Mind Of God Sermon

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Mind Of God Sermon

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 4/15/2012

Updated 4/16/2012

We know God from above.

We know about some of what God caused, from above and from below.

If you walk to your mailbox and turn around, you do not see yourself back there [perhaps you may see a reflection false image of yourself, rather see Jesus Christ (Isaiah 52.8)]. You created and/or innovated that walk and were there though now in worldly terms as of the flesh, you are gone from there.

In worldly terms concerning the flesh, you hardly see God when you view from your flesh where God was; you hardly see the creating when you see the created.

Many looked at Jesus Christ in the flesh, though not all saw beyond the physics of the flesh. To read laws and/or to view the laws of physics, is not necessarily to comprehend the higher value(s), of the Christ.

If you say I will unravel the Big Bank in order to really know the mind of God, but a Priest told you to be Baptized and you did not, then the point is missed, though not the wrath of God.

If you say I will make straight A's to know the mind of Christ, but fail to take and pass the highest examination [of thyself (2 Corinthians 13.5)], then how hardly you have gained (Romans 8.9).

There are distinguishing factors, not only in branches of science, yet also among entities and matters of faith, and spirit, and powers and glories [(1 Corinthians 12.6) see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "from glory to higher glory"].

Studying animals and space rocks only gets us so far.

Some people imagine things such as: if only they can figure out the Big Bang, then they will know the mind of God. But if the Big Bang is the highest thing they know, then the only thing they will learn is that by their ignoring Jesus Christ they meet a final accounting (Romans 1.18). Circular reasoning (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) is shown in Part 1 above to the left, in that the land dwelling Mongoose evolved from the tree climbing Cat, and the tree climbing Raccoon evolved from the land dwelling Dog: the physics of evolution misses the point if without Christian Leadership (see previous ICCDBB PCS Sermon and Future Government Sermon).

Some people say the Bible does not have specific instructions about many things. Yet with properly studying the Bible and Jesus Christ, comes the greater and greater unraveling of more and more specifics.

Jesus Christ provides precisely detailed information for us, with specific instructions, hardly about selfishly making straight A's [(Revelation 3.15) yet to make straight A's does have value (Colossians 3.20)] and hardly about studying star dirt and animals [(Jude 1.19) yet of value (ibid.)].

Jesus Christ provides precisely detailed information such as found in 2 Corinthians 13.

Examine the second and third returns of God:

"This will be my third visit to you. 'Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' I already gave you a warning when I was with you the second time. I now repeat it while absent: On my return I will not spare those who sinned earlier or any of the others" (2 Corinthians 13.1 & 2).

God will yet again visit!

Thank you Jesus.

Study Baptism in terms of the above Holy Word. To self examine has merit per se, yet Baptism has two or more witnesses: The Priest plus at least the self of the person being Baptized. And since being Baptized, then therefore also witnessing are Jesus Christ, God, The Father, The Great Amen, The Word Holy And True, and so on One And The Same and beyond human understanding save with loving wisdom from above.

This is very specific and precise and of close tolerance even to match properly, perfectly.

God will not spare the sinners.

Yet be ye warned: look at the word "others" above: therefore preach that all be Baptized quickly.

Of yourself for Jesus Christ, let there be no room for misinterpretation within yourself lest you enable and spread the sin and others accordingly compound the margin of error (see the ICCDBB Future Government Sermon and PCS). Allow and enable God to judge you unmercifully, yet treat others compassionately so that if others error, of properly faithful grace in Jesus Christ have mercy on them properly, accordingly (James 2.13) according to whether they had mercy on others [(2 Kings 17.15) as sinners form their own stray paths against themselves: judgment sentences against themselves (see recent ICCDBB Welcome To Easter Sermon)].

To an atheist the physics of the Big Bang is not One God Jesus Christ (Revelation 14.11). To unravel the Big Bang is not the same as breaking the code of the Holy Spirit [(John 10.35) note that the word "breaking" in this case means agreeing with Jesus Christ wisely].

Amen: The Holy Word was manifested (John 1.1), and from it began creation (Revelation 3.14) and all that was created.

Amen: The Holy Word was God.

Amen and Amen (Psalm 41.13).