How To Use Prophecy

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How To Use Prophecy.

Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB

Easter Sunday 4/3/2010

To make one batch of prophetic supportive success in You [enough to share with others], include the following Ingredients:

1. One full measure [as much as you can carry] Holy Will Of God including what the Holy Prophets have written (reference recipes on plenty of water to cover),

2. Your body repented unto and beyond through Baptism (reference recipes calling for separated eggs, or rather distinguishing grain from chaff),

3. One Holy Prophetic Claim collection or book or verse [or phrase minimum, typically] (reference recipes on how to arrange food and items in presenting the main course and on presenting side dishes and desserts),

4. Your advanced interest with proper reasoning meditating on Jesus Christ symbolized in that Claim (reference talents given You of God, and recipes on personalizing presentations, such as birthday cakes and special purpose ceremonial banquets, and proper charity which per theme may be focused or may be casting bread upon water such as in dumplings tradition),

5. Your proper action pertinent to that Claim in advance (reference recipes on advance preparations, such as immersion of raisins in water and allowing proper soaking time prior to adding to cookies),

6. Your optional ingredients (You may have experience, You may have a team, and/or You may be using this as a demo/training tool...).

7. Include 3 openly discussed blessings, each including discussions of Jesus Christ and accordingly the Holy Prophet and Prophecy in focus, one prayer before starting discussing the plan as recorded in thanksgiving, and the another at the end including thanks and hopes for enjoyment for those partaking for traceability enjoyment for Jesus Christ, and a mid process prayer which can be a series of prayers both public and private.

Advanced Preparation:

  • In addition to that stated above, plan Your Guest List accordingly, so none lack and so You don't waste Your time and effort making too much and so You don't waste Holy Word Food.
  • Consider the theme of the prophecy, also the results including Your "How To" activities, specific to the next 2 bulleted items below, and overall remember to weave that theme into all aspects of that Claim and results, including any other plot ideas such as place-mats that remind partakers of people, episodes, events, and similar, along with perhaps mood candles, incense, pictures, other room soaps, and/or tents.
  • Party themes may include individual, and/or sharing dishes, punch bowls, a bread & wine ceremony, perhaps a work speech such as of nutrition and coffee breaks for customer appeal, invitations should have theme reference rather than come-for-no-good-reason (as perhaps they may do anyhow), and when inviting include if they are to do any chores such as cleanup, bring a certain dish, bring a specific type of gift for exchange (/ game or other), any fund raising concern, and such as a time parameter such as dinner perhaps with speech(es) invitation with a welcome to stay for games afterward.
  • Prepare one or more complement dish(es) as appropriate, and perhaps appetizers depending on time and perhaps portions according to group and individual age and capabilities and concerns such as restrictive diets (reference speed-reading of recipes, and hospice needs, childcare laws, and similar)
  • Special team or individual awards, door prizes, and similar can be considered, such as to ask for input by a representative that worked on a related matter and then to offer a symbolic pic of the event signed by all in attendance. Note that a small number of partaker(s) is no reason to not have a big celebration banquet for a change, also a big celebration list is no reason to have to ignore personalization, not ignoring personal positional accomplishments especially in theme.
  • Preparation.

    Given item 1 above according to Your loving realization, hence with item 2 also complete, moving-onto item 3 the word, phrase, or similar should be briefly summarized that each may reasonably easily reference. Also if there is a secret recipe You are not ready to reveal, keep on alert (reference wine for those worthy, feasts of Priests, and Holy of Holies discussions).

    Item 4: To help satisfy their curiosity, toward the start (depending on when partakers become involved in preparations, or not) You may briefly explain what You or the Team did to prepare for this event. This is often an uneasy time perhaps seeming as if bragging and making partakers feel of less value, so include their spirit in Your [or Your Team's] work, for instance We did this great thing and invited You because We found in You such pertinent effort value that We thought that among so many You might appreciate this, pertinent to Your actions and/or situation of concern to Us; and describe a detail or two [such as an achievement, or such as I saw You lying there and You seemed to be wondering what greater hope there might be (reference Jesus Christ talking with the man that was under the fig tree): Optionally, You can offer fig appetizers while saying this, or if there is a weight or health concern perhaps offer a fig recipe or look at Your fingers and say when You scrub and Your fingers wrinkle it reminds You of raisins and the fig story, and of how many became healthier eating Old Testament foods.

