Your Part In Easter

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Welcome To Easter

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, April 8, 2012.

Jesus Christ said that you should go out and proclaim the Kingdom Of God and the acceptable year of the Lord.

You may then wonder, didn't the Lord already preach it all, and the right way the first time?

The Lord does know better and already did it right the first time and foretold all to come, yet that you would enter into such most precious work that you reap the benefits, that you grow wise, that you unravel what is to come while to those that chose sins it remains self-hidden from their selfish sins.

If the Lord would help you, then therefore help them, save their lives, more importantly save their souls, guide them unto the wonders and beyond and for the best glorifying of the Lord.

Imagine some sticks and of a light burden you mentally unselfishly and rather physically unselfishly for others would lift a stick and add value to it, having chosen it, and also perhaps to form the number 1, and/or the letter l, you have added value to it. You can arrange it with other sticks to both figuratively and literally multiply the value(s).

Imagine a dollar. The same pattern can apply.

Imagine you. Imagine a church.

Imagine the best person ever, and their kingdom, and then imagine raising their kingdom even more, as they too have done and taught you to do.

Rather than being taught to seek death, you have been taught best living.

To a stick you can add holes and other sticks, and hone the overall to form a glider plane, yet from the start it is goodly to know what your goal is, whether to form a glider and/or a church building and/or a mint, or perhaps all of these.

What is the shortcut, what is the lazy way, what is the best way, what is all of these things?, even so, God is no stranger to you nor to your selfish desires. Even so, God has prepared a more excellent course for you to follow, a course in leadership so that instead of answering the teachers' questions, you will be asking the questions and therefore you will know the value of your questions at least as a minimum at the crux in your life, even starting with the easiest part for you to understand and love, yet with each part a light challenge unto yourself that you learn to overcome the lost part of your weary soul.

You have problems, God has one solution for you, to solve everything.

Being grounded in love you can rise above and know the heart of yourself, rather the Heart Of Jesus Christ.

So knowing, you can then wisely reach out to another, some have even entertained Angels unawares, you can reach out unselfishly to God.

If now you think a thought and/or reach out your hand, do you expect from experience to think of air and touch air, or do you do as the great and Holy I AM does?: reach out not for you to touch Jesus Christ, rather to create Jesus Christ for the sake of Jesus Christ.

If to create Jesus Christ, then by default you are accordingly so involved, you make yourself a part accordingly in such creativity and creating and innovating and yet eternal hence beyond innovating from the beginning, beyond words [humans have made (Genesis 2.19) including new species innovated from DNA].

How would you create Jesus Christ?, solve time, be with God at least 1 year BC generally speaking, and also beyond Jesus Christ in the flesh, be with God from the beginning and unto eternity. It's in the Bible, Jesus Christ and other greats explained it all, that you should rise and be with Jesus Christ, that you should be One.

That you should be One, of One Faith beyond human understanding, you are to be according to the Holy Baptism and the Holy Grace that applies, and in Holy Trend that is according to all Holy Grace.

You are from beneath, Jesus Christ is from above. Because of Jesus Christ you are from risen, that is, from the teaching of that which of prophecy would rise. That is, you are from rise (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Perfection perfects).

Rise, is available unto you. A great key, the greatest key is available unto you, to utilize for Jesus Christ.

If the Holy Prophets said some things of things yet to come, and you say those same things, what do you do: you too prophesy therefore you too are a prophesier, you become a Prophet.

You make yourself a Prophet, except God made you. God makes you a Prophet when you agree with an unselfish spirit, when you agree with a lovingly faithful spirit for Jesus Christ.

Some say the prophesies, or some of the prophesies, already came true with Jesus Christ having come into this world already, and have been concluded. Yet ours is a living God.

In God, what was true yesterday is true today, and will be true tomorrow.

There is only One True God, there is no other way to be the best.

This is truth, this is life, and this is joyful living eternal as best.

The Holy Prophets were of God Jesus Christ, and will be of the Chosen of God Jesus Christ, and the Holy Chosen will be timeless from above through Jesus Christ and no other ways.

The Holy Prophets spoke of you if perfectly agreeing:

Jesus Christ came, and now You; it is work according to overcoming your sins if any, and then it is joyous living increasingly, save overcoming your sins along the Holy Path, that you be Holy, be Fruitful, and Multiply.

To Preach properly is to dwell in blessing, unto others for others including for Jesus Christ, and to then not leave the other light burden undone to agree to your completed step perfectly if true and if to rightly ascend unto the next light burden quickly.

Thus, the sluggard having chosen sins, is slammed by Heavy Burden after Heavy Burden, at a sluggard pace. The Holy Path ascends rapidly through leaps of faith, Light Burden after Light Burden after Light Burden. In other words, your burden is no heavier than mine, we are created equal.

During times of doing sins a sinner has few burdens, while a do-gooder [so to speak] Christian does the work of accomplishing many tasks to benefit many.

Equality Time

Sinner: Heavy Burden 5 + Heavy Burden 5 + Heavy Burden 5 = 15 Burden Units.

Christian: Light Burden 1 x 15 = 15 Burden Units.

Sinner time spent = 1 Unit.

Christian time spent = 1 Unit.

In this theoretical example the Christian was 5 times more effective at handling Burdens than the Sinner [or counted as if sinner]. Also as shown in the illustration above, the sinner may have been headed in the wrong direction, such as to dig a hole perhaps, when no such hole was needed to be dug, and the hole might need be refilled.

These are hardly my words, rather these are things that others have already taught. I simply put these in order that makes sense to me, hopefully for your sake, hopefully pleasing unto the Lord.

I arranged the above thoughts in a certain order, for a specific higher purpose. If you do what God wants, God may agree with you.

I plan to clean a room sometime soon, and that had almost nothing to do with this preaching. I plan to do something great, and that specific thing [not mentioned here] has virtually nothing to do with this preaching here today.

The highest parameter has almost nothing to do with you, except you.