Jesus Power Sermon

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Power in the Name Jesus, Sermon

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, October 5, 2012

The Book of Genesis teaches us that God allowed people to name creatures, in accordance with the dominion of mankind over creatures. Yet distinction was made for the naming of the Christ person, Jesus.

Normally a person will for instance control a cup of coffee. An adult will control a dog. A teacher will control a classroom. In such cases the person controls and has dominion over the situation, in worldly logical pattern akin to ownership though distinguished one from the other.

The Power of God gave us the Name Jesus.

People had power to properly name subordinates, yet God [via an Angel of God (Matthew 1.21)] gave people power to properly name the higher value above the ability to comprehend. This was in trend of the work of God, as God named many, yet with the naming of Jesus the Christ was given to us the power to properly name the most supreme authority.

People had been able to name that which people understood, being that which people could describe. Otherwise people could guess about things they did not understand and predict. Yet rather God gave the firm foundation that people could reliably describe much or all of the greater unseen when properly of the power of Jesus the Holy Standard. Not only to describe for others, yet also to not describe for those unworthy to hear, similar in worldly pattern to how chemists might describe powerful acidic reactions while a listening brilliant mathematician might be kept from being given certain details lest the mathematician experiment and accidentally suffer due to not having become worthy by much personal chemistry studying concerning safety with thorough awareness and ability.

Also for instance if to reanimate dinosaur tissue or for instance if to open a crypt, then perhaps to reanimate a virus.

Yet there are higher concerns, unseen of mere worldly logic [hidden from our eyes (Genesis 4.14)], such as what if to try to undo what a relatively Holy person has done (Acts 13.11 and Acts 5.39), in other words, if to undo something greater, then needs be best served with safety if to absolutely (reference the GodMath Testament) convert such a situation to an even higher glory for the power in the Name Jesus Christ.

Hence of the descriptive name, not only is there the action with reaction when so properly invoked, yet there can also be the action with higher action [reference when people started producing atomic chain reactions (Alma 10.23) per se yet even so (Luke 9:50)], so there are the concerns, yet there is one proper course.

In the following illustration, you may consider a couple of major points that may not be immediately clear upon first glance at the illustration: A. There are sections below to the right in which people assign names to people and to other things, yet importantly above to the right is a Heavenly section with an Angel to be strongly distinguished in that the Angel of God assigned the Name: Jesus; and B. There is a section to the left to help you distinguish higher [prophetic (Matthew 11.9)] Name tracing (see ICCDBB PCS Sermon) from predictive workings [not to be left undone (Exodus 10.26, Joshua 6.13, and Isaiah 52.12)].

The Power of a Name, in context:

Properly useful applications are available now, not only from predictions (reference GodMath Chart 1 bottom curve), yet importantly also from the higher more comprehensive and prioritized study, Christ, one named Jesus. Shown above to the left is not only application of the Word "Jesus", yet also (see ICCDBB PCS Sermon) application on the same site, same page, same drawing, and within the same context per se, concerning the highest application, the life of Jesus Christ inclusive of the Name pertaining to the Holy One Jesus, hence a highest associative pattern can be adduced (reference previous ICCDBB Sermons on proofs that God exists).

Gears are for applications. The physical Name of Christ, Jesus, is for applications, very similar in pattern to a gear. Whether said or written the physical results of "Jesus" are dimensional, whether material and/or energy, whether solid, liquid, mass, and/or plasma, whether seen and/or not entirely realized by any entity.

If a name is a change on a paper, as indicated in the above illustration, then in consideration of above it has characteristics similar to a gear.

Some in need of such wisdom might want proof that the Holy Name Jesus is more valuable than some other name. Since God is in everything, this is not always of logical prediction alone, even so, consider that if you have a particular strange shaped gear and you want to give it or sell it to someone that needs it and can wonderfully use it, you might talk and/or advertise it among 10,000 people before you find the needful person, or it might be needed by the first person you meet. Similar is true of the Name Jesus, a person might be grateful now, or it might be 10,000 years from now that a person sees what you wrote and becomes saved because you wrote "Jesus".