    Add ingredient item 5. Explain what it is and/or was and results expectations according to the amount(s) reasonably indicated. For instance if You were baking cakes for 1,000 diplomats You might want to enlighten people as to how that was distinguished from a situation such as a between meals snack or from perhaps a situation in which when You were a child You made a presentation in a mirror as a child. If You have experience in various fields, You may explain some of how You view multiple perspective (reference ICCDBB Sermons on proper parts greater in sum) and so ask for such input from others while being ready for no response, fairly without expectations since for instance some make a living selling ideas, and on the other hand, consider how much You want to control ingredients such as to only allow a certain amount of saltiness.

    If You are enlightening, You may wish to offer partial information and let others guess as to what is further involved for them [for the sake of the Lord (reference out of the mouths of babes can come perfect praise, perfecting)]. You may want to consider whether they imagine there is or is not enough to finish the task(s) per Your enlightenment so far, and some of their concerns and any potential variables may be discussed.

    Item 7 blend all praise and prayers properly asking deliverance from separate entities to peaceful deliverance unto the banquet of treasure that is life in Heaven, at least according to and in accordance with this particular prophecy, that is now to be respectfully overcome with mutual success agreement and Holy powerful flavorful action among invited participants [and if others too if agreed, among the so willing respectably accordingly to acceptance provisos if any], that the completion of the preparatory works have been completed and with the announcement that we are entered into the harvest [after cooling, cooking, precautions administering, consuming suggestions, and/or other], and that the banquet feast the Lord has provided for this moment has arrived that the Lord may feast on their own hearts [if not too scary for them to hear (see above worthy discussion)] or similar that they do not feel too much left-out.

    Then in triumphant celebration finalize the successful achievement in a symbolic Holy Way (reference cutting of ribbon ceremonies, prayer before feasting, disclosure of hidden blessed surprise facts if any, or similar symbolism).

    Do the above in growing and build-up language excitement, even to climax such as the way a magician makes a dazzling flash wide-eyed as if the magician their self was startled and pleased and yet do so unselfishly and without distracting from purpose, for their sakes for the glorifying and honoring of the Lord.

    Then in post prophetic success unraveling of the prophetic mystery, increasingly calmingly after all the excitement explain some of the great benefits and ask how they might impact leadership, and then point-out other aspects not to be left undone, and ask how participants feel concerning specific points.

    Then offer a final round of applause for the Team, if any, and dignitaries, if any, and in any case thank the partakers for the delightful time together, perhaps adding: in such a hectic world when so little time is available, and We thank those unable to attend for in their own ways helping to make such get-togethers possible through their hard works.


    The above example illustrates key aspects of success derived from the Word of God, via a Prophecy. Prophecies are motifs of patterns of the Holy Trend of God. They are as recipes, for You to virtually use at Will!

    A Bible Prophecy that has already come to pass and has already been fulfilled, is not dead. It is not merely old and to be forgotten, rather it was, and is the living Word Of God: forever!

    Many will then test You and command You to walk on water, and many would die from their world in their sins, yet be a blessing and some few will believe, some of the few preferably without any more signs needed.

    Sinners already have the laws and the Prophets.

    Ether 13.11 stated a Prophecy motif for Your benefit, for the Lord. If that motif in it's own pattern or in the pattern similar in the future happens, then what is next is Ether 13.12: action.

    Even a sinner may understand the action & reaction idea. There are black-hole universes that lose memories, physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking explained, and he explained there are universes that don't lose memories.

    Christians may be wise to understand Heaven and all things brought to Your memory in Heaven. Also in Heaven is the great white rock of the great mountain [inverse concept of black hole]. Toss in some Coriolis Effect and praise Jesus Christ, and then immediately send forth blessings.

    Ether 13.11 is Prophetic action [Word Of God], Ether 13.12 is reaction [rather new improved action, an even more excellent Way]. Go and do likewise.

    Ether 13.11 shows if something happens, then something else would happen.

    It is the Word Of God.

    It is in agreeing with the Lamb Of God. It is agreeing with the Holy Father In Perfectly Perfecting Holy Spirit. And it blesses people according to their agreeing, hence especially the Chosen: those who chose to become Baptized into Christianity, and then even more importantly in an even more excellent Holy Way, these are the people advancing, even leading Christianity, providing blessings enabling greater value blessings, even so leading and led of Christ Jesus leading.

    You do not have to be limited to offering a Prophecy, Holy words from a time about a future time. That is, there is a Prophecy Trend episode, a pattern for You to use now, as if a motif, a Holy Motif to apply for proper outward benefit, that all may come to agree except if they choose selfishness.

    God is not merely words. The Holy Word Of God Is Power, Holy Power; ready, willing, and able for You to properly use.