Applied PCS Sermon

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Applied Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 4/22/2012

ICCDBB provided the PCS Sermon recently for you utilize for the greater glory of Jesus Christ, and this Applied PCS Sermon according to prioritization comprehensively unravels how to so best properly utilize and apply PCS for ultimate benefit now, for people, for such subject to people, for such higher than people, and rather for highest Jesus Christ The Lord with the Oneness properly aligned and best organized for the highest Lord of all (Numbers 18.29).

If you have already started to do this, then you are being persecuted (3 Nephi 12.12).

Your burden is light to start best leading on the path with God, sharing the burden with God as God allows you to accept a virtually infinitesimally small burden to pull (Matthew 11.30), therefore go and best gather other to help you help God who needs no help save of His Holy Covenant Grace to help you via power vested in Jesus Christ; in other words if others in self formed torments relatively sinning are able to gather at costs against themselves, then so much more and better you are able to gather for mutual benefit (Habakkuk 1.9) as Jesus Christ has already paid one time forever and in all cases (see previous ICCDBB Easter Sermons).

Not merely be the salt of the Earth (3 Nephi 12.12), apply PCS to be the best rewarder in Heaven, that is what sharing the yoke is all about. Look at it another way, if you are to pull a cart by sharing a yoke with Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is doing all the pulling, then you walk around in circles around the treasure including the Bible and more in the cart that Jesus Christ provided for your life to provide unto those in desperate need, hence you would have been working with virtually no significant gain, pulling backward at times sinfully (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on circular reasoning) perhaps bragging 1/4 of the time saying look I am pulling in the right direction.

When you pull that 1/4 of the circle time in the right direction, that is the time not to relax, rather to pull hardest [more than helically (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on vertically leaping in faith)].

There are circular reasonings in the world of flesh and matter, and thereof there are shards with some stretching unto eddies of matters and energies unto helical reasoning, yet there are higher values in best flowing, such as to float the cart and ride along with Jesus Christ. Make it so.

As PCS detailed, it is good to save an individual person for Jesus Christ, yet better to save more, even to the maximum rate.

There are groups in the world already prepared as groups, and people address these groups. People address these expertly, they hardly climb up some other ways such as party crashers destroying what the groups have worked to excellently build [(Exodus 27.2) yet respectfully as much as appropriate (John 2:13) to properly best modify and rebuild may apply (John 2.19).

If there are already such largest group(s), then you are to apply your PCS expertise in Jesus Christ to them [such as (2 Corinthians 13.10) and (Ezekiel 43.11) and/or gather that you be so represented of your feedback and your guidance, and as much as reasonable and/or faithful in love as though to speak humbly with the Lord yet with the authority of the Bible and PCS accordingly], for them according to their being for Jesus Christ.

That is, if necessary control (Matthew 6:2), yet rather help them best flow in PCS and Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:3).

They already have the law(s), be ye their best guide.

If to lead families, give parents some freedom to take care of their lot, including that they lead specific to their children that if their children try to stray the parents intervene, lest by higher leadership the children be cast into prison at the expense of everyone.

In pattern of Holy Trend as PCS unraveled, if a group have some stray components, mend, accordingly in comprehensive consideration over that matter and group per se, and within reason if none are lost too lost, appropriately lead the whole group out and away from danger to the higher Promised Land [let their expertise and that of their sons and daughters rise in power (Isaiah 52.3)] of the Holy Ghost.

A. For the Lord establish top expertise leadership among United States of America supportive of it's Government, USG, establish PCS and with a person responsible to so lead as the highest [save subject to law (hardly myself Dr. Bob Benchoff for this position since involved in law leadership reference Security PCS with higher clout in terms of checks and balances not disclosed here)] answering to God and helping the USG President.

B. For the Lord be responsible for best recordkeeping for these principles, for PCS, accountable not only for the past such as for taxation after the fact, rather for their useful USG purposes, establish council to oversee the establishment of the Standard Of The Church Of The Lord Of Article 7 And All Articles And All, and hereof let this Section Level be named and called the Angels Level [or another appropriate name as deemed by the Christian Faith Leadership; and let each Level pull their yoke and solve for the higher Level(s) hence for all, rather than burden the higher Level(s).

