Arrange Your Thoughts For The Future Sermon

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Arrange Your Thoughts For The Future Sermon

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 3/21/2010

Your choosing to follow Jesus Christ and then to lead as Jesus Christ did, is as to draw others toward Jesus Christ and higher wisdom.

But of this world, for a time [and times, and half a time, when applicable (see previous ICCDBB Sermons and Affiliate links on this)] when You advance to Oneness and Leadership position as much as Your classroom or similar audience can accept, and as much as they can believe, and as much as they can understand to agree since a person can hardly agree with another person if they don't know what they're talking about nor what they represent, then therefore in the world, from Heaven be prepared for many to not accept what You say.

If you choose to lead Christians properly, then be forewarned, be ready to be rejected by many selfish lazy people, as Jesus Christ was rejected, save Jesus Christ has power to spare His Leader(s).

The world and a typical pattern person in the world wants to victimize and tell another person that they are a slimeball, because it makes themselves feel relatively equal or more valuable, though they are wrong to name call.

A typical pattern person in the world wants to be lazy, so they will take arms against you and discuss with their clique whether they should exterminate you such as for security's sake. But it is not for security that they work and struggle and fear, instead they have experienced hard work and struggled for their lives and feared unrighteous powers, so want to end their problems for imperfect causes. They will wrongly work against you having money and respect, in order to be lazy (reference all the above in GodMath Testament, 2005 [it was true then, it is true now]).

The paradigm shifted from goodly to badly, and rather let us seek to shift toward good again, while there is yet time before more perish. The selfish and the lazy crazy selfish are not for being due to Christian Leadership calling any person a name, rather a distinction of a pattern of higher value(s) rather than the selfishness pattern even though there are those who are selfish now that can soon be redeemed in Jesus Christ, even through proper Christian Leadership together, that they attain value, greater than their former ways, better than selfishness, better than their former selfish pattern toward sins.

Be warned, but not to cause You to be unfairly nor unreasonably toward laziness nor selfishness.

If they prefer shifting sands, show them the value of the rock, yet do not fear the shifting sands nor the troubles they bring, after all, they are merely shifting sands of relatively little permanent hold, as You can distinguish the great rock from the great mountain able to crush other less Holy devices to powder and uselessness in former pattern ways, and as You can distinguish the firm rock foundation of Jesus Christ.

For security to protect their own investments they will reject You as You offer them blessings from on High, even as You attempt to multiply their blessings, even if You see their investments at risk and as they fail to understand nor be enlightened. You fail, therefore You are to love them more, until they do find reason and enlightenment in You.

The ready to be enlightened are a small victory, yet a victory! Even so, seek the greater victory.

Arrange Your Thoughts Properly.

Arrange Your Thinking Properly, Optimize Your Spirit, To Optimize Your Soul, To Optimize Your Heart [agree in Spirit, Blood, and Water], To Optimize Your Mind, To Optimize Your Brain, To Optimize Your Health, To Optimize Your Family, To Optimize Your Community [all], To Optimize Your Security, To Optimize Your Leadership, To Optimize For Jesus Christ.

Not only to Optimize, yet to be ready for Optimizing that of such yet to come, and with proper Optimized comprehension of events former and passed into history that interpretation of such is true and reliable from on High, clear and easy to understand, enlightening.

What did You learn from the above illustration? If You learned more about Jesus Christ, then You learned the Circular Reasoning give You a 50% chance, generally in mechanical reasoning, per pattern shown, though people can do better. People have DNA, and there are Chosen People, and people can recycle, so better than 50%, let's say 2/3rds.

Rather to Lead Of Jesus Christ, You should have learned via the above illustration that Circular Reasoning offers 1 of 2, while Vertical Reasoning offers both: twice as much blessing, twice as many blessings; without failure!

Helical Reasoning also offers much, similar to Vertical, yet Vertical is more excellent and holds greater unseen value. Properly in Christ remove the Circular Reasoning from Your life, that You be less corrupt (if at all) and that You rather see more clearly, that is, with not so many distractions. Even so, beware to teach properly lest You return to shifting values without High Mission Purpose.

Sands may shift, and rubble may burn, yet choose the right path, and return not to former patterns of embarrassments and misdirections.

