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My Time.


by Dr. Bob Benchoff 3/20/2012

If you could know the future what would you do?

Would you buy a stock, would you bet on a game, would you sell tomorrow's headline?

Such are reasons it is not given unto you to know the future.

Such are selfish reasons, in fact it is hardly rational reasoning at all. It is not lovingly wise to be unfair to other people.

If you could change the future what would you do?

If Jesus Christ was your personal Savior and your positional Savior, would it make any difference, would you voluntarily work to be able to allow yourself to discern and distinguish the deserving so you might appropriately fairly reward them with gifts of powers of higher reasonings?

Would you administer and allocate gifts properly, for the greater glory of Jesus Christ, or would you administer randomly toward chaos.

As a child perhaps you wanted to play with a knife or a pistol but you may have been told no, you can't have it.

Now that you are more mature, Jesus Christ invites you to come play (Psalm 33.3) laugh and sing [for right purpose(s)] but your own sin prevents you [save the Lord (2 Samuel 22.32)]. You obey sin (ibid.).

You want good gifts, but you obey sin.

You want to control time, but you obey sin.

Jesus Christ wants you to control time, but you obey sin.

Jesus Christ wants you to have and control good gifts, but not is not ready to give you a lit firecracker without just cause of higher value, such as for you to immediately throw it in time to accomplish a delightfully entertaining task.

Jesus Christ might give you a rocket and shrink time and space for you, but not if you are going to use the opportunity to wrongly cause unfairness, injustice, harm, problems, confusion, and nothing goodly.

What you did in your track record indicates what to expect from you if given unto you the gift to control time, but of that logic alone no person enters heaven. Rather Heaven is for proper lovers, loving Jesus Christ.

Heaven is for those setting things straight and perfect. Heaven and the Heavens is and are for those accepting the light burden(s) gift(s) offered via Jesus Christ.

It is a light burden to properly open a gift.

Properly accept the gift of time.

Christ Jesus offers you time control, mind control, and much more.

To unfairly make yourself center stage is unwise, yielding uncontrolled future aspects toward chaos. When properly united in Jesus Christ we help each other as never before. Above is shown how the Holy Blood Of Jesus Christ overcomes worldly possessions and material things, entrapments of conflicts, yet even in the midst of conflicts Jesus Christ saves (1 Samuel 4.9).

If you touch your left wrist with your right finger, and then after that if you so touch your left elbow, the two times from your finger to your brain to sense are the same, constant. But the two times from your wrist, and from your elbow, are not the same.

The time from your elbow to your brain is roughly half the time from your wrist to your brain. In other words you control roughly half a time (Daniel 12.7).

Jesus Christ controls far more.