the USA (Congress & Origination of the United States Of America, Constitution in the year of our "Lord") and the end (Judicial Branch Genesis 19.19 & Revelation 1.11), Jesus Christ is also found in the flesh 2013 years ago. This fulfills the law and fulfills the three-point-calibration minimum preferred by PCS generally speaking (2 Nephi 25.28, 3 Nephi 7.14, & Jarom 1.11) in agreeing as of treaties and as the [calibration] Standard of the Church measures.

Without reduction of the above, Jesus Christ is [the being of, and the fact of law of] the beginning of guidance [(Alma 62.44) with guidance not quantified by laws save higher values as to provide hope (Hebrews 7.19)], hence value is mutually available via PCS.

The law without PCS is death (Proverbs 10.28) since to kill enemies is worse than to convert armies to fight for our and their higher righteous cause for our Jesus Christ and our President [Barack Obama (Exodus 22.18 and rather Jeremiah 15.19) rather than merely words of laws, rather quantifiable value of laws]. Not that their cause is higher than ours [rather that it is written in heart / DNA / living force: (Colossians 4.8, Mosiah 5.12, Joshua 23.14, charity from God even to include any natural and/or artificial work "searcheth the reins and hearts" Revelation 2.23)], with the same true for other quantities to be better measured including laws and also time, gravity, emotions toward free thinking and so forth [each and all hopefully for Jesus Christ]. PCS is of the arrow on the compass more than of the many other direction options, including 3D, magnetic anomalies, user interpretations, less expert user expertise, and so on.

If to consider a threshold line and below are illegal activities and above are legal activities, then PCS is of the legal, and furthermore of measurable thresholds above the legal threshold [and more thresholds can be made (James 2.11) beyond illegal for those who break laws and importantly measurably for those who do not (Luke 14.14 & Hebrews 2.2)].

Hence for those who work to be law abiding there is value in the eternal points-of-doctrine of Jesus Christ. Of laws and the US Department Of Justice there is a victim compensation system, yet in addition and rather for the victim is a higher [with the Lord yet not of laws alone to leave the former undone (1 Nephi 15.14 & Ephesians 2.5) as if to merely leave a shadow of things to come]. Hence tangible evidence is found in God almighty, more than in laws alone [laws talk and penalize, while grace uplifts and more than to build is with grace the growing (Moroni 10.26)] even though non-Christians provide creative or similar pattern measurable values [(3 Nephi 12.45 & Helaman 14.4 & if and/or as you might best rise Helaman 14.20): PCS].

If to measure, reasonably of natural science first to calibrate. If to overcome victoriously nature, then beyond happiness to abound in loving joy [hence able to be calibrated under law(s) and therefore measurable (Alma 41.11): PCS priorities / prioritization especially as thoroughly illustrated and detailed in Security PCS].

If to measure the best of the best, is to freely and openly measure Christ Jesus the Lord as has been done 2013 years ago. In similar pattern (Matthew 6.10) is to measure the US President in Navy Commander and similar terms, less of the current position holder and more of the ongoing position value toward the eternal. Jesus Christ / One with the Holy Father had the secret closed Holy of Holies, similarly the US President has the reasonable (within legal checks-and-balances) right of [guidance] grace to think, decide, and choose [make known] accordingly such as a legal decision yet also perhaps of grace a higher leadership decision hence unto a or some new beginning(s) of greater values. The Holy Priest positions may in pattern(s) agree with the Presidential position, whether or not to include the modification of law. For instance it was not required by US Law that the Ten Commandments be written, and in similar pattern or trend it was not required that treaties be written. Many matters of treaties can be measured [such as to trade goods] and hence there is calibration value (Proverbs 30.4)].

Calibration typically enables treaty and agreed measuring, measuring typically enables mutual solutions such as to improve trade among nations, hence healing of nations, hence mutual improvement of the condition of life and living for all per law and yet in higher threshold (reference "threshold" above) self evident reasoning such as among pertinent experts, from threshold to higher mutual value accordingly [as each worthy enters into such treaty covenant(s) (2 Corinthians 3.18)] in continuous mutual improvement [for the Lord (of the Original US Constitution Article 7).