If You seek High Heaven, though feel stuck in a situation: Love all the more, greater than the confusion, hatred, or other, even if You feel they are right and You make mistakes: If You love to do the right thing, learn from those that have been put over You by High Heaven, learn to understand them so You can teach them in the ways they want to learn, even if they don't call it learning at all, even if they say they are offended by the idea of learning; as long as God sees proper to keep You in that position, be pleased and rejoice and love them there with You, as You are the Key God has enabled for their success, so do not boast against them unfairly, rather reasonably. After all, typically and reasonably a parent does not spank a toddler because the toddler did not yet drive the parent to the mall. So use a little more love than they deserve, even a lot. Give them charity, learn now. Help with with superior service and offerings and benefits, even Moses was a goodly example and accordingly of a great wealthy nation a leader, and Moses was a murderer, yet Moses was not afraid of sin, yet Moses preferred peace and love, even to flee chaos if given the choice.

Be Ye Founded On The Higher Rock Of Enlightenment,

rather than on appearance of structure actually on chaos.

Be not afraid of hard work. Fear the Lord. Look at the illustration above, how the Holy Lord has prepared a path for You to follow. Lead others, even so, follow. If the risen Lord chooses to walk with You along the path, remember to praise those who walk with You. Some have entertained Angels unawares. Be great value unto others, yet prefer to be pure with virtue and glorify, cherish, respect, fear, and be proud of Jesus Christ The Holy One.

Remember to love, honor, and obey, in enlightenment, in blessings, in budgeting, in billing, in refunds, in mercy, and in all good perfecting. Do wisely forever.

Accept Your servitude position from the Lord, even though others may claim the glory. Respect those placed over You. Allow them to teach You their talent. Then You will have Your talent plus their talent. Be wise to understand Your [and their] distrust, if any: learn. Be certain to rely on the Lord, even if able to use some other talent. For instance, perhaps You may ask a person to do something, even though You might also have the option of poking them with a stick to get them to do something: choose the righteous choice.

Selfish lazy sinners fail so have to retake the course. For instance currently there are no ways to get into Heaven save via Baptism in Jesus Christ. Luck works, but not in all things. Money works but not in all things. Key things involve love, and love never fails, therefore love is greater than luck, love is greater than money. Money answers all things, sometimes wrongly, including anti-compoundingly not always evident to the selfish. Luck is given to them all, but a wise person rather relies on love above, and is aware of understanding also.

If sinners have to "retake the course", then therefore so bless and enlighten properly, lest You have to teach the same people again!

Don't waste Your efforts, rather teach right and bless right the first time, so You don't have to redo it over and over again redundantly. You have Your agenda and schedule, yet for love of them [Jesus Christ maybe is among them] if an individual among Your students has a seemingly selfish personal problem not in your preprogrammed agenda, remember as much as time allows that the students will hardly all learn Your greater teachings if You do not help them past their simple problem(s). If You have made Christ Yours, then also make their problems Your concern, lest You too be found wanting and in danger of Judgment.

You must do the best You can charitably, lest You fail and have to redo. In this case this was written to give meaning in the sense that if You want the Sun to rise on both the evil people, if any, and on the good people too, then You need to do the easier things but not for Your selfishness.

The toddler is toward purity, the sinner is not; yet both need Your help. When You are a Christian Leader You can think great things via wisdom, and You can do great things. Yet when on a mission to save them, all that great stuff needs come to a controlled halt as much as reasonable, in order for You to do the baby-talk and perhaps slang discussions, yet wisely for their sakes, for them to be saved, for them to rise, similar in trend to how Jesus Christ did for You.

Baby-talk, and slang pep talks are hardly for You. Yet wisely also give care unto others that may overhear or see, that You seem not to them to fail nor be perverted from the Way Of Jesus Christ.

If perfect praise can come from an infant, how much more can reasonably come from an adult?, yes.

Beware, the words of sinners can be abominable unto You, and/or can be deceptively tender unto You, and/or can be happy lucky fun. Don't be deceived, yet be mindful of Your mission traceably from Jesus Christ (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on instead of killing witches, rather convert them). Transform Your enemies into assets and informants, and when proven reliable: coworkers.

Recycle, and rather save. Rejoice, and rather love.

Enlighten, and rather enlighten perfectly, in love.