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Party of One.


by Dr. Bob Benchoff 4/25/2010

In Your mind, what does Heaven look like?, What would Heaven be?, What would You be doing, in Heaven?

Go now, do it.

Go now, do for Jesus Christ.

Be as Jesus Christ, provide Heaven as much as You can, now, that others may be blessed of You, hence of Jesus Christ.

Go now, come here now with these words, and yet rather with doing of such action (Isaiah 52.2).

You don't have to sit and wait until the end of this Sermon, yet as long as You are already here, abide awhile, and then go prosper them.

Post Your Road Signs, Advertise The Christ Jesus.

Often We find ourselves in situations hurried and ushered along by others, and along the paths at times We think: someone should put up a sign there, so others don't have to go through that confusion.

Did You go through some tough times and then realize the right thing to do to glorify Jesus Christ?, if Yes, then tell the story Jesus Christ provided as an experienced talent unto You, that You help others.

Christian Leaders have told many wonderful stories for the greater glory of Jesus Christ. The stories are often of personal struggles, then in love and faith and similar in Jesus Christ some wonderful solutions come, so the stories can bring tears of joy unto people in the audience.

But if the people from the audience imagine that Sermon or story does not apply directly to their own life such as this week, then the people kind-of forget about it in terms of applying it in their own lives.

When You tell a story, and typically more importantly when You do something, consider Jesus Christ, and also consider the audience: how they will hear, and how they will use that which You work to provide unto them.

This is a key reason ICCDBB started publishing and such, rather than continue to follow other people, even though they were often excellent, praising the Lord.

Your Christian Leadership is hardly about You [it is of Jesus Christ, yet even so go do as Jesus Christ is Willing in every life and in everything].

Your Christian Leadership is more of Your audience than of Yourself.

ICCDBB seeks to help those already leading. In the world, ICCDBB seeks to help the US President [and people of other nations as via treaties [including UN and similar], thereof others are entered into the work(s). If this was long ago prior to the Chosen being granted permission of God unto the people to be forming their own government to rule [conditionally (Numbers 40.28, 2 Chronicles 1.11, Hebrews 2.7, and Isaiah 9.6)], then ICCDBB would seek to help the Levites, the High Priest(s). ICCDBB seeks to not leave ICCDBB undone, afterward, yet first ICCDBB is to seek to help others, even rather the Leader, Jesus Christ, and others are covered accordingly.

Some say the need is at the personal level rather than top leadership, and often that is true, even Jesus Christ went on missions to personally help individuals, yet when appropriate Jesus Christ help all people at once as much as a human reasonably can, such as the Sermon on the Mound. Similarly Jesus Christ broadcast through leaders, such as talking at times with people according to positions as distinguished from personally only, such as Jewish leaders and Roman authorities.

Evolution improves, Jesus Christ controls the improving rate.

How can You help others if You don't help Yourself?, and the answer is [to leap in Jesus Christ, or at least] evidence some love in charity. The next step is to outwardly help others personally, then small groups, larger, and then leaders. That is unselfish, and at times it will not leave You entirely undone, even so, if it does, let rather the Will of God be done to improve You. Better to lose Your former addictions than to lose any of them You work to help. And along the way, record what You witness, hardly to amass info on Your charity works, rather the One Highest Purpose.

Do You want to serve the Lord?, the Lord is a leader, so go, serve a leader, and yet do not stray from serving the Christ Jesus.

In the world, witness unto the leader(s) You might serve or help, advise them as to whether they fit into the above behavioral pattern illustrated, if appropriate. There are other ICCDBB illustrations in other ICCDBB Sermons, so show these if they would help those You serve, if appropriate. If not sufficiently appropriate, make Your own appropriate illustrations and words, yet do not leave undone the referencing of Jesus Christ lest You omit Yourself from Jesus Christ.

Agree with Jesus Christ that You may learn to better appropriately agree with any leader, on their level(s) of understanding(s).