Prophecy Solutions Sermon

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Prophecy Solutions

Sermon from ICCDBB


Generally in the world, there are blessings such as newborns, and there are problems such as thorns [different forms of blessings].

A newborn can be a blessing, yet the Bible placed valuations on people, and an adult has a higher value.

In an emergency, an adult may choose whether to use only logic to choose to solve [including: to perhaps flip a coin], or whether to give their own life to save a less fortunate person depending on them.

Yet if there is no emergency an adult has time to consider and properly prepare against frantic emergency tactics and/or tragedies.

A business for instance logically knows innovations are being made, and if a business does not keep up with competitors, the business may suffer consequences, even perhaps to be a business no more, for naught except due to lack of diligence [even so, praise the Lord of the higher purpose].

Baptism does not relieve people of their responsibilities. Neither does a leap of faith. Your being born was a solution You had to do. Similarly Christian Baptism is a solution, a necessary solution.

There are many solutions available. Some are necessary.

You need rise in Christian Faith, yet there is a proper Holy Way to rise, and it is fact, not interpretation.

The Bible does repeat important parts. Also the Bible does explain situations and patterns in similar ways, approaching situations from many perspectives as Jesus Christ often has done, so You may better understand the whole concern and the whole of it's pattern conditions.

If a person can learn something in the Bible, only to have a bird come and remove that seed of learning, it seems pointless, except You can better learn how to learn and remember, that You lose not what was worked that You properly gain blessings, even entering into One Holy Blessing.

The thorns point at You, against You, so logic tells You to kill the threat, yet [Bible] love tells You, You may want to choose wisely, and that virtually wherever You are, if You see thorns, in pattern that may indicate to You [and beware] that there might be food if You wisely properly understand and overcome the thorns properly, and if lovingly, then perhaps food for others following You, and if You loved much, perhaps as a result followers will find better food than You found.

Food and water can have thorns. In the same pattern money can have thorns. Some wells are dry, though some people continue protecting them. Perhaps the wells are dry for a season, perhaps not. Some things and energies seem not protected at all.

Once an apple fell on a person's head, and more than typical food, it was a symbol and caused the person to think greater things, even helping many with his thoughts about gravity. Some of the greatest thinkers think of God and why God allowed specific things to happen specific ways.

Symbolism is correlated with higher reasoning.

Symbolism is correlated with higher value. The Bible optimizes proper symbolism, helping You toward applying such info in ways useful toward best helping others come for Jesus Christ. You can provide specific Biblical information when [preaching, or when] discussing. You can do so with pertinent value, as they expect.

Some TV shows and books are fiction. Some are fact. Some things are necessary fact.

Some facts are trivia, less applicable to certain current necessary concerns. Some facts are symbols very specific and stringent, and are not only found on technical specification purchase orders, their patterns are also found covered in the Bible.

Very often there is a prophecy stated in a Bible verse, then the next following Bible verse explains the next situation, step, result, condition, factor, event, blessing, and/or so on.

A cause effects a result. Some are worldly, circular, create various other causes; and some are great progress growing great further progress vertically, and perhaps with great expansion blessing far more than the original order intentions.

You are a blessing as God is within You. Also is the higher symbolism, and as such therefore if to draw from high You up to highest Jesus Christ, then some Bible patterns [with prophecies] are very high, perhaps closer to Jesus Christ than to You, such as beyond End Time patterns and prophecies. Other patterns are more toward You according to another perspective, as God has provided means for You to be blessed, and a blessing to others.

So as shown in these illustrations, there are Biblical patterns You can use to solve and bless mutually, toward optimum blessings.

Your rising in Holy Patterns properly and best, is akin to the One Holy Trend.

All people can opt to enter the One Holy Trend.

If You present Your case properly and best, then such becomes better prepared in the Holy Work Of God, the Holy Perfecting: Love.

Provide others with peaceful convincing arguments that their problems are best resolved in Jesus Christ:

Above is shown how to not only use love to reveal the unseen, yet rather to wisely explain to others so they quickly and best understand Jesus Christ, including via important preaching [and/or communications], patterns [including laws and physical sciences], and pertinent facts [including Biblical].

Some say "Jesus Christ said it, so that's good enough for me.", and that is good and acceptable. Even so, to non-Christians it is not always convincing, and may even sound foolish. So instead of turning it into as if a game for fools, find the Bible facts and patterns that convinced You that Jesus Christ is "good enough", and reveal such things to others, that they too might find it true according to their understanding. Rather than show-off in a Way they do not understand, reasonably help them find Christ.

Faith is important. Faith is not the only word in the Bible. Worldly tools are available unto Christians, yet there are conditions. Do not let Your freedom significance cause others to significantly be victimized by You. Do not be a wrongful example. Lead the team when appropriate, yet be humble and ready to be enlightened.

Know Your Bible patterns increasingly, hence wisely, to call others best for Jesus Christ the Savior.