There are ways to calibrate as with three agreed / known points, such as to start with a point known as the Initial Pulse (old secular affiliated site includes some secular obsolete info) or Big Bang. Other natural points in "Pulse" terms include natural (of God Of Nature, including of US Declaration Of Independence agreeing with science) points in current science known as harmonics. To figure the opposite extreme end is another calibration point [limit of the reasonably Known Universe].

Yet greater than Relativity alone is the reasonably Known Universe not yet measured whether counted as reasonably proven fact or as reasonable faith trust, for instance it can be adduced that the maximum speed of light has progressed a certain [though time contingent and similar (reference Security PCS on need for proper authorization)] distance since the Big Bang, even though we do not see the leading edge of that distance light, we merely have faith that that light continues (John 1.5) such as until that light meets a reflective object as further legal proof.

If to measure without proper calibration, then to predictably stray, even to the point of reasoning unto rather form law. Yet if to meet law and to also best guide all others, then to best improve; as some experts have announced there is no gravity only a lack of other forces, with similar stated about time and some other matters [laws, indicated in pattern (and as further details become unraveled: Matthew 13.11)]. If to measure with proper calibration per se, per situation for higher purpose such as via experts in the pertinent topic, then with the Relative points to agree with the eternal (Psalm 119.24).

So there is an order to the arrangement of proper measuring as experts reasonably agree and as they might opt to voluntarily plug-into PCS Format when so asked (to date pending further authorization).

In order to improve, it is reasonable to know why, how much, will it cause harm to others, is it legal, and so on; yet PCS is less about Legislative and Judicial matters and more concerned with guidance for all, importantly including for our leadership via law hence currently President Barack Obama.

Many for instance, such as lobbyists, want certain legislation passed, though PCS is hardly about that, rather the laws passed since the start of USA are a great way to measure change, hence for that reason and other reasons the laws are great tools for PCS to utilize. People often find laws difficult to understand and apply (reference tax time). Accordingly, much of the confusion people may come to have about PCS does not apply to PCS, but rather applies toward the obsolete, the lack of optimum guidance prior to PCS.

Stop Gap Formerly Obsolete Value.

The law has a value, in pattern the stop gap has a value although often temporary.

Obsolete is not the same thing as illegal. In pertinence generally, a person might not like illegal prejudice though might like relativity concerning cultures, such as applicable to things that can be measurably termed as stop gap exceptions [or counted as if (whether religious or not Proverbs 17.28)]. Though of logic of law alone [(rather with PCS) bias may or may not apply], comes forth stop gap measures due to law without PCS, measurable bias toward the very thing [a rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Shakespeare, rather PCS beholding / more precisely measurable observation of the teachings and way of Christ Jesus)] against which that same expert might be fighting. In other words the prioritized goodly intentions of experts are futile (Ecclesiastes 2.3) if without the Lord (original Constitution Article 7) hence PCS current measurable applicability since of the greater comprehensive measurement for the people and then after that able to properly prioritize enabling proper calibration with ancillary measuring. As to help at the federal level and the state level and in trend rather far more (Luke 7.26).

In pertinence to calibration of mental parameters (reference expert works on "Qualification toward Certification", and ICCDBB Sermons on "Quality Quantification") for instance, if to apply a proven precept formula from an expert, such as proof on how to lose excess weight to be healthier or how to lose excess regulations to help free enterprise businesses grow the economy, it is within that expert's context, since for instance in so accomplishing (Exodus 36.8) that expert might temporarily tie up personal and/or business and/or governmental production and charge time and money against those the expert purports to help. Hence the expert's formula to reduce problems typically causes problems. Similarly if to teach a solution that was proven with measurable results, to overcome a learning difficulty among the students, then to add to the problem of having to teach extra in order to overcome the former problem which problem was toward disadvantaged, stop gap, relative obsolete, resistance, disagreement, and similar.

Accordingly therefore if to add a burden, therefore stop gap measures if an emergency toward faith in Jesus Christ or at least toward leadership (John 19.11 & Psalm 109.6) as the PCS Minimum, and rather prioritized opposite of minimum yet rather maximum (Christ Jesus, including Article 7 see above) being the top priority component measurable aspect of PCS, after the comprehensive measurement yet greater (Ruth 3.10 & Revelation 2.19).

The Justice Department has great value and is not obsolete, though without legal PCS then toward devolving is the writing of further complex regulations that experts understand per field of expertise but others do not understand such as perhaps various Elected Officials that appoint Justice Department Officials yielding measurable effects against the nation they swore to protect, and in pattern are stop gap regulations, and so-called legislating from the bench.

