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Timeline Of First Ascension

Of Jesus Christ In The Flesh.


by Dr. Bob Benchoff 5/2/2010, simplified 10/18/2011.

A child rode a bicycle to a store for candy because they weren't ready to drive a more dangerous to others car. An adult drove a car to a location because they weren't ready to drive a more dangerous to others flying car.

Your increasing rate of value should not be limited as in former ways such as in Old Testament days, yet valuable, as Jesus Christ taught.

In the Old Testament, God could have told people

God rather did something better than giving orders. God let the people gather together to discuss it and to charitably unselfishly help the less fortunate [and themselves and their offspring] God let the people establish their own form of government, not of life-or-death-penalty, rather of mercy somewhat so that people did not perish because of some little mistake they forgot in seemingly minor legalese sin, that there be more mercy on the Lord rather than the constant threat of sacrifice.

Legalese is of logic and law, mercy is of love and grace [even though such can also be measured and so applied (to reason as previous ICCDBB Sermons detail) as if under law rather to measure grace to better know the Holy Father (reference the GodMath Testament)].

Therefore You can increase in rate of value advancing as never before [save on high (see previous ICCDBB statements on traceability for glorifying Jesus Christ via Jesus Christ in agreement in Covenant)].

In worldly terms, laws would have you be no more than equal to others, such as to be counted and sifted, such as sacks of potatoes.

Giving the Ghost, and the More Excellent Way:

Shown above is the legal limit: a person is no longer counted after they die. Things are changing, You are coming to pass, You and Your increasing charity (see the recent ICCDBB on getting started now).

A person starts life as a blessing. Then a person can do their best in former terms of Commandments only, or a person can do better [better than Holy Commandments? yes].

Many people prefer to follow instead of lead. ICCDBB even preaches to follow Jesus Christ, yet that is not all that ICCDBB preaches to lead rather than follow, lead with Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is your leader. When others see what You do, they should see what Jesus Christ does.

In Christ Jesus, You increasingly know how to offer as much hope, love, talent unto blessings and so forth, as much as a leader may opt to do at least in some situations.

You know how to go do quickly, yet toward good rather than toward harm. Without receiving further legal orders You know how to be proper to the best of Your ability. Without further instructions to follow in Your current situation, You know how to be You, a blessing unto others, unto all, whether they accept Your divine leadership [to some extent] or whether they choose to not accept such blessings.

If these kept their silence,

the very rocks would cry-out:

A firmament amidst clouds.

Shall We merely survive by following physics and the leadership of rocks?, perish the thought, even so, if none else to teach, let Us learn from the rocks that We may properly help the rocks, that We may best lead the very rocks (Matthew 17.20, Luke 17.6, and Leviticus 27.16).

To follow is what children do. To lead is to optimize leadership agreement, agreeing on the path ahead. To follow is toward fearing others, to lead is to often be alone [You already know much right from wrong as stated above (John 12.24)].

Yet be careful how You hear, that You follow properly. Similarly be careful how You Preach, that Your seed does not shrivel [(Joel 1,17) in Your Hearers].

Jesus Christ is Our Rock, and yet then where is the fertile ground?, yes and even Jesus Christ is the source, the One and only such source. Holy Seeds are hardly ground. Holy Ground is hardly One Holy Seed.

From the Holy Rock Jesus Christ, Holy Seed is to do missionary charity in the Holy Ground, the Christian Leader [You and We and Jesus Christ]. And the Holy Ground is to enter Holy Covenant Agreeing with the Holy Rock Jesus Christ The One Source.

A seed alone appears as if a tiny rock, and it so is similar. Yet it symbolizes much life and living and joy.

The above picture shows a rock. Your interpretation as to best leadership applications for the Lord is/are Your choice(s).

Isaiah 30.23 reports the "ground" will produce Your Holy increase value [for You if] for Jesus Christ. Mark 4.8 even reports to show in evidence how You and We might have even greater advantage, that We might gather better [or best] according to better [or best] charity. Hence almost no work on Our part, producing most toward charity optimization: automatic seeding, automatic rain, automatic ground forces producing automatic charity.

And Psalms 126.6 explains One such that wept would surely come to joy [and with (1 Samuel 8.15) explains tithing].

Numbers 11.7 explains where to get free seed.

Leviticus 11.37 explains how it is possible that the dead be clean, that it be of cleanliness [similar to proffering 0x0=1 (see previous ICCDBB Sermons and GodMath Testament)]. Even in the world, given 2 people and each independently states "No" and "Nothing" about some topic, and then they happen to talk with each other and discuss the topic and find they each agree with the other, in 1 agreement, 1 Holy Symbol, 1 equation of peace, and so on.

1 Corinthians 15.37 explains the bare seed, similar to the bald rock above, the plain firmament amidst the clouds. In the days of Moses, the rock did cleft and produce water, and in the days of Genesis in similar pattern and same Holy Trend the waters did cleft and divide and charitably produced land that Our Lord rise upon and stand. Even the nations can so rise as they have done previously (Isaiah 23.3).

A barren rock can be a symbol of a childless female, yet there are many reasons of joy and other concerns, such as the age of the female, the current situation (Matthew 24.19 and Mark 13.17) and so on. Yet there are blessings and greater blessings (Matthew 2.20).

In the old days they discussed things without the advantage of Jesus Christ having come in the flesh on a marvelous Holy Mission, so now We can profess even greater than many did in the past.

In the old days they discussed things such as the big rock in the sky at night, and now We can show them pieces of that big rock. There were nations in agreeing and some reached the Moon.

Let Your Seed optimize the agreeing, that Your Mission reveal Your Rock Value many other nations do not yet see nor comprehend.

Many nations struggled hard in their works to get to a relatively barren rock, the Moon, and look at the wealth of advancing such leadership yielded. Fertile minds struggle to entertain such information and when received, much joy is gained.

Verily Your Rock Of Faith harbors much Love, as of yet, unrevealed.

It is easy to be unseen and simpleminded and a follower childishly living life for the moment akin to sin. Rather best lead.