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by Dr. Bob Benchoff 3/26/2012

What would you do with the future?

World peace is a goodly answer.

Yet that all rather be one with Jesus Christ is a better answer.

Doctors can administer drugs to patients and the patients may feel peaceful.

After a dispute, government can send a big check and the recipient may feel elated and more at peace with the world.

A hard worker can finish a task and feel more at peace.

Shall we then administer drugs to all people, send big checks, and assign hard work to them?

If we want world peace, we have to do something better. If we want drugs, big checks, hard work, and/or other, we have to want something better lest individuals for years and lest families for generations each remain in their own selfsame prison.

To profess you want world peace, without confessing Jesus Christ, is not for world peace, it is for selfishness (see bottom of this page).

To profess you want world peace, without confessing Jesus Christ, is in pattern similar to receiving a big check. So receiving has little bearing on whether the big check will be thereafter spent on any peaceful endeavor.

To give or receive a drug is not necessarily connected to world peace.

To work hard has little to do with world peace.

If things are to make sense in your life, your mind, spirit, and soul need be connected in a certain way. One best way.

If to communicate with others, if to function with others, if to play with others, if to laugh with other, if to be charitable with others, if to innovate with others, if to feast with others each and all, if to have world peace each and all, if to dwell with others, and so forth, each needs be one best way.

You control the future a large amount.

The farther into the future, the more you impact it.

If you turn over a pebble of sand on a beach, you change the course of time in the relative sense.

Jesus Christ does not change, save Jesus Christ you can change, to love Jesus Christ.

You can change people a little now and then they will forget about you or you can change tremendously as never seen before in your relative sense; since you can either change selfishly, or you can change and do as unchanging God does.

God does the perfect work of perfecting the best way. God does not change from doing so.

What would you do? Fight God or change?

Jesus Christ is both your personal Savior and your positional Savior, and far more.

Jesus Christ controls far more.

A toddler might point out that putting one block on top of another is too hard to do, and a parent might laugh in joy and weep in agreeing that such is true for now for them accordingly, yet the parent can lead now, showing or waiting then showing the right path at the timing of the parent.

Help others, according to their abilities to learn, according to their talents, rather than fighting Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ seeks you.

Don't let your selfishly embarrassing personal sins stop you from gathering people for Jesus Christ in the past, present, and future. We can walk on graves, yet what did Jesus Christ do, raised people from their graves, and fed them (John 4.34).

Don't throw valuable people away [don't cast pearls (Matthew 7.6)] and don't touch dead things [(Mark 12.26) let none undo what good God does (Mark 10.9): let the wise understand therefore of these references that God therefore does things for you and us, including for us for God, hence save lest] without proper higher cause [as of PCS in measuring toward Top Priority (John 20.17)] controlling for outward love rather than for selfishness [which selfishness can result for instance in being eaten of worms (Acts 12.23) or caught at End Time (see previous ICCDBB Sermons)].

Help the criminal, not to do crime, rather to rise above and beyond crime, to do good and legal things reasonably.

Help those who cannot help themselves, and help even if those who can help themselves, yet nor according to selfish plans reasonably, per se, rather according to PCS long range planning for the final agreeing to conquer chaos and make useful sense out of what has been provided via Jesus Christ.

Leave not undone the personal helping of others, yet seek to save all people. Leave not undone the saving of people one by one, yet if able save generation by generation and rather save all at once.

With God nothing is impossible.

That means with good, all good is possible.

Do not tempt God toward sin: even so such is impossible, since your sin would fall back on you. God is perfect and unstained.

Help your leader overcome crime and confusion the right way, PCS.

Help your leader guide people the right way, PCS, the Holy Way.

Help Jesus Christ (Luke 23.27-31).

Help Jesus Christ allocate greater talents.

Do you want greater talents to help Jesus Christ?, then help Jesus Christ.