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Timeline Helix Pie Chart.


by Dr. Bob Benchoff 5/30/2010

When You preach the Word Of God to people, what do You think that means concerning You? That You are a Preacher, a Priest, or similar?, Yes.

Yet when You preach the Teachings Of Jesus Christ to Your Flock, that means, as Jesus Christ taught, that You are much more than a Priest.

What did the Flock come for to see?, Jesus Christ asked His Flock. A Prophet?, Yes., and much more than a Prophet.

Let's start with Your visitors and strangers You meet. They are counted as opportunities that You may Choose Them, that they might be Converted or further ministered of You.

Next is Your Flock, those having come to know You somewhat, not questioning against You much: Your Followers.

And then there is the Priesthood, the [increasing and the Leading] Oneness with the Holy Father Jesus Christ, in the Father virtually beyond worldly separation and comparison (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on rather distinguishing).


One of Your Flock members may begin to preach Christianity. When that happens, there is great joy in Heaven. There is also in that Flock member a change, similar to the repentance unto Baptism pattern. There is a change within that Flock member [and within Your Flock].


Prophecy, equals Preaching Christianity to a Christian Flock, times preaching the truth.

Among Christians, the formula is:

Prophecy = Preaching x Truth

as explained in Alma 6.8.

So when You preach the Holy Word Of God to Your Christian Flock, then You are committing Prophecy.

When You preach the Bible, You are prophesying.

When Your Flock hears the truth from the Bible from You, they learn to be [Your] Prophets. In the world, it is similar to how hospital ownership has Doctors, and similar to how an engine has engine parts, yet it is much more, in value, in meaning, in functioning, in growing Your Ministry, and so on.

Many may fall by the wayside, so learn properly that You lose none, and remember that when You preach properly, Biblically, You do lose none. The unseen above is greater than the seen in this world.

To preach to strangers and visitors, to evangelize, can be more worldly mission work(s) at times, to more address their personal concerns, while to preach to Your Christian Followers is more toward higher Christian positional concerns. As Your audience improves in loving outwardly without reverse expectations, so too they become better able to comprehend higher Heavenly toward positioning for the increasingly greater glory of Jesus Christ.


Can You tell the future?, can You foresee future events?, can You read a person's fortune in a deck of cards or in a crystal ball?

Unto the non-believer, hardly. The position of non-Christian is toward being too selfish to accept help, particularly of a stranger [You], as the selfish person tends to prefer aloneness, or similarly to stick to their clique. So if You see a card and say You see a King in their future, they might laugh and make fun of You if You are not in their clique; and similarly in pattern if You see something in a crystal ball and whether it is a sharp and clear image or vague something and You say something as Your true description of it, they may laugh. So in pattern You can prove things and show them, but unto non-Believers, unless You address their benefits You have for them, it can be difficult to have them trust You, much less hope to convert them, though of course it is important to try [hence the Preacher enters into learning with them, as a Minister].

Those already Christians and in accord with You and Biblical Preaching are already much prepared to receive the greater blessings, to be entrusted with the greater blessings, to be reliably responsible to properly safely be provided with entitlement unto greater responsibilities, as much burden as They are talented to handle currently.

A novice weight lifter can hurt their back. An experienced weight lifter is more aware of how to lift far more weight without hurting their back.

The experienced Christian can lift a very heavy burden, and it light unto them, safe unto them and others, even though others might be afraid.

Great power here, now on Earth, in the world, is not some distant thing in time, it is here already, now, and also was in the past, and will be in the future.

Knowing how to lift the [dangerous(?, per perspective)] greater burdens properly utilizing the Love Of Jesus Christ The Father is key to understanding safe power control in Our Universe.

Knowing how to best Love Prophecy, ties into the thread of living properly, whether on worldly missions toward redundancy in worldly perspective as shown below [or in Your perspective toward You being on vacation as trials and tribulations become as child's folly unto You for the greater glory of Jesus Christ], or toward direct Prophesying among Your Christian Flock as You advance together as One as properly leaping faithfully that others if to see would follow Your example(s).

From Pie Chart To Timeline.

The circular reasoning is overcome in the light burden of Helical growth pattern, toward the greater burden of vertical leaping in Love For The Lord! In the chart above, toward the left are choppy worldly specific terms, to the right are more interchangeable [Oneness or] parts [in worldly terms], that each shares the burden pulling together to raise people unto blessings in optimal glorifying of Father Jesus Christ.

A wheel loses function, if to remove parts of the circle and to interchange them with other parts of the circle.

A tree branch might be cut away, and if done properly can be grafted into the area needed to better help unto the desired outcome (Book of Jacob & 1 Nephi 10.14). Therefore learn much talent quickly, at the optimal pace.

To the right in the chart above is the vertical line with each entity in [agreement] agreeing with glorifying for Jesus Christ, including prophesying.

In the old days, Christian people prophesied, and some of the prophesies have already come to pass. Therefore history, including in the world, and including within worldly terms, worldly logic, worldly understanding, and even whether the world loves or hates, the prophecies that have passed already in the world are facts, already proven.

So if somebody tells You "show me" or "prove it", You already know how to do so unto their understanding, in other words, according to the amount of proof they require and deserve as much as they can fathom.

Also importantly is the higher understanding You gain in Holy Love, as the Holy Biblical Prophesying Trend becomes more true and more known unto You for Jesus Christ.

Prophesying becomes timeless, according to Love!

If something happened in the past, it is a fact.

If something happened in the past and it was also according to Christian Prophecy, it is not only fact, it is also a proof indicator at least, as to the future.

Experts in the world can predict the future and often with great accuracy. For instance a person can learn to predict under which conditions a ball might bounce.

A Christian among a Christian Flock as One, and with great power predict future events of the truth of the Bible [including patterns about bouncing, of best charity not leaving the world undone], as if already past facts, equal, and the same.

A Pastor can preach and know what they are talking about.

You don't have to merely repeat Bible verses out of context.

You have the truth, and the One Flock [owned by the meek Jesus Christ Father], and the power and the glory of Jesus Christ in Your Holy Heart where Jesus Christ provided space to harbor His Holy Love Of You.

You have the power to use the Bible Word Of God to prophesy in part as applicable to a pertinent situation, and in whole of the whole of the Bible.

You as the Prophet can tell Your Christian Flock the future, pertinent to now in their lives, as if stating very recent historic facts clear in Your Holy Mind Heart Blood Water Spirit Body And Soul.

Yet when put to the test in the world, they are allowed to continue somewhat to choose randomly or other. When examined by those outside Your Flock, You may appear unto their perspectives as if to fail, yet Love them lest You fail, yet Love appropriately since if they choose against You, try until You see it is no longer appropriate currently; not that You fail, though because it is not their time, not their ability to understand Your Holy Word properly at this moment. As the One Holy Word sinks into their hearts, it is brought unto their rememberances increasingly as their talents unto sin patterns fail and they seek escape, yet pray for them in Your Heart.

So, if You know a person is not ready now, according to Your talent in Christ to prophecy, then seek Jesus Christ in them via appropriate means that they understand as being dear unto them, yet without causing You to sin.

Understand the mission(s), and the higher reasoning.

Bible Prophecy Pattern.