Rather PCS guidance is toward comprehensive optimized pertinent expertise utilization. Toward real solving in helpfulness rather than toward letter-of-the-laws without soul [soul is defined as the nonphysical aspect of person: the complex of human attributes that manifests as consciousness, thought, feeling, and will, regarded as distinct from the physical body (Encarta ® World English Dictionary © 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. No affiliation unless otherwise stated).

In the high value Justice Department is found facts [see to "find" or "found" being illegal if for instance without a realty license (as in North Carolina laws)]. Therefore laws without PCS make laws illegal (Ephesians 2.15). Just as it is important to continue to work to overcome slavery, illegal discrimination, and similar via the great value of the Justice Department, so too it is great value to overcome the nonphysical aspects of greater value(s) (see checks-and-balances), the soul of the people.

Facts are found along with evidence readily measurable. Yet the Justice Department can hardly be expected to measure unseen evidence of a person's faith (in the President or other) which top experts such as in the Medical Profession have trouble defining much less measuring. Even more difficult against the Justice Department is not only defining, calibrating, and measuring an individual person's mental parameters, but also their group future intentions [example of many opinions as if "we as a nation can no longer afford" (Numbers 5.5-7)], so rather than ignorance-of-the-law or rather than illegal self-serving motivations, there should be the solution ["that it may be well with you" (Deuteronomy 5.33)], in fact hardly in the reason for formation of the Justice Department [you do many great things but "pass over justice and the love of God: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone" (Luke 11.42)]; rather the Justice Department Branch was formed for a reason, the Executive Branch for another reason, and Legislative for another; all with checks-and-balances; yet each with a forte, each with a measurable great value. If to utilize a sword properly it typically cuts properly, if to measurably improperly utilize a sword it can damage or break the Branch's sword. It can be measured before-the-fact [including typically in the world (Mark 13.23 & Mark 13.32)].

Accordingly therefore of evidence in principle [(2 Corinthians 4.2) hence to become manifest for the greater good (1 Timothy 6.1-3)] PCS overcomes stop gap (Ezekiel 13.5 & Ezekiel 22.30) to rather utilize problems (reference suggestion-box and Demming Win Win Quality Assurance / Golden Rule) that the force be not toward downfall loss [save special activities such as missions (1 Nephi 15.13)] hence for the better future of generations (Daniel 12.2) including Executive leadership, including checks-and-balances of top security matters including top Legislative and accordingly top Justice, especially concerning top Officials such as the Commander-In-Chief of the Navy hence requiring top cooperation prior to any other disclosures of inclusive parameters measurably lest contamination or descant beyond pertinent parameters come from externality effects by those not-expert-in-the-topic per se possibly including how to measure errantly proffered by those not-expert-in-the-topic even if well intentioned, since to head toward dictatorship, enslavement, selfish pride, and/or similar is often toward unprincipled or perhaps illegal directions, while proper leadership is toward goodly counsel (Proverbs 20.18) with care [including checks-and-balances of top security (2 Samuel 17.7-14)].

We the People is of great value (see "comprehensive" above) so to keep "We the People" from the top secrecy threshold is of greater value unto the People when done properly [with "We the People" including the President if and/or when so appropriate, PCS: (Exodus 40.35)].

So that the reader does not misinterpret, the Justice Department Branch should not be done away, it is vital. The same is of the Executive Branch and of the Legislative Branch, although each Branch should be optimized, measurably beyond former stop gap ways which were sufficient in the past, though continuous improvement provides more [than new hope (1 Peter 1.3) and strength (Isaiah 40.31)]. Reasonably in truths held as self evident, if to be given choice(s), then to choose wisely or selfishly; law was constructed for wisely. Such wise value is not to be undermined merely for self serving purposes, even if self serving yields imprisonment. In such self serving yields toward correction over the offending entity, though is hardly excuse. Rather goodly excuse is such as redeeming social value, measurable [whether wanting (Daniel 5.27) or of the Standard Of The Church or PCS whether for family(ies) and/or nation(s) (Numbers 2.2)], even in agreement with the great and awesome Justice Department Branch, or great or greater Legislative Department Branch, yet rather in mild [(Matthew 10.16) as much as any person if so elected] of the key target of terrorists and dissidence, the President of the Executive Branch is the spokesperson of the nation and/or world, of you the reader.

