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In Your Heart.


by Dr. Bob Benchoff 5/23/2010

Your heart is not merely hollow, and if you are Christian then Your heart is interactive, including through and after death.

People known as Christians and Saints, rose from the graves when Jesus Christ chose and went under the ground and there was no longer room for their waiting down there under the ground, since the higher love fulfilled the Father as Heaven (reference old ICCDBB Sermon on how Jesus Christ was able to Walk On Water).

A Saint having risen from a grave, had been a person, with a heart.

Your heart is your living timer functioning with other body parts, some more distinctly than others yet altogether. Your blood can be considered more free and independent, while Your nerves and brain are counted as more closely tied to Your heart [agreeing with Matthew 17.26 (it is suggested You review the many versions of interpretations of this verse to better be enlightened)].

Your brain allows Your heart to be the Specific Standard known as the Timer in Your. Your brain may perhaps help Your heart keep time at times such as indirectly through adrenaline [or perhaps a doctor visit to replace a battery (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on traceability, and on artificial hearts)], as Your brain controls much body maintenance, though in higher reasoning mainly Your brain leaves the repetitious assigned tasks to those body parts, to rather be concerned with outward sensing and greater.

Great physicists have been searching the cosmos to find solutions to time [such as time travel] and have hardly been able to find such enough. Your heart does keep time.

Jesus Christ, the source of love, is in Your heart. The Saints that died similarly have said "the love from us that is in you" (2 Corinthians 8.7). You see my Saintly friend, we are doing love that has perplexed others on the cutting edge. They study [as is rightly, often], while We do. We know where time is, in Your and Our perspective viewpoint(s) in relativity, and yet higher [helically] in more, even in Jesus Christ absolutely, and [vertically] even more excellently if only to consider Jesus Christ then of One GodMath.

Time is in the Heart Of Jesus Christ [Your Heart, at least in part (minus willingness on your part) as a member of the greater Body Of Jesus Christ].

Jesus Christ revealed Your Heart In Him, in the form of words, the Word.

The brain and mind pump-out-thoughts including from one part of the brain to another part of the brain.

The heart pumps out, though hardly to another part of the heart. Rather the heart pumps outward virtually exclusively, rather than pumping-up itself, rather than puff-up itself, the heart pumps-out.

The heart pumps-in oxygen and nutrients only after pumping-out, only after pumping into other systems, then only after those systems do their thing(s), then the heart receives fresh blood including the source of it's own pumping work, including the sowing of seeds pattern with reaping in due season, in due timing.

The heart is only one body part, yet it agrees much with love, being dutiful, with purpose, charitable, caring, outwardly helping and then leaving not the other undone to help itself.

Because God put Your Heart into words [and they became flesh], and into the Holy Word, the Holy Spirit Of God, so is found in the Bible the words of Your Timing: Your Seasons.

Great events to come, miracles, reaping [already perhaps], and that to help others and more to please worthy God, are things Jesus Christ made in word timing in you, in Your Heart as a minimum unto You. Don't lose Your Time.

Don't lose track of Your Time. Don't lose Your Soul. You worked very hard day after day such as to figure-out many things, so don't lose everything You worked so hard to accomplish.

Don't lose what God worked so hard to accomplish in You.

Your Heart, Your Timepiece, can be let to agree with God. More excellent are Holy Words of Jesus Christ as to how Your Timing and Your Time is come already available, stated in the Word, and showing Your Part in the Word, including relative to other people. Consider how a clock may run according to pulses and/or mechanical swirlings, and how it is in the Holy Word that Your Heart may be symbolized as if a mechanism, though it is of more value.

If to consider a clock and Your Part among other people, then perhaps Your Part may be symbolized as a gear, a spring, or some other piece. Some gears are ancillary in function, in terms of time. The alternating pulse part times [creates, innovates, initiates intervals, or generates (sons: ibid.)] the sequencing of the delivering of the source Word Power, typically.

If You Heart is in tune with Jesus Christ, there is greater efficiency [pulse: "gather themselves together oft" (Alma 6.6)]. If You attain a higher order of love, You are closer to being that time pulser or time operations sequencer, hence more aware of what others may do and when ["join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls" (ibid.) that they better know God]. If another fails per sin, then the clock may continue to run, though perchance without the second hand working properly.

Higher light burdens are tied to increasing levels of responsibilities. Yet love is hardly all about law. You for instance may manually reset a clock. In higher standardizing You may serve a part in the proper establishing of a time standard or a modification of a time standard, similar to the changing of many hearts, and souls.


An important aspect as to why the GodMath Testament was written, was the establishing of some higher reasoning methodology, to better understand Jesus Christ.

Christians or similar, BC, would be counted at risk of losing the Holy Word at times, so it was time to overcome that risk by the writing of the Book Of Genesis, according to the timing of the Holy Father God agreeing. Much was according to the ability of the people to lovingly [including timingly] agree with the Heart Of God.

So in recent years of timing, the GodMath Book standard was established to improve timing. It was to improve our enabling of timing in the hearts of people, via the Holy Word, the same Word as in Genesis, yet in modern language to better enable practical applications, including cutting edge matters, and cutting edge timing: To help Christian progress rather than hinder.

Many visitors have come to ICCDBB, and many have fallen away. This is the witness as to the level of reliability of civilization in this time, and in these times.

Accordingly the amount of love You emit can be measured. This is not counted as if law, since of higher love is the Holy Command, the Holy Law and laws including grace and mercy, so is the offering of free love hence free choice, including priceless value(s).

"I am testing the genuineness of your love by comparison with the eagerness of others." (2 Corinthians 8.8). Your time is at hand.

Your Heart contains the timing of saints, the highest timing being the timing of Jesus Christ, and the according awareness potential concerning over the timing of others and other events, the events according to the Creator, hence the events the Creator planned from the beginning: the Plan-to-perfect people.

To do perfecting, is to do responsible timing in Your Heart. Your Reliable Heart gains value.

Your Heart gains pulses, yet more importantly is Your Heart gaining pulses outwardly, for Jesus Christ, and so too to the benefit of others.

A machine mechanism can do hard work, and then be replaced by another machine. The mechanism had it's time of value, then was replaced.

A person of higher value, pulses yet has the opportunity to do better, as when called upon from on high, including to not pulse and appropriate amount of time (reference old ICCDBB Sermon on how when two heart cells beating at different rates touch each others, one slows to match the others speed, to function together instead of work against each other).

In Your Heart is a bounty of blessings: for Jesus Christ.

In Your Heart is a bounty of blessings: such as that You know what is about to happen to others, that You help them before the fact, rather than after the fact.

In Your Heart is a bounty of blessings: that You better plan and coordinate events.

In Your Heart is a bounty of blessings: that You minister of these things, preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ more reliably, more efficiently, more effectually, and more honorably even with writings better than ever before, since now people and civilization have/has grown to be better able to understand the Timing And Word Of God better than ever before [and God is willing, motivate the flesh].

In Your Heart is a bounty of blessings: as never before.

In Your Heart is a bounty of blessings: as never will be, the offer is to You and to Your Heart, and the timing and the time is now.