C. For the Lord let the hereof so called Symbols Of Angels and/or Angels, that is per se, let those of these leaders and more pertinent the Angels Level govern accordingly, in this USG concern and therefore in all concerns over all appropriately, legally as much as reasonable, and similar to that, the first Biblically guiding [perhaps pending emergency needs (see above "stray" discussion)].

D. For the Lord according to priority comprehensively, let this leadership (see discussion on responsible Angels above) best organize the Christian groups and individuals, and other faiths' groups and individuals accordingly ["And as they looked to behold they cast their eyes towards heaven, and they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they came down and encircled those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire; and the angels did minister unto them." (3 Nephi 17.24)], inviting all who would come to participate in such peaceful organizing for highest purpose(s).

E. For the Lord let further levels be accordingly formed as to best quantify qualities not only for Public PCS, yet for all PCS.

"But I testify to you before God and our Lord Yeshua The Messiah and his chosen Angels, that you will observe these things and not let your mind be prejudiced for anything and do nothing by favoritism." [(1 Timothy 5.21 Aramaic Bible in Plain English ©2010) for instance affiliated A Check Exact is not to be provided with unfair favoritism relative to competition (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on competition and rather PCS Oneness measurably appropriately].

Example: Angels of the Angels Level are to testify ["For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written." (2 Nephi 29.11)] and inform [or have available] for the higher Leadership [and measurable for other (reference PCS Security)]. Yet Angels are to do the greater, words and symbols yes, yet not words alone, also actions (Proverbs 29.18), best actions.

From creation (Revelation 3.14) we understand worldly matters in at least this currently Known Universe, yet of PCS we may better be wise as to direction in word, and in acting, to lead, with the Lord Jesus Christ, for God The Father from above.

From the foundation creation brains evolved, minds evolved, children learned, groups become enlightened [as to higher values (Luke 12.6)], yet the more from not only being as if shot from a cannon wondering where to land (Matthew 10.16) yet rather with knowing ahead of time where to land of best proper guidance, PCS; not only to be pushed by laws and survivalist nature, safety and laws yes [(Daniel 11.35) there can be fights (see Security PCS) yet rather peace (Isaiah 9.6)], yet also to be pulled from above, given the foundation from on high you are to be lifted [with the safety and other warnings as in (Isaiah 14.14) yet rather with PCS and the counsel of PCS (Leviticus 19.32).

Shroud yourselves as a light shrouds a candle.

Jesus Christ knew physical and worldly laws, yet taught better Christian Leadership. Physics, including as shown above, is complex and specific; the Bible is also specific, and PCS helps best unravel and apply (see previous ICCDBB PCS Sermon and Future Government Sermon).

A lazy person enjoys shortcuts. Though an expert utilizes shortcuts properly, known as continuous improvement. A lazy person may or may not benefit from the shortcuts provided by an expert. In other words, lazy people may at times cut themselves off from greater laziness values such as better vacations [including or rather for them (Hebrews 13) perhaps including your family], yet be wise in understanding to be diligent the best appropriate way [(see "emergency needs" above) requiring effort on your part].

Let the Angels of the PCS System best define the Bible and Jesus Christ, and best measure highest proper Christian Faith and leaps of faith and love, and similar to the first let other faiths so be defined and accountable that they too might benefit from the PCS System measurably per se.

With such love comes the greater and greater unraveling of more and more specifics.

With such loving leadership Jesus Christ provides precisely detailed information with power. Some things require wisdom and power, such as a barn raising by a community, and such as Moon and planet colonizations (Isaiah 52.15). Unless you are Jesus Christ you are not likely to be able to colonize a planet alone, not even Abraham (Genesis 17.5 and John 8.58) populated alone, he also was with wife. Let you be with PCS.

Be with Jesus Christ.