The spokesperson of a field of study is the pertinent expert. There are many fields of study, far more than three, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Yet in trend as the Quality Assurance Manager is [within some businesses (see below)] above the President in position, so too the United States President is above in position over the Legislative and Judicial.

There is a right for the Legislative to change the law; there is Judicial right to arrest a felon, if any; and there are checks-and-balances and these are not undone. Yet otherwise, yet normally, yet in normal practice and power the President is the vested power.

From the duly elected President come all the agreed great minds of corporations and other experts, properly together, united, in one purpose, for the greater good, and this is the law and the prophets, even for a "more perfect Union".

If run perfectly, the Legislative and Judicial Branches have nothing to do, nothing to do except receive their due payroll salaries for having done a perfect job. Even so, they must not leave the other undone, the maintenance to be on watch to present new laws or new court cases if such needs arise.

Yet the President is last on the list, after the others have done their parts perfectly, the President must accordingly, according to law, fulfill law. Since law does not perfect (Hebrews 7.19) within reason and nothing to do with illegal per se since having been fairly elected, the President may opt to provide further hope for the people. To not do so is a moral issue, even so are many other contingencies, for example Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, and this means the regulations such as over feasts of celebrations for God were becoming cumbersome and difficult to remember unto the people, hence Jesus Christ reduced the number of measurable criteria, then as the people became capable conquering greater values, Christ Jesus added some criteria, hardly as previous (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on circular reasoning and rather helical and vertical), yet rather to leverage abilities of the united [rather Chosen] people, a people united (original United States, US, Constitution Article 7).

While the US President can provide greater hope, as has been the trend, praise God and/or natural blessings, to provide hope alone is as to confound the word hope toward losing it's meaning [fact of law / evidence (Hebrews 11.1)], that is, not only hope, yet rather also (PCS Traceability & accountability) for profit, for kindness, for respect of leadership, and/or so forth (Mosiah 4.26). Vital in principle to US Law is that facts-of-law require that the US President not merely talk, yet rather also do, with such facts-of-law being tried according to grace and mercy / freely elected to freely think, rather than according to threat of punishment. Such does not free the President from laws necessarily [(reference the GodMath Testament on Executive Privilege) noting that many things that should be stated for the Lord are not stated lest such would predictably confuse non-experts per se (reference with 3 Nephi 19.24, Omni 1.26, 4 Nephi 1.12, & PCS) meaning not because of what they don't know, rather because what they know might not properly apply to the situation or case in point, for instance a breakthrough expert might not know that another breakthrough expert already solved the same thing and even if one expert is more expert on the subject than the other, other criteria might apply whether by chance or of freely elected authority preference (see above measurable parameters in fact rather than of guidelines of counsels).

Sometimes, such as concerning stop gap short range planning, it helps to perceive from another perspective to gain unbiased advantage. So for example (reference Proprietary PCS), the President of a business may opt to appoint a Quality Assurance Manager, and that Quality Assurance Manager may establish their own Corporate Quality Structure with Chart and Chain-Of-Quality-Command per se. Accordingly the same President may be told what to do by his Quality Assurance Manager which is not a suggestion of counsel and rather is law in fact. It can be overridden, but if not, then it remains as is, such as perhaps assigning further responsibility to that same President, hardly for the purpose of wrongly puffing-up the Quality Assurance Manager, and rather preferably for helping guide that same President and corporation toward better value(s) such as in the midst of chaos otherwise. The value of that same President is not obsolete and the value his corporation is not obsolete, rather those values via optimum Quality Assurance Management may become toward optimization of value(s), including defined, calibrated, measured [including ROI, budgetary projections, and so forth (Romans 6.5)], and traceable including accountability.

Even in the world of humans including in nature such as of human evolution, while loud cymbals can drown out a perhaps at times soft quiet soothing lead arrangement of the music and/or of the lyrics with special higher value meaning (3 Nephi 11.3), yet not leaving the other undone is possible the far greater united value together in concert.

Pertinent Expertise Utilization.

An expert, perhaps you, may for instance think that a particular stop gap law indicates a reason to improve or the opposite a reason to maintain the status quo or some a reason to negotiate something in-between; so to measure via PCS can yield value if to conclude after having considered virtually all the options reasonably.

