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Grace Or Stray Sermon

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB


There are people that say terms such as good and evil, and/or such as right and wrong are meaningless. They say there is only legal or illegal [until they encounter laws against their selfish sinful purposes. The worse part is many people go along with their sin philosophies (Revelation 3.15).

They sinned, so how is it worse that going along with it is worse?, Yes.

Through the Name of Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ the Son of God it is so. Also in the Holy Word it is so: Revelation 3.15. This agrees with Holy Acting on the Holy [Whole] Part of the Holy Father [in Action in the energy of the Universe(s)].

If to "go along with" a person, sounds peaceful, yet Jesus Christ is the Sword of Holy Truth, Justice, and Mercy; unbiased and righteous. There is a Holy Path of Holy Peace, and there are other selfish seed paths which deceive.

Because they sinned, there was a sin. Because they sinned, if to "go along with" it, such is supportive, and law considers such act as an accomplice. So there is their sin plus the accomplice sin: so it is worse sin as a whole set of sins, even though the courts tend to treat accomplices less harshly.

Even so, if there is a sin and many people "go along with" it, and let it be, there is [even if lesser] sin multiplied. Also if a person that does not typically sin, but goes along with a sin, they set a sinful example unto others (Matthew 18.6 & Genesis 27.40). That results in exponential sins (Exodus 34.7).

Choose peace (Isaiah 52.7), but choose not peace according to sin, such as selfish laziness; even so, the Lord has prepared a Higher Prioritized Righteous Way.

You may choose peace for other reasons too, for instance you may choose peace when your Holy Lord (reference previous ICCDBB Sermons on Priests and Government(s)) so instructs you to do so. Similarly if You are the Holy Leader at the time [such as if You happen to be alone and a quick decision is Yours to make], then You may weigh the events and such, and of Your Holy Heart, Mind, and Strength (reference previous ICCDBB Sermons on helpful PCS), determine the solution or path to solving. Noteworthy is that if You do not find it in Yourself, in Your God given Holy Talent according to what You find evident unto You, then You may choose to decide and of proper Holy Peace Covenant agree in allowing God to Work it out (Leviticus 16.8). Also of this note is to become enlightened to hence be wise to Love [the Lord, hence] to prepare properly, to leave less to chance.

There is lively danger and excitement in following the Holy Command Of God. To leap into the air, to go under water relying on the love of a Holy Priest [hence You do so unselfishly, not relying on your own worldly lusts, rather on humility unto following the Christ].

There are new talents yet to be discovered in the Lord, there is the Holy anxiety of near brushing with danger as You understand not to go leaping beyond the law unreasonably, unfaithfully, and yet rather going through the Holy Gate Of Righteousness to entertain the Holy Angels Of Heaven, even perhaps to brush against the Gate walls [(Matthew 19.24) see previous ICCDBB Sermons] where worldly riches cannot follow.

If "worldly riches cannot follow", then be wise, to let this saying be a clue unto You, that to follow riches is toward not entertaining Heaven.

Would You like to please Jesus Christ?, you cannot, or can hardly, save One Way.

God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10.34), yet there is a Way.

Each person must become You.

"God is no respecter of persons", plural. You must follow, agree in whole, then become Jesus Christ, and then [and along the Way] lose none other "persons". Above is shown One Holy Example In Heaven: The One Lamb Of God [including You?, You are supposed to respond: "Yes"].

Take on, put on, be the name Jesus Christ.

Shall I say "My name is Jesus", "I am my own Father", "I am Creator of the world", "I am the President of USA", "I control You",...No. That's not what it means, except such as currently in part if You happen to be Barack Obama.

What it means to be named Jesus Christ, at least in starting, in moving away from sin, is that You do what Jesus Christ did, start living a pure, humble, proper, sinless life. Do this first, then You can better be talented to do more.

Beware. If You leap in faith, You may do right, though of typical worldly people of bias You might slightly miss, or You might leap in a completely wrong direction (2 Thessalonians 2.11).

Learn the Love of Christ, to be that Love.

Arise, leap in faith, rise, yet do so unselfishly, and lovingly, faithful to Jesus Christ properly, caringly, helping others likewise, like mindedly.

Why would You say "I am Jesus Christ"?, is because You are, or is it because it pleases Your selfish self [if any part of You is selfish], even so seek to be Jesus Christ, seek to take for Yourself the name Jesus Christ. If to do so, You first need be perfect.

The perfect Jesus of Nazareth and Bethlehem had a body. That body was with the Blood Of Jesus Christ in agreement always, always agreeing with the Father in Heaven, even while on Earth, as all was created of the Father, hence sinless to the Father, though not sinless to selfish people in sin.