To transform the future is power. Greed (see GodMath on selfishness) causes people to want things now, not later; they want quick solutions (Matthew 13.5) as they are often helped by people to lose their own souls [names withheld (Matthew 16.26) figuratively speaking] when rather we are to properly help them long range plan (Luke 17.33). Without the Name Jesus, works, even goodly works, are in vain, in eternal terms.

A good [gain of] power application is found in the Book of Acts Chapter 3 verse 6 "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.", a loss of power application is found in the Book of Acts Chapter 5 verse 40 "And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go."

So to do miracles whether on individual people or among principalities and powers it is clear to do so in the Name of Jesus, yet also do so in the proper work (Titus 3.1). If you must work, then work wisely, unselfishly gain everlasting value for the Lord and for all people, whether working a small task or in a large project.

Jesus Christ offers you power in via the Holy Name as it is written "In the name of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, all of you shall assemble and I with you in The Spirit, with the power of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah," (Aramaic Bible in Plain English ©2010), and in similar pattern "in the name of the Lord Jesus. You must call a meeting of the church. I will be present with you in spirit, and so will the power of our Lord Jesus." (New Living Translation ©2007).

What can the Name do that the Work cannot do?

Firstly to edify the Church, if Heaven is spiritual, then how hardly can the hands function in Heaven [even so with God all joy is possible (see previous ICCDBB Sermon "When I Saw God")]. Similar to the first, practice walking the higher more spiritual path [as with preventive safety (Jeremiah 13.16)]; if to pray and plan for a solution without "Jesus" our Lord, then seek the law over you instead of legal compliance, or similar to seek grace re-educating you (see GodMath on repeating grades and on repetition) rather than being on the path of highest agreement.

Highest agreement is in Jesus Christ, the name "Jesus" of the true Christ.

With highest agreement in the name "Jesus" of the true Christ comes highest responsibility.

Hence there is a safety / accountability starting point. Many Biblical references concerning the name "Jesus" of the true Christ are recorded as being intrinsically involved with and innate to Holy Baptism. Baptism and "Jesus" Christ go together similar in trend to how the heart and blood go together, yet even more. The innate nature of Heaven via the Holy Jesus Name is a protective mechanism yet far more, while helping the newly Baptized person gain wisdom in understanding being saved according to the Name "Jesus" the Christ.

This shows something special concerning the Name and Baptism, it reveals the unique aspect of Baptism. There are people that will not believe unless they see signs and wonders [works (John 4.48)], though the choice to be Baptized in the Name "Jesus" the Christ is followed by that action, the signs and wonders. On the one hand the Holy works of signs and wonders are charitably given before-the-fact, while on the other hand the signs and wonders occur during Baptism in the Name Jesus the Christ and thereafter signs and wonders can follow the new Christian after-the-fact. On the one hand is evangelism according to works, on the other hand is the Power of the Christ Name Jesus with signs and wonders following a Pastor.

Typically if you are in an accident and cut a blood cell in half it dies, yet typically a blood cell may divide itself and give birth (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on circular reasoning and rather higher reasoning). If to play God as it has been called per se, and to cut a blood cell in half and have each part live, it is important that the unselfish aspect is properly overcome, settled, and agreed (1 Peter 4.11) that each project be properly controlled before, during, and after (Mormon 9.6).

If you perhaps want to move some trees, mountains, and energy waves ["in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea" (Jacob 4.6)] that others may see your faith, that they therefore give glory to Jesus the Christ, consider how others may interpret and your responsibilities.

So controlling similarly in grace, if to do mighty miracles in the Name Jesus, including in part or in whole for show evangelically, first consider the proper (see Baptism above) casting out of evil spirit demons (Acts 19.13-15) lest your burden be heavy (Luke 14.28).

Power machinery / cast out demons / be Baptized / Name of Jesus Christ.

Of Baptism when you take on the Name Jesus Christ obediently to lead in agreement as One, then you may better power machinery with having cast out problems systematically. That is, when done properly you can solve hardly according to works alone (1 Corinthians 1.22), and works can even work against you (Exodus 23.24).


Works are toward destruction and death without the Name Jesus Christ. People are to responsibly lead reasonably safe works faithfully traceably. The usage of the Name Jesus Christ is toward terrific danger if to take the Lord's Name in vain, so Holy Christian Baptism is prerequisite.