There are other ways to measure the best optimum course and any deviations and anomalies, such as to measure governments [including any failed systems] since the start of mankind or since 2000 years ago or since the Big Bang. PCS would be wise to eventually investigate / measure each and all such things.

Experts hold concerns, such as reliability, investment risk, trust factors concerning certain groups, weather conditions, and so on, so it is important to measure, and not randomly as much as to measure via the best way to measure. Accountability is important, along with optimum success, and great virtues. In measuring, often an expert measures, then another expert measures checking their work; and the more important the more experts of various fields checking the work from particular viewpoints.

So it is important to get it right the first time to avoid wasted expertise energy. It is important to have Earn/Earn and Win/Win expertise (Demming Golden Rule and similar expertise).

It is also important to have comprehensive future planning with none overlooked nor left behind, though not at unreasonable cost, for instance a train is kept on schedule and not delayed if some people are too late, with reasonable exceptions such as for instance if the Engineer to drive the train has been delayed (reference priorities A through E above) due to being made aware of a track problem ahead; also the Engineer might switch the train to reverse temporarily.

Commander-In-Chief Barack Obama has rights and privileges within checks-and-balances, and is of PCS afforded same accordingly. The President may choose to move forward, move sideways to avoid some situation, and so forth. Accordingly other experts have their measuring parameters, and they may or may not be qualified and/or quantified accordingly of PCS to standardize, calibrate, and/or measure per given situation. Yet PCS is toward standardization more than toward stopping to analyze each situation on a case by case basis when many cases are of the same pattern and best solved via a comprehensive decision by the pertinent expert body, and in the future Congress may freely opt to utilize some PCS ideas and form their own further opinions for helping the people.

Yet integral to PCS is proper feedback lest there be unfairness, such as for instance in the measuring of values as of the banking standard relative to the idea some have concerning taxation-without-representation pattern. Rather of fairness is (within reason, see above A through E) to be able to read what is proposed prior to agreeing, with right or privilege to be properly heard pro, con, and/or to make others aware of conditions especially if they seem to not be aware of any certain point(s). For instance a scientist, a soldier, an engineer, or another expert may have made a newly quantified discovery / measurement so may want to alert others the best way. Security (not disclosed here) PCS Format offers specifics to help such an expert for so doing, for so helping others.

Given measuring standards such as straight lines at right angles to each other, or such as specially curved lines [such as of (3 Nephi 20.19)] relative to each other..., calibrations and comparisons can be measured. Yet to absolutely standardize is to comprehend all relative aspects [within law and PCS science, as much as reasonable (reference universal theory physicists)]. Thusly comprehending reasonably prioritization becomes toward absolute rather than toward relative, with nothing significant left overlooked [if the ancients of ancient civilization could figure-it-out (Joshua 11.15) then surely of a certainty so can we of modern computers and technologies, Lord willing].

Thereof we can reasonably place comprehensive on an X-axis with prioritization on a corresponding Y-axis to solve the relationship absolutely [with love on the Z-axis (see Security PCS details)]. Thus solves a key Public PCS Standard.

Ancillary to that One Absolute Standard [one law for all (whether a nation, nations, and a family Numbers 2.34 & power / water such as of Daniel 12.7)], can then therefore come forth both absolute (toward prophecy) and relative (toward prediction) calibration accordingly as already accomplished by ancient civilizations [examples (equipment / innovating Revelation 12.14, working / tools Nehemiah 4.16, kingdoms space / time Ether 10.32, traceability / stocks Mosiah 7.22, & cities / land Deuteronomy 3.12)]. Via pertinent calibration, measuring details can be written in stone and discussed with reliable certainty. These matters are less of law and more of the living dynamically growing thriving delightsome guiding system [(whether within minimum legal compliance Alma 30.12, or better Matthew 26.55 of we the people) as all things work together for good (Romans 8.28) and/or higher purposes (Ecclesiastes 5.8) including checks-and-balances]. God of natural science / MT site

At the main Public PCSsite is found "PCS is explained according to those worthy to receive.", so accordingly there needs be a guide for measuring / calibrating worthiness, expertise, value, and similar per entity, such as per family as President Barack Obama indicated. Also it is important to measure both per absolute value and per relative value, as much as reasonable, including entities such as schools, governments, corporations; also lobby interests, technologies, entertainment, productivity, tourism, and reasonably all measurable concerns. Jesus Christ.

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